outsiders artists which you would love to see come to daz?

in The Commons
man after go to sites like renderosity and renderotica and see some "exclusive" or only saw in, outfits and stuffs i have a artist which i would love to see coming to daz if could be possible and it is
LEONdigital from renderotica he make really awesome outfits, i really love some of them but never had corage to try to buy due to not knowing how renderotica works but i still feel like they are amazing and would love if he could come too here some exemples:
would be cool to see him/her come to daz and make some amazing stuffs too.
say any artist which you know working outside daz which you would love to see come to "work on daz too".
be nice if Dinoraul came back
Blue Tree Studio
but to be honest being at Rendo doesn't stop me buying their stuffs
Why??? I personally don't want it since I have no issues purchasng from other places. The last thing I want is for DAZ to have a monopoly on content or creators.
Stop relying on the app to do everything for you. It's not hard at all to see the file paths and know were content goes people.
Oh, there's a ton of them - Maddelerium, Sangriart, Santuziy78, Blackhearted, Tru-Form, Coflk-Gnorg, Sparkman, RedAntArt, JaRaMe, 2nd-World, Deacon215, Kobamax, ONeSix, Exnem, tempesta, fabiana, 1971s, Halcyone, Hamelon, 3-D-C... I could go on for quite a while, and that's not even counting the ones who've been here in the past like Dreamland Models and Phoenix1966. I've spent a lot of money over there as well, but I'm always held back by the lack of DAZ's 30 day return policy and nifty price protection policy.
well i'm not saying to then to be "exclusive" to daz or monopoly even because some daz artists are not "exclusive" and also work on others sites aswell, like for exemple outoftouch, would be cool to see some stuffs being sold in "both" places or something like that, at last for me.
What i wanted to means was more like to have options, instead of have to go "only to store A to buy X product, i could get this X product from A, B, C or D, any store the artist want to have they products being sold, even because for exemple for what i get in some reads, get a "support is more easy" here than for exemple in renderosity, then it would force the other side improve they "support" if they want to have "they version" of the product to be sold, it would improve the store quality and competition than just using the "exclusive" system which make sites more "confortable to not "improve" because they know which the customer gonna have to go to they "store" if they true want the product even if they don't like the "store support system", things like that, competition made in a right way aways is good and "exclusivity don't make a "good competition" its just a "bad trick to cut out they issues.
For me, Sveva and Lilflame would be great (I know they were here before) - I love their style.
Definitely not to our benefit for Daz to have a monopoly.
I could rattle off a list of former DAZ artists I'd like to see come back. MortemVetus and Phoenix1966 created some of the best M4 characters for Studio, hands down...and they were virtually the only source for mature male characters until the G8Ms came along.
VanishingPoint offers a huge catalog of props and environments (including modern 4-door cars!) so I'm sorry they left DAZ as well. Dreamland is likewise missed. And while technically still a store PA, Uzilite has been missing in action for years... some G8M Uzilite clothing would be most welcome.
As far as newcomers to the store, I second the motion for Sangriart!
Is it easy to install stuff from outside? I mean, does one have to copy and paste the files into the individually specified sub-directories?
Some ReadMe's simply state: one step unzip all files into your Runtime directory without stating that they need to go into the appropriate directories which is why I have been so hesitant to purchase from other sources. Some ReadMe's say unzip while clicking the option "maintain directory structure" or something... but I don't seem to have this option on my Mac unzipper.
..but it like already mentioned would be nice to have Daz's return policy amd pricing protection.
Ditto. LilFlame has always produced such amazing clothing designs while Sveva is a true Jill of all Trades, and the products she creates with LukeA are so completely different from the ones she makes with Lilflame.
double post
usually you can just unzip it and you are good. I have two main DAZ content directories. One that in DIM specific (since I have a TON of DAZ content) and then another in my documents for 3rd party content. With DAZ files, they usually start at CONTENT when you open the zip file. With 3rd party, like renderosity they usually start one click past that, so when you unzip, you unzip at CONTENT in your directory and not STUDIO as DAZ content does it. You can also just look at the file structure to see the folders and match them up, it's really quite easy unless the odd developer created a funky folder system and file path
They have a return policy also
I was going to say Angel_Wings, but her transition to DAZ has been anything but smooth with DAZ now seeing sholdrers and expressions as being the new PC erogenous zones. For many artists it isn't worth the time fighting the system.
My go-to for dForce clothing is Nirvy. However, I agree with @FSMCDesigns ... easy to install products from elsewhere. I don't use Smart Content so it makes no difference to me where the products are bought.
