Pet peeve

cclesuecclesue Posts: 420

It irritates me when there is a weapon in hand in the image with no where to put it when not in use. This is especilly true if the costume offers nowhere to hide such an item. No self respecting protagonist would walk around all day with their weapon in hand. Come on folks give us some holsters, scabbards, etc. in which to hang the hardwear. And if the honey is wearing a spry-on outfit that hides little to the imagination and the set also inclues a handgun at least give her a handbag, briefcase or ice bucket in which to concel the darn thing. Same thing for a knife or other bladed weapon.



  • TesseractSpaceTesseractSpace Posts: 1,440

    Or if the item is sci fi enough a magnetic attachment point like they use to carry weapons in Mass Effect. Just a clear place for weapon storage

  • mwokeemwokee Posts: 1,275

    It goes behind the back. Everyone knows in the cartoon world you just reach behind your back to get whatever.

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    I have to agree. I especially hate seeing these futuristic military bodysuits with no loadouts or gear like belts, mag pouches, holsters, etc. this one for example I would have purchased in a heartbeat if it has tactical accessories with it Sure you can kitbash, but the styles would be off.

    same for this sci fi guard outfit. how is he supposed to guard with no weapons or gear


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,602

    I have to agree. I especially hate seeing these futuristic military bodysuits with no loadouts or gear like belts, mag pouches, holsters, etc. this one for example I would have purchased in a heartbeat if it has tactical accessories with it Sure you can kitbash, but the styles would be off.

    same for this sci fi guard outfit. how is he supposed to guard with no weapons or gear


    eye lasers

  • lana_lasslana_lass Posts: 520
    mwokee said:

    It goes behind the back. Everyone knows in the cartoon world you just reach behind your back to get whatever.


    Unless you're fortunate enough to be a female in the cartoon world, and then you have the additional options of keeping whatever in your bra or thigh holster yes

  • TesseractSpaceTesseractSpace Posts: 1,440
    lana_lass said:
    mwokee said:

    It goes behind the back. Everyone knows in the cartoon world you just reach behind your back to get whatever.


    Unless you're fortunate enough to be a female in the cartoon world, and then you have the additional options of keeping whatever in your bra or thigh holster yes

    Victoria's Secret compartment 

  • How about suits of armor with no helm or helmet?  Useful headgear is outnumbered by dForce capes.  At least their shoulders stay warm while their head gets caved in.  

  • lana_lasslana_lass Posts: 520
    edited July 2020

    How about suits of armor with no helm or helmet?  Useful headgear is outnumbered by dForce capes.  At least their shoulders stay warm while their head gets caved in.  

    A cape stops your brains getting on your leather jumpsuit, e.g is HIGHLY practical in a war zone where laundrettes are traditionally sparse. 

    lana_lass said:
    mwokee said:

    It goes behind the back. Everyone knows in the cartoon world you just reach behind your back to get whatever.


    Unless you're fortunate enough to be a female in the cartoon world, and then you have the additional options of keeping whatever in your bra or thigh holster yes

    Victoria's Secret compartment 

    LOL! But what about Michael's secret compartment?! Or maybe let's not ask that question... 

    Post edited by lana_lass on
  • The Blurst of TimesThe Blurst of Times Posts: 2,410
    edited July 2020

    Straps are complex things to model. As pointed out, you don't see them often in video games. The guns just go on your backpack.

    Holsters are nice for sidearms, though. I like when we get them, which is not always.

    Universally uniform uniforms would be nice for militaristic renders. It gets a little odd for Fantasy, IMO, when everything is uniform in an era with no significant mass production.

    I mostly don't care for reality in renders, these days. Reality is overrated.

    Most games don't care for our reality, anyway.
    Helmets and Power Armor DO NOT go together.
    Swords and Tanks? Yes, they do work in a Sci Fi universe where FTL exists and other futurist ideas that don't make current sense.

    (In Warhamster, we call it the "Rule of Cool". That's more important than reality.)

