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Thanks. So the former didn't show up, because I have it already, lol. And I better nab the other before it's gone forever, just because it was for an older generation before the updated hair came out I guess.
Now, I need to go back and look, tho I don't think it was this bad on the 2GHz 4core processor near the beginning of this thread. I don't recall it being that bad then in Studio 4.6 back in the day. This is on 8 cores running at 4GHz, twice the cores running at twice the clock. This is why I normally don't use this figure by the way (Dark Elf for G2F), it's impossible to work with.
Your eyes are not deceiving you, that's 28 minutes and nothing has happened.
Now, can you imagine adjusting a pose around a sward to get the displacement maps to line up between the figure and a sward or something. Make an adjustment, then walk away for over 28 minutes before you can tell if you need to move the dial a tad more or not. lol.
Enough of that, there is some hair colors I want to look at.
Looks like I purchased the G2F version and the colors around Jun of last year.
I'm pulling in the other color set from the other place now.
So, this is a very nice Elf-ear friendly style, and is very nice to have a G3F version around. I'll fire up Studio as soon as I get all the stuff installed for the new version.
"O", and by the way, It looks like that Mayan temple combo was also released around that time.
I'll need to revisit that set, as I am completely unprepared for the day. At the very least, happy May 5th y'all.
OK, Knolling somewhat in progress. This is a lot of options for a hair style that only came with Three colors.
I feel that it is a shame this set is slated for the scrap bin, especially if it works perfectly fine on the G3F version of the Augusta Hair by Goldtassel. The only other styles that have anywhere near this many options is the styles that EJ make (EmmaAndJordi ).
(sips some coffee)
Even if I have to manually put the maps into the surface tab for the hair, I am impressed with the maps included. The Presets, are actually in DUF format. None of that Glowing Game controller Poser Conversion grief, I don't think anyway.
I think Aiyana would have been happy with something like this even if it was not a Playstation, instead of "Leftovers from Chernobyl" as she calls it, lol.
Aiyana - "Is it supposed to be glowing like that!? ...
Enough, time to plug this in and see if it, well, breaks or not.
(EDIT) the more I think about it, I think there is an Edit-monkey typo going on in the store. The G2F version of Augusta hair came with four colors, yet the G3F version only has three colors listed. Hmmm.
Nope, false alarm. The G3F version only comes with three colors.
OK, I am very impressed with this on G2F. First off, this is what is in the (not so) smart tab for the Augusta hair on G2F (FWSA Aiyana with FW Eve's ears. DazDefault Shader). I think that is the expansion colors (Colors for Augusta Hair), and the colors included with the Agusta hair here at Daz.
And a quick test of a random preset from the Wolfie add on set (Touchable Augusta).
That is very impressive.
Oh, and the ear on the other side not rendered.
On to the G3F version... Pleas excuse the looping theme game menu music, Aiyana has insisted that no one touch the in-progress game. I think it is just frozen and she is just waiting for the magic smoke to escape the game console, lol.
Initial thoughts, the default color for the Augusta hair dose not look all that bad on FWSA Paloma (G3F figure).
Now granted, I did rip out my hair for a few weeks working out the settings for this particular Alt Shader (DazDefault) for Paloma, and I'm sure it is nothing like what Fred and Sabby intended the mats to look like in 3DL. As for the hair, very nice indeed.
And apparently, the G2F/G1F color set by Wolfie (Touchable Augusta) works perfectly fine on the G3F version of the hair.
I better do some more pose testing to be sure the hair is indeed good, however the basic color settings in the Touchable Augusta is very good and works fine.
So, ah, looks good with a few poses as well.
There appears to be good adjustments as well for working around outfits.
Good. That's good. Now can we pleas fix the spell check, so when you click it, it actually turns on, lol.
FWSA Paloma, with FWSA Vanessa's ears. (Ear style one of two that is in the Vanessa product).
Nice.. I actually don't have that texture set, I think I'll go pick it up, fairly certain I have that hair (G2 or G3, maybe both, not sure.) I've been strugling to find a hair that works well with those ears so that's great. =)
Given the sheer number of color options, If you already have the hair, just get the set. The Clearance sale has it for around five USD, and it probably will not be around forever. I just so happened to get a bonus freebie for buying it (whatever that was about), for another style I don't have at this time (Touchable for Galene Hair, The hair is in a Olympia7 bundle I don't have). It's not super expensive, and it's well worth it for the extra colors.
