Men Fashion - Suggestions



  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,320
    DMax said:

    Whatever men's clothing you finally feel inspired to create, would you please endeavor to ensure that its trouser tuck area is realistic? A recently released uniform product had such unsightly creases and unbelievable tucks (in my opinion) that it did not, and will never, make it to my wishlist. It's just such a pity as that product was beautiful overall. Just my $0.02

    There is only one problem for me. There is a lot of empty space between the belt and the polo. In real life, the folds will hang over the belt. I think this made for large, muscular figures, but I use only default genesis 8 body

    Yeah, when I see that I sort of guess maybe he is wearing Depends or some sort of boxing gear under his pants? I like it better than the painted on look though (except for tights & clothing that should look painted on).

  • Fungible UserFungible User Posts: 456
    edited October 2020
    scorpio said:

    Costumes of the first half of the twentieth century

    Same here

    Same here as well. With clothes that open all the way or mid-riff to also achieve a rogue look as well as a dapper gentlemen. This is 2020 and still a lot of male historical garments like this still button right up the neck and lack versatility or functionality. Sleeves that roll up, shirts, trousers, and vests that can be used both formally and casually. 

    827 x 634 - 245K
    Post edited by Fungible User on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257 accruate airline pilot uniform (both first officer and captian variants) and a mid 20th century bus driver uniform (city and intercity [eg. Greyhound]), 

  • TimbalesTimbales Posts: 2,366
    A dforce-able bathrobe with both open, sash dangling and closed, sash tied options. A jean jacket Outfits that could have shaders/textures applied to look like famous movie and tv properties, like Star Trek uniforms. You'd have to present them in different colors and textures, but if they came with texture templates or lots of mat zones, people could make them customize them.
  • HeraHera Posts: 1,958

    I'd love to have some things from the Napoleon era, like this:

    And some sci fi outfits which aren't space suits, but more like fit for a cyberpunk setting.

    Fall out outfit

  • HeraHera Posts: 1,958


  • HeraHera Posts: 1,958

    Finally a hip hop style outfit would be great!

  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,316

    I agree with everyone above, and I expect those who come after me. I would like to ask also for clothes appropriate for young boys, think middle school to kindergarten age. I have a son and went through the oversized shirt/short/pants look early on, then as he grew in height, it evened out. But when the baggy pants came in, he went to sweats only. But, he also was very definite on what colors and styles he would wear early on. Black turtlenecks were a favorite item. He later picked up the skater look when he became a skateboarder. But the Army finally got him into slim jeans again. Now he is an engineer and needs suits and rugged clothes when in the field. And casual clothes as a dad and husband. So, my realistic 3D guys need that.

    But, I would also love to see a futuristic set of uniforms for all the various positions that might be needed in a space/ground force. Crewman who crawls in tight spaces, grunt fighting on ground, in water, or in a mech, NCOs/Jr Officers supervising them and in a more office casual outfit, or a pilot in air/space, Sr Officers in office casual too. But a formal uniform version for the officers and a dress uniform for the enlisted force. Essentially take our current equivalent uniform options and bring them to a futuristic and realistic cohesive set. (If you could do females along with the males too, all good.) Patches to allow anyone to modify for their own universe, colors and as others suggested, multiple material zones as well. Open and closure abilities. Capes, great coats, cloaks, or other possible coverings should be add-ons and not attached to the main outfit. 

    We seem to be missing period clothing from 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries that covers the common person and middle classes and even some wealthy people and military. If some good pieces that again with material zones and enough pieces to be added and subtracted would be great. Esha has some, but there is little for G8. 


  • BandoriFanBandoriFan Posts: 364
    edited October 2020

    -Space opera captain uniforms 

    -Sci fi hero clothes 

    -Kpop outfits 

    -Tracksuits with a polyester shell so the swooshy material

    -Something that you can tell are supposed to be Vans classics and Sk8 his but done in legal way. I see shoes sold on their own so this would be like that. Here's an image from Klareyn's sports pack that has what shoes I'm taking about 

    -Zippable hoodies with hood you can lower

    Everyone else has some p good ideas too 


    Post edited by BandoriFan on
  • kenshaw011267kenshaw011267 Posts: 3,805
    edited October 2020

    peacoats and greatcoats, with and without cape, please. 

    Also a dForce tie if you're doing a man's suit. I have probably 5 different modern men's suits, at least 3 of which are dForce, and none have a dForce tie. It drives me nuts.

    And a bowtie (bowties are cool).

    Post edited by kenshaw011267 on
  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,212
    Everyone else has given such good suggestions, whether it's for vintage menswear to futuristic styles. I'd be happy to see any of those. I'd like to add, Zoot Suits though. Except I'm not too picky with historical accuracy for it. I'd take a cyberpunk version that still has the high-waisted pants and wide shoulders.
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,677

    My interest is in non-dfroce reliant male clothing that is of the everdyay contemporary variety.

