I'm trying to make a budget for an animation project. I may need experienced Dazzlers!



  • Deadly Buda, you would need to ballpark the finished film's length.  Nine minutes? Ninety minutes?  No way to budget it if no one knows the scope of the project.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    I don't consider a thumbs down as hindering Ivy. It should be taken constructively. In fact in the DAZ Gallery you can't thumbs down and I would like to be told if they could thumbs down how I can improve. Now often they will find my subject matter boring but if I happen to write a little story to go with the render sometimes they're more that welcome to suggest improvements or deficiencies in the writing and same with the composition of the render and technical qualities of the render too. Some will be snarky and they are annoying but really so what. You can snark back it you're in the mood to snark to (it's usually not to hard because they typically don't have a leg to stand on) or you can ignore them. Of course I've read YouTube comments before and even for huge smash hit music videos those comments and not likes are often just trolling: one reason I never even bother reading YouTube comments unless the video I'm watching is a tutorial of some sort.

    Of course all that is a lot of work. Being constructively, reservedly, and politely critical is almost as difficult as being originally constructive and much less appreciated.

  • Advice is only worth it to both parties if it is taken, so I'm not going to bother.

    But since I look forward more to the OP's Youtube link to a production they are proud of than having to say "we told you so" I would only suggest that the OP might benefit from the experiences of @cosmicdawnseries who is working on something of similar magnitude as far as I can tell. He's probably already suffered enough Daz Studio inflicted wounds to have some more cogent advice than people who have already made the decision to not try to animate in Daz Studio.

    Good luck, whatever you decide.

  • @Ivy very nice! You do more for Daz Studio than... Daz Studio. Very little to critique here:

    1. The flaps seemed to stay down long after she was cruising.
    2. When she commanded more alpha on the yoke, the horizon didn't rotate as a result.
    3. One time, when she banked in the mountain range, the ailerons moved in the opposite direction they should have.
    4. The Doppler Effect many times didn't match when the aircraft transitioned to moving away from the camera.

    There are people in this world who cannot be trusted with the anonymity the internet offers. The people who downvoted your stuff are exmaples, and they probably have never created anything in their entire lives.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,618
    edited August 2020

     on an unrelated note, thanks to Ivy, I discovered in analytics 4Chan still is one of the major non youtube embedding sites for my videoscrying

    that explains the trolls, that is their homedevil

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    @Ivy very nice! You do more for Daz Studio than... Daz Studio. Very little to critique here:

    1. The flaps seemed to stay down long after she was cruising.
    2. When she commanded more alpha on the yoke, the horizon didn't rotate as a result.
    3. One time, when she banked in the mountain range, the ailerons moved in the opposite direction they should have.
    4. The Doppler Effect many times didn't match when the aircraft transitioned to moving away from the camera.

    There are people in this world who cannot be trusted with the anonymity the internet offers. The people who downvoted your stuff are exmaples, and they probably have never created anything in their entire lives.

    Thank you for that constructive criticism. Very thoughtful and well written. You can see my point that a team of people using daz studio to create a animation is very do able . I am just a one person show so its is easy for me to miss thing that are obvious to others.. My weak point in animation maybe someone else strong suite.  what I would not know in Volume effects or lighting another person in the team would . As a single person doing a story animation its easy to miss little things even though they should be obvious .

    I don't know how to fly a airplane I did just a brief research on them watching YouTube videos of the Alaska airplanes and how close they fly the mountains. . I maybe should have spent a little more time researching it.. so I agree I properly missed a lot of technical details like that.   But working in a team other people pick up on those things and catch it before it goes to render.  Because once I finish rendering a scene with daz studio Iray  it is what it is ..lol  But in a team where one person is stronger at one thing someone else maybe better at another  each filling in the gaps. I always said a team of artist could make a pretty decent animations. I think in the end its going to be the film editing that makes the finish product. usually done by the director

    thanks for the comment

  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837
    @wendyluvscats, You make a good point about the assets

    I have reached the point where I can produce an entire outfit for the CC3 base figures in 24 hours and have it ready to be animated.