Disclaimer on the hair if you don't already have it. I'm a PC member here at daz, and got that for a very good bargain (I think it was under 10 USD for the G2F hair and color set), so again it is not super expensive. The mats that are included are good, tho sometimes at the right angle they do lack that minor touch of real look in a render, reminiscent of a lot of generation 4 (V4) or 5 (V5) clothing maps (It's good enough for me). The add on set form Renderosity is a tad better on some maps, tho the color options sells it there. I don't know how many times I've picked a hair for a figure, and it just didn't have the neon colors I was looking for.
None of it is Iray, (EDIT 09May2016) tho I don't think it would be that difficult to port it over (It's a simple photographed surface with Specular/gloss, Opacity, and Diffuse maps). (EDIT 09May2016) The add on pack by Wolfie (Touchable Augusta) has just been updated with Iray settings, and some Poser things as well (Firefly, and Superfly).
It's better that way if you want it to render Today, lol. That and I think the Daz Default shader has been somehow adapted to Iray in Studio 4.8 and lateer versions.
It works with the Elf ears that I tried so far, I will not guarantee that it works for every ones ears.
Most of the ears tucked in nicely under the hair on the sides, tho the one I tried did stick out quite a bit. That set of dials at 100% just barely got the strands over the ear. At 100%, there is a bald spot behind the ears that some may not consider 'Natural looking", I will respond with "Then why are you messing with Elf ears", lol.
(I need to make a screen-cap)
It also would not be terribly difficult to just toss a D-former on the hair to move both sides for the other elf ears. A single D-former should do it if the set of dials doesn't.
And understandable 'adherence' for PA's that want to keep the number of maps in a product at a minimum (for many reasons). AoA dose not require a color added to the Subsurface map for it to work, and I think Iray requires or dose not allow maps to be offset by a color setting. For example of what I'm trying to describe, here is a dress sleeve with a diffuse map and I added a random blue/purple-ish backing color as well, that will be added to that map.
So, in any case, with Iray to AoA conversion, the same map will work in both shaders with a pure white backing color in AoA. However Omni is broken, and Subsurface will not work unless that backing color on the Subsurface Chanel is at a minimum color tinting, it actually will kick an error if you try to use white and a map. That error has been briefly discussed earlier, and the result is that any map will need to be altered for whatever color is chosen to make Subsurface work on the Omni shader. So that is instantly a map for each surface for the 3DL, and a separate set of maps for Iray that the PA has to make, in order to use Omni.
And with HD figures, Omni is not the cure all for face-plant times in 3DL. For whatever reason that I don't understand, simply adding HD to a figure increases the Subsurface Precompute delay by expediential amounts (worse then simple logarithmic increase in times). Face-plant times jump from between 45 seconds to 3 minutes without HD, to in excess of fifteen minutes to over forty minutes with HD. So in the end with many figures, it is not a major benefit for PAs to go threw the trouble of making extra maps just to use the Uber shader on HD figures (the returns just are not there).
A simple script (very complex math possibly) to convert the AoA settings to a simple DazDefault shader would be far more useful. Especially if it could match up AoA/DazDefault makeup colors for things like adjusting jewelry colors to match a figures makeup.
Looks like you had put all the pieces of your Comptuer Puzzle together. Happy to see you back in 3D buisness! :)
Yes I know that. But there is no need for those "extra maps", really; all those required SSS tints are cancellable out via "counter-tinting" the diffuse. My old freebie tutorial explained all those tricks, but as I am not a PA, I have no traction among the community, so very few people ever bothered to read it.
As for DS Default, I'd say scripts are overkill. IMO the best "universal" settings are these -
The only thing redundant there is reflection because it doesn't work with the "skin" model.
Other than that, it could be saved as a shader preset and ctrl-clicked over anything. You'd just need to adjust the strengths of the bump and specular channels (if the latter has a map).
And now that we have the "sheen" and what's that other parameter of the "skin" model exposed, it's easy to adjust them to get any skin tone, and also save out presets for ctrl-clicking.
This Aiko3 only used the DS Default shader for the skin and iris/eyewhite:
The over-complicating of things...all the extra maps and such will, to some degree, contibute to slow render times.
lol. well, it is at least running. Figuratively speaking, The fuel injection system is still kind of half sitting in the passenger seat, tho it is at least plugged back in to the engine, lol. Last month the entire fuel system was not even in the car, and I had people asking me to take them to the corner store, lol.
The temporary fans arrived today, there kind of scary looking (I like).
