Albert Mansion



  • Mr BowenMr Bowen Posts: 403

    It is very clearly inspired by Resident Evil 7. I do very truly believe that Harwood House is, too. Both look amazing. With the $6 coupon, for me, this is a can't miss. Thank you for this amazing environment, Daz. I really hope that interiors are coming.

  • Great model. Anyway much work on model will be needed until it will be fully useful for me . Matching interiors could be fantastic, but already I am not dreaming. We have great interiors without exterior or great exterior without interior. I bought it .

  • Lothar WeberLothar Weber Posts: 1,611
    edited October 2020

    Managed do create a Clean version - hope it's ok to post the Material preset

    Clean Mansion 2020-10-02 115511.jpg
    979 x 555 - 136K
    Clean Mansion All-in-one material preset.duf
    Clean Mansion All-in-one material preset.duf.png
    91 x 91 - 17K
    Post edited by Lothar Weber on
  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    For under USD 14 (with PC+) I think it's fine, if it suits your theme, and probably worth the time spent tweaking if it's just a little off.  Other than Vicky with no clothes on, I don't think there's anything Daz sells that's appropriate for absolutely every render.

    Managed do create a Clean version - hope it's ok to post the Material preset


    That looks nice, although you see the problem with all the columns looking the same even more with a clean version.

  • Lothar WeberLothar Weber Posts: 1,611
    Sevrin said:

    For under USD 14 (with PC+) I think it's fine, if it suits your theme, and probably worth the time spent tweaking if it's just a little off.  Other than Vicky with no clothes on, I don't think there's anything Daz sells that's appropriate for absolutely every render.

    Managed do create a Clean version - hope it's ok to post the Material preset


    That looks nice, although you see the problem with all the columns looking the same even more with a clean version.

    Sure i see. But quick and dirty Version. Need to edit uv's in Blender... But noooooooo Time...crying

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,602

    Thanks Lothar heart

  • markgoode77markgoode77 Posts: 343
    edited October 2020
    xyer0 said:
    lilweep said:
    AllenArt said:

    Here it is with no symbols and no skulls. Took about 5 minutes to hide it all :)

    lilweep said:

    quick everyone uninstall the decals in case your computer summons a demon

    That's not really funny. :(


    it's funny to me that people could think presenting basic tropes and themes in set design is a tacit endorsement of those things being presented.

    Set designers often include items which they explicitly endorse in their sets. This is quite common. Which is not to say that this is the case here.

    But those who've had no supernatural experiences cannot imagine why others take it so seriously.

    I had copies of the Key of Solomon, the Grimoire of Albertus Magnus (or at least translations), some of the scribblings of Crowley when I was a teenager.  I couldn't get any of them to work.

    Post edited by markgoode77 on
  • arbee999arbee999 Posts: 104

    Thanks Lothar heart

    Yes, thank you kindly smiley

  • akmerlowakmerlow Posts: 1,124

    Carrara Octane render

    took me at least an hour to redo shaders for Carrara wink

    Lovely results though!

  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823

    can someone who has the mansion please check something for me? The glass in the windows, are they part of the whole window (windowframes and all) or are the a seperate surface?

  • mwokeemwokee Posts: 1,275
    I loaded up on the deals and got it for $9. The graffiti doesn't show at certain angles and easily removed in Photoshop. I generally don't buy sci fi outfits with high heels, some can't use buildings with graffiti, we all draw a line with products based on our needs.
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,320

    I like it. It's classic pre-1950s college administration building in my eyes moreso than a private mansion as a home. I'm not buying until later though until I personally feel like cleaning up the 'apopcalyptic' look to it. Fort Knox also has administrative buildings (maintained though) like that as a matter of fact, it's classic hometown USA government style administration building. I appreciate that it is the apopcalyptic look that 99% of the game developers are going for so I really can't complain (well I could but it's futile), I just have to retexture parts of it.

    As far as the occult I truly don't think the PA knows or cares about it's meaning or is intending to support such hidden bad message and I've yet to hear anyone say authoritatively what the message, if any, says. I 100% understand not wanting to propagate a message that could be unintentially harmful but since that wasn't the PA's intent and no one has even said what the message means I have no problem buying it and cleaning it up, including deleting the message.

  • lilweeplilweep Posts: 2,561
    edited October 2020


    I like it. It's classic pre-1950s college administration building in my eyes moreso than a private mansion as a home. I'm not buying until later though until I personally feel like cleaning up the 'apopcalyptic' look to it. Fort Knox also has administrative buildings (maintained though) like that as a matter of fact, it's classic hometown USA government style administration building. I appreciate that it is the apopcalyptic look that 99% of the game developers are going for so I really can't complain (well I could but it's futile), I just have to retexture parts of it.

