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You may have installed a new Genesis 1, but that does NOT erase the content you had previously installed for Genesis 1. Unless you deleted your entire Genesis 1 folder, or used a new computer, you still have all of that old content installed. Deleting the base figure of Genesis 1 does NOT change that one bit. It served no purpose, as you can see now, which is why I did not suggest doing that.
You could even uninstall Daz Studio itself and it would not matter. The content is still there unless you go into the folders and delete the content causing the problem. Even if you uninstalled the plugin for GenX the content you created with it will still be there.
So again, go over the other stuff in your folder. GenX is not a virus. You clearly had this installed before, and you used it at some point in the past. You need to find the specific folders with the converted characters like I described or you will not get anywhere.
But if I take them out of the folder, how will the characters that actually need those GenX files load correctly? Is there no OFF slider for GenX? Or something I can ZERO to stop it from working? I just checked - there are 38,000 files in my Genesis folder.
Ohhhhhhh Nooooooo.........I just checked and this problem exists with every figure and character for Genesis 1, Genesis 2, and Genesis 3.
It is like I said before, if you have saved files that look for these better bends JCMs, it may pop an error, but just click through and the scene will still load. It will take a little longer since Daz has to Daz, but it will load. Then once the scene has loaded, just resave it right there. Once you save the scene without the JCMs, that error will not pop again. Better bends only effects the posing of joints, not the morph itself. So the shape should be fine.
It also depends on how long this has been there. If you have save files before better bends, then those will not ask for it.
There has to be something that caused this. Have you installed anything recently? Converted anything recently?
Everything. A new Macbook Pro computer. A new external hard drive. A new version of DAZ Studio. I remember when I first opened DAZ Studio after I got all the new stuff - Generation X was missing. It was May 15th. I posted a thread in the forum about it. Then I took my 93 year old mother to the Emergency department at the hospital because she couldn't breath and they had no Covid 19 tests at the time, so we were in quarantine for 2 weeks. It was 2 weeks of incredible stress and confusion. It turned out she didn't have Coronavirus - she had something else. But I'd forgotten that thread on Genx until what you just wrote sparked the memory. I tried to get Generation X to work. I moved the Generation X files around from folder to folder. I deleated all of them. And reinstalled all of them. But they went into different folders than before. What can I say, I thought my mother was dieing. Now it's like an Agatha Christie mystry trying to remember what I did.
This was the thread
Someone on that thread gave me screen shots of where the content is supposed to be. I'll try and find it and put it in those folders.
Okay, now I remember something. Something wouldn't work, so Richard Hastaline told me to download the Public Build of Studio. Which I did.
One thing I can tell from looking at the list of files, is that I have 2 folders - one for Daz Studio 64 bit AND the same folder for Daz Studio 64 bit Public Build. That's the first thing that's wrong.
The second thing wrong, is that a lot of the files that are supposed to be in the folder for the Public Build, which is what I'm using, are actually in the folder for the non-Public Build Daz Studio. So I have to sort the right files into the right folders.
So then this issue is actually related to that one. Somehow you have these extra JCMs interacting at the same time. Since you are on Mac, I can't really help with Mac. But at least we know this likely stems from that earlier incident, so that is something.
I don't think the beta is any issue here. The issue is purely content related, and trying to figure out which files are causing it. It is not GenX either, as much as it looks like it could be, GenX is only the smoking gun. If you are concerned, create a back up first. Then go kill these better bends files. Looking at your pic, you have Generation X files with better bends, that had to happen somehow, better bends and Generation X are 2 different products. When you convert a shape, that is a whole new shape separate from the original. So even if you delete the original better bends shape, the one from conversion is still there. But maybe you only need to delete one group of these. That is probably what is happening, like I said, you have multiple better bends all applying at once. These are not designed that way. They are designed to be just one, and the bend of the knee is designed all around that. If you add more JCMs that effect the knee, then they all add together, and this creates the distortion you are getting.
It is like "Hey, I need a pencil!" But your get 5 pencils taped together. You only need one pencil, 5 creates a mess. That is what is going on here. You have all of these different JCMs all combining together when you should only have one. How that happened I cannot say, but it has to be because of what you did back in May. You need to get rid of these extra JCMs. It might be easier to just get rid of them all.
So you have a new machine, is the old one functional? If you still have that old machine you could look at the file structure on that. If the hard drive from old machine still works it can still be used as well if you have a connector and can power it. A hard drive enclosure would do, but I wouldn't want to buy one just for this.
I will tackle that tomorrow. I've been trying to fix this for 14 hours and I have to go sleep. At least I put all the GenX files in the proper place and deleted all the duplicates and old versions. I opened up Studio again and loaded a Genesis base figure and bent the shin and got the same distortion, so you're right - it's the Better Bends that's causing the trouble. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HELP!
How do I access the DAZ documentation pages for the Beautiful Bends products? Is there a link somewhere? I need the list of files and where they were installed,
Hmm, it looks like Beautiful Bends is no longer in the store. Interesting. It took a bit more searching, but here are the Genesis 2's readme's.
