Pet peeve



  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,602

    exactly it has to be to a specific request

    a resource thread would be unsolicited advertising

  • exactly it has to be to a specific request

    a resource thread would be unsolicited advertising

    So be it. I've doubled the size of my product library over the last year, and would buy even more if there was a thread that could point me toward products here that I've overlooked, or ones that I initially dismissed due to OP's pet peeve but would happily buy once I know of a complementary product here or elsewhere.

    No thread just means more money in my pocket. Hopefully someone starts filling the void and I will preferentially support PAs that do.

  • it'sthe same on the other sites too I got into trouble on Rendo for mentioning with direct links to here some creators stores 

  • fastbike1 said:

     Bear in mind that Geralt isn't human any more.

    Even with Geralt of Rivia, you get the impression of straps holding the 2 swords to his back, but it's mostly an impression. (Henry Cavill of Rivia only carries the one sword. It would be HEAVY to carry 2 longswords in reality, and those puny little straps would not do it.)

    Straps are for molding to the mody shape, like Geralt, for the most part.


    I'm talking about the straps. One or two thin straps? Not going to hold 2 heavy longswords.

    depends what it is made out of for example Graphene

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,602
    fastbike1 said:

     Bear in mind that Geralt isn't human any more.

    Even with Geralt of Rivia, you get the impression of straps holding the 2 swords to his back, but it's mostly an impression. (Henry Cavill of Rivia only carries the one sword. It would be HEAVY to carry 2 longswords in reality, and those puny little straps would not do it.)

    Straps are for molding to the mody shape, like Geralt, for the most part.


    I'm talking about the straps. One or two thin straps? Not going to hold 2 heavy longswords.

    depends what it is made out of for example Graphene

    a common medieval material cheeky

  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078

    Non-experts typicaly significantly over state the weight of two handed weapons. Real peole used those in combat and were smaller than modern populations. Best realistic estimates from historians and bladed weapons experts are that two handed swords weighed between 2 to 2.5 kilos. I have 1 inch by 0.25 inch leather slings on my lever guns that weigh about the same or a bit more and the slings are more than sufficient for the need.

    fastbike1 said:

     Bear in mind that Geralt isn't human any more.

    Even with Geralt of Rivia, you get the impression of straps holding the 2 swords to his back, but it's mostly an impression. (Henry Cavill of Rivia only carries the one sword. It would be HEAVY to carry 2 longswords in reality, and those puny little straps would not do it.)

    Straps are for molding to the mody shape, like Geralt, for the most part.


    I'm talking about the straps. One or two thin straps? Not going to hold 2 heavy longswords.


  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,066
    lana_lass said:

    Hi McGyver. I got my peeve from my local shelter and so far so good except how do I tell the gender of my new peeve? Also is it normal for a peeve to sporadically puff up to the size of an NBA official basketball and squirt what seems to be lemon juice as it's adjusting to its new home? 

    FYI, my sister says I should take my peeve to a professional pet peeve groomer to have it's hair styled and dyed but I'm concerned about the ethics around modifying peeves, and also I'm concerned I might then mistake it for the pom pom I have on my key ring...

    I'm glad you asked this... Peeves, as you've illustrated in the description of your cuddly pet come in a wide assortment of shapes and sizes... From your description, I'm going to guess it's either a Lesser Deadly Himalayan Rock Peeve (Himalayas Killerus Rockus Peeveus) or a Bolivian Poison Pom-Pom Peeve (Bolivius Pompomus Deathicus)... both models are of the same family and are completely harmless despite their dangerous and fearsome sounding names... in fact as long as one is completely immune to their venom or never bitten, you'll hardly ever die from their bite. Mostly.

    It is quite normal for these peeves to rapidly expand up to thirty times their normal size... this is actually a defense mechanism designed to explode the head of a predator trying to eat them... the basketball analogy also indicates it's a very young specimen as adults can expand to the size of a 1964 Volkswagen Beetle. 
    It's also most likely a male or female, as males tend to puff up to impress females and females tend to puff up to intimidate obnoxious males... the puffing up could also be a sign that your peeve is under great stress and trying to signal to you something is wrong... try and observe if the puffing is occurring in a pattern like Morse code or a Fibonacci sequence... it also may indicate your peeve has an extreme gastrointestinal disorder and is about to violently explode. 
    As far as the lemonade... it could either be actual lemonade which peeves tend to store in their posterior pouches to use as a coolant in warm weather, or it could be peeve musk which it is using to mark its new territory... the best way to find out is to hold it over a glass and have someone taste the liquid.

    You don't have to tell them what it is... if it tastes like lemonade it's the musk... if it tastes like a rotted chipmunk stuffed with asparagus, it's probably the lemonade.

    I wouldn't listen to your sister, she is clearly plotting against you to get ahold of your family's vast fortune which nobody ever told you about, and wishes to get you canceled by not only getting you to alter your peeve's OEM hairstyle, but by doing it during a pandemic which is very unsafe to do and once it gets out that you did it, your online reputation will be shot.

    You are right to be concerned about your peeve being mistaken for a keychain pom-pom... most pom-poms are in fact taxidermied peevlets.

