Dress Uniform (Survey)

mal3Imagerymal3Imagery Posts: 713
edited September 2020 in The Commons

Taking an early survey results to see what kind of uniform would like to be made first, since I can't make em all at once.

Please cast your votes through survey monkey!

Thanks! :)


Version A

Version B

Version C

Post edited by mal3Imagery on


  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,191

    A all day. 

  • HylasHylas Posts: 5,071


  • Always in favor of the USMC...

    Ugh. Should change my vote from A to C. Dress blues are nice, but I'd get far more use out of C.

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    Always in favor of the USMC...

    Ugh. Should change my vote from A to C. Dress blues are nice, but I'd get far more use out of C.

    My thoughts exactly. Would love the dress blues, but I can see more uses for C.

  • I like B

  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085

    A is awesome and B is my favorite... but I also know that I would almost certainly use C the most.  So...


  • mal3Imagerymal3Imagery Posts: 713
    edited September 2020

    The results are very interesting so far :)  Please make sure to cast your vote in the survey monkey so it can reflect properly.

    Post edited by mal3Imagery on
  • I like A the best, but with my shaders, I could use C all day...

  • C - The shirt and tie have potential uses as everyday clothing, and there's room for a police uniform expansion - standard blue/black, sheriff tan/brown (with hat), badges instead of medals, etc.

    Military dress looks sharp but is limited in use - I bought Protozoon's White Tie Outfit because it also has textures suitable for uses outside of a formal military event.

    That said... Any of these options would be welcome additions to the store - ideally Daz would host just about every kind of outfit someone might need for an image or story.
  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    The results are very interesting so far :)  Please make sure to cast your vote in the survey monkey so it can reflect properly.

    Done. I especially liked the survey on coronavirus and the upcoming election it presented me after, LOL

  • TheKDTheKD Posts: 2,706


  • mwokeemwokee Posts: 1,275

    I won't vote but I will say make sure to include medals such as the Medal of Honor, various stripes and pins for rank. Don't forget some dress uniforms have white gloves, is that doable? And make the sleeves with a hide option for Larry the Cable Guy versions. :-)

  • So far Version B is winning! 

    I'll keep the survey open for a week or two and see the results till then.

  • I voted for B!
  • Is b even a thing?

    A is the iconic one.

    C OTOH is also going to give you the start for a bunch of other uniforms, that khaki shirt appears in a bunch of Navy uniforms (officers and CPO's working uni's).

  • mwokee said:

    I won't vote but I will say make sure to include medals such as the Medal of Honor, various stripes and pins for rank. Don't forget some dress uniforms have white gloves, is that doable? And make the sleeves with a hide option for Larry the Cable Guy versions. :-)

    I don't think actual medals and such can be reproduced. @Protozoon mentioned in this post that the DoD has a licensing guide (https://www.defense.gov/Resources/Trademarks/DOD-Trademark-Licensing-Guide/) and it wouldn't be allowed. It was why they created generic medals with their set.

  • All of them!

    Seriously, B is very nice. 

  • EllessarrEllessarr Posts: 1,395

    i'm between B and C, then i would go with B.

  • Cora ReginaCora Regina Posts: 731
    edited September 2020

    B, to start with, 100%.

    Since good male clothing is so rare (though with you and Protozoon on the job that's changing!), I really prize things that I can get more mileage out of and B is versatile. It's something that could be adapted and used in a variety of situations; for instance I could easily find a place for it in some urban fantasy renders and in fact had a whole bunch of ideas as soon as I saw it!

    Follow it up ASAP with C, which is also versatile but an outfit with the jacket first would just be really nice. I wouldn't use C personally but I bet a whole lot of people would get really good mileage out of it.

    A doesn't read "military uniform," it just screams "OORAH!!" at the top of its lungs and that makes it the least versatile of the bunch. It's gorgeous but just too iconic for me personally, I would sooner buy stuff I can use in a wider variety of scenes.

    Obviously these are all just my opinions based on how I would use them, and others' mileage clearly varies. Whatever ends up being released first, you'll make a whole bunch of people very happy. Thank you for doing the survey and finding out what people are the most interested in! 

    Post edited by Cora Regina on
  • AdreanAdrean Posts: 136


    Have been waiting for it for so long.

    Feels like a century.

    That said, why not combine A and C together so people could have more options ? :3

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,320
    edited September 2020

    I vote C as it is also the one I'd use most. Please make it creased like they are are standing in for inspection too please! 

    Also note, A & B are derivative of C.

    Post edited by nonesuch00 on
  • B and C is my favorite! 
    But anyway, any clothes you make will be perfect

  • JUJUJUJU Posts: 1,131


  • Like them all (especially as a former jarhead) but B I think has more kitbash possibilities.

  • I'd especially like the dress in Mal's avatar :)


  • maikdeckermaikdecker Posts: 2,985

    Not from the USofA so I had to choose B as it seems to be useable for military from other countries most easy. For me it's generic before special most of the time.

  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823

    I genuinly love all of them, and I know that regardless of which one that comes out it will go screeching into my cart :)

  • MelissaGTMelissaGT Posts: 2,611

    B! Totally been wanting/hoping/wishing for something super detailed that could potentially be used in Star Wars Imperial fanart (everything else out there is not detailed enough). 

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723

    Is b even a thing?

    A is the iconic one.

    C OTOH is also going to give you the start for a bunch of other uniforms, that khaki shirt appears in a bunch of Navy uniforms (officers and CPO's working uni's).

    Yes, but I did not know, that C3PO has used such uniforms in the past.

    Anyhow, everything related to Star Wars will be good to go.


  • mwokeemwokee Posts: 1,275
    mwokee said:

    I won't vote but I will say make sure to include medals such as the Medal of Honor, various stripes and pins for rank. Don't forget some dress uniforms have white gloves, is that doable? And make the sleeves with a hide option for Larry the Cable Guy versions. :-)

    I don't think actual medals and such can be reproduced. @Protozoon mentioned in this post that the DoD has a licensing guide (https://www.defense.gov/Resources/Trademarks/DOD-Trademark-Licensing-Guide/) and it wouldn't be allowed. It was why they created generic medals with their set.

    You may be right but there are already products in the store using trademarked items. Which is a big issue for me because I have to Photoshop them out before I submit renders to the agency I work with.
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