The local vs non-local pronunciation is an interesting conversation. I have family who live in Arkansas and the locals pronounce it "Are-Kin-Saw" but often people from out of state will come in and call it "Are-Kansas".
Yeah, but that's not local pronunciation, that's just people who somehow managed to get there without ever hearing the name said out loud or who have somehow forgotten every single U.S. geography lesson they had in school. :)
So basically the entire population of Arkansas? :P
Well, except that they actually say it in the same "correct" way as everyone else. :) Now, the population of "the Braahnx" on the other hand... ;)
The local vs non-local pronunciation is an interesting conversation. I have family who live in Arkansas and the locals pronounce it "Are-Kin-Saw" but often people from out of state will come in and call it "Are-Kansas".
Yeah, but that's not local pronunciation, that's just people who somehow managed to get there without ever hearing the name said out loud or who have somehow forgotten every single U.S. geography lesson they had in school. :)
So basically the entire population of Arkansas? :P
Well, except that they actually say it in the same "correct" way as everyone else. :) Now, the population of "the Braahnx" on the other hand... ;)
What now? How do you think people in Arkansas pronounce it? I've been going there on and off my whole life, the people there definitely pronounce it "Are-Kin-Saw" or "Are-Kan-Saw".
....the odd thing is that it was working just fine when the power went out. I disconnected the power mains to everythig so when service was restored, it wouln't spike anything (even though I have layerd surge protection). When I started the system up for the first time after power was restored (went out for a bit instead of sitting in a darkend flat forwho knows how long) that was when I noticed the situation. As I mentioned I let the boot up finish, then shut down properly through Windows, waited, and powered back up figuring that would have solved the matter. L.G. also mentioned trying just a restart so I did that and still no image even though Windows tells me everything is working.
This and the fact teh BIOS screen now comes up and queries me every time I start up makes me think some kind of setting got buggered. If it was the backlighting elemnt that went out I would still be able to see a "ghost" image of whatever was currently on that display by shining a flashlight on it (nothing appears when I do so)..
There could be no way I could have damaged any pins because I haven't removed the video cables for some time prior to the power outage. I still checked the video cable atteched to it on your suggestion, and all the pins are fine on both ends.
How old is the system,specifically the motherboard?
Are all the BIOS settings default at startup? Does it have to detect your hardware every time as well?
You might have a dead CMOS battery, I hope not as that a serious PITA. However the other issues that could be causing this are also mostly pretty bad.
As to the video stuff. Disconnect all the cables and cards. Reseat the cards fully. Plug the cables into the cards, into different ports if possible and into different monitors than previously. That should give you an idea if there is an issue with something in Windows not detecting the monitor or some HW problem. If a different monitor now doesn't work then you just need to keep messing around with cables and ports to find what is broken.
From your last post, I agree with kenshaw011267 that you may have a dead cmos battery. They are normally CR2032 button cells, which are pretty common. Some are pretty easy to change, but the worst are the Asus Sabretooth "Thermal Armour" motherboards, as you have to remove the motherboard from the case to remove the thermal armour to get to the battery -- the screws are on the underside of the MB. I build more than half a dozen computers using this MB series before I found this out the hard way.
The flashlight method is a good way to check the monitor for a dead backlight.
The local vs non-local pronunciation is an interesting conversation. I have family who live in Arkansas and the locals pronounce it "Are-Kin-Saw" but often people from out of state will come in and call it "Are-Kansas".
Yeah, but that's not local pronunciation, that's just people who somehow managed to get there without ever hearing the name said out loud or who have somehow forgotten every single U.S. geography lesson they had in school. :)
So basically the entire population of Arkansas? :P
Well, except that they actually say it in the same "correct" way as everyone else. :) Now, the population of "the Braahnx" on the other hand... ;)
What now? How do you think people in Arkansas pronounce it? I've been going there on and off my whole life, the people there definitely pronounce it "Are-Kin-Saw" or "Are-Kan-Saw".
You might also check the video card priority or selection in the BIOS. If you had it set to other than the default (which varies) it would be reset to default by a dead battery.