    However I have complete control over the lookdev process including how things are going to look in the final render environment(Blender) with the final shaders and lighting because I alone am doing all of the technical& Art direction work As well as the post color grading& VFX compositing in Davinci Fusion after rendering

    The OP appears to understand the need for experienced Art directors ,lighting TDs' etc but these people( working remotely) need to be able to reveiw the developing assets at any point in conjuction with the editorial department which is alot harder when there are always issues regarding licensing of content not easily shared & Distributed across all departments

    The OP's team ,using all Daz assets, will have to own every light set and HDR assets etc. for a consistant look.. difficult but not impossible... however alot easier with Blender where a senior lighting TD can just upload a .Blend file with the art directors approved lighting schemes to a drop box and tell the Asset creators "use this for lookdev".

    for lipsynch/facial animation the OP should not bother with anything othe than the Iphone based "Facemojo" plugin for the G8 figures as All of the other lipsynch options for DS are either very Old or just not very good with limited options for phoneme editing/correction IMHO

    (this opinion is based on my six year experience producing a very dialog heavy multi-lingual 93 minute ,animated film with Daz figures from Millenuim 3,4, genesis 1,2,3 using Daz mimic basic mimic pro3 and Daz mimic live)

    The OP's animators should request DAZ provide a copy of Daz studio 4.12.086 if they have upgraded beyond that version, because of the well documented bugs with keyframe Data not being retained in saved sessions in the latter versions...unless they fixed those show stopping bugs recently ( citation needed)

    AFAIK none of the new bridges reliably export animation with facial and so I would not reccommend them for trying to use an external program to render( citation needed) besides the OP wants the look of DS Iray and is willing to pay for Hardware and or render farms to use Iray.
  • kenshaw011267kenshaw011267 Posts: 3,805
    duckbomb said:

    No way do animators work for minimum wage.

    More realistically you're really talking $75/hr just for straight salary. Add in taxes and benefit and you need to budget somewhere around $125/hr.

    So not $1M more like $8 to $10M.

    Like I wrote above for that budget there are better alternatives that are more efficient. That's just reality.

    75$ an hour seems outrageous to me.  I searched for "3D Animator" on Glassdoor and looked at average salaries on Indeed and Salary.com and find it to be around 27$ per hour.  I live in Sunnyvale, CA, and even job postings around me start at around 44K and go up to only about 75K per year before you move into the management levels, and that's in a place where the average studio apartment is 2K per month.

    I dunno, and I don't care too much, but I deal with developer-types who are always stomping their feet and demanding that their "worth" isn't being realized, and while that's true for most of us, it's also true that what you're paid for what you produce is largely dictated by how many people around you are willing to do the same-ish job for less.  Its especially true in this economy.

    Obviously, I'm generalizing, quality product demands high and fair compensation.  My suggestion is to define what skill sets you are looking for, and then turn to the actual market to get a feel for costs.  For a project this big, you should consider seeking professional advice and not relying on forum answers from strangers.  Although... I realize that was forum advice from a stranger... so...  you do you.

    It's been a while since I ran SW projects, I got out of before it killed my soul, but the people recruiters brought in at those bottom of the barrel wages, and this is being as nice as possible, sucked. I sat in with recruiters and flat said I would not authorize payment if they sent us a single recruit who I could verify had a lie on their resume. Very next recruit was not just not a graduate of the school they claimed the school had no record of them even ever attending. 

    They're recruiting guys from those late night TV ad schools that don't actually teach anything and telling them to lie on their resumes, or the recruits are lying and they're not even checking. I had guys walking in who supposedly knew C/C++ who couldn't have coded "Hello World" if their job depended on it which it did when it became clear they couldn't begin to do the tasks assigned.

    You got some guy out of a good software engineering program who's nearly $100k in debt he can't even begin to think about working for >50k. He can't pay his loans and rent.

    Yeah, you might find a 3d animator who knows Blender or Maya who'd work full time on a 6 month project for less than $75/hr but one who hits all the criteria laid out by the op? That's an extremely short list. That means a higher wage.

  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837
    The OP won't be using Maya or Blender animators So their salaries are not really relevant.
  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    wolf359 said:
    @wendyluvscats, You make a good point about the assets

    I have reached the point where I can produce an entire outfit for the CC3 base figures in 24 hours and have it ready to be animated.

