
Does anyone know what's happend to FastGrab? It seems to rarely change lately, at least not with the regularity it once did. At this rate I reccomend changing the name of this section of the store to "Grab Now or Later".
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Does anyone know what's happend to FastGrab? It seems to rarely change lately, at least not with the regularity it once did. At this rate I reccomend changing the name of this section of the store to "Grab Now or Later".
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"updates daily" should be changed to "updates sometimes" :-)
I've assumed that it's kind of like all the "limited time only" sales that run for days (and sometimes weeks.) Too many irons in the fire at the same time and not enough iron-in-the-fire changers.
yes the tension of what's in Fastgrab today is totally gone
...the thrill is gone
The thrill is gone away
The thrill is gone baby
The thrill is gone away...
I think FastGrab has gone the way of March Madness and the PA sale...... replaced by the everyday is a special sale strategy.
you can do Fastgrab with "Slowhand" now
They're also recyling the same outfits. Those cutsie anime oufits that were on a few days ago have been on offer before.
it haz lost some of it's luster. :roll:
i can remember waiting for the Delirium outfit to hit the fastgrab. waited over 6 months, and had to check during the night, cause it went by quantity sold.
After Delirium, breathlessly waited for Novarian Holy.
those were the dayz my friend, thought they'd never end ...
"Daily" is the new "Soon".
Especially since 70% off doesn't look as enticing when a lot of the same product is hitting 80% off and higher in the V4/M4 sales.
Thinking on it, though, I imagine that a lot of the PAs aren't willing to put products in Fast Grab at the same time they're participating in PC+ or some of DAZ's other marketing brainstorms. Stack 30% off on top of 70% off and then add in one of the store category sales and... well, at some point you're going to end up having to pay the customers to take your products.
I feel like it's been the same general items since I joined over a month ago. Maybe 15 items total circulated every so often. On many levels, if they need more "iron changers" shouldn't they hire more people or eliminate some of the irons? As a new comer, I can assure you that this seems more like chaos than anything. It doesn't make me want to invest.
the peasant outfit is only 30% off.
i've had it in my w/l a couple of times.
"Daily" is the new "Soon".
Oh please say that this is not so. 8-/
The first step to solving a problem is to acknowledge that you have a problem.
I've always gotten the impression they believe that they are in the driver's seat of the only car in town, whereas their actual position is more like that of the guy in the glass booth at the gas station.
It shows up at $5.99 (i.e. 70% off the regular $19.95 price) for me.
It shows up at $5.99 (i.e. 70% off the regular $19.95 price) for me.
kewl. this morning it showd at 13.97.
spent my money on the llama :lol:
The first step to solving a problem is to acknowledge that you have a problem.
I've always gotten the impression they believe that they are in the driver's seat of the only car in town, whereas their actual position is more like that of the guy in the glass booth at the gas station.
Ah, the notorious first step, always the tripping hazard!
The first step to solving a problem is to acknowledge that you have a problem.
I've always gotten the impression they believe that they are in the driver's seat of the only car in town, whereas their actual position is more like that of the guy in the glass booth at the gas station.
Cybersox next time you're in Salt Lake City you should swing by and visit our offices. I'd bet you'd be surprised. (I'm not saying it would be a good surprise lol). That's an open invitation as long as I'm employed at DAZ.
I just checked the fastgrab scheduler and it looks like it flipped over on the 9th, and again on the 10th, and it will flip tomorrow as well. In fact looking through the history it looks like the only days we missed in a long while were the Monday and Tuesday of this week, and then a few days in the latter half of June. (Keep in mind that it doesn't flip on weekends).
At the moment there are some XP Pointblank characters in FG - with no discount ... Please?
Yeah, this is a definite problem. The discounts don't register for many hours-- yesterday IIRC it still wasn't registering early in the morning Pacific Standard Time.
repeats repeating again. there must be a very limited fastgrab pool.
Cybersox next time you're in Salt Lake City you should swing by and visit our offices. I'd bet you'd be surprised. (I'm not saying it would be a good surprise lol). That's an open invitation as long as I'm employed at DAZ.
