CC#54 ~ What is it that you truly desire? ~ VOTING RESULTS

What is it that you truly desire? ~ VOTING here
Voting Ends: Sometime on Sunday Monday 26th October 2020 Aussie time ~ after the Grand Final 
For your votes, please use the following format: -
Select 4 entries that inspire you.
Voting format:-
Entry #
you can only vote for one artist
ie.. 4 votes - 4 different artists
Entry #:41
Title: Desired
Artist: Mr Dudes
Entry #:55
Title: More Desires
Artist: Afectionate
Entry #:88
Title: Kisses
Artist: CBer
Entry #:69
Title: Why not
Artist: ArticulateOne
Thanks for Voting
Good Luck all
May your desires of winning and hosting the next Challenge comes to fruition!
Voting Thread Opens: NOW!
Entry Thread Closed
Post edited by Stezza on
Entry #1
Title: All I want for Christmas is my Two Front Teeth
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
Links to WIP Thread:
Credits: VYusur's stand alone figure Leon.
Comments: Simple application of alphas for missing teeth. Minor postwork for skin. Hair and shirt created in Carrara. Hair is available as a freebie at the WIP link.
Entry # 2
Title: My Preciousss
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
Links to WIP Thread:
Credits: Uses Misty's G8M for Carrara character and Josh Crocket's Glumgurgle.
Comments: Used Carrara's Depth pass and Filter Forge graphic novel. Fire is Carrara fire. Modeled ring and eye.
Entry # 3
Title: Carrara Developing Nicely
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
Links to WIP Thread:
Credits: Genesis 2 Female, Ringo's Olympia skin shader and the 5 Times a Lady hair acquired in the Daz store (not sure if still available). The clothing top is from CWOveralls and the shorts are from the Lucille Bikini, both in the Daz store. Hammer prop is from Daz store.
Comments: Would like to see the UVMapping tools in Carrara updated and one option might be to add UVMapping tools from Hexagon. Image is a tribute to a classic Elvgren pinup. Modeled the ladder. Simple planes with screengrabs applied as shaders make up the set of the Carrara interface and Hexagon uvmapping tools. Changed all the shaders.
Entry # 4
Title: Genghis Khan
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
Links to WIP Thread:
Credits: Poser 7 Male Simon, Genghis Khan Outfit from World Leaders Collection from old Content Paradise, Earth from Carrara native content (I think)
Comments: Carrara's terrain modeler - inserted Carrara's multipass depth pass and Carrara's Non-Photorealistic renderer as heightmaps to give terrain model depth, then textured the terrain with a complex shader mixer of beauty pass, native toon filter, and a metal shader.
Entry # 5
Title: C is for Cookies
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
Links to WIP Thread:
Credits: dolly is from the Carrara native content browser
Comments: Monster and cookies modeled and rigged in Carrara with Carrara hair. Cookie monster and cookie available as freebies in WIP threads. Replicator used for stacking.
Entry # 6
Title: Nebraska Nate and the Oasis of Wishes
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
Links to WIP Thread:
Credits: G2F and G2M, the genie outfit is As You Wish by Slosh, which comes with the genie lamp prop. The adventurer outfit is Diana and Jones by Luthbelina. Trees are from the Carrara object browser. Atmosphere is realistic sky
Comments: Postwork included compositing multiple Filter Forge adjustments. Postwork also included rendering smoke and alpha over a plane and adjusting near the lamp, as per much constructive suggestions from the community. Errors in implementation remain mine.
Entry # 7
Title: P-51 Mustang my all time favourite aircraft
Artist: Bunyip02
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: P-51D Mustang -
WW2 Dummy Pilot for WW2 era Aircraft -
Skies of Reality Volume Two -
Entry # 8
Title: A Loyal 4 Legged Companion
Artist: Bunyip02
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: Hivewire Big Dog - Renderosity/HW3D
Jack Russell - Sparky - philosophersegg
Multiplane Cyclorama -
UltraScenery - Realistic Landscape System -
Grass - FlinksGrass - Renderosity
Comments: Made an image of the UltraScenery and converted it to use on the Multiplane Cyclorama
Entry # 9
Title: A Pet Dragon to play with your Pet Dog
Artist: Bunyip02
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: Hivewire Big Dog - Renderosity/HW3D
Jack Russell - Sparky - philosophersegg
Millennium SubDragon -
Draconica- SubDragon and MilDragon by blazewolf01 - Renderosity
22 Parker Road Bundle -
Entry # 10
Title: Miss Universe
Artist: Bunyip02
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: Genesis -
HFS Races: Talarian by DarioFish - Renderosity
HFS Races: Talarian Textures by DarioFish - Renderosity
Kimberly for Genesis Complete -
Spitzer Image of Star Factory W51 -
Entry # 11
Title: A little shack to call home !
Artist: Bunyip02
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: gothic_castle - Luca Rodolfi - rodluc2001 - (
Arboretum Volume 1 -
Carrara Terrains
Summer Ground Textures - Flinks - Renderosity
Tim Payne Lightdomes - (no longer available)
Tim Payne Skies - (no longer available)
Entry # 12
Title: Space Explorer
Artist: Bunyip02
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: X-20 Dyna-Soar Spaceplane by Michael_C - Renderosity
Mercury the Planet -
Entry # 13
Title: Walking with Dino's
Artist: Bunyip02
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: Brachiosaurus by Poser_Software - Renderosity
Noble Pines -
Michael 4 -
Everyday for Michael 4 - 3DU -
EF-Steampunk for M4 -
Lanny Hair -
Entry # 14
Title: A brand new Flying Car
Artist: Bunyip02
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: Michael 4 -
SciWizard outfit for Michael 4 -
Jordan Hair -
Dystopian Aircar Aeronica V18 - Was at DAZ3D - Product ID: 8200
Ion Glyder Starcruiser - Herminio - CGTrader
AJ_kool_sci-cities_71593 - ? Was Renderosity freebie
Atmospheric Clouds HDRI Pack Two -
Entry 15
Title: Water Canteen
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
Links to WIP
Stezza's freebie vulture,
Daz store Michael 6, north hair, walter shirt, construction workboots and jeans for G2M
Discussion: Simple scene with G2M and 3 custom terrains. modeled the canteen. Roughed up the M6 and clothes shaders with multichannel mixers and procedural shaders. Canteen available as freebie in the WIP thread.