Funny, I bought a dress from Nirvy that I loved and it dforce really well, but then all their other outfits were of a different style and I have yet to get anything else from them as much as I wanted to.
yeah, no stupid smart content here either, LOL
I have 14 garments. I don't get much use out of half of them but they are handy for occasional wear. I wait for sales as I do with DAZ but the Rendo prices are often a lower starting price anyway so usually doesn't cost too much to risk a purchase.
Oh and they usually have lots of useful morphs and presets so I don't have to spend a lot of time making my own morphs.
Hmmm, the readme files didn't seem that straightforward... often it shows a ton of files in like 4-5 different sub-directories. I am fearful to try but really should. Thanks for the insights.
Nothing like DAZ's. The minute you download a product, refunds are only available if it's defective, and then you have to go to the vendor first, personally, to give them a chance to fix it and get them to okay the return. More importantly, if you buy something today for 20% off and it goes onsale the next day for 40% off, it's tough luck toots. I've had to return items there twice, once when I bought something that I'd already bought from Rendo as part of a bundle (because items bought in their store bundles don't show as having been purchased,) and once because I'd bought the same item from the same vendor when they were selling at a different store. The first case wasn't so bad as the sale was on file in their system, but the second case took forever and I had to provide proof that I'd bought really bought the earlier purchase. At DAZ it would have been simply a case of me saying oh, wait, I have this already, then filling out a customer service ticket and getting credit. WHich is why I buy three times as much product from DAZ as from Rendo, despite the fact that I actually started buying at Renderosity first. :/
Do people actulaly buy stuff without checking out if they have it already? I suppose some do. Most probably stuff they haven't had any reason to use in the first place. Back at the dealerdhip, oh I forgot, I already have a Ford Ranger 2018, can I have my money back it please LOL. Some people are just dumb and/or lazy.
Again I agree with this too. I've tried to return several items but sometimes I have had a really shocking response from the artist. I have reported artists insulting me and being quite aggressive because I found fault with their work. So for the most part, I see the purchase as permanent and just write off the cost. I'm not saying that bad behaviour is common but it has happened to me more than once.
That is one thing I do admire about DAZ - no quibble returns, no contact with the artist. Though that can occasionally be a problem if I want to ask or suggest something directly to the artist ... often they don't make themselves available on the forum or via pm.
yes I know people who won competitions at Rendo and had difficulty redeeming prizes from the artists sponsoring it and one apparently got quite aggressive, was not me, just someone I used to chat to online,
DAZ does take care of a lot of that stuff on forums too.
The loss of Dinoraul is so sad, he will be so missed. Hopefully someone will step up and make loads more dinosaurs with his passing.
I love BlueTreeStudio i have always eyeballed their stuff and just recently purchased something finally, was something I should have done sooner XD
I guess since I have only returned something like 5 times total the whole time I have been using DS/poser, it's not really an issue for me. Sometimes I really feel for the customer service reps here at DAZ, LOL
oh has he passed?
I missed that, how sad
There was recently some product I wanted and I was surprised to see that I already had it because I didn't remember buying it. It turned out it was part of some "pro bundle" that I got. That was back when the pro bundles were interesting.
When the assets that you own number in the many thousands then yes, it can get challenging to remember what you have and what you don't. Stupidity and laziness don't even enter into it.
Let's see... I have currently have 8,634 products bought directly through Renderosity, plus nearly another thousand that came "off the books" due to the way their artists can run BOGO sales where the product gets emailed directly and therefore doesn't show on Rendo's system as a purchase, and another bunch that came as freebies through various channels like 3D World magazine or bundled with software, coupled with the fact that a very large percentage of Rendo's vendors also either currently or have in the past sold at multiple other stores like DAZ, Content Paradise, RDNA, CGBytes, Heroworld, Vanishing Point, etc., etc, that I've bought from... with 24,832 items to go through from just DAZ 3D by itself... so that I have a huge number of products from those vendors that are also stocked by Renderosity, sometimes with the names changed, THEN factor all of that by the fact that Renderosity's system is supposed to indicate whether you've previously bought an item before by darkening the green purchase and $ icons, but is unable to flag products that are bought in store or vendor bundles or made as variant products where a vendor has alternate versions in the store for as in renderer specific versions for DAZ /Obj/Vue and/or Poser, or standard and extended licenses, and occasionally Rendo just turns the flagging off during certain sales like their Grab Bags... then I'd say that having missed just two (2) already owned products in the entire 14 years I've been buying CG products time is statistically rather ridiculously low. Or can you honestly say that that during in that same length of time you haven't forgotten to do something a lot more basic, like taking pills at the at the correct time. more times than that?
I've returned about the same number of items... 2 to rendo and 3 to DAZ. Now, price protection. on the other hand... that I've done quite a bit, but that's an advertised perk of buying at DAZ.