I'm trying to make a budget for an animation project. I may need experienced Dazzlers!



  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited August 2020

     I hope the OP finds some combination of content and software packages (plural) suitable to the requirements of the project.

    It would seem that there are plenty of alternative ways to combine software programs into a workable pipeline.  Three completely different examples just in recent posts include @WendyLuvsCatz, @wolf359, and @Ivy They each seem to have very different goals with their animations, so I would hope that folks take that into account when viewing their examples.  It is incredibly generous of each of them to share their work with us, and I would hope that enough of us express appreciation to swamp the trolls.

    Special shout out to @Ivy for posting multiple examples in the thread.  I've only dipped the slightest tip of my tippy-toe in animation waters and am very greatful for the insights.  And Wendy knows she is my hero (heroine) for being competely and unashamedly out there in her choices of subject matter.  The world needs more whimsy! ...and Wendy is here to give it to us.  I haven't had as much interaction with wolf359 because of pipeline and subject matter differences but have long admired from afar.

    Keep up the great work, animators.  heart

    P.S.  In the Carrara corner, we have @Dartanbeck and a whole extra group at carrarators.

    EDIT: link to Carrarators, a forum dedicated to animating in Carrara - http://www.bond3d.byethost18.com/?i=1

    Post edited by Diomede on
  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited August 2020

    Thanks @Diomede I like to try to make people smile with my animations.

     This was a fluid test I made with a funny ending. :) Best viewed in 1080hd

    Post edited by Ivy on
  • thanks for tag TheMysteryIsThePoint :) I can only give you MY experience I'm working on a web series been using Daz since 2014 I love it, it's not the best a lot of other animators have told me to try Cinema 4D or Iclone or even blender but I can't give it up I love it to much and I myself find it easy to animate it's just the DForce simulation that can be a pain but its something that is pretty new, Dude excuse my ignorance if you serious about this you have to be loaded like Millions I spent 4k on a custom-built PC I allow myself not to go over the budget of 600 pounds a month I have 1 animator I buy all my assets of Daz I hire voice actors, custom music, sometimes effects (but I recently brought Fluidos and semo particles and learning how to do that) and with all this, I barely stick to my budget the BEST thing is daz has a lot of sales sometimes so I try my best to wait for the sales before I buy the assets I want, BUT your on about custom assests? you are looking at triple the price maybe? I brought a custom spear object no morphs no textures and that cost me 60 dollars (maybe I got ripped off? but a friend said that's cheap really ) I do wish you luck, BUT don't do what I did and rush into anything plan first :) but Goodluck and I would love to hear more about this project if it comes to light :)

  • thanks for tag TheMysteryIsThePoint :) I can only give you MY experience I'm working on a web series been using Daz since 2014 I love it, it's not the best a lot of other animators have told me to try Cinema 4D or Iclone or even blender but I can't give it up I love it to much and I myself find it easy to animate it's just the DForce simulation that can be a pain but its something that is pretty new, Dude excuse my ignorance if you serious about this you have to be loaded like Millions

    I can't really get into the details right now, but what I want to do visually, believe it or not, Daz is the best for it. Ok, if Disney buys the project then, let's face it... they might not want to use Daz as much as me. But for a mid-level production, my project is kind of suited to Daz's stronger points. I love working with Daz as well. The thing about Maya is that it's hard for one person to really be effective with it. There are a handful of tools, Lightwave, Cinema 4d, Daz, Poser, maybe you can even throw Studio Max in this category as well, where one person can do quite a lot to communicate the needed message. Sure, it's not Pixar, but there you have literally THOUSANDS of people working on the thing. One person can cover a lot of ground with Daz if they know the program inside and out.


  • backgroundbackground Posts: 430

    I hope this is not one of those "I can't afford to pay you right now, but you will be well rewarded when the work is complete" sort of projects. 

  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,191

    I hope this is not one of those "I can't afford to pay you right now, but you will be well rewarded when the work is complete" sort of projects. 

    But think of the exposure!

  • Gordig said:

    I hope this is not one of those "I can't afford to pay you right now, but you will be well rewarded when the work is complete" sort of projects. 

    But think of the exposure!

    Yes! I've got literally dozens of followers!

  • I hope this is not one of those "I can't afford to pay you right now, but you will be well rewarded when the work is complete" sort of projects.

    Gordig said:

    But think of the exposure!

    Yes! I've got literally dozens of followers!

    I think I feel like the coach of the Bad New Bears, first day on the job, must have felt. 

  • I hope this is not one of those "I can't afford to pay you right now, but you will be well rewarded when the work is complete" sort of projects.

    Gordig said:

    But think of the exposure!

    Yes! I've got literally dozens of followers!

    I think I feel like the coach of the Bad New Bears, first day on the job, must have felt. 

    I can only imagine. Offhand I'm guessing projects like this usually don't look for people in forums like this, but I'm also not at the level of talent you're looking for so I don’t know how things are handled among pros. Looking forward to someday seeing what comes of this. :)

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited August 2020

    I hope this is not one of those "I can't afford to pay you right now, but you will be well rewarded when the work is complete" sort of projects.

