Character Converter from G2 Male to G8 Male ERROR

in The Commons
Hallo! Just bought the Character Converter from Genesis 2 Male to Genesis 8 Male. I also own the Female Vesion and I don't have this issue with that. Can anyone explain what is going on here and/or how to fix it? Happens with every Character! Thanks!

1080 x 1080 - 416K
It looks like you are moving the characters before starting conversion. They need to be at the origin (0,0,0) and in the default pose.
No, just loading, not moving. It also hapens if I only start the conversion without loading any Character.
Strange. It truly looks like the morph is pulling the head back to where it thinks it should be. Can you try loading in default G2M, dialing in a couple morphs, and converting?
Yes, I can try :-)
It's converted... Same problem. Meanwhile I was thinking I made a mistake in the first attempt. Because the first time I moved G2 to the left. Should I maybe choose to overwrite now???
Ah, yes, moving G2 would have caused the problem. And I forgot to tell you to delete the morphs before this attempt. The overwrite in the script works but for some reason Daz is really SLOW at doing this during execution. It is better to delete the morphs through Windows Explorer first. The converted morphs go in data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Male/Morphs under the FIRST directory for Daz Studio Formats specified in the Content Directory Manager (F2->"Content" tab->"Content Directory Manager..." button). Delete the morphs there and then reconvert.
I erased all morphs and... nope! It did not work. Here is the result :-(
Went back and erased a few more morphs that maybe belonged to that as well. Trying again...
I would try going to Currently Used and dialing morphs on and off one by one to figure out which morph is the one moving the head. Then finding that, deleting it, and then trying again.
Do you mean these "currently used"?
These two are causing the issue
Actually it's just the FHMMichael6
Yup, that is the one. If you delete it in data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Male/Morphs under the FIRST directory for Daz Studio Formats specified in the Content Directory Manager (F2->"Content" tab->"Content Directory Manager..." button), things should be fixed on conversion.
Getting confused now... and now what?
Look for the FHMMichael6 morph under F:/My Library/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Male/Morphs. It should be in a VENDOR subdirectory. It may be easier to just search for the filename FHMMichael6.*
Erased! And now?
Great. Try converting the character again.
I guess something ist wrong with my computer. If I load Genesis 2 Male, it loads Michael 6. I unistalled both now, but they are still there! I don't get it.
Ok! Manually deleted them and reinstalled. Now they load correctly. Trying conversion again...
Nope! Not working! It's the Clone that gets loaded on the right side of G2 and G8 as soon as I start the conversion
Ah! yes, that is a problem too. The first time you ran the conversion, it created the clone and made it in the wrong place. The script never recreates it if it can find it. The clone needs to be deleted. It is usually put in C:\Users\Tom\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\Studio4\CharacterConverterMorphs
This is driving me crazy! :-) Now the clone is on the right place but the head is still somewhere else! What else can I delete?
Weard! As long as there is no Michael 6 Morph involved, the conversion works properly.
I am sorry you are having so much trouble. I appreciate your patience.
Did you delete the clone AND the morph before trying again? Every time you run the conversion, it makes a new head morph. If you ran the conversion and the clone was wrong but you created the head morph, then deleting the clone would not help with the new head morph.
That definitely sounds like the "bad" michael 6 head morph (FHMMIchael6) is still around somewhere.
Any idea where it can be hiding?
It should be in that F:/My Library/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Male/Morphs directory. I would do a search for it.
The other alternative I just though of is renmae the F:/My Library/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Male/Morphs directory to F:/My Library/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Male/OldMorphs. This will ensure none of those morphs are picked up.
Maybe you know what this is... I deleted a few Morphs that were in the Genesis 2 Folder. Actually I created them years ago and looking through them, i saw that tey were created today, so i deledet them and now the conversion works. I actually don't know if it works correctly becaus a few morphs like the Hight were not converted. Is this normal?
Weird, the script would not make any morphs in your G2 folder unless your My Library and the My Daz 3D Library are pointing to the same place? (which is a bad idea). The script will only convert morphs that are non-default. If your character is using a default height, nothing would happen. (Also, come to think of it, the script would probably match your height with an existing morph and not convert it).
This is how the conversion turns out now. The one on the left ist G2. On the right is G8. The abs aren't there and the height is different.