...CMOS batttery is not dead as the clock and date are functioning and accurate.
I did another shutdown and start up to try and open the BIOS screen but it didn't come up and Windows continued with its startup sequence. so I can't see if it's set to default or not.
The GPU checks out fine. The MB is from 2013 but I've had no issues with it. Can't afford a new one as it would pretty much mean building a whole new system (whcih is ever more out of my budget) as I'd have to move to DDR4 memory and a new CPU because Intel changes sockets like we change socks. Also would not go past Haswell as I don't care to deal with the "malware" known as Windows 10 (this also leaves out Ryzen and Threadripper CPUs).
I checked thall the connections, looked for damaged pins (as Greymom suggested) and everything is fine. The primary monitor works pewrfectly so ths issue is not with the GPU. It's just the secondary one I am having issues with. Windows detects the device, as in Control Panel when I select the "display" and open "details" it says it's working properly and whatever I designated ot open on that screen, still goes there rather than defaulting to the primary display (which is why I cannot even perform any spell checking as that is where I have MS Word and other utilities open up). The second display is also where I have my viewports/workspaces for Daz and other graphics software as I like that space to be as large as possible without toolboxes overlayed or in the way (or having to toggle them in and out all the time). I partuclarly have a nice custom setup for Daz that trying to put it all onto a single display would be a total pain as it would pretty much leave me with a "postage stamp" sized viewport..
If it is the display itself, I'm sunk as I cannoty afford to purchase a new one (on a fixed disability income, and a good portion of my stimulus payment went to paying off past due bills).
From your last post, I agree with kenshaw011267 that you may have a dead cmos battery. They are normally CR2032 button cells, which are pretty common. Some are pretty easy to change, but the worst are the Asus Sabretooth "Thermal Armour" motherboards, as you have to remove the motherboard from the case to remove the thermal armour to get to the battery -- the screws are on the underside of the MB. I build more than half a dozen computers using this MB series before I found this out the hard way.
The flashlight method is a good way to check the monitor for a dead backlight.
...well the MB is an ASUS P6T However, if the CMOS battery was out wouldn't the time/date also be off (currently reading 20:00 on July24th 2020) particularly as I did multiple shutdowns and restarts?
I went ahead and swapped the cables at the GPU and if the display was actually working it would have booted up as the primary display. It didn't. Had to do a hard shutdown as there was nothing to see so I could login and than shut down properly. Also earlier when I did the flashlight method, no ghost images appeared so I'm pretty sure it's pushing up digital daises.
I reset the display configuration to a single display for now so I could use the other programmes I assigned to display #2 and can spell check in Word again (nothing is worse than being dyslexic and having no spell checking utility). Hate having to toggle back & forth between different windows though, so clunky.
For the time being, I think I'll pull the display from the other system so I can do my graphics and modelling work (particularly since there is now a bridge between Blender and Daz). It would make that one useless until I can scrape up enough to get a new display, Pity too as it was a nice 26' one. Ironically the monitor that is working is the oldest one I have which I got when I first built the original system something like 8 years ago.
Still find it kind of odd that it chose to die just then when the blackout occurred. I could understand if I hadn't disconnected it and there was a spike when the power came back on.
The local vs non-local pronunciation is an interesting conversation. I have family who live in Arkansas and the locals pronounce it "Are-Kin-Saw" but often people from out of state will come in and call it "Are-Kansas".
Yeah, but that's not local pronunciation, that's just people who somehow managed to get there without ever hearing the name said out loud or who have somehow forgotten every single U.S. geography lesson they had in school. :)
So basically the entire population of Arkansas? :P
Well, except that they actually say it in the same "correct" way as everyone else. :) Now, the population of "the Braahnx" on the other hand... ;)
What now? How do you think people in Arkansas pronounce it? I've been going there on and off my whole life, the people there definitely pronounce it "Are-Kin-Saw" or "Are-Kan-Saw".
