Lots of "PS" and "Legacy" showing up in DIM



  • firewardenfirewarden Posts: 1,484

    I'm beginning to want an addon to figure all this out for me. I think I have some sorting to do, maybe uninstall all my StudioCF files back in the list with all I've hidden, so I can see what file types are there. What a mess!!!!!

  • "According to this thread, if I have a StudioCF file its companion should be designated as a Poser file, which this product does not have."

    Not exactly. Basically, if you only use DAZ Studio:

    When you see PoserCF you can ignore it and just download the "main" file.

    When you see StudioCF, you need to also download the main file.

    It gets more confusing, because sometimes you WILL see both "PS" and "DS" files with no CF designation. This usually means you can just download the DS file, as each installer should be stand alone.

    It's all confusing because the store and software has changed so much over the years. At one point nothing in the store was designed for DS specifically, DS tried to imitate the Poser settings as closely as possible. As they moved over to supporting Studio natively, they went through different ways of doing that, from just adding companion files (sometimes this meant using a Poser runtime to load the figures, props, etc., and then loading a studio format materials file), to separate installers for each.

    I only use Studio at this time. I'm going by what was said earlier, namely that if you use Studio then you need to download both the Product_Name Ps file, and the Product_Name StudioCF file if the product has both of those available for download.

    This product doesn't have Product_Name Ps. It has what DAZ insists on calling a file for DAZ Studio in my downloads, even though it installs like a Poser file. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck, except that DAZ is so wildly inconsistent with the products available in their store that by this point... man, who knows anymore. It could be an ostrich. When brand new stuff is hopelessly broken on the day of release, it's easy to imagine that there's an entire component for the installation of an old product that's gone missing.

    The rest doesn't confuse me, when I see just DS and Ps options and no StudioCF file, I only download the DS option. I entirely ignore PoserCF files at this stage since I moved completely away from Poser round about they time they decided having an always-on internet connection for nanny calls was a good idea. The specific problem that I'm dealing with is trying to figure out whether DAZ misnamed/miscategorized what should really be "A Stage for Dionysus Ps" as plain old "A Stage for Dionysus" and I can stop trying to track down a Ps file that doesn't exist, or whether I really am missing something that should be there.

    The file name it has implies that it's Studio-native, the presence of the StudioCF file and also how the product installs indicates that it isn't. I just want to make sure I have the right components and then figure out how to make this thing accessible in DS with the minimum amount of effort. Ideally I'd like to make it a product so that it will at least show up under the "A" product tab with all its parts grouped together (minus the DS materials which I don't plan to use anyway since they're not Iray).

    (I know I sound pretty testy and I'm not mad at you, not at all. I'm grateful for the guidance! I'm just all kinds of frustrated with DAZ these days and have been spending waaaaay too much time lately having to sort through Lost and Found stuff with purchases that have no business containing it. Soft-sounding words about it are in short supply these days. -_-)

  • Well, yes, the "type" on the product page doesn't mean anything, it actually appears to say "DAZ Studio" for everything, including Bryce and Carrara files. I don't know that I have any tutorials to see if they say "PDF" or "Video" or something like that, but that product page field is only useful for the actual file name.

    I think the idea, at the time at least, is that if they had two files that said "Studio" and "Poser" in the file name, Studio users would expect to only download the Studio one. So you have the proper "Product" file, and then the one that has the extra Studio specific files.

    But yes, as you go to older products, it gets more and more confusing, because they haven't gone back to change old products to any kind of standard naming convention.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,601

    what if you cannot download the studio companion file because it fails? crying

  • Well, yes, the "type" on the product page doesn't mean anything, it actually appears to say "DAZ Studio" for everything, including Bryce and Carrara files. I don't know that I have any tutorials to see if they say "PDF" or "Video" or something like that, but that product page field is only useful for the actual file name.

    I think the idea, at the time at least, is that if they had two files that said "Studio" and "Poser" in the file name, Studio users would expect to only download the Studio one. So you have the proper "Product" file, and then the one that has the extra Studio specific files.

    But yes, as you go to older products, it gets more and more confusing, because they haven't gone back to change old products to any kind of standard naming convention.

    It's still weird that there's no program designation appended to it. Nearly everything else I've got has DS, Ps, etc. Especially Ps when there's a StudioCF to go with it. This one just... doesn't, for some reason.

    Then, in all likelihood I've been trying to find a Ps file that doesn't exist and pawing through my DIM download filters thinking I'd disabled it somewhere. Oh boy. Daz, please standardize it. Please. Buying old stuff always requires a bit of extra work and I think those of us who buy it accept that, but... man, please just name the old stuff correctly so we know precisely what we've actually got.

  • what if you cannot download the studio companion file because it fails? crying

    Which one is it? I was having some really, really laggy downloads earlier and a couple failed before finally completing. I'd hoped we were past this but it's been off and on for me all weekend. :(

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,748

    (sometimes this meant using a Poser runtime to load the figures, props, etc., and then loading a studio format materials file)

    Oh my goodness that explains so much! I have several older products that the ONLY part of them I can find in DS file structure is the materials.

    I thought I was installing them wrong. lol

  • Fortunately it's only a relatively small amount of fairly old products, but I have, for my own sake, gone through and resaved Studio versions of poser format files where we only had the DS materials before. It's a bit time consuming, but nice to have them all in one place laugh .

  • 3Diva said:

    (sometimes this meant using a Poser runtime to load the figures, props, etc., and then loading a studio format materials file)

    Oh my goodness that explains so much! I have several older products that the ONLY part of them I can find in DS file structure is the materials.