    640 x 512 - 312K
    Post edited by The Blurst of Times on
  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,066

    Magnets embedded in the character's thigh or hip... ?... Neodymium of course... not those cheap refrigerator type gun magnets they sell at the dollar (or pound) stores.  I hate when my desert eagle falls off the fridge in the middle of the night.

  • TesseractSpaceTesseractSpace Posts: 1,440

    Heh, need to have insane morph where the thighs open like Robocop's do to put away his gun.

  • Cora ReginaCora Regina Posts: 731

    I've been trying to create a more realistic version of my favorite video game PC, and weapon storage has been unexpectedly difficult. The in-game magnetized-to-the-back method doesn't exactly wash with the whole medieval look. He's a mage, though, so I suppose it could be magic?

    Who knows. Maybe he's born with it, maybe it's magnetism!

    I've passed on a fair few outfits because they lack what seem like essential pieces of kit, or because the ones they do have just don't work. Flimsy, style over substance sword belts, bows with really questionable strings... Others, I've bought because they unexpectedly included something that could function in the real world even when no other part did.

  • PaintboxPaintbox Posts: 1,633

    This kind of ties in with the no medieval or ancient backpacks question I had a while ago. They are mostly absent on the market. The PA who makes this will be swimming in cash. Completely untapped market segment.

  • Even with Geralt of Rivia, you get the impression of straps holding the 2 swords to his back, but it's mostly an impression. (Henry Cavill of Rivia only carries the one sword. It would be HEAVY to carry 2 longswords in reality, and those puny little straps would not do it.)

    Straps are for molding to the mody shape, like Geralt, for the most part.

  • davesodaveso Posts: 7,175
    They dont have a place for a weapon because they're not supposed to have one
  • Cora ReginaCora Regina Posts: 731
    edited July 2020
    Paintbox said:

    This kind of ties in with the no medieval or ancient backpacks question I had a while ago. They are mostly absent on the market. The PA who makes this will be swimming in cash. Completely untapped market segment.

    I'd buy loads. Satchels, rucksacks, pouches, purses, belts and non-fetishy harnesses to parent the afforementioned to, all sorts. Plus proper scabbards, holsters, etc. They were hard enough to find early on and later generation products seem to include few to none of the accessories that older ones did (shoutout to renapd's phenomenally complete Officers & Gentlemen).

    Even with those old sets there's often a serious lack of stuff to just... carry other stuff, whether that's the weapon the outfit came with or spare clothing and a bedroll.

    Post edited by Cora Regina on
  • The Blurst of TimesThe Blurst of Times Posts: 2,410
    edited July 2020

    A series of funky backpacks might be cool. There are plenty of examples out there. Just copy things that they do.

    Examples... games like Guild Wars 2 for fantasy. Or Tom Clancy's The Division 2 for contemporary/militarist.

    Maybe this is one that Midnight_stories could do for sci fi. The color palettes work across multiple products.

    Post edited by The Blurst of Times on
  • NylonGirlNylonGirl Posts: 1,939
    McGyver said:

    Magnets embedded in the character's thigh or hip... ?... Neodymium of course... not those cheap refrigerator type gun magnets they sell at the dollar (or pound) stores.  I hate when my desert eagle falls off the fridge in the middle of the night.

    Those internal hip and thigh magnets seem cool until you walk into your closet full of blade weapons.

  • SnowSultanSnowSultan Posts: 3,646

    What's even worse is when a scabbard is included in a set but it doesn't attach to the outfit.  :|

    I'm with Paintbox and Braw, would buy any fantasy or medieval weapon or wearable gear storage accessories, morphing straps, belts with pouches and pockets, etc.

  • What's even worse is when a scabbard is included in a set but it doesn't attach to the outfit.  :|

    I'm with Paintbox and Braw, would buy any fantasy or medieval weapon or wearable gear storage accessories, morphing straps, belts with pouches and pockets, etc.

    Is there a resource thread somewhere for this sort of thing? It feels like we need one. 

