Why Are my Genesis1 Legs Becomming Distorted

in The Commons
On the back of each leg, on both the thigh and the lower leg, there are huge concave indentations instead of normal muscle. When the legs are straight, they appear normal, but when I bend the shin, the whole leg gets deformed.
Does anyone know why? Or how to stop it from happening?

legs straight.jpg
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Shape/Morph probably not rigged.
Is there somthing I do to rig it? It's just bending the shin. How could it not be rigged?
Does it happen n an unmorphed Genesis?
Is this the base model, or is this a morph? If it is the base, there may be something conflicting with it, are you getting any errors?
If it is a morph, then it may not be rigged properly. You can try adjusting the rigging to fit the shape. In the parameters tab, click the settings (small triangle with lines). Edit>Rigging>Adjust Rigging to Shape.
That should take care of most morphs if they are not too extreme. Also, do this from the default pose. If you it do in any other pose it will throw it off. That might actually be why it is this way right now.
Ok, I'll try that, but first I want an opinion if a Cayman Studios geograft that I apply so I can use a different generation's texture, can deform the mesh. Because it seems to be happening where the geografts are. (the geografts on the image are outlined in orange)
NO. I have the same cusom character with no geografts, and it's doing the same thing.
Ahhhhhh! I loaded a unaltered Genesis base figure and bent the shin and got the same distortion! What's going on? Why did this happen to my Genesis?
On the unmorphed Genesis, go too the Parameters pne and see what it lists under Currently Used. If it doesn't show anything, zero the figure and check again.
It's a fairly regular issue that happens every once in a while:
Something about compounding JCMs/Flexing Morphs with different poses, I believe. Look under Parameters, make sure you have "show hidden" checked, and check for any morphs dialled in at WAY higher or WAY lower values than normal.
It's usually Flex Quad Left and/or Flex Quad Right at insanely high or insanely low values.
I tried it. I Zeroed it. The Currently Used panel shows nothing. I bend the shin and get the deformity.
OHHHH NOOOO. This Genesis is the base one, unmorphed. I haven't done anything to it. But when I look All the Parameters I have GENERATION X full Genesis 2 Female and Male and Genesis 3 Female included????? How did those get into my base figure? Can I download a new genesis figure?
Thank God! The world isn't coming to and end! I moved sliders I've never seen before and have no idea of what they do and it seemed to fix the leg. I don't know why or how. I'd still like a new un-
Generation X Genesis 1 though.
If anybody else has this trouble. These are the sliders that cause the deformity.
And strangest of all. You have to set the sliders to zero more than once. The same sliders - zero, then zero, then zero again - for the deformity to disappear. I'm sure this is fascinating for everyone on a Saturday night.
Maybe somebody can tell me what these sliders labeled BBJCML mean, or where they came from, or what they're attached to? And why are they automatically set to distorted my Genesis? I checked Google, apparently nobody in the history of the world has posted anything on the internet about BBJCML.
There's a lot of these BBJCML sliders. And at the top of the Settings panel for this particular BBJCMLCollarUp slider is the number 4 in brackets (4) which probably means this setting has been added 4 times to my Genesis (probably in those Generation X things) which is why I have to hit ZERO a couple of times to actually get it to zero.
Oh, and how insidious - these evil BJCML sliders don't show up until you actually bend the shin. So you don't know they're even there, even if UNHIDE everything is checked.
JCM means Joint Controlled Morph. The L probably indicates the Left leg, R would be Right leg. Have you purchased any new morph packs or extreme characters that may need extra morphs in the legs to, usually, prevent distortion? Beacuse the BB is probably the name of the character or morph pack that's causing these issues, since it seems to be activating either too much or when it shouldn't.
Thank you for asking me that! I looked at the settings for one of these things and the "name" is blank, but in the drop down from name I can see that is indeed the GenerationX morphs that somehow got installed in my base Genesis. I also find that that I have to correct it to zero EVERY time I make any change in the position of any joint.
BB is Beautiful Bends. But in this case it's distortion. How do I get Beautiful Bends out of my computer?
Uninstall it the same way you installed it, I would assume. If you used DIM to install stuff use DIM to unistall it. Same if you use Connect, DAZ Central, or Manual Install.
If it's a Gen X problem, and you know which morphs they are, location to find them are :-
These are on Genesis 1, so these morphs should be in your Genesis 1 data folder, even though they say they are Genesis 2 and 3. So at some point I am guessing you converted a model from Genesis 2 and 3 and it converted these JCMs as well. So they should be in a folder for Generation X. On my Daz, I see folders like this... data>Daz 3D>Genesis>D3D GenX> and then more folders. Look in them for the JCMs you are having issues with.
