CC#54 WiPs ~ What is it that you truly desire? after party Chit Chat

Carrara Challenge #54 or CC#54
What is it that you truly desire?
well, besides Carrara 10
this theme is open to your interpretation of desire as long as it falls within DAZ3D ToS
You must use Carrara ( any version ) ~ it is a Carrara Challenge
You can use plug-ins that are/were programmed for use in Carrara.
Postwork is allowed after showing the original in WiP
Need help in interpretations?
WiPs ~ you need to show your Work in Progress screen shots so we all can learn stuff about Carrara.
Thankyou to our generous sponsor DAZ3D for offering the following awards to the winners:
Best Artist Participation: $50 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
1st Place: $50.00 towards DAZ3D owned item(s)
2nd Place: $50.00 towards DAZ3D owned item(s)
3rd Place: $45.00 Towards DAZ3D owned item(s)
(Can only Win Once)
DATES to Remember-
WIP Thread Opens: NOW!
Entry Thread Opens: Thursday, 1st October 2020
Entry Thread Closes/Voting Begins: Sometime on Thursday, 15th October 2020
Voting Ends: Sometime on Sunday 25th October 2020
of course with me being the Supweme Wacky Weader everything could change ~ it is 2020 after all!
#RESERVED for other stuff.... dunno what yet
still dunno what.....
** Entries are limited to 45ish .... but beware the more entries you enter lessens your chances of getting maximum votes on your best entry...

edited to add:
Entry Thread Closes Sometime on Thursday, 15th October 2020
which will be sometime Friday Australian time... probably around 4pmish time when we feed the kangaroos.
Okay First Bite - P-51 Mustang my all time favourite aircraft
Fairly basic Carrara Scene. Most work was modifying the markings to represent a 1950s RAAF aircraft
A Loyal 4 Legged Companion
Am using that plugin called DAZ Studio to make Multiplane Cyclorama textures from Howie's Ultra Scenery to use in Carrara. After rendering the Ultra Scenery scene in Iray I use PSP to overlay segments of the render on a Multiplane Cyclorama template.
A Pet Dragon to play with your Pet Dog
interesting challenge, i'm in!
A philosophical Challenge theme? If one is being honest, unearthing what "you truly desire" could be disturbing (in a good way).
I had to let the idea percolate for a while. This morning, I suddenly realized that there is a render on my bucket list which fits the theme. Not sure I have the skills yet. but it will be fun giving it a go.
Thanks for disturbing us, Stezza!
Thanks for being the host, Stezza. Fun theme. My thinking cap is on.
Very nice theme!
Aliens and Sci-Fi are my inspirations for now. Here is my first attempt:
I used native render engine and my new creature which is avaliable at Rendo.
It doesn't say how many entries each artist is allowed... 45ish or something?
Cool renders and ideas so far!!!
_ alright, Did'nt see This as the Challege threads
"CC#54" ? uumm? not sure of this means ?
~Alrite then, thanx~
45ish ~ sounds like what we truly desire ~ renders galore
sounds great to me
but beware the more entries you enter lessens your chances of getting maximum votes on your best entry...

CC#54 is shorthand for Carrara Challenge #54 ~ so it fits in the topic title
also WiPs = Works in Progress
just say CC
you know the subject just hit me out of the blue yesterday... and also being my wife's favourite TV show at the moment
great start @bunyip02 can't beat those old warbirds
Car 54 where are you....
@Vyusur I reckon you will give us some awesome images with this theme
the Supweme Weader is at it again!
great theme - lots of goodies already popped up in t his thread
I'm off to render a million bucks....
~ and thanx for over-explaining _ (not that , mind over-explaing)
just say ~O'Gradys~
kewl broad topic, covers many possibilities
my brain went straight to man muskles playing nekkie beach volleyball
My third eye can't unsee that image now! Thanks Misty lol
hope all is going well... let's see some renders of your balls..... volleyballs that is
tee ee. bad mitten mebbe? muskle dudes swatting the shuttlecock
Happy to see you here Misty!
Vyusur - very nice Alien !
Stezza - love the Weader, Tiger might be wondering where those clothes came from !
Miss Universe
Thank you so much Bunyip!
+1 ~ _ and somehow reminds of MassEffect
I recognized that outfit
big litty wants a big ball of yarn threads?
it's the only piece of clothing I have for G8 F & M ~ dunno where it came from, maybe one of the sales or G8 download, didn't even know I had it till I went looking for clothes lol
I used your transfer to get it onto Genesis
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