Now I just need to make something to plug a thermistor in between the fan and a power plug. There are lots of simple OpAmp/FET circuits to control the voltage going to the fan controlled by a thermistor. More critically, I need to make it with some form of a "stall prevention circuit", to keep the windings/drivers in the fan from burning out at low RPMs. I'll look at that later, I need some coffee and to wake up a bit, lol.
A little bit of funny business going on where the stator blades attach to the cowling, and the impellers attach to the armature. The little rectangular bits just kind of hanging out on the blades, lol. Tho that was probably the only way to make a single plastic mold for the things.
I know, it is not exactly the blade type I wanted for cooling my computer, tho it will do for now. At least the Deltas can push more then 90CFM when needed. lol.
Yea, I had a similar thought as well. Tho I wanted to finish reading Kettu's link before putting my foot in my mouth, lol.
Your (not specifically you, just in general), are taking a photograph of a surface, and plugging it into the SSS slot, even tho SSS is kind of already in the map, lol. Over complicated for many things it is, and there are other tings as well. In any case, it's not the final render I'm worried about, it's how long it takes to set something up in a scene to get to that final render.
Yes, turning off SSS can make spot-renders go faster, however because a lot of new figures are almost completely SSS color based, it just doesn't work like it use to on older things.
Kettu. yea, I've found settings in those approximate settings do tend to work well on the Daz Default (Not talking about Omni or AoA), depending on how dark the spec maps are. Skin, and mostly for Fingernails, lips. Lips and nails do get a stronger gloss depending on the maps.
I'll drop the SSS map into ambient if there is a map, and set it to around 5% to 10% at most. (Omni, just copy the SSS RGB color as well)
Diffuse is Diffuse, and strengths between 90% and 100% is good. Anything less then 90% tends to lose the saturation (color) of the map.
Spec, strength between 15% to 30% depending how dark the spec map is. Some maps do need much more Specular Strength.
Glossiness around 60% to 70% works well. I've mostly settled on 65% and just adjust the Specular strength for the Specular map.
Map RGB Tinting (Backing Color as I call it), well, I had a spreadsheet that averaged them out for AoA and Omni and gave a Specular and Diffuse RGB color tint to plug in.
The new figures that are based solely on SSS color tinting it dose not work at all on, and I have no clue how to plug in the AoA SSS absorb and transmit RGB dials.
Teeth and Iris do need the reflection strength yanked back from 100% strength to OFF, and the Diffuse color map dropped into the Specular color to keep from getting pure white teeth and skim-milky-white Irises.
Umm...NO. Unless, even in 3Delight-land, you are doing metals, the specular color should be WHITE (maybe a grey, because as a grey it actually works as another sort of strength control...but that's another matter, entirely) and only WHITE...for EVERYTHING, all the time and forever!
The thing is, in real-world physics every non-metallic surface colour is a result of light scattering underneath the surface - "subsurface scattering".
Every non-metallic surface scatters internally to a degree.
What we call "diffuse" in CG is a fast approximation of a case when the light does not penetrate that deep for us to see "translucence".
So where you stick your maps is more of an "artistic decision" - but of course it has to be informed by knowledge of physics _and_ how a particular shader/material works.
UberSurface (both of them) have a whacky internal logic (as far as I was able to understand it without any source code), but I'd still take any of them over AoA's one any day, sorry AoA (he knows I adore his work otherwise). - original UberSurface - UberSurface2
The only "advanced" thing about those images is linear workflow. Everything else is stock DS, no custom code. All the "tricks" are in my ShareCG account =) Tutorials, light sets, etc.
It's quite fast to redo _every_ material, character or not, once you are used to it, know what you have in mind and how to achieve it. If anything, every PA/freebie-maker does stuff their own way (even in Iray), so it's hard to expect that everything you get would be usable for your particular style. // "you" as in "you in general" //
If I had any newer characters, I'd run them through any of the "tricks" and show what's possible to get. But for G3 I only have the free textures that come with DAZ, and maybe a couple of other freebies. Not that many for G2 either.
Lol. For anything else I would agree with that. However for AltShaders for setting up scenes, it's important to see where the eyes are pointed and sometimes the eye color.
Now Fred and Sabby essentially did these settings. I just dropped the Daz Default shader over the AoA using that Control ignore maps. Then I dropped the Reflection strength from 100% down to 0% and put the Diffuse map into the Specular color.