Yes, and that's the correct pronunciation, which is how the residents of the state have always said it since back when it was a French territory. That's as opposed to the faulty Are- Kansas pronunciation... which I have occasionally heard, which is the result of trying to use an English pronunciation on a word written in French. Which means, as I said, when people in Arkansas call it Arkan-saw, they are NOT using a unique local pronunciation, but the correct one, while the out of staters you postulated are simply wrong. On a similar note, I've heard lots of tourists in Edinburgh, Scotland mistakenly call it Edin-burg as opposed to the correct Scottish pronunciation of Edin-burra (or, if the accent is especially heavy, Edin-brah.) There's actually a pretty good youtube video on the whole Arkansas Kansas thing thing here -
Yes, if time dats is fine the CMOS is good. If it is not stopping at BIOS then that also says the CMOS is fine.
If your only is the second monitor I still think the best thing to try is swith the cables between the two. Just plug teh cable from the primary into the secondary and vice versa.
...yeah moved the other display over, wired it all up and that was the final diagnosis, it isn't the GPU, Windows, or something in the BIOS, the old one is a dead doornail.
This one is a little smaller but isa 1920 x 1080 and has a nice crisp image. the only downside is it has a short stand so I had to boost it up on something otherwise I'm looking at a slight downward angle which distorts the colours a bit.
Of course this is a temporary solution until I get another little windfall like I did in May with the Stimulus payment. May also take the old one to a repair shop to see if it can be resuscitated.
Oh, and while I had the case opened up noticed the CMOS battery is right there above the PCIe slots so if I need to replace it, easy peasy. Old tech still rules sometimes (never could understand why the new MBs need all that sporty "bodywork" covering things up, must be a pain to get the dust out when cleaning the system).
...yeah moved the other display over, wired it all up and that was the final diagnosis, it isn't the GPU, Windows, or something in the BIOS, the old one is a dead doornail.
This one is a little smaller but isa 1920 x 1080 and has a nice crisp image. the only downside is it has a short stand so I had to boost it up on something otherwise I'm looking at a slight downward angle which distorts the colours a bit.
Of course this is a temporary solution until I get another little windfall like I did in May with the Stimulus payment. May also take the old one to a repair shop to see if it can be resuscitated.
Oh, and while I had the case opened up noticed the CMOS battery is right there above the PCIe slots so if I need to replace it, easy peasy. Old tech still rules sometimes (never could understand why the new MBs need all that sporty "bodywork" covering things up, must be a pain to get the dust out when cleaning the system).
The local vs non-local pronunciation is an interesting conversation. I have family who live in Arkansas and the locals pronounce it "Are-Kin-Saw" but often people from out of state will come in and call it "Are-Kansas".
Yeah, but that's not local pronunciation, that's just people who somehow managed to get there without ever hearing the name said out loud or who have somehow forgotten every single U.S. geography lesson they had in school. :) Whereas Iowaaah vs. Ioway, Boss-ton vs Baaah-stan, and New York vs New Yahk are world-famous and used fiercely like badges of pride by the associated locals...
I vote for the "have somehow forgotten every single U.S. geography lesson they had in school" theory. Although I debate the word "forgotten", perhaps "never grasped" would be better.
I realize that not everybody can fully understand or "grok"* a concept and that there is a spectrum of understanding among the populace, but somehow I'm afraid that the spectrum curve of geography in the US is like a bowling ball in a sock, all concentrated at the low end and dragging in the mud.
Of course this is a temporary solution until I get another little windfall like I did in May with the Stimulus payment. May also take the old one to a repair shop to see if it can be resuscitated.
Try oxygen or chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth. Adrenalin could help. But if desperate, try a defibrillator. If it's already dead it won't matter, if it wasn't dead it will be and again it won't matter.
The local vs non-local pronunciation is an interesting conversation. I have family who live in Arkansas and the locals pronounce it "Are-Kin-Saw" but often people from out of state will come in and call it "Are-Kansas".