You could also manually download better bends from Daz and just look at where the files go (don't install it). Then use that as a guide to locate the folders they may be in.
My guess is they may be combining with other morphs that they should not be. Since you have bends from both G2 and G3 and males, they could all be combining with each other.
This nightmare from the twilight zone never seems to end. I removed all the Beautiful Bends files from my computer. Then I opened Studio and loaded the base Genesis, the Michael and Victoria, and a 3rd party "actor" based on Genesis - and ALL of them still have the BBJCM problem. As outrider42 somewhat suggested, I scanned the whole computer for BBJCM - and there are 566 files with BBJCM in the name. I have a LOT of custom characters based on Genesis1. I'm afraid if I delete these 566 files I will forever screw-up my characters.
From what it sounds, you only need to remove the better bends files that were transferred to Genesis 1. Is Generation X the only conversion you used to transfer figures?
This may be tougher, but did you convert any characters that contained better bends? It may be possible that you need to delete those converted characters that are causing this. It seems like all of this stems from some kind of conversion, and better bends somehow got baked into the conversion. I do not know how GenX works, and sadly Dimension3D is no longer with us to provide support.
If you still have issues, then you could go for the nuclear option and try wiping all instances of better bends across all generations, plus the characters that you converted (not the original character, just the G1 conversion.) Then once everything is working you can convert those characters again. If better bends is totally gone, then the conversion should not include them. GenX is pretty fast at converting, so hopefully this doesn't take so long.
You will not forever screw up you characters if you delete all instances of better bends. Better bends, like it says, is just for joint control. It will not effect the character's morph. It should just make joint control like it was before you installed better bends, which may be both good and bad. It is possible that if the saved file uses better bends, it will give you an error, but it will still load. If this happens, just resave the scene, this way it will not ask for better bends again. Since this controls joints you might see some differences in poses on the joints. But if it avoids this issue, then that is a very minor thing.
The distorion happens with the Genesis base figure, a base figure I've done NOTHING to, not moved, not morphed, not textured, no character added, - NOTHING. I just load Genesis. Bend the shin (or almost anything else) and the distorion happens. I also notice that Generation X is there, already in the base Genesis figure.
What if I delete Genesis 1? Then download a new Genesis 1?
Soooooo......I went to my Product Library and manually downloaded the Genesis Starter Essentials onto my desktop, not into any software program. Then I opened DAZ Studio. Then I clicked on the Genesis.duf I had downloaded seconds berfore. It loaded into DAZ Studio. I bent the shin - and THE DISTORION IS STILL THERE AND SO IS GENERATION X. Generation X is like some kind of virus that infects every Genesis 1 figure on my computer - eventhough I deleted all the Beautiful Bends files.
What is going on?
I understand that. That is not the question. Have you used Generation X to convert characters from G2 and G3 to Genesis 1? That is the question. If you did, then better bends JCMs may have been included in that transfer.
JCMs can work on unmorphed figures. That is what Better Bends does. Whether you dial in a shape or not, Better Bends is automatic, and applies to all characters of that Genesis generation. So when you bend the leg, it kicks in. Clearly something has gone wrong, and it looks like there may be several JCMs at work at the same time. If you have 3 different joint controllers all trying to correct the same joint at once, this is something that might happen. From your earlier post, you showed pics of Genesis 2 and 3, and even Genesis 2 male all showing up on your Genesis 1 list. That should not be possible without having used something, I am assuming GenX, to convert them to Genesis 1. That is why I ask if you converted characters from G2 and 3 to 1. This could be the source of your issue. Fixing that may require deleting those conversions. They should all be in files for Generation X.
You don't understand. I downloaded a NEW Genesis 1, onto my desktop. Double cllicked on it (it had only been in existance for less than 5 seconds) and it loaded as normal in DAZ Studio - this absolutely brand new download of Genesis 1 that I've never done anything to. The very instant this new Genesis showed up in the Paramaters Panel, Generation X was already listed, which is the screen capture in my last post. I transfered nothing to it. I did nothing to it. All I did was open it. It loaded. And Generation X showed up in the Parameters instantly. Like I said, it's like a virus.
Sigh. Unless you completely wiped Studio, you could download a clean Genesis install a hundred times and hit the same result. The morphs are kept in a folder, not in the genesis.duf itself, if you have the generation x morphs in that folder, loading a Genesis will cause them to load with it. (Thus how loading a Genesis figure allows you to load any of the characters you have for it.) You have to get them out of the morphs folder. I believe it should be (wherever your content folder is)/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis/Base/morphs