  • TimotheusTimotheus Posts: 246

    What's even worse is when a scabbard is included in a set but it doesn't attach to the outfit.  :|

    I'm with Paintbox and Braw, would buy any fantasy or medieval weapon or wearable gear storage accessories, morphing straps, belts with pouches and pockets, etc.

    Is there a resource thread somewhere for this sort of thing? It feels like we need one. 

    Regarding detached scabbards, there was a thread about the need for sheaths a while back and Timotheus posted links to some G8M/G8F sword belts and scabbards he'd made (over at Rendo, under Dimensionarium). They're really very nice and were designed to be utilitarian and usable with most outfits. One thing I remember him specifically mentioning in that thread was how frustrated he was by how many scabbards lacked an attachment point. Anyway, they're worth every penny.

    I wish storage stuff were easier to find for current gen characters, because not all of the old stuff converts well (or at all, and that's still if you can even find it). I've got a pile of things I've been meaning to try, though, if I can coax my computer into not screaming and DS into not crashing.

    Thanks for the kind words!

    I have been thinking about following up with another sword, more of a fantasy saber, but now this thread has me thinking about backpacks, satchels, and bedrolls, oh my!


  • cclesue said:

    It irritates me when there is a weapon in hand in the image with no where to put it when not in use. This is especilly true if the costume offers nowhere to hide such an item. No self respecting protagonist would walk around all day with their weapon in hand. Come on folks give us some holsters, scabbards, etc. in which to hang the hardwear. And if the honey is wearing a spry-on outfit that hides little to the imagination and the set also inclues a handgun at least give her a handbag, briefcase or ice bucket in which to concel the darn thing. Same thing for a knife or other bladed weapon.

    If you ever watch the "Highlander" series, you will notice that the immortals are always carrying a sword on their person, even though there is often no where to conceal said sword. Switch blade sword? Fits in your pocket?


    cclesue said:

    It irritates me when there is a weapon in hand in the image with no where to put it when not in use. This is especilly true if the costume offers nowhere to hide such an item. No self respecting protagonist would walk around all day with their weapon in hand. Come on folks give us some holsters, scabbards, etc. in which to hang the hardwear. And if the honey is wearing a spry-on outfit that hides little to the imagination and the set also inclues a handgun at least give her a handbag, briefcase or ice bucket in which to concel the darn thing. Same thing for a knife or other bladed weapon.


  • Timotheus said:

    What's even worse is when a scabbard is included in a set but it doesn't attach to the outfit.  :|

    I'm with Paintbox and Braw, would buy any fantasy or medieval weapon or wearable gear storage accessories, morphing straps, belts with pouches and pockets, etc.

    Is there a resource thread somewhere for this sort of thing? It feels like we need one. 

    Regarding detached scabbards, there was a thread about the need for sheaths a while back and Timotheus posted links to some G8M/G8F sword belts and scabbards he'd made (over at Rendo, under Dimensionarium). They're really very nice and were designed to be utilitarian and usable with most outfits. One thing I remember him specifically mentioning in that thread was how frustrated he was by how many scabbards lacked an attachment point. Anyway, they're worth every penny.

    I wish storage stuff were easier to find for current gen characters, because not all of the old stuff converts well (or at all, and that's still if you can even find it). I've got a pile of things I've been meaning to try, though, if I can coax my computer into not screaming and DS into not crashing.

    Thanks for the kind words!

    I have been thinking about following up with another sword, more of a fantasy saber, but now this thread has me thinking about backpacks, satchels, and bedrolls, oh my!


    They're words well deserved! If you end up making those backpacks, satchels, and bedrolls, I will absolutely buy them. Those and really any practical, everyday medieval-fantasy adventuring lifestyle props. I will buy them all, here or there or anywhere!

    Don't get me wrong, I'll buy fantasy sabers also, and I'm still looking for something that has a good option for sheathing a main-gauche or other offhand dagger (I would buy it as a sword belt add-on in a heartbeat, but I realize it's a very specific thing that not many people are likely looking for). I adore well-made weapons, especially when they come with places to put them. It's just that I also have an almighty need for realistic filler for fantasy travel scenes, especially all the utilitarian things that are either overlooked or haven't been given modern versions yet. Backpacks, bedrolls with roll and unroll morphs, tents for the average adventurer... Not everyone can be a knight with a pavilion!

    All those little details really make a difference and sell the story, whether they're being actively used or serving as scene "clutter." I've bought all manner of lovely terrain for my merry band of adventurers to stroll/fight their way across, but somehow it doesn't look right without them carrying their whole lives on their backs while they do it.

    Things to hold other things still is another one. Morphing straps/belts and so on could be used with existing products (sheathes, armor pieces, etc.) to make it look like they were held adequately in place. And of course, all the situationally appropriate weapons and storage! My boys wouldn't mind having both an adventurer's pack, and an extra sword to strap to it.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257

    Heh, need to have insane morph where the thighs open like Robocop's do to put away his gun.

    ...actually had a Shadowrun character with a cyberleg that had an internal holster. 

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