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And that looks good for pointing eyes or matching up outfit colors. The brown Paloma eye maps are so dark that 25% ambient was not blowing them out. The other lighter colors I agree with 10% max for faking SSS in a light room. In reality, I'm using the Ambient to fake a few things (Velvet and SSS), and I'm setting the strength by doing a few spot renders to ball-park the strength dial.
I think the original FWSA Paloma settings on the eyes in AoA was 50% SSS strength and 100% diffuse strength, so I had to get creative for the Daz Default settings, lol. The Skin is off the deep end at 50% diffuse and 75% SSS strength, so I reverted to 90% diffuse strength and 10% ambient strength (a dice roll). It hasn't done any glowing in any of the scenes I've spot rendered with her yet.
Aparently I used the same settings for FWSA Yulia, it was a conveniant starting point and it looked good enough at the time. Her eyes do need a tad more work if I ever get that close to her in a render.
Reading in bed at night wouldn't be much of a problem for her, then....that's about the equivalent of a good strong wonder there was so much glow.
Here's another one, with tweaked specular settings, a second light and shadows...
Funny thing is, even with everything being 'default' it still was 45 seconds to first pixel, but it rendered in just over 1 min (67 seconds).
45 seconds sounds about right if there is a AoA or Omni surface in there without SSS. Cloth shaders often have a similar pause for me, long enough to take a sip of coffee. It's a lot better then what the HD figures do even with SSS turned off in the AoA/Omni shader.
45 seconds is more then workable. 3 minutes to five minutes is painful. And well, longer often gets canceled and replaced with the daz default, lol.
And, here she is with hair...and bigger, total time 5 mins 25 secs....and still 45 sec to first pixel.
And flipping Progressive back on, dropped the total time to 3 mins 17 secs and time to first pixel to about 5 secs.
Sorry for the delay, I got distracted by elf cuteness, again, lol. Paloma with Vanessa ears left, Yulia right. Alt shaders posted above (and used many times before in other posts).
First pixel in about 18 seconds. Total Rendering Time: 22 minutes 57.20 seconds
So, Amblit, hmmm.
Ambient test, should see some of the other test378 or test042116. Yeah, my render folder has some very interesting names.
And after a few dial spins with some morph dials, I think she's a keeper and kind of reminds me of an Amber....
lol. I thought it was the figure name.
I'm also kind of excited, as there is an outfit I can start using here and there. I can assure you that it works, as for the rest, I've yet to play. I was kind of rebuilding the fuel system in my computer some of the time, and it was many cups of coffee ago.
However, I need to bake up an alt shader for FWSA Vanessa first, so it may be some time before I gat a "round-2-it", lol. Time permitting.
Paloma is the only one I made eye presets for all the eye color options. So I still need to go threw the others and work on there eyes.
(EDIT) yea, that is quite off for the skin tone. (settings from Paloma's AltShader I made earlier)
The eyes are not bad tho.
A few minutes of fussing with the saturation and "Val" of the RGB numbers, I'm kind of happy with that. I may cut back on the green in the spec just a tad for that somewhat yellow shoulder gloss. Tho not bad for a few minutes of playing with RGB numbers.
OK, I fussed a tad more with the settings, over all tho, about there looks good I think.
I think I did get something good from the TJ7 pro bundle. The TJ7 poses (Capsces Poses TJ7) are great for goofing around elves, lol.
OK, Amandla and Kimmy are not bad looking figures, I just haven't thought of any good scenes to have them in. The dance poses are ok, especially for testing outfit JCMs.
And the hair dose work (long pause in thought) I think.
Yea, there is dials to get the tail out of outfits on that one, and you can kind of use the 'Wind' dials on the other to get it out of the shoulder blades.
A little bit of a Thanks, as I play around here a little bit. The (Not so) Smart tab has had a bit of a confusing easy to mix up issue since the launch of Iray, lol. Select an item in the Scene tab, and then select "Materials" in the Smart Tab... What one is for Iray or 3delight (3DL). Some PAs have started putting "Iray" in the name of the presets for Iray, and others have started to make separate Icons for each engine. That is very much appreciated, Thanks.