    However I have complete control over the lookdev process including how things are going to look in the final render environment(Blender) with the final shaders and lighting because I alone am doing all of the technical& Art direction work As well as the post color grading& VFX compositing in Davinci Fusion after rendering

    The OP appears to understand the need for experienced Art directors ,lighting TDs' etc but these people( working remotely) need to be able to reveiw the developing assets at any point in conjuction with the editorial department which is alot harder when there are always issues regarding licensing of content not easily shared & Distributed across all departments

    The OP's team ,using all Daz assets, will have to own every light set and HDR assets etc. for a consistant look.. difficult but not impossible... however alot easier with Blender where a senior lighting TD can just upload a .Blend file with the art directors approved lighting schemes to a drop box and tell the Asset creators "use this for lookdev".

    for lipsynch/facial animation the OP should not bother with anything othe than the Iphone based "Facemojo" plugin for the G8 figures as All of the other lipsynch options for DS are either very Old or just not very good with limited options for phoneme editing/correction IMHO

    (this opinion is based on my six year experience producing a very dialog heavy multi-lingual 93 minute ,animated film with Daz figures from Millenuim 3,4, genesis 1,2,3 using Daz mimic basic mimic pro3 and Daz mimic live)

    The OP's animators should request DAZ provide a copy of Daz studio 4.12.086 if they have upgraded beyond that version, because of the well documented bugs with keyframe Data not being retained in saved sessions in the latter versions...unless they fixed those show stopping bugs recently ( citation needed)

    AFAIK none of the new bridges reliably export animation with facial and so I would not reccommend them for trying to use an external program to render( citation needed) besides the OP wants the look of DS Iray and is willing to pay for Hardware and or render farms to use Iray.

    I haven't see these videos you done before. Most excellent indeed,

  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837
    Thanks Ivy..and thanks for the veiw/comment on YouTube.

    I have completed my transition to my new CC3/Blender/EEVEE pipeline and have began test renders for my next major project Based in the popular "HALO"video game universe.
  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    wolf359 said:
    Thanks Ivy..and thanks for the veiw/comment on YouTube.

    I have completed my transition to my new CC3/Blender/EEVEE pipeline and have began test renders for my next major project Based in the popular "HALO"video game universe.

    very cool.

  • ArtAngelArtAngel Posts: 1,797
    Ivy said:

    @Ivy very nice! You do more for Daz Studio than... Daz Studio. Very little to critique here:

    1. The flaps seemed to stay down long after she was cruising.
    2. When she commanded more alpha on the yoke, the horizon didn't rotate as a result.
    3. One time, when she banked in the mountain range, the ailerons moved in the opposite direction they should have.
    4. The Doppler Effect many times didn't match when the aircraft transitioned to moving away from the camera.

    There are people in this world who cannot be trusted with the anonymity the internet offers. The people who downvoted your stuff are exmaples, and they probably have never created anything in their entire lives.

    Thank you for that constructive criticism. Very thoughtful and well written. You can see my point that a team of people using daz studio to create a animation is very do able . I am just a one person show so its is easy for me to miss thing that are obvious to others.. My weak point in animation maybe someone else strong suite.  what I would not know in Volume effects or lighting another person in the team would . As a single person doing a story animation its easy to miss little things even though they should be obvious .

    I don't know how to fly a airplane I did just a brief research on them watching YouTube videos of the Alaska airplanes and how close they fly the mountains. . I maybe should have spent a little more time researching it.. so I agree I properly missed a lot of technical details like that.   But working in a team other people pick up on those things and catch it before it goes to render.  Because once I finish rendering a scene with daz studio Iray  it is what it is ..lol  But in a team where one person is stronger at one thing someone else maybe better at another  each filling in the gaps. I always said a team of artist could make a pretty decent animations. I think in the end its going to be the film editing that makes the finish product. usually done by the director

    thanks for the comment

    I was engaged to an Air Canada pilot in 1983 and in 1992 my third marriage was to an architect that flew a Sesna. Although I spent several flights in the cockpit of both commercial and  private planes I can assure you that I was more interested in the scenery and not the logistics of an aircraft. I enjoyed your video and you did a fine damn job as usual.