Yeah, but that's not local pronunciation, that's just people who somehow managed to get there without ever hearing the name said out loud or who have somehow forgotten every single U.S. geography lesson they had in school. :) Whereas Iowaaah vs. Ioway, Boss-ton vs Baaah-stan, and New York vs New Yahk are world-famous and used fiercely like badges of pride by the associated locals...
I vote for the "have somehow forgotten every single U.S. geography lesson they had in school" theory. Although I debate the word "forgotten", perhaps "never grasped" would be better.
I realize that not everybody can fully understand or "grok"* a concept and that there is a spectrum of understanding among the populace, but somehow I'm afraid that the spectrum curve of geography in the US is like a bowling ball in a sock, all concentrated at the low end and dragging in the mud.
There's also that some like to make the locals get all red faced. For some reason the ar kan sans hate hearing their state called ar kan sas despite that being how the darn thing is spelled.When you do it in proper down home Southern it just gets em madder and madder and they just want to holler.
Now I would not know anything about that. Having cousings in Little Rock who I love and respect and who I would never drive to distraction with such things, Never ever I cross my heart.
The local vs non-local pronunciation is an interesting conversation. I have family who live in Arkansas and the locals pronounce it "Are-Kin-Saw" but often people from out of state will come in and call it "Are-Kansas".
Yeah, but that's not local pronunciation, that's just people who somehow managed to get there without ever hearing the name said out loud or who have somehow forgotten every single U.S. geography lesson they had in school. :) Whereas Iowaaah vs. Ioway, Boss-ton vs Baaah-stan, and New York vs New Yahk are world-famous and used fiercely like badges of pride by the associated locals...
I vote for the "have somehow forgotten every single U.S. geography lesson they had in school" theory. Although I debate the word "forgotten", perhaps "never grasped" would be better.
I realize that not everybody can fully understand or "grok"* a concept and that there is a spectrum of understanding among the populace, but somehow I'm afraid that the spectrum curve of geography in the US is like a bowling ball in a sock, all concentrated at the low end and dragging in the mud.
There's also that some like to make the locals get all red faced. For some reason the ar kan sans hate hearing their state called ar kan sas despite that being how the darn thing is spelled.When you do it in proper down home Southern it just gets em madder and madder and they just want to holler.
Now I would not know anything about that. Having cousings in Little Rock who I love and respect and who I would never drive to distraction with such things, Never ever I cross my heart.
...well it is pretty boring to drive or ride through.
Never ever travel through Kansas. That way lies madness. I live in Illinois which is pretty flat. Until I saw Kansas. Would it kill those people to use some landfill for a hill or something?
...well it is pretty boring to drive or ride through.
Never ever travel through Kansas. That way lies madness. I live in Illinois which is pretty flat. Until I saw Kansas. Would it kill those people to use some landfill for a hill or something?
I made two trips by car on the interstate years ago - Kansas is the only state I've been through where you can fall asleep at the wheel and wake up out of gas in a field. Flat and sparsely populated.
...well it is pretty boring to drive or ride through.
Never ever travel through Kansas. That way lies madness. I live in Illinois which is pretty flat. Until I saw Kansas. Would it kill those people to use some landfill for a hill or something?
I made two trips by car on the interstate years ago - Kansas is the only state I've been through where you can fall asleep at the wheel and wake up out of gas in a field. Flat and sparsely populated.
Try New Mexico sometime. The speed limit is 75mph for a lot of it because, except for where they go into one of the isolated ranges of mountain, the roads are often ruler straight for as far as the eye can see. On the positive side, because there ARE mountains in the distance, it's not as tediously dull as Kansas.
I vote for Nebraska. I once rode my motorcycle east to west across Nebraska on Interstate 80. I almost forgot that the universe has 3 dimensions. I was in flatland. I was beginning to think two-dimensionally. The only excitement is when the corn field gives way to a wheat field. But somewhere in my mind numbing journey I saw a single tree off in the distance. Overjoyed, I mused on that vision for the rest of the trip that day, realizing that I had seen the "Great Nebraska Forest".
...well it is pretty boring to drive or ride through.
