CC#54 ~ What is it that you truly desire? ~ VOTING RESULTS



  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588

    We could do a Movember Challenge to honor our members here who are barred from entering the Daz contest. smiley

    Carrara hair works pretty well, I hear.

  • DesertDudeDesertDude Posts: 1,238

    We could do a Movember Challenge to honor our members here who are barred from entering the Daz contest. smiley

    Not sure I even want to ask...   indecision

    Still reviewing the previous Challenges to make sure I don't duplicate a theme, but the one I am thinking about is wide open to interpretation that can encompass many subjects. smiley

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,252


    maths, I like maths

    and geography

    and science

    French I wasn't good at and PE I tried hard laugh

  • We could do a Movember Challenge to honor our members here who are barred from entering the Daz contest. smiley

    Not sure I even want to ask...   indecision

    Still reviewing the previous Challenges to make sure I don't duplicate a theme, but the one I am thinking about is wide open to interpretation that can encompass many subjects. smiley

    Pick what you want, of course.  I am also fine with redoing themes.  Many of them were never fully explored.  We redid the first theme, and it turned out pretty good. :)

    Movember (not a misspelling) is all about men's facial hair, at least regarding a render.  It seems built for Carrara, except, as you know, entries are restricted to the US.

    The Daz contest is here.

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