    Regarding detached scabbards, there was a thread about the need for sheaths a while back and Timotheus posted links to some G8M/G8F sword belts and scabbards he'd made (over at Rendo, under Dimensionarium). They're really very nice and were designed to be utilitarian and usable with most outfits. One thing I remember him specifically mentioning in that thread was how frustrated he was by how many scabbards lacked an attachment point. Anyway, they're worth every penny.

    I wish storage stuff were easier to find for current gen characters, because not all of the old stuff converts well (or at all, and that's still if you can even find it). I've got a pile of things I've been meaning to try, though, if I can coax my computer into not screaming and DS into not crashing.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,602

    yeah the problem is that stuff is off site and third party content and software links forbidden and even discussing stuff can be misconstrued as unsolicited promotion 

  • Straps are complex things to model. As pointed out, you don't see them often in video games. The guns just go on your backpack.

    Holsters are nice for sidearms, though. I like when we get them, which is not always.

    Universally uniform uniforms would be nice for militaristic renders. It gets a little odd for Fantasy, IMO, when everything is uniform in an era with no significant mass production.

    I mostly don't care for reality in renders, these days. Reality is overrated.

    Most games don't care for our reality, anyway.
    Helmets and Power Armor DO NOT go together.
    Swords and Tanks? Yes, they do work in a Sci Fi universe where FTL exists and other futurist ideas that don't make current sense.

    (In Warhamster, we call it the "Rule of Cool". That's more important than reality.)

    actually in Warhammer 40,000 with the Space Marines their weapons are mag locked to either back or thigh/legs been reading a lot of the novels

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,066
    edited August 2020

    An important message about Peeves...

    Please, please remember not all Peeves are the same. There is a vast difference between wild peeves and domestic peeves.

    If you are out hiking, taking a nature walk or just wandering about aimlessly because you forgot where you live and you come across a small peeve sitting by the roadside, please don't pick it up or feed it human snacks like chips or caviar... It is highly unlikely it is a lost domestic peeve as they will rarely wander far from where they live, they are usually simply too lazy or fat to do so and will drop dead long before they get out of sight of their home.. more likely, it is a wild peevelet that is exploring the area around its den or burrow... there are many species of wild peeves that exist in nature either out in the woods, infesting a local park, or collecting in drainage ditches after a heavy rainstorm.

    Please do not think about picking the peevelet up or taking it home... Not only is this dangerous because some peeves are venomous, but they are often full of parasites and assorted diseases... in fact it's believed the current koala chlamydia epidemic had its origins in invasive peeve populations in the Australian outback. If you are going to contract an STD, do you really want to pick it up from a randy peeve or by engaging in some funky behavior while wearing a bird mask at a local private club devoted to that sort of activity?... granted that might also involve koalas, but if you are going to... eh... forget it... anyway...  

    Picking up a peevlet can also incur the wrath of the parent peeve... as many of us know, parental peeves can be monumentally strong and you would not want to have that coming down on you. Although they are extremely irresponsible parents who will often abandoned their offspring in the middle of multi lane highways, on the edge of sheer cliffs with jagged rocks below or conveyor belts leading to rock crushers, they are actually caring parents who will eventually fiercely defended their young when and if they get around to it.

    If you do feel the peeve is lost or in danger, or if you've accidentally run it over with your lawn tractor multiple times, contact your local wildlife authorities or inform a passing deer or rabbit (if you are in Australia don't engage with a koala, one thing will lead to another and like I said before, that's not a can of worms you wanna open)... anyway... leave the peeve where it is or scrape it off the mower cutting deck and leave it there, the local authorities will attend to it if it's in need or hopefully the local wildlife will know what to do with it... you know, "circle of life" and all that... 

    Whatever you do don't eat it... it's probably riddled with chlamydia and that really takes away from the natural musty/swampy taste of peeve meat.

    If you really want to get a pet peeve, please consider getting one from local peeve shelter or stealing one from someone who took the time to fill out all those annoying forms that the peeve shelters insist on making you go through.