Never ever travel through Kansas. That way lies madness. I live in Illinois which is pretty flat. Until I saw Kansas. Would it kill those people to use some landfill for a hill or something?
I made two trips by car on the interstate years ago - Kansas is the only state I've been through where you can fall asleep at the wheel and wake up out of gas in a field. Flat and sparsely populated.
Try New Mexico sometime. The speed limit is 75mph for a lot of it because, except for where they go into one of the isolated ranges of mountain, the roads are often ruler straight for as far as the eye can see. On the positive side, because there ARE mountains in the distance, it's not as tediously dull as Kansas.
Had to drive from San Diego to San Antonio once and that involved crossingsouthern New Mexico (think that particular strech of nothing is called I-10). It's flat but the road is not borded by wheat fields forever. Kansas is special.
Florida is not known for being mountainous, being essentially a 400 mile long sandbar. I knew that as a kid, because despite growing up in western NY State I had relatives in Florida and we had visited that glorious state in its primitive prime during the '50s, before it began to suffer from "Paradise Lost Syndrome". So, color me indignant when I saw a cheesy sci-fi movie from the '60s on TV called "Cape Canaveral Monsters" where the monsters tried to disrupt rocket launches from their cave in the mountains near the beach! I think that's when I began to realize that adults aren't all they're cracked up to be.
And "yes", Florida is pretty flat, but it can be an interesting flat. Perhaps 10 or 20 miles of cow pasture/ranchland, then 10 or 20 miles of swamp, then 10 or 20 miles of scrubland with "palmetto" bushes being the highest thing visible, and in certain spots in the swamps or ranches you can see the palm "islands" which are (or were) slightly higher spots in the swamp on which a palm tree grew and dropped its seeds around it which also grew and added to the dimension of the highground and gradually a small hillock forms with the tallest palms in the middle of the bump and decreassingly smaller trees on the outer edges. You can even see these palm islands from satellite views. They actually follow the old sea shore about 45 miles inland from the current Eastern seashore. Also, Florida has a ridge of hills down the center of the state Along route 27 through Lake Wales and Sebring.
At Lake Wales is the "Bok Tower". A beautiful carillon made of different colors of marble, limestone and coquina rock and located on the highest spot in Florida. So, Florida is flat but there are many places flatter. Wonderful place to go on a mild day and just wander the gardens, sit on the benches, watch the swans, listen to the bell tower recitals. Y'know, old people fun.
Bok Tower might be one of the only things that could get me back into Florida. The mosaics are glorious but that door is just amazing. I have no idea who polishes it but that is an awful lot of brass for that much humidity.
But its not all limestone. That's almost all marble. The pink stone is Etowah marble from Etowah GA and the gray stone is from a different marble quarry in GA. The tan stone is limestone from FL.
If for some reason you must go to central Florida, I know Orlando and kids, Drive down to Polk county and see this place. The guy who designed the park around it is world renowned for his work and this might be his best work. It is simply astonishingly beautiful. If you can catch a performance by the carillon bells you will not regret it, assuming you survive the mosquitoes.
Cape Canaveral Monsters? I like bad Atomic era sci fi movies and have never heard of that one it most be utter trash. Will have to look into it.
Thanks for the confirmation. And buried in all the Google Images of Bok Tower is this one at night. I've never been there at night. It really shows the designs in the stone grillwork.
Thanks for the confirmation. And buried in all the Google Images of Bok Tower is this one at night. I've never been there at night. It really shows the designs in the stone grillwork.
I was. It was gorgeous. They had a concert with a symphony orchestra followed by the carillon. Almost worth the anemia. You'd think they'd pony up for AAA against the mosquitoes. I mean they have a lake right by the thing.
The local vs non-local pronunciation is an interesting conversation. I have family who live in Arkansas and the locals pronounce it "Are-Kin-Saw" but often people from out of state will come in and call it "Are-Kansas".
Where I live, the big debate is whether the "ri" in Missouri is pronounced as "ree" or "ruh". You should never become one of the people who say Missouruh.