    Gordig said:

    But think of the exposure!

    Yes! I've got literally dozens of followers!

    I think I feel like the coach of the Bad New Bears, first day on the job, must have felt. 

    I can only imagine. Offhand I'm guessing projects like this usually don't look for people in forums like this, but I'm also not at the level of talent you're looking for so I don’t know how things are handled among pros. Looking forward to someday seeing what comes of this. :)

    speaking from personal experience, I have gotten more than a few consignment and commissioned animation jobs from the daz forum, and the biggest reason I lurk these forums. most f the work I get here is in the form of piece work or animated presets.  but yea "Pros" tend to look for talent in forums where artist are suppose to hang out smiley

    edited for spelling I am very dyslexic sorry

    Post edited by Ivy on
  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    Oh I might mentioned to y'all . you might send Deadly Buda a email . Because projects like this also require other artist besides animators, he may need concept artist, lighting experts, sound engineers, Texture artist, background & HDRi artist.  Iray Render master, .script coders people who can use Photoshop etc. and so on. there are more to a animated project than just animation part. in reality that is why its so hard for one person using any one software to make a full length animated film and I only know of one person who is even capable of it here at daz and it isn't me.

     So even if you don't think you have animation skills, you may have something to offer with other skills I'd give him a PM & ask him  at least see what its about .

  • ParadigmParadigm Posts: 421

    Animation in DAZ is bad. Its clunky and buggy and rendering will take days upon days. Even the people who seems to know what they're doing make animations that look amateurish compared to even simple tools like SFM. 

    Don't waste your time. Get someone to rig your characters in Blender and get a Blender animator.

    Gordig said:
    Ivy said:

    instead of saying daz is aweful and bla bla bla. Why do people come to daz forums if they feel that way ?

    Nobody is saying that DS is awful; they're simply pointing out that DS is not ideally suited for extensive animation work, which is a fact. DS is lacking numerous features that any other 3D program has - even Carrara - that make animating faster, easier and even better. Iray also is not a great rendering engine for animation, and if you like the look of Iray, you can achieve similar or even better results with a number of other render engines. Just because you've decided that DS works for you doesn't mean that it's the best tool for the job, and the OP should know that going into this.

    I'm saying its awful for animation. Because it is. It's fantastic for still frames, but you seem to have a decent handle on the reasons why I think its garbage for animation.

  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837
    Ivy said:

    Oh I might mentioned to y'all . you might send Deadly Buda a email . Because projects like this also require other artist besides animators, he may need concept artist, lighting experts, sound engineers, Texture artist, background & HDRi artist.  Iray Render master, .script coders people who can use Photoshop etc. and so on. there are more to a animated project than just animation part. in reality that is why its so hard for one person using any one software to make a full length animated film and I only know of one person who is even capable of it here at daz and it isn't me.

     So even if you don't think you have animation skills, you may have something to offer with other skills I'd give him a PM & ask him  at least see what its about .

    Thanks Ivy!!

    And I would definately include Tim Vining Creator of the "Star Trek Aurora" fan film and OP of the "Animators Assemble" Thread here.

    I was planning to do a "making of " ,after finishing "Galactus Rising" but I had already begun My migration away from C4D & Daz studio and was not really interested in making a video about my old,defunct pipeline.

    You are correct of course, that there are alot of tasks involved in a feature length movie that people here may be able to get hired to perform by the OP of this thread.

    However only some of them involve actually using Daz studio itself.

    To make the particular film I did, required a Mid to Expert level knowledge of the following:
    Iclone pro pipeline versions 5.5-6.5
    Natural motion Endorphin(Discontinued)
    Daz studio Animate 2
    Daz studio graphmate & Keymate
    Multiple Mcasual animation scripts for Daz Studio
    Daz studio's MDD exporter for animate 2
    Daz studio'transfer utility for converting custom clothing meshes for genesis.
    Facegen artist pro for Daz genesis
    Daz mimic pro3 (Discontinued)
    Daz studio mimic Live
    Maxon Cinema4D's Lighting,camera,modeling, material,animation,mograph module,particle,rendering with alpha channels(for VFX compositing) And many third party C4D plugins such as the MDD importer& interposer pro.(Discontinued)
    Adobe photoshop CS (texture editing)
    Adobe illustrator CS for custom spline profiles to create uniques shaped 3D models in C4D and the Official movie poster design.
    Adobe After effects CS For compositing C4D layers, particle and other energy effects and Space/planet shots as well as color grading, Custom animated Scifi interface designs for Sci fi video screen displays in the film
    Knowledge of third party After Effects plugins For lense flare and holographics effects.

    Knowledge of sound editing and environmental sound design ( Foley work) and the ability to harvest free sound resources online and convert them for use in a nonlinear video editor.

    Multi-lingual ,both gender, voice acting ,(English ,Arabic ,Russian) with passably Authentic Dialects.