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047

    $44k in SUNNYVALE?? Where do people live, back of a closet with four other roommates? Man.


  • wolf359 said:
    @wendyluvscats, You make a good point about the assets

    I have reached the point where I can produce an entire outfit for the CC3 base figures in 24 hours and have it ready to be animated.

    However I have complete control over the lookdev process including how things are going to look in the final render environment(Blender) with the final shaders and lighting because I alone am doing all of the technical& Art direction work As well as the post color grading& VFX compositing in Davinci Fusion after rendering

    The OP appears to understand the need for experienced Art directors ,lighting TDs' etc but these people( working remotely) need to be able to reveiw the developing assets at any point in conjuction with the editorial department which is alot harder when there are always issues regarding licensing of content not easily shared & Distributed across all departments

    The OP's team ,using all Daz assets, will have to own every light set and HDR assets etc. for a consistant look.. difficult but not impossible... however alot easier with Blender where a senior lighting TD can just upload a .Blend file with the art directors approved lighting schemes to a drop box and tell the Asset creators "use this for lookdev".

    for lipsynch/facial animation the OP should not bother with anything othe than the Iphone based "Facemojo" plugin for the G8 figures as All of the other lipsynch options for DS are either very Old or just not very good with limited options for phoneme editing/correction IMHO

    (this opinion is based on my six year experience producing a very dialog heavy multi-lingual 93 minute ,animated film with Daz figures from Millenuim 3,4, genesis 1,2,3 using Daz mimic basic mimic pro3 and Daz mimic live)

    The OP's animators should request DAZ provide a copy of Daz studio 4.12.086 if they have upgraded beyond that version, because of the well documented bugs with keyframe Data not being retained in saved sessions in the latter versions...unless they fixed those show stopping bugs recently ( citation needed)

    AFAIK none of the new bridges reliably export animation with facial and so I would not reccommend them for trying to use an external program to render( citation needed) besides the OP wants the look of DS Iray and is willing to pay for Hardware and or render farms to use Iray.

    @Wolf359 Hey Wolf, do you plan to do another writeup on BlenderNation like you did before?

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    ArtAngel said:
    Ivy said:

    @Ivy very nice! You do more for Daz Studio than... Daz Studio. Very little to critique here:

    1. The flaps seemed to stay down long after she was cruising.
    2. When she commanded more alpha on the yoke, the horizon didn't rotate as a result.
    3. One time, when she banked in the mountain range, the ailerons moved in the opposite direction they should have.
    4. The Doppler Effect many times didn't match when the aircraft transitioned to moving away from the camera.

    There are people in this world who cannot be trusted with the anonymity the internet offers. The people who downvoted your stuff are exmaples, and they probably have never created anything in their entire lives.

    Thank you for that constructive criticism. Very thoughtful and well written. You can see my point that a team of people using daz studio to create a animation is very do able . I am just a one person show so its is easy for me to miss thing that are obvious to others.. My weak point in animation maybe someone else strong suite.  what I would not know in Volume effects or lighting another person in the team would . As a single person doing a story animation its easy to miss little things even though they should be obvious .

    I don't know how to fly a airplane I did just a brief research on them watching YouTube videos of the Alaska airplanes and how close they fly the mountains. . I maybe should have spent a little more time researching it.. so I agree I properly missed a lot of technical details like that.   But working in a team other people pick up on those things and catch it before it goes to render.  Because once I finish rendering a scene with daz studio Iray  it is what it is ..lol  But in a team where one person is stronger at one thing someone else maybe better at another  each filling in the gaps. I always said a team of artist could make a pretty decent animations. I think in the end its going to be the film editing that makes the finish product. usually done by the director

    thanks for the comment

    I was engaged to an Air Canada pilot in 1983 and in 1992 my third marriage was to an architect that flew a Sesna. Although I spent several flights in the cockpit of both commercial and  private planes I can assure you that I was more interested in the scenery and not the logistics of an aircraft. I enjoyed your video and you did a fine damn job as usual.

