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Raiders of the Lost Genie Bottle... awesome stuff, though I would of liked more pronunciation of billowing white smoke coming from the bottle.. good use of techniques love it
the Banana
it appealed
Ahhhhh....thanks UnifiedBrain. That opens up, yeah, a lot of possibilities rather what I desire. Man I'm dense...

yep, open up your imagination to the endless possibilities
Grizzley Mike discovers something even more desirable than hanging out with bears...
How this render came about: I loaded Michael 5 into Carrara because I was trying to answer a question on the forum about loading Genesis from Smart Content. Once the character was loaded, I had to have a play. :) Skin tecture was the main focus. Dimension Theory's Monterey HDR was part of the process.
At another time, I downloaded an object file into Carrara because it looked interesting (cottage.obj). I altered it significantly in the modeling and texture rooms.
For this Challenge, I decided to combine the Cottage and M5, and added the bear (Philemo cutout) and the windows with blurred reflections (had never done them before).
All the hair on M5 is Carrara hair, except the eyebrows.
This render is dedicated to Misty and Wendy. I don't think he has a hairy crack, but I didn't render that part to find out. :)
No postwork.
I worry about Grizzly Mike
Stezza - thanks for the comment and suggestion for genie. Animation of the flying critter is great, especially given when made. Flying banana is yet another classic.
UB - another good one, skin looks especially well done, the touch up job on the cabin is most excellent.
Carrara Developing Nicely
Another quickie.
What I truly desire is Carrara developing nicely, and I might start by adding the UVMapping tools from Hexagon to Carrara's modeling room. The image is a variation on a classic Elvgren pinup.
Hammer is a Daz3D sold prop in a folder called toolbox. Figure is G2F with Ringo's Olympia skin shader and the 5 Times a Lady hair acquired in the Daz store (not sure if still available). The clothing top is from CWOveralls and the shorts are from the Lucille Bikini, both in the Daz store. I had to change the textures of everything. The set is pretty simple. I took screen shots of carrara and hexagon and applied them to planes. I modeled the simple step ladder.
I rendered out a shadow pass and did two renders, one with shadows and one without. The only postwork I did was softening the shadows and adding a sig.
Thanks for the comment, Diomede!
_ okay , Google Fonts has many free ( 950, or some such) _worth a look ~ thanx
Stezza - wonderful Banana peel !
UB - excellent hairy render, like the components of your scene as well !
Diomede - very nice, thumb sucking drama too !
wowsers, how to bust your thumb!
very cool render tacking Hexagon on like that
I can just imagine Grizzly Mike is looking at his electric razor ( out of shot ) but no power to plug it into
how much can a bloke bare bear!
A brand new Flying Car
Fairly basic scene, background image used, also a HDRI for paint/chrome reflections.
Paint Job No.2
Appreciate the comment on Developing Nicely, Stezza.
Bunyip - great car - I want my jetpack! Great job on seamlessly fitting in with the backdrop.
Yet another quickie by me. This is the Poser 7 male (Simon) and an outfit from the world leaders collection available through the old Content Paradise. Genghis Khan.
The base is the Coverage Pass and Shadow Pass from Carrara. I took that composite to filter forge to get a sketch.
The quote is disputed. But whether or not Genghis Khan said it, Conan did.
_ And a few/several renders _ mostly Incomplete ~
_ and How many CPU cores will Carrara use ?? _ Thanx ~
Cool UnifiedBrain!
Great composition, and agree, skin looks great. Thanks for explanations and cheers to demonstrating blury reflections. So cool Carrara can do so much out of the box.
Ok, yeah I desire one of those.
Another cool image Bunyip!
(Oops, out of order...)
Very 'nicely' done Diomede....
And thank you for reminding me I have Hexagon on my computer. Recently I have been looking for some alternatives to UV mapping in Carrara, especially unwrapping, and...supposed "interopability" between a few other apps hasn't been working for me well these days. Hexagon is right under my nose so I will check it out.
P.S. And she's seated in the often underlooked Spline Modeler!!
Haha Diomede.
Cool looking 'sketch' effect. Thanks for posting explanations. Was there a base render? Sorry, I'm not familiar with filter forge.
I really like your work ed3D. It's very....zen / tranquil, at least for me.

It's weird how ideas can just 'pop' into one's brain.
) of Francisco Goya's 'The Parasol '
25 days left...and I finally have a fairly concrete idea. If all goes well it's gonna involve snails and...a salute / 'borrowing' / rip-off (
_ well, Thanx very much ~
I know it is at least 24. Whatever the single machine limit, I know there is a way to use render nodes to add more machines to the render calculations.
Looking good!
DesertDude - thank you for the comments on my recent images. I can't wait to see what you do with the parasol. So much more class than my pinup.
Thanks, took a few tries to get the position !