These screen-caps was from me playing around with some stuff I picked up over the past month. One of was the Miss Von Dark outfit by EJ that I thought would go very nicely with LY Fallon. When I loaded up the scene for the first time, I had the patch and everything on the figure, and for this one I thought the umbrella spike and eye-patch was a tad bit over the top, lol. So I removed the eye-patch by clicking the eyeball in the scene tab, and noticed the eyelashes was missing. At first I thought that was a Geo grafting trick of sorts, so I just deleted the eye patch from the scene tab, and still no eyelashes... Hmmm. After fussing with the figure surface settings, I discovered the missing eyelashes were in the head out of view, ah, there you are. No rather then going into hidden bones and trying to figure out the XYZ transit values to get the eyelashes back to there proper location, there is an easier way. And I can go ahead and select a color preset for the dress in the progress. Select the Von Dark Dress in the scene tab, then go to the smart tab and select "materials".
After selecting a color for the outfit, right click the color preset in the smart tab and select "Show in Content library". (That's a dozen click bypassed shortcut to get there).
Then just back up a folder and find the "Miss Von Dark Lashes Restore". Select the figure in the scene tab (not the dress), then click that, and the eyelashes magically come back. That "Show in Content library" thing is so much of a time saver. Oh, and if you glanced over it, The color presets with "Iray" in the name is for Iray, and the other ones are for 3DL, again, thanks.
Now that is done, and I'm in the Content library pane, Wolfie updated the "Touchable Augusta" color set, and I needed (wanted) to go and select a hair color that closer matched the color in the LY Fallon promos. I'm there I mite as well do that.
Wolfie added some Iray settings for the set within the past few days, and some poser thing presets. Honestly this computer is not the best for Iray, so I'm not going to be showing those presets until I get a Killa-watt-hog graphics card capable of doing Iray (and the extra 3-phase house circuit to deliver the extra power, etc. lol). I know some people are quite fond of Iray, so I know it is important to them to have Iray presets, I just can't do it at this time on a GT730, lol.
So after finding a similar purplish color... I needed some skirt protection and other stuff.
And here is a quick spot-render using an AltShader borrowed from my former work with FWSA Vanessa (color setting posted above).
It needs some work, tho over all that was rather painless, I didn't even need to put a single Dformer on anything I used this time to make it fit Fallon. I'm going to play a little more.
Getting there, still don't have any bracelets or a set/environment picked out yet. I should probably pause to make a short list of what was used so far, before I forget.
LY Fallon, with a custom alt shader.
Miss Von Dark Outfit, Spike replaced with a primitive sphere and cone. Dformer added for a bit of twist on the skirt.
FWSA Tempie HD earrings. not fitted to the G3F figure, just sitting in about the same location. Adjusted the gold just a tad to match the shoes.
Egyptian Outfit sandals (shoes, flip-flops, whatever). Adjusted the inner and outer sides to have a bit of a purple gloss/reflection.
Yulia's Finery stockings with AElflaed's Fancy shaders.
Temporarily in the ZDG Test Chamber (currently only available for 3DL).
The promos do a very good job of showing FWSA Vanessa's ears, tho I decided to do a quick spot render as they were kind of hidden under the one hair style, and I had the other on Paloma rather then Vanessa.
They are very nice ears.
Style Two is rather close to the head, and tends to hide under some hair styles. I used a Dformer to tuck the hair behind the ear for that one spot render, just so it is easy to see. The longer ear style didn't need any dformer at all and I think looks good on a few different figures.
In separate news, as I was taking out the garbage this morning, I noticed a bit of a mist on the pond, so I had to grab my camera. I think it's going to be another rather warm day from the looks of it.
Yea, there are probably better programs at making panoramas then my lacking skills with Gimp. However they cost funds, and this I think is good enough to put outside a window in a scene. Especially the rather small window in FW Eve's place, lol.
OK, this is probably overkill for that window, lol.
Yea, Let me just put the Photos in a seperate post. It's probably better that way. Enjoy Y'all.
Ran them through photoshop for ya..
Also made it into a 360 environment you can put on a sphere.. it's not perfect but it mostly works for a background.
What a beautiful place.
Thanks so much, I was not sure it would look good at all as a 360 degree environment. The idea of an island with a single land bridge is quite enticing, I love it.