    Thank you very much for the sweet comment. . I would be the same way if I was riding in the cockpit of a airplane.. I be more interested in the scenery & looking out the window, than the pilot fling the plane..lol until the bells and buzzers start going off. then I'd be like OMG WHERE GOING DOWN!!!!  HaHaHa   laugh

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    lol @Will

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,618

    for the record
    if I owned a nice collection of Threadripper PC's with stacks of RTX2080ti's in each

    yes yes yes

    I so would render a movie length animation in D|S irayheart

    sadly I own a Ryzen3 with a 980ti

    so I hope that also puts things in perspective

    but yes, 30 of me could easily do one in a year so the OP is not wrong

  • ArtAngelArtAngel Posts: 1,797

    Ha, yes I know "Dazzlers" is pretty cheezy, but you know what I mean. Anyway...

    I am making a budget for an animated project that uses Daz as the base animation program. Thus, I might need about 30 people that would be available to work 6-12 months, 40 hours a week, and that are knowledgeable in the following areas:

    1. Aniblocks, Puppeteer, Morphs, the new IK system, and all things related to animating bones and morphs in Daz3d. 

    2. Face Transfer, Head Shop, LipSync, Anilip.

    3. Anisound

    4. Costume/Clothing expert, D-Force, character and asset transfers via GenX and similar programs

    5. Modellers, expert in modifying assets in Hexagon, Cinema 4d, Modo and Lightwave especially.

    6. Set builders/Environment builders/Prop experts

    7. Iray Lighting Expert

    8. Networking and Asset management across computers, platforms, render-nodes, familiarity with SceneOptimizer.

    9. Special effects Wiz: Particles, Texture Animator, Sweat and water, magic spells, dirt and a great working knowledge of After Effects/Compositing and various plug-ins.

    10. Familiarity with mCasual's plug-ins

    Please send me a private message with some links to your work, what you did on the clips/images, your experience, jobs and what your compensation requirements would be. Most everyone will be working remotely, but let me know if you would be available to move if necessary. If you are comfortable posting all this publicly in this thread that is fine, too.

    This is not an official job offering or call at this point. But I need to discern the available talent pool to construct the budget whilst compiling a list of leads to contact if the project makes it to the next phase of development.

    Best regards,

    Joel Bevacqua




    Hmmm. I'm not a contender but for those who are here, I thought I'd share this. When authors send query letters to agents/publishing houses, they do their homework and see what type of books or what genre the agent/publishers represent because sending a type of story such as nonfiction when they only publish fantasy or vice versa is a waste of everyone's time. Even though animation does not have a specific genre, some artists are simply better at storytelling certain subjects and others enjoy stop-motion like South Park ... so I thought I'd share these links for those interested in biting at your hook  ... there is this updated Nov 2019  and this. Also this and thisdevil

  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    for the record
    if I owned a nice collection of Threadripper PC's with stacks of RTX2080ti's in each

    yes yes yes

    I so would render a movie length animation in D|S irayheart

    sadly I own a Ryzen3 with a 980ti

    so I hope that also puts things in perspective

    but yes, 30 of me could easily do one in a year so the OP is not wrong

    /em contemplates 30 Wendies


  • duckbombduckbomb Posts: 585
    duckbomb said:

    No way do animators work for minimum wage.

    More realistically you're really talking $75/hr just for straight salary. Add in taxes and benefit and you need to budget somewhere around $125/hr.

    So not $1M more like $8 to $10M.

    Like I wrote above for that budget there are better alternatives that are more efficient. That's just reality.

    75$ an hour seems outrageous to me.  I searched for "3D Animator" on Glassdoor and looked at average salaries on Indeed and Salary.com and find it to be around 27$ per hour.  I live in Sunnyvale, CA, and even job postings around me start at around 44K and go up to only about 75K per year before you move into the management levels, and that's in a place where the average studio apartment is 2K per month.

    I dunno, and I don't care too much, but I deal with developer-types who are always stomping their feet and demanding that their "worth" isn't being realized, and while that's true for most of us, it's also true that what you're paid for what you produce is largely dictated by how many people around you are willing to do the same-ish job for less.  Its especially true in this economy.