    As far as the occult I truly don't think the PA knows or cares about it's meaning or is intending to support such hidden bad message and I've yet to hear anyone say authoritatively what the message, if any, says. I 100% understand not wanting to propagate a message that could be unintentially harmful but since that wasn't the PA's intent and no one has even said what the message means I have no problem buying it and cleaning it up, including deleting the message.

    not only that but kind of an insurmountable task to moral grandstand over every occult reference in set design in media.

    Post edited by lilweep on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,602
    akmerlow said:

    Carrara Octane render

    took me at least an hour to redo shaders for Carrara wink

    Lovely results though!

    thanks heart

    am glad I can even get it into Carrara ( and other softwares I use like iClone, Twinmotion) so much is DAZ studio only,

    not tried Poser yet but since DSON importer stopped working after the Win10 2004 update not too hopefull there

  • I think that's quite enough on the general occult stuff, thank you.

  • AllenArt said:

    I am disappointed that the same texture is on every column and the repetition is very noticeable. It could have been remedied or made less noticeable by simply rotating each column by a different degree, which obviously wasn't done - too bad. Otherwise, the model is very nice.


    ^^^ This. That was the first thing that came to mind when you posted the picture with the decals removed. The markings being the exact same location on every column is a bit cheap and repetitive in feel.

  • ChangelingChickChangelingChick Posts: 3,250
    edited October 2020

    Sorry, Richard. I didn't see your post before I hit post :D

    Post edited by ChangelingChick on
  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,636

    Managed do create a Clean version - hope it's ok to post the Material preset

    Thanks for taking the time to create it and post, Lothar - cheers!

    - Greg

  • Lothar WeberLothar Weber Posts: 1,611

    Managed do create a Clean version - hope it's ok to post the Material preset

    Thanks for taking the time to create it and post, Lothar - cheers!

    - Greg

    Cheers my friend! laugh

  • j cadej cade Posts: 2,310
    edited October 2020

    I agree with the columns looking a bit repetitive but it looks fantastic otherwise so blender to the rescue! now I have some alt uvs 


    some things I do realy like about the set 

    Its pretty well optimised. The foliage in particular is some really convincing low poly foliage. I 100% plan to use it a bunch in all sorts of scenes

    Its organized nicely. I love groups. having the lights all in a nice group so you can turn them on and off with a click is nice. I am a fan. I do wish the occult stuff were in its own group so that would also be one click to turn on and off, but its still not hard to so since there are lots of materials: 30 seconds rather than 1 second. I can live

    aestetic crows! aestetic crows on a dilapidated building! Is there anything better in this world?



    real quick render showing off the new uvs and the file if you want to try them out and make sure I set up the file structure correctly



    (also the columns with either uv set use a tiling texture so if it would be very easy to switch in something with less cracks)

    mansion ex.jpg
    1500 x 844 - 836K
    Post edited by j cade on
  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310
    j cade said:

    I agree with the columns looking a bit repetitive but it looks fantastic otherwise so blender to the rescue! now I have some alt uvs 


    some things I do realy like about the set 

    Its pretty well optimised. The foliage in particular is some really convincing low poly foliage. I 100% plan to use it a bunch in all sorts of scenes

    Its organized nicely. I love groups. having the lights all in a nice group so you can turn them on and off with a click is nice. I am a fan. I do wish the occult stuff were in its own group so that would also be one click to turn on and off, but its still not hard to so since there are lots of materials: 30 seconds rather than 1 second. I can live

    aestetic crows! aestetic crows on a dilapidated building! Is there anything better in this world?



    real quick render showing off the new uvs and the file if you want to try them out and make sure I set up the file structure correctly



    (also the columns with either uv set use a tiling texture so if it would be very easy to switch in something with less cracks)

    Thanks to you and Lothar

  • DaventakiDaventaki Posts: 1,624

    Thank you j cade and Lothar Weber!! I was wondering if I could possibly rework the uv's in Blender myself but I knew that was going to be a learning curve probably.

  • j cadej cade Posts: 2,310
    edited October 2020

    ooh an other thing I like!

    Seperated elements!

    So I mentioned how much I love those #aestetic crows well there was a moment I was sad because seemed all combined with the building. It would take work to make my other scenes #aestetic :(

    but no worries there are also prop versions already seperated out in both standing and flying position! same with the grasses and trees:  there are both combined and individual versions.