That Panorama is actually a bit over 90 degrees, possibly about 100 degrees. There was mobile homes behind me, and a field to the right with vent-pipes in it (not all that much natural nature looking). The 100 degree spread is more then enough to put outside a window, perfect, thanks.
And that is the deceptive part, look closer at the tree line (cringe). Broken trees leaning over and on the ground, flat-top pines, etc. That is scars from all the storms that ravage this place almost constantly, lol.
So, I was trying out a few different ear style mixes, and ended up going a tad further. Left is FWSA Vanessa, Right is a sort of a mix of Livia and Uma.
I swapped out Gia7 for Eva7.
The faded out dials are controlled by the other dials, and need not be touched.
Over all I think that is kind of good right there, the rest has been a bit of a G3F in general WIP over the past few months off and on. There are some attributes "Down there" I'm not particularly happy with.
I can't quite 'Shape' the Dformer field the way I need to in order to influence the mesh points that need to be moved without getting surrounding areas I don't want to mess with. Just use your imagination, nothing else need be said, lol.
I'm thinking about a simple 'G' rated cover for the hand full of dials I made for G3F. This is kind of what I have in mind, tho I'm not entirely sure yet.
I just had to post that, as it is kind of funny.
As for what it dose, nothing all that spectacular. It's just something to adjust the shape in general.
Morning. Still working on my first cup of coffee, and was retaking some screen-caps, and decided I should probably explain this one a little. The four "Zdg_SideOfGroinCrease" dials are more for poses then just a shape adjustment, so the strengths will probably need to be varied depending on the pose. Here is plane G3F with the leg "side-side" dial at 45.
And with the dials set to arbitrary values.
I did make the dials so there is a bit of a tendon there between the front and "back2" dial. The '2' was because my first make of the dial didn't go back far enough, and the name is there to keep them separate here at the 'lab', lol.
I decided on making them separate dials, as I'm sure the amount and location of the crease will vary depending on the leg position. So, that is about it for those dials. The rest are mostly for adjusting the shape 'there' to your particular liking.
There is two other dials I'm still considering putting in this set, tho I will need to think about that a bit more.
Oh, one other note. The dials are made from Dformers that only work on the primary base mesh (No HD), so it should work with any outfit (assuming the figure projection shell or outfit is not already broken). There are some benefits to making some morphs in base mesh res after all.
I thought about the other dials, and I think I'm going to try to make some more for some variety.
Assuming the mesh and dformers cooperate, lol.
I had to call in some D-former reinforcements, tho things are progressing forward. The opposition put up by the mesh is being, reduced. lol.
The "down there" shapper sounds like it would sell. Honestly I don't really pay much attention to my characters "down there" shape, but I'm sure there are a lot of others who would enjoy some more body customization there, particularly those who like to create erotic art or just artistic nudes. It might also work for when you're fitting a bikini or something and things just aren't fitting quite right.
Honestly, G3F dose not have enough mesh points down there to do much more then a vague hint of a crease, some call it (with a look of confusion) "toe". So this is more for the area in general rather then the kind of specific details a nude render would need. Things I'm working on are simple things, like a groin width that dose not change the width between the legs, and a more refined shape on the inner thigh for when the leg is out to the side, etc. Minor things I have not seen in a morph set as of yet, and some other things that I keep seeing in promos that just dose not look right on G3F in general.
Cloths fitting generation 7 is a big can of worms. A lot of outfits lack the adjustments to work around poke-threw problems, and some HD figure morphs get ignored by Auto-follow completely, etc. If "smoothing" can't quite do it, and there is not an adjustment in the clothing for the problematic area, it's down to D-formers. Zev0 dose have a Clothing product that can work out some things, however some outfits are so bad, well, it's horrendous, lol. Ceterum auto-sequi oportet esse figi -> However, auto-follow must be fixed.
So at this moment, I'm plugging away with Icons. Sometimes, icons are a good thing.
(EDIT) Oh, by the way.
Thank you for the complement. And to assure others, It's "CC0" (Public Domain), You need not worry about me attempting to 'sell' it, I'm giving it away. You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.
As far as I'm concerned, you need not even give me credit. Do we need to stop to give Theaetetus or Pythagoras recognition every time we use a Platonic Solid in out artwork, no, we use the shape and don't give it a second thought.