    Obviously, I'm generalizing, quality product demands high and fair compensation.  My suggestion is to define what skill sets you are looking for, and then turn to the actual market to get a feel for costs.  For a project this big, you should consider seeking professional advice and not relying on forum answers from strangers.  Although... I realize that was forum advice from a stranger... so...  you do you.

    It's been a while since I ran SW projects, I got out of before it killed my soul, but the people recruiters brought in at those bottom of the barrel wages, and this is being as nice as possible, sucked. I sat in with recruiters and flat said I would not authorize payment if they sent us a single recruit who I could verify had a lie on their resume. Very next recruit was not just not a graduate of the school they claimed the school had no record of them even ever attending. 

    They're recruiting guys from those late night TV ad schools that don't actually teach anything and telling them to lie on their resumes, or the recruits are lying and they're not even checking. I had guys walking in who supposedly knew C/C++ who couldn't have coded "Hello World" if their job depended on it which it did when it became clear they couldn't begin to do the tasks assigned.

    You got some guy out of a good software engineering program who's nearly $100k in debt he can't even begin to think about working for >50k. He can't pay his loans and rent.

    Yeah, you might find a 3d animator who knows Blender or Maya who'd work full time on a 6 month project for less than $75/hr but one who hits all the criteria laid out by the op? That's an extremely short list. That means a higher wage.

    Oh yes, I see what your saying, and your points are well taken, I was just working from a cursory google search...  my only point was that what people are "worth" and "valued at" are often two different things entirely.  That said, 75 an hour still feels high to me, but I'm far from an expert in the topic.  I agree with all your points about rookie students with heavily embellished resumes being shipped in by the droves by recruiters, but like it or not that does affect the salaries of those more professional and competent.  

    At any rate, I do understand your point, and I don't disagree.  I'd just urge the OP to get a really good market baseline from professionals in the field to get a feel for what he's looking at here.



    Oso3D said:

    $44k in SUNNYVALE?? Where do people live, back of a closet with four other roommates? Man.


    Lol... oh, your serious?  Yes.  The trouble isn't the fact that we share a closet, it's that we can't afford a closet with air conditioning... 


  • Hello everyone,

    Thanks for the feedback! However, I would like to see a few more people touting their abilities. I've been doing animation on and off since about 1997. It doesn't matter what program you use that much, it's if you actually spend the time to use it. So people that think you need Maya and Houdini to make an acceptable look are...kinda... just not artists. Get your hand on the mouse, stare at the screen, move the critter around and quit dreaming of plug-ins to answer all your problems in life. I like Daz. And that's just that. So, if anyone else feels like I do, please get in touch.


  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837
    wolf359 said:
    @wendyluvscats, You make a good point about the assets

    I have reached the point where I can produce an entire outfit for the CC3 base figures in 24 hours and have it ready to be animated.

    However I have complete control over the lookdev process including how things are going to look in the final render environment(Blender) with the final shaders and lighting because I alone am doing all of the technical& Art direction work As well as the post color grading& VFX compositing in Davinci Fusion after rendering

    The OP appears to understand the need for experienced Art directors ,lighting TDs' etc but these people( working remotely) need to be able to reveiw the developing assets at any point in conjuction with the editorial department which is alot harder when there are always issues regarding licensing of content not easily shared & Distributed across all departments

    The OP's team ,using all Daz assets, will have to own every light set and HDR assets etc. for a consistant look.. difficult but not impossible... however alot easier with Blender where a senior lighting TD can just upload a .Blend file with the art directors approved lighting schemes to a drop box and tell the Asset creators "use this for lookdev".

    for lipsynch/facial animation the OP should not bother with anything othe than the Iphone based "Facemojo" plugin for the G8 figures as All of the other lipsynch options for DS are either very Old or just not very good with limited options for phoneme editing/correction IMHO

    (this opinion is based on my six year experience producing a very dialog heavy multi-lingual 93 minute ,animated film with Daz figures from Millenuim 3,4, genesis 1,2,3 using Daz mimic basic mimic pro3 and Daz mimic live)

    The OP's animators should request DAZ provide a copy of Daz studio 4.12.086 if they have upgraded beyond that version, because of the well documented bugs with keyframe Data not being retained in saved sessions in the latter versions...unless they fixed those show stopping bugs recently ( citation needed)

    AFAIK none of the new bridges reliably export animation with facial and so I would not reccommend them for trying to use an external program to render( citation needed) besides the OP wants the look of DS Iray and is willing to pay for Hardware and or render farms to use Iray.