We have another situation that revolves around the city being called "Kansas City" even though it's in Missouri. It has led to many visiting music artists, comedians, and even a president or two, publicly referring to the state as Kansas just based on the name of the city. That never ends well.
Well, except that they actually say it in the same "correct" way as everyone else. :) Now, the population of "the Braahnx" on the other hand... ;)
What now? How do you think people in Arkansas pronounce it? I've been going there on and off my whole life, the people there definitely pronounce it "Are-Kin-Saw" or "Are-Kan-Saw".
How old is the system,specifically the motherboard?
Are all the BIOS settings default at startup? Does it have to detect your hardware every time as well?
You might have a dead CMOS battery, I hope not as that a serious PITA. However the other issues that could be causing this are also mostly pretty bad.
As to the video stuff. Disconnect all the cables and cards. Reseat the cards fully. Plug the cables into the cards, into different ports if possible and into different monitors than previously. That should give you an idea if there is an issue with something in Windows not detecting the monitor or some HW problem. If a different monitor now doesn't work then you just need to keep messing around with cables and ports to find what is broken.
From your last post, I agree with kenshaw011267 that you may have a dead cmos battery. They are normally CR2032 button cells, which are pretty common. Some are pretty easy to change, but the worst are the Asus Sabretooth "Thermal Armour" motherboards, as you have to remove the motherboard from the case to remove the thermal armour to get to the battery -- the screws are on the underside of the MB. I build more than half a dozen computers using this MB series before I found this out the hard way.
The flashlight method is a good way to check the monitor for a dead backlight.
Apparently both pronounciations are correct. I personally prefer Are-kan-Saw.
You might also check the video card priority or selection in the BIOS. If you had it set to other than the default (which varies) it would be reset to default by a dead battery.
...CMOS batttery is not dead as the clock and date are functioning and accurate.
I did another shutdown and start up to try and open the BIOS screen but it didn't come up and Windows continued with its startup sequence. so I can't see if it's set to default or not.
The GPU checks out fine. The MB is from 2013 but I've had no issues with it. Can't afford a new one as it would pretty much mean building a whole new system (whcih is ever more out of my budget) as I'd have to move to DDR4 memory and a new CPU because Intel changes sockets like we change socks. Also would not go past Haswell as I don't care to deal with the "malware" known as Windows 10 (this also leaves out Ryzen and Threadripper CPUs).
I checked thall the connections, looked for damaged pins (as Greymom suggested) and everything is fine. The primary monitor works pewrfectly so ths issue is not with the GPU. It's just the secondary one I am having issues with. Windows detects the device, as in Control Panel when I select the "display" and open "details" it says it's working properly and whatever I designated ot open on that screen, still goes there rather than defaulting to the primary display (which is why I cannot even perform any spell checking as that is where I have MS Word and other utilities open up). The second display is also where I have my viewports/workspaces for Daz and other graphics software as I like that space to be as large as possible without toolboxes overlayed or in the way (or having to toggle them in and out all the time). I partuclarly have a nice custom setup for Daz that trying to put it all onto a single display would be a total pain as it would pretty much leave me with a "postage stamp" sized viewport..
If it is the display itself, I'm sunk as I cannoty afford to purchase a new one (on a fixed disability income, and a good portion of my stimulus payment went to paying off past due bills).
I believe this gentleman sums up the local-pronunciation issue quite well:
...well the MB is an ASUS P6T However, if the CMOS battery was out wouldn't the time/date also be off (currently reading 20:00 on July24th 2020) particularly as I did multiple shutdowns and restarts?
I went ahead and swapped the cables at the GPU and if the display was actually working it would have booted up as the primary display. It didn't. Had to do a hard shutdown as there was nothing to see so I could login and than shut down properly. Also earlier when I did the flashlight method, no ghost images appeared so I'm pretty sure it's pushing up digital daises.
I reset the display configuration to a single display for now so I could use the other programmes I assigned to display #2 and can spell check in Word again (nothing is worse than being dyslexic and having no spell checking utility). Hate having to toggle back & forth between different windows though, so clunky.