  • Ditto to the pictures Xyero put up!

  • Classic Private Eye Trenchcoat with the collar turned up.  There are a couple of trenchcoats in the store, but none that I've seen that give the option to turn the collars up - A La Bogey.


    1200 x 1523 - 150K
  • HylasHylas Posts: 5,071
    edited October 2020
    kyoto kid said:

    ...a generic baseball uniform with various textrures. 


    Yes Please!

    Also, Touchdown Star for G8! I love that set but its so hard to convert properly!


    For all the bodysuits in the stor, I can't really find a good mechanic's coverall that isn't too tight and falls and wrinkles realistically.

    This one has the right style but is way too smooth. This one probably comes the closest to what I'm imagining but it's still too smooth.


    I also can't find a pair of overalls that get the back right. It should look like this:

    570 x 428 - 21K
    1563 x 2000 - 300K
    Post edited by Hylas on
  • HylasHylas Posts: 5,071
    edited October 2020
    Hera said:

    Finally a hip hop style outfit would be great!

    Creator SdeB might be able to help you there. Google sdbe store.

    They also sell at Renderosity as samsil.

    They also have some products here at the DAZ store like this one, but not under their name.

    Post edited by Hylas on
  • watchdog79watchdog79 Posts: 1,026
    edited October 2020

    I would love to see some late 19th century - early 20th century (up to WWI) non-US style uniforms for both Genesis 8 Males and Females (yeah, yeah, but muh history and all, but think of us fiction authors), such as the beautiful Austro-Hungarian uniforms, with totally different esthetics philosophy than the uniforms of the USA. There was no necktie (and no modern style collar shirt underneath), and the ranks were displayed on collar tabs on the blouse or the heavy coat.


    I would love to see the Austro-Hungarian cavalry helmets, especially the iconic Imperial and Royal Dragoons helmet:

    I would love to have a modular set, allowing various combinations of gear and rank insignia. It would be awesome if it functioned in a way similar to the Universal Dress, allowing a range of various add-ons - British, French, Prussian/German, Russian, Japanese, Steampunk, etc...

    I know there is this awesome set and I own it:

    It is two generations old, though, and it shows its age a bit, as it is pre-Iray. I still love it.

    Post edited by watchdog79 on
  • maikdeckermaikdecker Posts: 2,985

    A Long Rider Coat (google DrizaBone Rider Coat for an example; don't want to post a commercial link here) like shown in old western movies. With many morphs to button/unbutton, close/open and move it wink

  • JabbaJabba Posts: 1,460

    Victorian-style explorer

  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 6,062

    @Hylas This autofits to G3M very well. I haven't yet tried it on G8M. I bought it at RDNA, and there were some extra textures for it which I also have that may no longer be available.

  • A Long Rider Coat (google DrizaBone Rider Coat for an example; don't want to post a commercial link here) like shown in old western movies. With many morphs to button/unbutton, close/open and move it wink

    The more generic term is a duster.

  • kenshaw011267kenshaw011267 Posts: 3,805
    edited October 2020

    I would love to see some late 19th century - early 20th century (up to WWI) non-US style uniforms for both Genesis 8 Males and Females (yeah, yeah, but muh history and all, but think of us fiction authors), such as the beautiful Austro-Hungarian uniforms, with totally different esthetics philosophy than the uniforms of the USA. There was no necktie (and no modern style collar shirt underneath), and the ranks were displayed on collar tabs on the blouse or the heavy coat.


    I would love to see the Austro-Hungarian cavalry helmets, especially the iconic Imperial and Royal Dragoons helmet:

    I would love to have a modular set, allowing various combinations of gear and rank insignia. It would be awesome if it functioned in a way similar to the Universal Dress, allowing a range of various add-ons - British, French, Prussian/German, Russian, Japanese, Steampunk, etc...

    I know there is this awesome set and I own it:

    It is two generations old, though, and it shows its age a bit, as it is pre-Iray. I still love it.

    Yes, please. These would be handy for steampunk as well.

    Post edited by kenshaw011267 on
  • HylasHylas Posts: 5,071
    xyer0 said:

    @Hylas This autofits to G3M very well. I haven't yet tried it on G8M. I bought it at RDNA, and there were some extra textures for it which I also have that may no longer be available.

    Oh, neat! Will give it a try sometime.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,320

    You know what I haven't seen anywhere in these 3D men's clothing are a few peculiar styles of Aussie clothing that you didn't see elsewhere until the 80s like those Aussie (western/cowboy/rancher) hats, duster coats, and such. It's not a lot of items but they are distinctively Aussie. 

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