    Knowledge of a pro level nonlinear video editor(not windows movie maker!!) ex. Apple Final cut, Davinci Resolve,Sony,vegas etc.

    And ALOT of patience!!!!!
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,618

    still the best DAZ studio animation I have ever seen

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,618
    edited August 2020

    another awesome animation series

    some of their work used Poser but later stuff did use DAZ studio

    check out this channel


    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,851
    edited August 2020

    ROSA is indeed pretty cool, if I remember the guy who created it  did sign a development deal in Hollywood.

    Post edited by FirstBastion on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    tagging @Dartanbeck as he has not popped in yet.  Lots of good info and references in his thread


  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

     I agree with Wendy Rosa is one of the best Daz films I've seen too, and that was before iray

  • Paradigm said:

    I'm saying its awful for animation. Because it is. It's fantastic for still frames, but you seem to have a decent handle on the reasons why I think its garbage for animation.

    It really depends on what you want to do and what your natural approach is. Basically, you could do just about anything you wanted back in 1998 with Lightwave, Max, C4D even Strata Studio Pro and a compositor for goodness sakes. It really just depends on your dedication to artistic detail. Go-Figure's Aniblock system, for example, I think is quite great and unique and needs more attention. I started out with 3d animation just as IK was being employed in the major programs. IK is ok for some things, not so great for other things. Likewise, certain programs are good for a certain type of pipeline, others not. For example, Lightwave has long been known as a good solution for TV workflows, Max was great for games. Maya great for movies. Daz is better for telling stories than most of you people realize. Yes, there are some silly holes in Daz that other programs literally had in 1996 (animated textures, for example). However, by Daz concentrating on figures and the more human resonant aspects of 3d animation, it makes it quite suited to a well-told story if you don't have the production budget and pipeline of a Pixar or Dreamworks. Daz gives people the chance to tell original stories and that will be more important as time goes on. It is built on a more solid foundation than most of your realize.

  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837
    Modern Character animation systems Like MOBU & Iclone have IK FK switching on demand as there are times when editing/refining a characters motion where you do not want to be fighting the IK solver

    This however is no excuse to NOT have a functional IK solver as such a feature is vital to foot/floor contact solving during root locomotion.

    I agree good story telling can be achieved with any character software but the notion that Daz studio is somehow "Better" than progams like Maya because the Daz humans "look better" is just fanboi myopia IMHO.

    There are quantifiable reasons why on screen Movie Character performances like "Thanos" or "Gollum" would be Mission impossible with Daz studio and genesis models.
  • wolf359 said:
    Modern Character animation systems Like MOBU & Iclone have IK FK switching on demand as there are times when editing/refining a characters motion where you do not want to be fighting the IK solver

    This however is no excuse to NOT have a functional IK solver as such a feature is vital to foot/floor contact solving during root locomotion.

    A good point, but how many times do you really want to show a character's feet?

    wolf359 said:
    I agree good story telling can be achieved with any character software but the notion that Daz studio is somehow "Better" than progams like Maya because the Daz humans "look better" is just fanboi myopia IMHO.

    Perhaps guilty as charged.

    wolf359 said:
    There are quantifiable reasons why on screen Movie Character performances like "Thanos" or "Gollum" would be Mission impossible with Daz studio and genesis models.

    Sure, making Gollum requires more than the bones and facial morphs of Gen8. But who needs to make a Gollum? The Simpsons, Beavis and Butthead, South Park... just 3 easy examples of successful entertaining animation that well, looks kinda crude all things considered. To make a compelling animation, you don't need to go to the ILM level.


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,618

    I have been watching lots of MikuMikuDance animations lately and all their cloths and hair move so effortlessly 

  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837
    wolf359 said:
    Modern Character animation systems Like MOBU & Iclone have IK FK switching on demand as there are times when editing/refining a characters motion where you do not want to be fighting the IK solver

    This however is no excuse to NOT have a functional IK solver as such a feature is vital to foot/floor contact solving during root locomotion.

    A good point, but how many times do you really want to show a character's feet?

    wolf359 said:
    I agree good story telling can be achieved with any character software but the notion that Daz studio is somehow "Better" than progams like Maya because the Daz humans "look better" is just fanboi myopia IMHO.

    Perhaps guilty as charged.

    wolf359 said:
    There are quantifiable reasons why on screen Movie Character performances like "Thanos" or "Gollum" would be Mission impossible with Daz studio and genesis models.

    Sure, making Gollum requires more than the bones and facial morphs of Gen8. But who needs to make a Gollum? The Simpsons, Beavis and Butthead, South Park... just 3 easy examples of successful entertaining animation that well, looks kinda crude all things considered. To make a compelling animation, you don't need to go to the ILM level.


    You are quite correct that not every animation needs to be on the level of the Framestore or ILM which is why the only program that should be mentioned in comparison to Daz studio is Poser..not Autodesk Maya,Max or even vestigial programs Like Lightwave3D

    At any rate as an animated filmaker myself, I wish you the best with finding qualified ,Paid employees for your current project.
  • We can do it for 100K-150K.

    That's it.  


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