    There are thousands of domestic peeves awaiting adoption in peeve shelters nationwide as well as abroad... The world is rotten with peeve shelters... they are everywhere globally... but please don't go to other nations for peeves unless you don't have a peeve shelter locally or really need an exotic peeve you can boast about to your rich idiot friends... besides, collecting exotic peeves is not only morally wrong for some reason, but it can lead to JES, a psychological condition where one wears ridiculous gaudy outfits while collecting exotic creatures for their personal zoo, Joe Exotic Syndrome can ruin your life, so consider collecting hamsters or tigers or something safer than exotic peeves.

    Please give careful consideration to adopting a rescue peeve... they are often quite freakishly disgusting and mangy, but they've got heart... actually some have two hearts, assorted external organs protruding everywhere and probably a bunch of extra limbs or even tentacles... which may be a turnoff to some, but they are loyal and... well... if you keep spraying them with perfume or strong disinfectants (those little air freshener trees for cars work pretty good if hang enough of them on the peeve), then their odor is kinda bearable... so there's that...

    Please avoid giving in to the desire to be popular or not shunned by society and buying your peeve from a peeve store or purchasing a boutique peeve.

    I know social media if full of adorable pictures of celebrities and social media influencers with their non-freakish boutique peeves wearing cute outfits and looking nothing like they crawled out of the reactor pit number four at Chernobyl... but often these "adorable" peeves are the result of selective breeding by unscrupulous "Peeve Mills"... Places where peeves are churned out like pasta in a factory that makes pasta products... yes, they may not be radioactive or have lots of extra eyes, but they come with lots of baggage... and some of that baggage is expensive designer baggage which will drive up the cost of that store bought peeve and may actually be unethically sourced or produced in sweatshops by sweaty underpaid workers who you'll be helping to exploit, you inconsiderate jerk... god what's wrong with you... Go club a baby seal while you are at it you awful monster... Sorry... Anyway...

    As I was saying, a rescue peeve can be a loyal pet... ... .... that's about all I've got... They are loyal, but they aren't smart or easy to potty train... hell, for the first couple of years they'll be pooping everywhere... floors, shelves, from the chandelier, the ceiling fan, in the sink... your house will look like an earthquake hit a chocolate pudding factory... and because pudding and Taco Bell are their favorite foods you won't know where the pudding ends and the poo begins.

    They can be housebroken eventually though... presumably... but considering they can live 80-90 years, you and your descendants may be in for a lot of poop...

    A LOT OF POOP...

    But once you are over that difficult period, peeves are quite affectionate... sometimes too affectionate... which brings me back to the previous warnings, especially if you let you peeves play outdoors and have koalas around.
    Also be careful about letting your peeve outdoors unless it's trained (and they are really quite dumb so don't count on that) or unless you have a fenced yard or balcony... they'll either instantly fall to their deaths or be stolen by some jerk who's too lazy to fill out adoption forms... or if koalas are available as (I've mentioned before) engage in super funky acts of debauchery, which trust me, once you see, cannot be unseen... Ugh... Ever.

    Once you adopt a pet peeve, please have it spayed or neutered... while this can be done at home with a pair of scissors and some duct tape, it is advisable to go to a trained professional or someone where you won't have to deal with the mess... besides, what are you going to do with the peeve bits... hang em' from your rear view mirror like fuzzy dice?... They are like hamsters, those things are huge... they'll likely obstruct your veiw or rip the mirror right off the windshield.

    Pet peeve ownership can be quite rewarding... I suppose... and peeves can be taught lots of tricks like sit... sleep... sleep some more... stare blankly at a wall... And if you place them strategically, they can deter clumsy burglars who may trip over them in the dark.  In fact, last year a peeve in Nova Scotia saved the life of its owner by accidentally stepping on their phone's auto dial button for the fire department as it died from smoke inhalation in the fire it started in the middle of the night.
    They are truly amazing creatures.

    If you are willing to put in the effort and care little of what society thinks of you, adopting a pet peeve, particularly a rescue peeve that outlived it owners, by decades, can and will be a memorable and possibly rewarding experience somehow... your peeve can grow to epic proportions if you nurture it well and feed it constantly... your peeve or peeves will eventually lead to your untimely demise, and in this world, what more can anyone ask from the things they enjoy the most?

    Thank you for your time.