I imagine the file structure of other generations will be the same.
While I was searching, I found threads about trouble with Beautiful Bends, and they said it would need an update. Here it is effecting the shoulder, but it looks a lot like what you have with the knees.
And another. note the last post of the thread.
No mattter what I tried, I couldn't get rid of Beautiful Bends. I tried for 16 hours to fix the problem. What I ended up doing, AND IT WAS TEDIOUS, was going to every slider for Beautiful Bends, and opened up the settings, and set the miniumum and maximum to ZERO. So they're still there, but they can't cause any deformation. If the world were a simpler place, Beautiful Bends might work. But artists aren't accountants. Artists mix everything together until they get what they want. Beautiful Bends didn't play well with others. They should have named the product Endless Deformation Chaos.
Now I have to try to get GenX2 to work.
Just to ask, did you install manually or with DIM? Because if you used DIM or Smart or whatever you should be able to get rid of it that way.
For manual downloads, getting rid of JCMs...maybe Richard have a better answer for that? What is the best way to uninstall a product like BB that has all these JCMs? Where is the big controlling property that is keeping these JCMs installed even after attempting to delete them? There has to be a way.
I would be trying to solve this before doing GenX, to be safe.
I am SO SICK of Beautiful Bends. It's a TROJAN HORSE full of viral frustration. I have no more patience with it. It takes just one product like this to cause me to NEVER buy another product from that vendor. And it's happened a couple of times.
All the morphs for Genesis 2-8 figures are installed and stored following the same logic ...\Data\DAZ 3D\[Genesis generation]\[Gender]\Morphs\...
The morph for Genesis 2 Female can be found in ...\Data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 2\Female\Morphs\... Do a search for *bends and it should give you short enough list to locate the sub-folder which is used for storing the files for "Beautiful Bends" and delete those files = Problem solved for all Genesis 2 Female figures
Genesis 3 Female morphs can be found in ...\Data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 3\Female\Morphs\...
Genesis 8 Female morphs can be found in ...\Data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Female\Morphs\...
As Genesis 1 is the same base figure for both genders, the morphs for them are located in ...\Data\DAZ 3D\Genesis\Base\Morphs\...
Ok, I'll try it. You would think UNINSTALL would remove them, but like I said, no matter how many times I get rid of them, they come back.
_have'nt had this kind of trouble but don't have GENERATION X MORPHS nor Beautiful Bends, neither _
SUCCESS! This is what I learned. It may not apply to anybody else, it may have been something I did that was unique.
When I used Generation X or GenX2, and I added the Beautiful Bends morphs or controllers or whatever you want to call them - and transferred this package of morphs using GenX2 to my Source Figure - GenX2 made a copy of the Beautiful Bends morphs files, YES IT MADE COPIES OF THE FILES, and they became part of the figure conglomerate created when you transfer different generations of morphs onto one figure using GenX2. And GenX2 not only copied the BB files, GenX2 gave the files DIFFERENT NAMES from the original BB files.
So, eventhough I DELETED ALL THE BEAUTIFUL BENDS FILES from my computer, these GenX2 auto-generated auto-renamed BB morphs remained on the computer. I will post screenshots.
Among these hundreds of copied and renamed files from Beautiful Bends, there is one slider, named Disable All
Not BB Disable All, not Beautiful Bends Disable All, not Bends Disable All ---------just----- Disable All. With no indication whatsoever what it is used to disable.
Also, [see the screenshot] in the settings pane for this "Disable All" slider, I found that this slider controls FIVE different sliders which exist for FIVE DIFFERENT things, only ONE of which has BB in the name. But I had to reset the limits for this main slider so that I could go to -5 [minus 5] since there were 5 sliders listed. So.....I had to set the slider to minus 3 to disable Beautiful Bends.
Anyone else with a similar problem - A WORD OF CAUTION
GenX2 mixes the BB files in with hundreds of other files it converted and renamed. So DON'T just delete all the files. And DON'T delete just the files with the letters "BB", because there are non-Beautiful Bends files that use "BB" in their names.
To disable the Beautiful Bends files, use the slider in you Parameters Panel WHICH YOU HAVE TO SEARCH FOR USING ONLY THE WORDS DISABLE ALL
You can't search your Parameters using the GenX2 generated new name for the slider because it WON'T SHOW UP.
that if there is a number in brackets next to the DISABLE ALL slider, then it is used to disable more than just Beautiful Bends. You have to go into the settings for that one slider and click on the drop down arrow for the NAME field to see what the other products are that you are disableing.
Logically there should be FIVE sliders with the name Disable All among my sliders for this one figure - but I can't find them. Theoretically it would allow me to dissable only the GenX2 renamed Beautiful Bends files, and leave the others un-disabled.
Why I got GenX2 files incorporated into all my G1, G2, G3 base figures and all their derrivatives - I DON'T KNOW.
I think I deserve the Nobel Prize for figuring most of this out.
Now I have to figure out why GenX2 won't work.
Glad you got it sorted.