For the time being, I think I'll pull the display from the other system so I can do my graphics and modelling work (particularly since there is now a bridge between Blender and Daz). It would make that one useless until I can scrape up enough to get a new display, Pity too as it was a nice 26' one. Ironically the monitor that is working is the oldest one I have which I got when I first built the original system something like 8 years ago.
Still find it kind of odd that it chose to die just then when the blackout occurred. I could understand if I hadn't disconnected it and there was a spike when the power came back on.
Yes, and that's the correct pronunciation, which is how the residents of the state have always said it since back when it was a French territory. That's as opposed to the faulty Are- Kansas pronunciation... which I have occasionally heard, which is the result of trying to use an English pronunciation on a word written in French. Which means, as I said, when people in Arkansas call it Arkan-saw, they are NOT using a unique local pronunciation, but the correct one, while the out of staters you postulated are simply wrong. On a similar note, I've heard lots of tourists in Edinburgh, Scotland mistakenly call it Edin-burg as opposed to the correct Scottish pronunciation of Edin-burra (or, if the accent is especially heavy, Edin-brah.) There's actually a pretty good youtube video on the whole Arkansas Kansas thing thing here -
Yes, if time dats is fine the CMOS is good. If it is not stopping at BIOS then that also says the CMOS is fine.
If your only is the second monitor I still think the best thing to try is swith the cables between the two. Just plug teh cable from the primary into the secondary and vice versa.
That's great! But it just goes to show that nobody but nobody can mangle words like the Brits.
...yeah moved the other display over, wired it all up and that was the final diagnosis, it isn't the GPU, Windows, or something in the BIOS, the old one is a dead doornail.
This one is a little smaller but isa 1920 x 1080 and has a nice crisp image. the only downside is it has a short stand so I had to boost it up on something otherwise I'm looking at a slight downward angle which distorts the colours a bit.
Of course this is a temporary solution until I get another little windfall like I did in May with the Stimulus payment. May also take the old one to a repair shop to see if it can be resuscitated.
Oh, and while I had the case opened up noticed the CMOS battery is right there above the PCIe slots so if I need to replace it, easy peasy. Old tech still rules sometimes (never could understand why the new MBs need all that sporty "bodywork" covering things up, must be a pain to get the dust out when cleaning the system).
Sent you an email.
I vote for the "have somehow forgotten every single U.S. geography lesson they had in school" theory. Although I debate the word "forgotten", perhaps "never grasped" would be better.
I realize that not everybody can fully understand or "grok"* a concept and that there is a spectrum of understanding among the populace, but somehow I'm afraid that the spectrum curve of geography in the US is like a bowling ball in a sock, all concentrated at the low end and dragging in the mud.
* grok:
Try oxygen or chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth. Adrenalin could help. But if desperate, try a defibrillator.
If it's already dead it won't matter, if it wasn't dead it will be and again it won't matter.
There's also that some like to make the locals get all red faced. For some reason the ar kan sans hate hearing their state called ar kan sas despite that being how the darn thing is spelled.When you do it in proper down home Southern it just gets em madder and madder and they just want to holler.
Now I would not know anything about that. Having cousings in Little Rock who I love and respect and who I would never drive to distraction with such things, Never ever I cross my heart.
is odder IMO Kansas isn't Can sore
...well it is pretty boring to drive or ride through.
Never ever travel through Kansas. That way lies madness. I live in Illinois which is pretty flat. Until I saw Kansas. Would it kill those people to use some landfill for a hill or something?
I made two trips by car on the interstate years ago - Kansas is the only state I've been through where you can fall asleep at the wheel and wake up out of gas in a field. Flat and sparsely populated.
Try New Mexico sometime. The speed limit is 75mph for a lot of it because, except for where they go into one of the isolated ranges of mountain, the roads are often ruler straight for as far as the eye can see. On the positive side, because there ARE mountains in the distance, it's not as tediously dull as Kansas.
