Marvelous Designer goes Subscription Only from version 10

As the title says, subscription only from version 10.
I recently bought a stand-alone version, and received an email advising me of the change from version 10.
Their reasoning is rubbish imo.
I'm very glad I purchased it, and it is likely to be my last one too.
Post edited by nicstt on
well I finally unsubscribed from their email
I never could afford it and now I will never be interested
Yeh, I thought long and hard about it; decided to use some of the cash I'd saved for a Titan, which switching to Blender for renders, meant was much less of a requirement.
One thing to note though, the perpetual licence can be extended up to version 12.
No fallback?
Well, you'll still have the licence you purchased; I bought the perpetual licenece and requested an offline key.
Going forward, there will only be a monthly sub for hobbiest/solo professional (or however they term it).
Many companies are going the subscription route.It's how things are going to be in the future. You either pay one time for the software then pay for upgrades or you pay monthly in a subscription.
Is there a competetor for marvelous designer? If so that might help the cause.
Blender's cloth sim and tools are improving all the time, so I'm hopeful by version 12 of MD, I'll find it easy to ditch them.
It's quite simply too expensive for subscription only.
Well I meant fallback with a new subscription, not having a licence already. But if it's like Adobe it's bad - cancel subscription and you got nothing.
BTW, I can log in but can't find my profile or purchase history (perpetual licenses) on their site anymore.
I'd definitely raise that as an issue.
It's not obvious where it is after logging in, but mine is still there.
Well, this is BS. I've updated every year, but I guess 9 will be my last
I'd also really like to know this! I really want to learn how to make clothing myself for Daz, and was going to free trial and then probably grab a MD license but this has put me off quite a bit...
Note the hint about Blender Cloth Sim -- thanks @nicstt. Any other good, not-crazy-expensive options?
Well finally found it - Product > Overview and then click icon in upper right corner. My last receipt had a link to my profile page, but that didn't work.
I was planning on getting another license (for one month) at some point, but I think I'll pass now.
I'd rather save up and buy Cloth Weaver for Blender. At least it's a one-off payment, and I won't have to faff around cancelling subscriptions. I just hope my laptop can use/run the plugin (unless someone can suggest something else).
When will it happen?
Previous versions were released around september / october, so probably then.
Ah, too bad. Probably... will change before next huge sale (it was 30% off in steam just now)
One less program I have to think about.
Subscription Only Software = Money Grab
i think the 3d coat was an alternative
I asume I can't eventually jump from 8 to 12 right? I would need at least 10 to jump to 12? I just want to make sure I will be able to have the last perpetual version available through upgrade spending as little as possible as I don't use it that much, but I'm confused AF. XD
eh, i thought 3d coat is more like substance painter, than cloth sim, no?
Cloth sim got some lovin in 2.83; it still needs more imo. :)
Try Extended Tools.
Can pay or not; I've donated as I would like further improvements, although it's not quite there yet, but for the cash is well worth it.
I've modelled in Blender simmed there, or with VWD or with dforce.
i've never tried it yet personally
i dont inderstand voxel
Companies have to learn, that subscription is a dead end. Do not go for subscription software. I have not heard of any single user, who prefers subscription yet. So just don't do it.
...yeah just got an email about the change this morning
Wish I could afford a perpetual licence for ver. 9 but 490$ is just a bit too rich, and 300$ a year for a subscription, even more so in the long run. I need more "everyday" clothing for my illustration work, and sadly, the pickings are slim as it is just not as big a seller as fantasy, sci-fi, and sexy fashions are.
As I've done costume work in theatre, I like the fact that MD takes the process from a perspective that I more readily understand compared to using conventional 3D modelling software.
Sadly the version of MD I have is woefully out of date and hasn't qualified for an upgrade discount in years.
C'mon Megabucks Lotto the kid needs MD9 before it goes away.
I really like MD but it is very expensive. I am not looking forward to renewing my annual sub! - Edit: oh wait there is no personal annual license anymore. Only monthly subs.
The pricing on MD is on the cusp of being unaffordable for anyone but professionals, so i think they should consider reducing their sub. Look at substance painter, photoshop, etc. Few softwares have such high prices for monthly/annual subs.
I read it. It said if you have a Perpetual 9 you'll be able to upgrade to later versions at upgrade pricing and also as perpetual licenses, for 10, 11, and 12. So they've always stopped upgrade prices more than 3 version back, that's new. With version 13 there will be no more new perpetual licenses, upgrade or otherwise.
I would think that that perpetual licenses for versions 7, 8, and 9 could upgrade to a perpetual licence for version 10 but they didn't say that explicitly so if you have version 7 or 8 as perpetual you'd better open a support ticket with them.
Personally, if a perpetual license for version 9 goes on sale again just before or during the release of version 10 I will buy it but otherwise I will stick to ClothWeaver & Blender and possibly subscribe to MD for one month whirlwind subscription use to do outfits.
I'm not sure, but from what I understand; if you own 7, 8 or 9 you can upgrade to 10 with varying discounts; that would then allow you to upgrade to 12. If you haven't got a recent enough copy, then you wont be able to upgrade, and wont be able to re-purchase - only subscribe.
Indeed. I always find the reasons for doing it, particularly instulting.
Yeh, I've been looking at Cloth Weaver; I'm not convinced yet.
Subscription options work well for some companies, at least in the US, where the full amount is tax deductible in the year it's paid, rather than using depreciation over a number of years. When Adobe first announced Subscription Only, the annual cost to subscribe to the full suite of programs would have been the same as I was paying each year to upgrade my Master Collection.
I might even have signed up, had there been some sort of exit/loyalty program in place so that when I retired I could keep the last version of Photoshop I had while subscribed, (PS being the one program I use all the time.) As it is, I'm still using, and quite happy with, CS6.
I did subscribe to the Substance Suite when I heard Adobe had absorbed Allegorithmic. I've met my 12 month subscription requirement to buy the perpetual license for $49. That offer ends this October, so I will cancel in late September, then make my purchase. I figure this way, I'll get the latest possible version.
As for MD, if I understand their announcement, I'll be able to upgrade to 10, 11, and 12 for the same price I upgraded to 9 from 8, ($122.50, I think,) if I upgrade each year. A bit more if I do so every other year. After 12, though, MD will not see any more money from me. Their loss.