    @Wolf359 Hey Wolf, do you plan to do another writeup on BlenderNation like you did before?

    @mysteryisthepoint, Those feature articles, on Blender Nation, are by invitation only.

    Typically One has to be active and posting"interesting" original content in the major online Blender communities like Blenderartist.org
  • Hello everyone,

    So people that think you need Maya and Houdini to make an acceptable look are...kinda... just not artists.

    I don't think it is anyone's argument that you need Maya and Houdini to make a nice product. @Ivy is the perfect example. The argument to be made is that all other things being equal, a person will accomplish more with good tools. Isn't that the reason why you use a fancy-schmancy digital computer instead of celluloid in the first place? That's a strange place to draw your line... using 7 billion transistors at 4GHz is OK, but using HIK or nodes makes you not an artist?

    Good luck with your project.

  • wolf359 said:
    wolf359 said:
    @wendyluvscats, You make a good point about the assets

    I have reached the point where I can produce an entire outfit for the CC3 base figures in 24 hours and have it ready to be animated.

    However I have complete control over the lookdev process including how things are going to look in the final render environment(Blender) with the final shaders and lighting because I alone am doing all of the technical& Art direction work As well as the post color grading& VFX compositing in Davinci Fusion after rendering

    The OP appears to understand the need for experienced Art directors ,lighting TDs' etc but these people( working remotely) need to be able to reveiw the developing assets at any point in conjuction with the editorial department which is alot harder when there are always issues regarding licensing of content not easily shared & Distributed across all departments

    The OP's team ,using all Daz assets, will have to own every light set and HDR assets etc. for a consistant look.. difficult but not impossible... however alot easier with Blender where a senior lighting TD can just upload a .Blend file with the art directors approved lighting schemes to a drop box and tell the Asset creators "use this for lookdev".

    for lipsynch/facial animation the OP should not bother with anything othe than the Iphone based "Facemojo" plugin for the G8 figures as All of the other lipsynch options for DS are either very Old or just not very good with limited options for phoneme editing/correction IMHO

    (this opinion is based on my six year experience producing a very dialog heavy multi-lingual 93 minute ,animated film with Daz figures from Millenuim 3,4, genesis 1,2,3 using Daz mimic basic mimic pro3 and Daz mimic live)

    The OP's animators should request DAZ provide a copy of Daz studio 4.12.086 if they have upgraded beyond that version, because of the well documented bugs with keyframe Data not being retained in saved sessions in the latter versions...unless they fixed those show stopping bugs recently ( citation needed)

    AFAIK none of the new bridges reliably export animation with facial and so I would not reccommend them for trying to use an external program to render( citation needed) besides the OP wants the look of DS Iray and is willing to pay for Hardware and or render farms to use Iray.

    @Wolf359 Hey Wolf, do you plan to do another writeup on BlenderNation like you did before?


    @mysteryisthepoint, Those feature articles, on Blender Nation, are by invitation only.

    Typically One has to be active and posting"interesting" original content in the major online Blender communities like Blenderartist.org

    Well, that's kinda too bad... you are very good at explaining your techniques.

  • kenshaw011267kenshaw011267 Posts: 3,805

    Hello everyone,

    Thanks for the feedback! However, I would like to see a few more people touting their abilities. I've been doing animation on and off since about 1997. It doesn't matter what program you use that much, it's if you actually spend the time to use it. So people that think you need Maya and Houdini to make an acceptable look are...kinda... just not artists. Get your hand on the mouse, stare at the screen, move the critter around and quit dreaming of plug-ins to answer all your problems in life. I like Daz. And that's just that. So, if anyone else feels like I do, please get in touch.

    Some tools are more efficient for some tasks for others. When you're doing commercial work, i.e. when you're getting paid or when you're paying for something, it is rarely a good idea to do things inefficiently. But if you really have $10 million have at it.