    Post edited by McGyver on
  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078

     Bear in mind that Geralt isn't human any more.

    Even with Geralt of Rivia, you get the impression of straps holding the 2 swords to his back, but it's mostly an impression. (Henry Cavill of Rivia only carries the one sword. It would be HEAVY to carry 2 longswords in reality, and those puny little straps would not do it.)

    Straps are for molding to the mody shape, like Geralt, for the most part.


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,602

    I want a pet Peeve

    do they get on with cats?

    are they housetrained?

  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078

    I don't know, I find plenty of holsters, scabbards, etc. I could use more slings for the modern long guns.

  • The Blurst of TimesThe Blurst of Times Posts: 2,410
    edited August 2020
    fastbike1 said:

     Bear in mind that Geralt isn't human any more.

    Even with Geralt of Rivia, you get the impression of straps holding the 2 swords to his back, but it's mostly an impression. (Henry Cavill of Rivia only carries the one sword. It would be HEAVY to carry 2 longswords in reality, and those puny little straps would not do it.)

    Straps are for molding to the mody shape, like Geralt, for the most part.


    I'm talking about the straps. One or two thin straps? Not going to hold 2 heavy longswords.

    Post edited by The Blurst of Times on
  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,066

    are they housetrained?

    Oh god no... did you read the part about...

    "They are loyal, but they aren't smart or easy to potty train... hell, for the first couple of years they'll be pooping everywhere... floors, shelves, from the chandelier, the ceiling fan, in the sink... your house will look like an earthquake hit a chocolate pudding factory... and because pudding and Taco Bell are their favorite foods you won't know where the pudding ends and the poo begins.

    They can be housebroken eventually though... presumably... but considering they can live 80-90 years, you and your descendants may be in for a lot of poop...

    A LOT OF POOP..."  

    Seriously, your home will be like Pompeii after the volcano, only as if the volcano was a poop volcano and spewed out Taco Bell poops instead of a pyroclastic flow.

    Other than that, as long as your cats are good swimmers, they'll be fine.

  • lana_lasslana_lass Posts: 520
    edited August 2020

    Hi McGyver. I got my peeve from my local shelter and so far so good except how do I tell the gender of my new peeve? Also is it normal for a peeve to sporadically puff up to the size of an NBA official basketball and squirt what seems to be lemon juice as it's adjusting to its new home? 

    FYI, my sister says I should take my peeve to a professional pet peeve groomer to have it's hair styled and dyed but I'm concerned about the ethics around modifying peeves, and also I'm concerned I might then mistake it for the pom pom I have on my key ring...

    Post edited by lana_lass on
  • Cora ReginaCora Regina Posts: 731
    edited August 2020

    yeah the problem is that stuff is off site and third party content and software links forbidden and even discussing stuff can be misconstrued as unsolicited promotion 

    I thought you were allowed to mention products, provided they're relevant to a specific and open request/question/topic? Such a thread would only require mentions, not commercial links, and would of course include things from the store here. I shop Daz preferentially and would buy the items I want here if they were available, but since they're not, Daz isn't losing business by having people discuss where you can get them. I've passed on a lot of incomplete outfits, but bought plenty more thanks to info I've gotten from these forums about where to buy a missing piece. In other words, me knowing to buy a belt on Rendo has resulted in a larger profit for Daz, though not as much as if I'd been able to buy that belt here.

    Even if the mere mention of other sites was verboten and we could only discuss things in the Daz store that had accurate/useful bits and bobs, it would still help. It wouldn't be as good, but it would be better than aimless wandering. Asking every PA to start including every last bit isn't feasible, but if one of them feels like releasing a functional, utilitarian set of medieval/fantasy adventurer accessories (pack and bedroll, pouches, morphing straps and belts to give the illusion of things being held in place, fifty feet of hempen rope, etc.) with adjustment morphs to suit a variety of outfits, or a similarly flexible set of military/sci-fi holsters and loadout props, it seems like wallets are already open. I'd be a day-one buyer of either, provided it wasn't a female exclusive. 

    Post edited by Cora Regina on
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