Entry # 16
Title: Alien Desire
Artist: Vyusur
Links to WIP thread:
Native render. No postwork.
Entry # 17
Title: In Picasso Mood
Artist: Vyusur
Links to WIP thread:
Figures are Genesis (girl Mavka) and Genesis 2 Male.
Entry #18
Title: Grizzly Mike discovers something even more desirable than hanging out with bears...
Artist: UnifiedBrain
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: M5, Cottage obj on sharecg, Monterey HDR
Comments: Carrara processes include Philemo cutout (the bear), Carrara hair, blurred reflections, No postwork
Entry #19
Title: A Sudden Desire to Rip a Bodice
Artist: UnifiedBrain
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: The characters are V4 and M3. Kitbashed the clothes. V4 is wearing the My Princess top and the Happy Skirt bottom, both with modified textures. M3 has pants from the High Fantasy Clothing Bundle, which is apparently no longer available. The boots are Bucanneer Boots from the M3 Boot Pack. Hair is Leyton and Mon Chevalier. The vessels are HMS Victory and Cast Away Dinghy.
Comments: Carrara text, Carrara clouds, characters modified in the Carrara modeling room. No postwork.
Entry #20
Title: Whate'er the Laird Desires
Artist: UnifiedBrain
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: The lass is V4 semi-dressed in the Sugar outfit. The laird is Freak 5. The scene is one big kitbash, with over 15 different products in use.
Comments: Carrara processes include Philemo's Cutouts plugin (for two food items), Carrara DOF and Blur, and Carrara compatability with Daz products. That last part is sometimes overlooked and underappreciated. Most Daz products work fine in Carrara. No postwork.
Entry #21
Title: Escape from 2020
Artist: Stezza
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: Ken's wasp at HW3D, Genesis, models by me
Comments: text was done in postwork
Entry #22
Title: Ol' Blue Desires a SpeederBike
Artist: Stezza
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: LoRenzo & rock formations I purchased from Daz3D, I modelled the speederbike, beanie, helmet and baby yoda character.
Comments: some postwork was done in PSE2020
Entry #23
Title: Unlisted Desire
Artist: Vyusur
Links to WIP thread:
Entry #24
Title: The Glass Board
Artist: Headwax
Links to WIP thread:
Comment_ I used a carrara scene for the background - it comes with the palm trees - they are transmapped so are a nuisance when trying to use the object pass and the depth pass in post work.
I made two renders - one where there was a beach and one without, then fused the two so the beach blended into the rocky path. postwork affinity Pro Tonemapping, Rons water colour brushes, waterlogue software, toapz impression and fotodonut,
the moon in the sky is a sphere with a glow channel - the bloke is m4
Entry #25
Title: Frank's First Tomatoes
Artist: Headwax
Links to WIP thread:
Frank is M4, the ewe daz's sheep. I made watercolour paper in filter forge and u sed that in post work. Used depth pass to reduce the distance contrast by using it with the scene parameter. Used wtarelogue for a faint watercolour effect. Used affinty photo tone mapping to reduce the tonal range and bring out detail in the darks. I used a shadow pass with a screen parameter to beef up the highlights to give the effect of sunlight on frank's pants.
Entry # 26
Title: "Rendezvous At The Rocks"
Artist: DesertDude
Links to WIP thread:
Comments: Everything was made in Carrara using all the available tools in the software, minus painting some texture maps in a 2D editor after exporting UV templates from Carrara's Vertex Modeler. Post work was done using mattes created in Carrara - Depth, a custom Alpha Matte and a Specular Matte. The Depth Matte was used to help push the background values more blue and lighter. Also used to drive DOF (Depth of Field) effect. Alpha Matte was used to isolate foreground from extreme background, i.e., clouds and sky. Specular Matte was used to control specular light hits from Keylight and eliminate all others.
Entry # No. 27
Title: "Under the Big Top"
Artist: ed3D
Links to WIP thread:
Entry # No. 28
Title: "Island of the Monoliths"
Artist: ed3D
Links to WIP
What is it that you truly desire? ~ VOTING here
Voting Ends: Sometime on Sunday 25th October 2020
For your votes, please use the following format: -
Select 4 entries that inspire you.
Voting format:-
Entry #
you can only vote for one artist
ie.. 4 votes - 4 different artists
Entry #:41
Title: Desired
Artist: Mr Dudes
Entry #:55
Title: More Desires
Artist: Afectionate
Entry #:88
Title: Kisses
Artist: CBer
Entry #:69
Title: Why not
Artist: ArticulateOne
Thanks for Voting
Good Luck all
May your desires of winning and hosting the next Challenge comes to fruition!
Voting Thread Opens: NOW!
Entry Thread Closed
my votes in no particular order
Entry # No. 27
Title: "Under the Big Top"
Artist: ed3D
Entry # 26
Title: "Rendezvous At The Rocks"
Artist: DesertDude
Entry #19
Title: A Sudden Desire to Rip a Bodice
Artist: UnifiedBrain
Entry 15
Title: Water Canteen
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)