Anyone know what environment this is? - Now Bryce to Daz.
Anyone know what environment was used in these promos?
Better still ... I remember seeing a mesa rock formation products come out a while back and now I need it for a project. Anyone remember it?
Post edited by WillowRaven on
The Southwest texture for the MilEvironment, MPC and WR playsets have mesa rock formations. Not sure if it's the one in pic.
maybe useful
I have those, but I'm looking for the actual rock formation prop. I saw one somewhere but can't remember where or what they called it.
RDNA had their Microcosm series that had their Rock Land add on. Unfortunately, the store is down for updating until the 25th and some of the oldest products have already been pulled from the store.
Do you have Bryce or Vue?
I found this set. Not mesa formations but
I might be able to fudge one of those for my needs, but since it's for a commissioned book cover, I might have to find an actual mesa.
Thing is, last time I was looking for one, and couldn't find one, so convinced the author to chance the composition plan. Then a few weeks later, one of these sites promoted a mesa, but called it something else, and I thought, "Dang, I could have used that!"
Naturally, in my infinite wisdom, I put off buying it so long I forgot what and what it was.
Just hoping SOMEONE will know what product I mean ... lol.
This set has mesas but again its for Bryce.
Oh, and I TECHNICALLY have Bryce 7 Pro, but I have no clue how to use it. I think I opened it twice, ever, stared at it, then closed it, lol.
What set?
Is there a way for me to open something in Bryce and export it as a figure or prop to load into daz 4.6?
that looks like a photograph in background maybe some shadowcatch
try morguefiles maybe heres one
I'm looking for the rock formation more so than the background. There are mesa in the Outback Easy Environment by FM, but they are part of the skybox, not a prob that I can build around within the scene.
I might have to use catch to try to incorporate props into the skybox, but I'd rather not so my lighting and pov effects will match up, especially when I know they is a poser/daz prop that isn't a year old out there with EXACTLY what I need, lol..
I'm getting an error message on that link.
sorry double paste! you beat my edit
Got it, thanks :D
That's a nice shot :D
What set?
Is there a way for me to open something in Bryce and export it as a figure or prop to load into daz 4.6?
Sorry this set
You should be able to load it in Bryce and send it to DS but the textures wont work.
I'll give it a go and post some more info for you.
Sorry this set
You should be able to load it in Bryce and send it to DS but the textures wont work.
I'll give it a go and post some more info for you.
That would be a super help since I know NOTHING about Bryce other than I have it, lol.
I have daz shaders for texturing. So I just need the mesa :D
Yes the Mesa goes across to DS It needs Subding as the corners are too sharp.
All you have to do is install it into Bryce, then import it into the Bryce library then Load it.
Once its loaded go to File >send to Daz Studio and DS will open and the mesa will appear - they comes in big.
Here's a real quick render I used AoA Rock shader perhaps not the best choice to show it.
There's more than 1 style of Mesa in the set.
on droid at moment shut pc down for night otherwise I could have given you a big butte
from terrain editor in carrara exported as obj
so long as it was my own bare butte not a preset with an included texture (unless selfmade proceedural) would be ok!
if not solved in 8 hours I will make upload my big butte for you
This should work perfectly.
I buy every shader daz puts out, almost, to customize my scenes as much as possible, so I'm sure I can find one I like.
Thank so much. I'll buy the set as soon as my client pays the invoice today. :D
I may have to take you up on that if I'm not as smart as scorpio is giving me credit for, lol. I'll be sure to let ya'll know if the product is usable for my needs.
And what's a butte?
It's French slang for "a really big behind". As in "Oo la la! Mademoiselle Fifi, elle a un très grand butte!"
lol ...
Is this what you were trying to remember?
[Edit] Hmmm.... Says it requires VUE, but ALSO says it is for DAZ, Poser, VUE, so I'm guessing maybe objects (.obj) that won't have textures unless in VUE?
But this IS for DAZ/Poser:
I am sure that these packs are only for Vue . I seem to remember there being a query about this before.
I would say check out FirstBastion's stuff here at the DAZ store I think he has a couple of items you could use.
here is mine called a mesa carrara in fact does in filter generater
Same set by Wendy Rendered in DAZ Studio with one level of Sub D added.
OK ... Have Bryce installed, missing serial number ound, and am about to but the Desert Scene Construction Kit (
Wish me luck :D