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Hi Redz! Thank you for trying to get this resolved. I know you jumped in at the beginning to help. I'm sure DAZ will make it right, it's just very frustrating to buy something here and then not have it available due to a store issue.
I have 16 (17 counting the missing Sitric Hair) of your supremely excellent products/collaborations and am so anxious to try the new hair. By the way, Hugren is amazing. I'm so happy you created him for Scar!!
Have a wonderful weekend and don't fret the issues I'm having with the store. You've done nothing wrong -- I'm just disappointed about the hair not showing up for download yet. And excited that you have created it!
Big hugs to you!
Thanks for your support Lee
It is my pleasure! I love your creations. They are always such high quality. I'm a fan!
This is probably just cynical me, but they're always ready to take the money and very slow to offer support. :( I never blame the artist or content creator. It's all on the back end of DAZ itself.
Sorry, that`s not fair. Nuff more to say, only that I have the same problem but passion enough to wait for monday ;)
As I said, it's probably cynical me. My own experience with support has not been the best. I get better support from the community.
What really makes this frustrating is that it's not a one time thing. The same problem has happened to me recently with a Stonemason release. DAZ really needs to get it together...once is a mistake, repeating the mistake is a PATTERN and that is a MAJOR PROBLEM.
The company I work for stresses customer service as a top priority has a value of "quick failure" meaning mistakes will happen, the key is to learn from them so the same error doesn't happen again. Perhaps DAZ needs to adopt this type of policy because the same errors continue to happen repeatedly....just look at the sales error thread for evidence.
The Product Software decide this item is too good to be used by anybody. Same as Stonemason's Frontier Outpost a few weeks ago.
Sitric Hair wasn't showing up in DIM earlier this morning. It's there now and I've downloaded and installed it.
So happy to get my Redz hair!!
Getting ready to render!
Thank you to the DAZ store folks who fixed the problem. But don't let it happen again. To anyone. :)
Worth the wait!
Excellent! I'm loving the shorn version of the hair. You've made an awesome render, nemesis10.
Here's a test render I made with Sitric Hair.
I was contacted by DAZ Help. Has anyone been able to install using the Smart Content panel? I still can't see mine even though I've updated my connection and metadata.I wasn't offered a fix at this point, only a basic question of 'can you install now'.
I installed via DIM and the hair (3 versions each for G8M and G8F) appeared in the Smart Content panel. They show up as "dForce Sitric Hair", "dForce Sitric Shorn Hair", and "dForce Sitric Warrior Hair".
I updated DAZ Studio metadata multiple times. It's finally installing.
I also received a response to my support ticket (just now checked my email) and replied back.
I'm thrilled that it's installing for you now!
It took some refreshing but it finally came through. LOVE the product.
Finally fixed. Thanks for your patience. Love this render Nemesis. The short hair looks really great on Hugren. ????
Fabulous render Lee! Thanks so much for your patience while the download issue was being fixed.
It is Hugren!
Thank you, Redz! I suspect that your prodding of the support folks got the situation resolved more quickly than we thought it would. And thank you for the incredibly great hair(s). I've tried the shorn and warrior variations so far and they render beautifully! I love your products!!