I was just under the dash of a car looking at speaker wires. A cousin got a used car, and had some difficulties hooking up the speakers to a new radio. According to the wiring codes for the car, there was supposed to be a tan, light-brown, gray, white, and yellow wire among the others. The wires were so old it was quite difficult to tell what color they once were, lol. I didn't waste my time, and just looked for pairs of wires that measured 4 ohms after setting aside the power wires. Simple process of elimination that matched the 'muck' colored wires to others that were easier to see what color they actually were.
So without further sidetracks, lol.
The groin morph set for G3F, is here;
it's not perfect, tho at least it's a start.
Storms are a part of nature. Trees that fall form new ecosystems around them, all those mushrooms an'stuff. Here are a few shots from a park / nature reserve nearby:
Sorry for the delay, I decided to take some time off to sift threw the pile of shipping-and-receiving stuff that has been lingering here for over a few weeks now, lol.
One of them, was some stuff to make some custom shielded audio cables
Yep, that's a USB cable with audio plugs put on it, lol. The pin-out is for a unique connection, so not your normal cable that most would need or want.
Also I was thinking about one other morph that appears to be needed on generation 7, tho a joint bend thing would probably be better for that. While I think the upper left leg looks better in my example, the right leg looks better in the promo. I tried the dials I already made, and I could not find a setting that looked good, so there not going to do for that.
Thing is, when the leg is posed side-side inward, the leg presses against the body pushing the groin in and up a bit. That is going to be some interesting spline and d-former origami to say the least, just for a morph on one side. So I was making cables and thinking about the best strategy for the d-former arrangement to do that for the left and right side separately. I think I may have an idea, and after a bit more coffee (first cup of the day, morning Kettu), I'll give it a try.
That is not going to change anything already in Zdg_GroinMorphs2, it will only be two or three additional dials... IF I can make the new dials work.
That blue cable would make a nice, funky necklace!
(Sorry for going offtopic - but I like jewelry)
That is something Zathras would wear, I can see that, lol. Have equipment, need supplies.
There was something like that, clear plastic with glitter in it. two toroids may be able to mimic that. a simple procedural clear plastic shader on the outer one, and an opacity map for the glitter specks on the inner toroid. That would not be to difficult to make, tho shaping it for a neck would be a lot of work.
True. There are a few (as in many) documentaries that discuss how nutrients is returned to the soil and air from "naturally destroyed" foliage. Off the top of my head, (Australia Eye of the Storm, NOVA - Earth from space, a few David Attenborough shows, etc). I'm not against that.
What I was going on, is that storms come threw so often, that the forest here seldom has time to recover, lol. No sooner do the trees start to grow new tops, there broken off again by another ice storm / blizzard / downburst/ hurricane / tornado / etc.
Really nice photos by the way.
You want to know what I find completely shocking about how G3F legs move. There literally is nothing at all for warping the mesh on the inner upper legs. If there is any Joint bend morphs at all on the inner upper legs, they appear to do nothing at all. Quite a few things about gen7 hint at rushed out the door before it was ready, however this is definitely a major one.
Faster Better Cheaper, pick two. 
Well, a few dformers in, and I think I have something for a dial at least. So, some progress.
Well, the "InUp" dials looked good with the leg side-side dial slammed to the limit of 20 inward, however I'm not sure yet just how good it looks at lesser extreme poses like this one.
It is an improvement. I'm thinking the names of the extra three dials are enough to not need descriptive icons to go with, tho I'm going to think about that before updating any zips.
I decided to adjust the area of influence for the side-side dial a tad. And then I noticed I had two dials still set from before. Getting there.
OK, v008 is up at sharecg and DA.
Nothing all that bad, it works after copying the oddball file to the missing folder it was expected to be in by Daz Studio. The new zip appears to still be missing a file (the file is there, just in the wrong folder), hmmm. OK, and the folder it goes in, lol.
The trays work perfectly. Tho positioning the Glass one is a tad easier if you set the opacity over 15% until you have the scene around it all situated, then set the opacity back to 1%.
as you can see here, it is not visible in the view-field in OpenGL mode, yet looks good in a spot render, lol.