    (I 100% plan on very badly rigging the prop versions)





    mansion ex2.jpg
    1500 x 844 - 594K
    Post edited by j cade on
  • lilweeplilweep Posts: 2,561

    am i imagining things that there is more variety in terrain elevation in the versions sold elsewhere vs daz.

    i think it makes the environment look a lot more realistic.


    1920 x 1080 - 349K
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,602
    lilweep said:

    am i imagining things that there is more variety in terrain elevation in the versions sold elsewhere vs daz.

    i think it makes the environment look a lot more realistic.


    they probably use procedural Unreal and Unity terrains with dynamic grasses

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257
    edited October 2020


    lilweep said:
    kyoto kid said:

    I did read the comments below in the link and yes, there apparently are no, nor any plans for, interior settings as future updates.  I would expect a model of a structure used for a game would include such whether as part of the primary model itself or as separate meshes so continuity would be preserved.  This could be qute a setting for a game sceario in and of itself, then again, I am not a game developer just a 3D still image artist, so I do not know all the "ins & outs" of the process.

    If it had just empty unfurnished room spaces, I would find it an instant sale even at double the price. as I've been waiting years to see a large older mansion/manor house for Daz to use in my stories.  Ah well.

    Well Dekogon isnt a game developer, they seem to just making assets.  And they have to stop somewhere.  They cant commit to making entire level designs.

    A high quality game studio will have legions of staff and art directors to make assets from scratch that are consistent with each other. Doubt such developers are going onto the unreal marketplace to buy up prefabricated environments.  The dekogon assets seem more like they are directed at hobbyists or perhaps very niche/small time developers.  And beggars cant be choosers!

    For old manor houses, there are several interior assets in Daz store that could match tonally with this exterior.  Stonemason's library comes to mind and Harwood House.  Im sure there are others.

    ...being that my modelling skills are nowhere near this level (still a long, long ways to go), DIY is not an option.  If they were, I'd already have created my own complete model from scratch, outside and in, similar in style to say this:

    Yeah, I have a number of interior sets, including several by Jack Tomalin (such as The Library, Manor Rosemill Moor, the entire Winterblack group, Andersen Hall, Baroque Grandeur, Rural Chateau), as well as others like Magnus Manor and even the old Ballroom.  However, none of these would be visually consistent with the architecture of the Mansion for the purpose of exterior illustrations in my stories.

    So back to waiting. for now I guess.

    Basically It is a very nice model particularly for the price, but it seems more suited for horror/apocalypse scenes. If it had a "clean" setting (like some of Jack Tomalin's West Park sets) I might consider it just for scenery purposes (like a neighbouring manor or a public building in a city/town - agreed it would make a good college admin building or library).

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • plasma_ringplasma_ring Posts: 1,025
    j cade said:

    ooh an other thing I like!

    Seperated elements!

    So I mentioned how much I love those #aestetic crows well there was a moment I was sad because seemed all combined with the building. It would take work to make my other scenes #aestetic :(

    but no worries there are also prop versions already seperated out in both standing and flying position! same with the grasses and trees:  there are both combined and individual versions.


    (I 100% plan on very badly rigging the prop versions)





    Ohh thank you, this might've sold me. I've been going back and forth on it as a base for kitbashing Wayne Manor and being able to easily repurpose some of the elements would make it a really good value. 

  • tsaristtsarist Posts: 1,618
    xyer0 said:
    lilweep said:
    AllenArt said:

    Here it is with no symbols and no skulls. Took about 5 minutes to hide it all :)

    lilweep said:

    quick everyone uninstall the decals in case your computer summons a demon

    That's not really funny. :(


    it's funny to me that people could think presenting basic tropes and themes in set design is a tacit endorsement of those things being presented.

    Set designers often include items which they explicitly endorse in their sets. This is quite common. Which is not to say that this is the case here.

    But those who've had no supernatural experiences cannot imagine why others take it so seriously.

    I had copies of the Key of Solomon, the Grimoire of Albertus Magnus (or at least translations), some of the scribblings of Crowley when I was a teenager.  I couldn't get any of them to work.

    Oh yes, Aleister Crowley. Turns out my grandfather knew him. Said he was quite the character.

    Put on some Pink Floyd or early Genesis, THEN read Crowley's writings. No magic will happen, but he seems to make more sense.
  • tsaristtsarist Posts: 1,618
    akmerlow said:

    Carrara Octane render

    took me at least an hour to redo shaders for Carrara wink

    Lovely results though!

    That looks great! Too bad I was never able to get Octane to work on my system.
  • Thanks to everyone who went to the trouble of doing clean renders. That cinched it for me. This is definitely going on my wish list.

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