I vote for Nebraska. I once rode my motorcycle east to west across Nebraska on Interstate 80. I almost forgot that the universe has 3 dimensions. I was in flatland. I was beginning to think two-dimensionally. The only excitement is when the corn field gives way to a wheat field. But somewhere in my mind numbing journey I saw a single tree off in the distance. Overjoyed, I mused on that vision for the rest of the trip that day, realizing that I had seen the "Great Nebraska Forest".
in NSW there is the Hay plains
most dreary part of the highway between Adelaide and Sydney I ever drove on crosses it
did it way too many times visiting my late Auntie
looked it up, it's the second flattest place on Earth after the Sahara desert and I believe it
Had to drive from San Diego to San Antonio once and that involved crossingsouthern New Mexico (think that particular strech of nothing is called I-10). It's flat but the road is not borded by wheat fields forever. Kansas is special.
Florida is not known for being mountainous, being essentially a 400 mile long sandbar. I knew that as a kid, because despite growing up in western NY State I had relatives in Florida and we had visited that glorious state in its primitive prime during the '50s, before it began to suffer from "Paradise Lost Syndrome". So, color me indignant when I saw a cheesy sci-fi movie from the '60s on TV called "Cape Canaveral Monsters" where the monsters tried to disrupt rocket launches from their cave in the mountains near the beach!
I think that's when I began to realize that adults aren't all they're cracked up to be.
And "yes", Florida is pretty flat, but it can be an interesting flat. Perhaps 10 or 20 miles of cow pasture/ranchland, then 10 or 20 miles of swamp, then 10 or 20 miles of scrubland with "palmetto" bushes being the highest thing visible, and in certain spots in the swamps or ranches you can see the palm "islands" which are (or were) slightly higher spots in the swamp on which a palm tree grew and dropped its seeds around it which also grew and added to the dimension of the highground and gradually a small hillock forms with the tallest palms in the middle of the bump and decreassingly smaller trees on the outer edges. You can even see these palm islands from satellite views. They actually follow the old sea shore about 45 miles inland from the current Eastern seashore. Also, Florida has a ridge of hills down the center of the state Along route 27 through Lake Wales and Sebring.
At Lake Wales is the "Bok Tower". A beautiful carillon made of different colors of marble, limestone and coquina rock and located on the highest spot in Florida. So, Florida is flat but there are many places flatter. Wonderful place to go on a mild day and just wander the gardens, sit on the benches, watch the swans, listen to the bell tower recitals. Y'know, old people fun.
Bok Tower: Lake Wales, Florida It's the wizard tower that I believe Gandalf would have built if he'd built a tower.
More images of Bok Tower:
YouTube: short tour of Bok Tower:
Edited for accuracy
Bok Tower might be one of the only things that could get me back into Florida. The mosaics are glorious but that door is just amazing. I have no idea who polishes it but that is an awful lot of brass for that much humidity.
But its not all limestone. That's almost all marble. The pink stone is Etowah marble from Etowah GA and the gray stone is from a different marble quarry in GA. The tan stone is limestone from FL.
If for some reason you must go to central Florida, I know Orlando and kids, Drive down to Polk county and see this place. The guy who designed the park around it is world renowned for his work and this might be his best work. It is simply astonishingly beautiful. If you can catch a performance by the carillon bells you will not regret it, assuming you survive the mosquitoes.
Cape Canaveral Monsters? I like bad Atomic era sci fi movies and have never heard of that one it most be utter trash. Will have to look into it.
Thanks for the confirmation. And buried in all the Google Images of Bok Tower is this one at night. I've never been there at night. It really shows the designs in the stone grillwork.
I was. It was gorgeous. They had a concert with a symphony orchestra followed by the carillon. Almost worth the anemia. You'd think they'd pony up for AAA against the mosquitoes. I mean they have a lake right by the thing.
Where I live, the big debate is whether the "ri" in Missouri is pronounced as "ree" or "ruh". You should never become one of the people who say Missouruh.
We have another situation that revolves around the city being called "Kansas City" even though it's in Missouri. It has led to many visiting music artists, comedians, and even a president or two, publicly referring to the state as Kansas just based on the name of the city. That never ends well.