I just checked the fastgrab scheduler and it looks like it flipped over on the 9th, and again on the 10th, and it will flip tomorrow as well. In fact looking through the history it looks like the only days we missed in a long while were the Monday and Tuesday of this week, and then a few days in the latter half of June. (Keep in mind that it doesn't flip on weekends).
I'm confused here, because what I'm seeing on my end certainly hasn't changed that regularly. Also, in recent weeks alone you acknowledge multiple weekdays that it didn't change, so apparently "Updates Daily" is no longer a fair representation of what's happening.
My concern here is the safety of my investment. It's glaringly obvious that there are more "Daz Balls" in the air than a reasonable group should expect to be able to juggle. What happens to my purchases once they all come crashing down? When the customer base is depleted by the consistent refusal to acknowledge that there's a problem? It won't take long before lack of funds leads to fewer updates and eventually no updates at all. Because many products are Daz Exclusive, what happens if no one updates DSON? Have I lost my investment at that point, or at least prevented its growth as I'm forced to start over elsewhere?
Fastgrab is only one of a myriad of problems that aren't being addressed at all, much less to my satisfaction.
I'd like Fast Grab to be more changeable than it is now - I check it very often. And more diversity; it would be great if there were products from such popular vendors like Sickleyield, Dreamlight, Valea, Raiya, FWArt, M3D, Merlin, Valandar or Stonemason. It seems there are only a few PAs being recycled all the time.
Cybersox next time you're in Salt Lake City you should swing by and visit our offices. I'd bet you'd be surprised. (I'm not saying it would be a good surprise lol). That's an open invitation as long as I'm employed at DAZ.
I just checked the fastgrab scheduler and it looks like it flipped over on the 9th, and again on the 10th, and it will flip tomorrow as well. In fact looking through the history it looks like the only days we missed in a long while were the Monday and Tuesday of this week, and then a few days in the latter half of June. (Keep in mind that it doesn't flip on weekends).
I'm confused here, because what I'm seeing on my end certainly hasn't changed that regularly. Also, in recent weeks alone you acknowledge multiple weekdays that it didn't change, so apparently "Updates Daily" is no longer a fair representation of what's happening.
My concern here is the safety of my investment. It's glaringly obvious that there are more "Daz Balls" in the air than a reasonable group should expect to be able to juggle. What happens to my purchases once they all come crashing down? When the customer base is depleted by the consistent refusal to acknowledge that there's a problem? It won't take long before lack of funds leads to fewer updates and eventually no updates at all. Because many products are Daz Exclusive, what happens if no one updates DSON? Have I lost my investment at that point, or at least prevented its growth as I'm forced to start over elsewhere?
Fastgrab is only one of a myriad of problems that aren't being addressed at all, much less to my satisfaction.
If I had to guess, I don't think FastGrab is a priority at the moment. When DAZ started FG, promos like it were popular. Amazon had one at the time that I believe DAZ used as a model. Originally, items were time and/or quantity limited at deep discount prices. As time passed, sites like Amazon got rid of Fast Grab promos in favor of others. In all honesty, DAZ should seriously consider changing the name from Fast Grab to Daily Deal or something of that nature.
I doubt very much the existence or decreased attention to the Fast Grab section of the store will affect development of things like the DSON. If for some reason it did, you would learn to adapt. Over the years of using both Poser and DS, I've had to adapt to changes in the apps as well as loss of vendors or vendor lack of updates for plugins. I have multiple versions of Poser and DS installed because of this.
Well ... Fastgrab sure IS stuck now ...
Yep, and just incase those in Daz Land wanted to try to deny it again, I've compiled this from the past couple weeks...
Eh, I'm on my phone now, I can add more later from my computer if neccesary.
They're probably trying to avoid putting anything that's in another sale for less (or has a stacking discount) in the FG. And since damn near every vendor that normally shows up in FG is on sale in some way or form right now...
You are awake at 2:30 in the morning? Wow. I guess you work the night shift?
You are awake at 2:30 in the morning? Wow. I guess you work the night shift?
No, but my husband does. I generally try to nap when my kids do during the day, then I wake up for an hour or so when my husband gets home around 2:30am to chat with him and hear how his day was
Maybe it's on vacation...