However, If you want it to be white, whatever floats your boat, lol. I prefer to work with the eyes that are easier to see where there pointing and are closer to the regular shader version color. I'm really sure the maps were Photos at one time, so all that other reality stuff is already in the Diffuse map, it dose not need to be added again, lol.
SSS was 25% strength for the eye Irises. I translated it to Ambient to fake SSS on the Daz Default. oops, I forgot that note.
1. Linear workflow...then there is no need for the absolutely physics defying Ambient set to 25% for the eyes. Humans do NOT 'glow'...there is no energy source from a human, in the visible spectrum, that would correspond to what, effectively, is putting a flashlight on the eye surfaces.
2. All of that always was a cheap hack because nothing was done linearly!
3. Ambient is NOT needed, for 'regular' work. It is an 'energy source' and the 'normal' setup of most Studio materials is already not anywhere close to 'energy conserving' and having Ambient ON is probably the single biggest source of 'too much brightness' in any scene.
4. It's the laws of physics that dictate that the specular color is white...not I.
A grey, unless your specular maps are pretty heavy. Remember the reflectance thing, specular is also part of it.
And coloured highlights are a nice enough "cheat" for the iris, Zarcon is right. We won't get caustics with the cornea geometry of DAZ figures.
Douh! yea, the SSS was 25% strength for the eye Irises. That got translated to the Ambient to fake SSS on the Daz Default when I did the eye conversion. I fussed with maps for a few days before just tossing the Diffuse map in and moving on, lol.
I'm not looking for a Reality Shader (or I would just use the provided AoA/Omni shader), I want the spot renders to render today, lol. Besides, it is the Irises layer, there is a few other layers over that doing stuff as well (EyeMoisture, Cornea, etc).
In an "oldschool" scene that doesn't use GI, a few percent of ambient can fake SSS in a pinch. Of course whenever GI kicks in, ambient goes out unless we're talking emissives.
But I had this Carrara scene which was sort of borderline:
I initially wanted to use SSS on the skulls, but it isn't especially fast in Carrara, so I resorted to the ambient cheat, despite the scene using GI. As you can see, it's still fairly convincing - because the bone _is_ supposed to be transmitting light.
I think a point that I was focusing on working around has been lost in the discussion, my apologies. I'm not looking to duplicate what Sabby and Fred has done (and other PA's). I'm looking to get something going that will elevate the problem I'm having with most new stuff, especially the new HD figures. It takes bloody ages for spot renders to do anything, and I can't work with that.
For an example, just refer to the second post on this page. 28 minutes, 28 minutes to see if a dial needs to be adjusted further or not setting up scenes, lol.
That's why I'm completely ditching any and all 'Reality' stuff and going back to the Daz Default shader. So spot renders start doing something, today. lol.
I think We were typing at the same time. As for pitch black scenes, nothing beats MS Paint and a bucket tool, ROFL.
The way most of the coding is for the shaders in Studio, the color and the map get combined, so what is being fed to the final calculation is a grey. But using a color to compensate for nonlinear/other problem is not going to help anything.
As to the geometry...yeah, but that is the reason those damnable baked highlights came into being and are still around...and unless there are none, I don't bother trying to compensate for the lack of 'real', because any baked in ones will just make it worse.
And that's the problem...a few percent, tends to be 'more than 10' in most settings...which WAAAAAAAAAAAY too much (3-5%...maybe, more than 10%...glowbug central). Those eyes at 25% are going to blow out in just about any render. If you can remove all lights from the scene and still discern details, the Ambient is definitely way too high. (Maybe for a Drow, that would be fine for a setting...but definitely not for a human...)
Here's those eye settings without any lights...rendered with 'normal' Studio 3DL settings, Progressive OFF.
If there are light reflections baked into iris maps, that's a huge problem. That sort of maps just cannot be salvaged short of repainting.
But when the maps are fine, sticking them into specular colour won't hurt (when the iris isn't flat). It's an innocent trick that also works for certain types of cloth.
Take a look at this test I did of Poser Sydney - I used the colour trick on the iris there, and it's more natural looking than just leaving it matte:
Wait, do drow eyes glow? I thought it was a Dunmeri feature (lost after Morrowind sadly).
Now here's one with the ambient on the eyes at 3%, a single distant light and Daz Default on everything...
Oh, yeah, with the Default, do remember to turn 'Multiply Specular through Opacity' to OFF for things like the Cornea/Eye reflection, etc...anything that has a 0 to very low (under 5%) Opacity setting (even up to about 20% would be best at off)...because it doesn't matter what the specular is set to, if it is being multiplied by 0.