    And knock off the "not an artist" stuff. You aren't making your own canvasses, brushes and pigments either.


  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837
    wolf359 said:
    wolf359 said:
    @wendyluvscats, You make a good point about the assets

    I have reached the point where I can produce an entire outfit for the CC3 base figures in 24 hours and have it ready to be animated.

    However I have complete control over the lookdev process including how things are going to look in the final render environment(Blender) with the final shaders and lighting because I alone am doing all of the technical& Art direction work As well as the post color grading& VFX compositing in Davinci Fusion after rendering

    The OP appears to understand the need for experienced Art directors ,lighting TDs' etc but these people( working remotely) need to be able to reveiw the developing assets at any point in conjuction with the editorial department which is alot harder when there are always issues regarding licensing of content not easily shared & Distributed across all departments

    The OP's team ,using all Daz assets, will have to own every light set and HDR assets etc. for a consistant look.. difficult but not impossible... however alot easier with Blender where a senior lighting TD can just upload a .Blend file with the art directors approved lighting schemes to a drop box and tell the Asset creators "use this for lookdev".

    for lipsynch/facial animation the OP should not bother with anything othe than the Iphone based "Facemojo" plugin for the G8 figures as All of the other lipsynch options for DS are either very Old or just not very good with limited options for phoneme editing/correction IMHO

    (this opinion is based on my six year experience producing a very dialog heavy multi-lingual 93 minute ,animated film with Daz figures from Millenuim 3,4, genesis 1,2,3 using Daz mimic basic mimic pro3 and Daz mimic live)

    The OP's animators should request DAZ provide a copy of Daz studio 4.12.086 if they have upgraded beyond that version, because of the well documented bugs with keyframe Data not being retained in saved sessions in the latter versions...unless they fixed those show stopping bugs recently ( citation needed)

    AFAIK none of the new bridges reliably export animation with facial and so I would not reccommend them for trying to use an external program to render( citation needed) besides the OP wants the look of DS Iray and is willing to pay for Hardware and or render farms to use Iray.

    @Wolf359 Hey Wolf, do you plan to do another writeup on BlenderNation like you did before?


    @mysteryisthepoint, Those feature articles, on Blender Nation, are by invitation only.

    Typically One has to be active and posting"interesting" original content in the major online Blender communities like Blenderartist.org

    Well, that's kinda too bad... you are very good at explaining your techniques.

    Thanks MITP!!

    Actually I would love to share more about my Iclone/CC3/Blender pipeline, but it would seem I am somewhat of an outlier in both the Iclone and Blender communities.

    The user base over at Blenderartists.org,(where my Blender modeled spartan Armor was "discovered" by Blendernation), have zero interest in porting in animated Characters from iclone/CC3(or anywhere else)

    And there are only to types of users in the Iclone community.

    Die hard,self titled "Iclonians" who beleive you should render everything in iclone despite the fact that Iclone cannot even do Screen space relflections unless you use the optional ,PAID brute force, path tracer from NVIDIA(Iray), which is no faster rendering animations in iclone than it is in Daz studio.

    And those who use an external renderer prefer UE4 as Reallusion has made it drop dead easy with their free live link plugin for Unreal.

    Although to use that live link plugin you need to own the $500+ dollar version of Iclone Pro pipeline and if you are using RL marketplace bought, Iclone content you you have to purchase an additional "export license" for each item sent to UE4 for rendering.

    I had installed all 12 gigabytes of UE4 on my new Ryzen machine that I purchased back in June, but I had to factory reset & return it due to a bad motherboard

    With my replacement rig, I never bothered to reinstall UE4 as I find Blender 2.83 much more "discoverable" thus MY pipeline only requires the base version of Iclone,CC3 pipeline and of course the ability to model your own assets thus avoiding any rapacious export licensing fees.
  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    This is another cute animation I did using Daz Iray. In my opinon Toons are more fun to animate that trying to do photorealiistic

    click to play Best viewed in 1080hd

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    This is one of my 3delight rendered toon animatons :)

    click to play

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    This is one I did with human to creature transformation

    best viewed in 1080 HD

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