    I thought I was installing them wrong. lol

    This is what was happening to me today! Except since DAZ didn't append the file name with Ps, I spend forever looking for it over on the DAZ side of things. Even tried using Content Wizard, and when that only picked up on the stuff in the StudioCF file I finally realized it was installing all over a Poser directory.


    Fortunately it's only a relatively small amount of fairly old products, but I have, for my own sake, gone through and resaved Studio versions of poser format files where we only had the DS materials before. It's a bit time consuming, but nice to have them all in one place laugh .

    Would you mind sharing your process? You must have it pretty streamlined by now!

    Honestly at this point conversion seems like the most reasonable solution for me as well, and it might make for a nice mental break from categorizing shader folders into sets so that I don't have to scroll wildly and click fifteen different things to find the one file I want.

  • AlmightyQUESTAlmightyQUEST Posts: 2,005
    edited October 2020

    There isn't much of a trick to it unfortunately, or at least I haven't found a good one yet. In theory it seems like something that could be scripted. It's just loading the poser item in an empty scene, and saving it as a scene subset for props, or wearable for clothing items. There are actually a couple videos on youtube that give some good information on how to set up scene information as well to save you time for when you use the items again later (such as setting up the identification on clothing items so it doesn't try to convert the rigging). It's not strictly necessary for many things, conforming items are really where I think you will see a difference.

    It's a pretty slow process, after I redownloaded all of my content (had taken a multi-year break and had changed computers twice in the gap), I would sometimes just pick a favorite vendor for a weekend and go through the content one folder at a time. If you know it's content you're going to use a lot, though, I find it saves me time in the long run to have things organized in a way that makes sense to me, and in once place. If you're going to convert a lot, setting up keyboard shortcuts for some of the "Save as" options helps.

    Post edited by AlmightyQUEST on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,601

    what if you cannot download the studio companion file because it fails? crying

    Which one is it? I was having some really, really laggy downloads earlier and a couple failed before finally completing. I'd hoped we were past this but it's been off and on for me all weekend. :(

    Sorcery Essentials from the PC+ for the day

    I just tried another manual download and that finally workedyes

  • Oh, Jen's tutorial! Awesome, I wasn't sure whether the process had changed in the last six years or not, what with all the advances and changes within Studio itself. It's definitely time-consuming but... woof, after sorting through something like 2500 things dumped into a single shader folder that included Iray, 3DL, and settings for multiple figures, the tedium of the conversion process might actually be less frustrating.

    Thanks for the tip about the shortcuts. I'll see if I can make a start on things this week, I think a good 95% at least of what I want to bring in is architectural elements so no worries about comforming those to anything.

    I really need to just build a new and more functional library setup in general, so this can be a part of it. :)

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited October 2020

    This has been giving me no end of grief this evening. I bought A Stage for Dionysus from PFAD because, while quite old, I feel like it'll be good for providing the sort of setting I want. This is what the page in my Product Library shows as the components:


    According to this thread, if I have a StudioCF file its companion should be designated as a Poser file, which this product does not have. The "Daz Studio" installer contents use the Poser library setup, and there is absolutely no metadata. Because it's splattered all over a Poser formatted runtime, I also can't figure out any way to make a cohesive product out of it. The StudioCF file likewise has no metadata, no support files are generated when installing through DIM (not even a thumbnail), and all of the files end up in Lost and Found because of it.

    I guess I'm wondering, should "(Daz Studio) A Stage for Dionysus" IN ACTUAL FACT be labeled by DAZ as "(Poser) A Stage for Dionysus," and have I just been trying to find a component that should exist (A Stage for Dionysus Ps), but doesn't? Because what I've got sure as hell doesn't use the Studio file structure, and is inaccessible outside of digging deep into multiple folders inside the Poser format section of the Content Library (since it doesn't install as a product and I can't figure out how to make it one because, again, splattered throughout the Library folders).

    And, is there any way to make a product out of this thing so that I can actually find all of its component parts in one place? It's old enough that it doesn't even have a file list.

    I'm now dreading dealing with a bunch of old content that I've bought and if there's not an easy fix I may just return it all. I can already see that I'm going to run into the same problem with Predatron's City Streets product.

    The change they made to the Product Library is confusing, because it says "Daz Studio" for everything.  In this case, one of the files says StudioCF, so you need both files.

    DazCentral or Connect will just list it as one product and install both parts.  DIM and the Product Library list both separately..

    Post edited by fixmypcmike on
  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    DIM is supposed to give you the right packages, but a lot of products aren't tagged correctly.  If you only select "DS4.5+" in the download filters, it should give you both packages when one is a StudioCF, and only one package when it's a DS.  Unfortunately, as we're seeing with all these Legacy and PS packages suddenly showing up, someone seems to have accidentally mis-tagged tons of products.

  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 6,062

    This has been giving me no end of grief this evening. I bought A Stage for Dionysus from PFAD because, while quite old, I feel like it'll be good for providing the sort of setting I want. This is what the page in my Product Library shows as the components:


    According to this thread, if I have a StudioCF file its companion should be designated as a Poser file, which this product does not have. The "Daz Studio" installer contents use the Poser library setup, and there is absolutely no metadata. Because it's splattered all over a Poser formatted runtime, I also can't figure out any way to make a cohesive product out of it. The StudioCF file likewise has no metadata, no support files are generated when installing through DIM (not even a thumbnail), and all of the files end up in Lost and Found because of it.

    I guess I'm wondering, should "(Daz Studio) A Stage for Dionysus" IN ACTUAL FACT be labeled by DAZ as "(Poser) A Stage for Dionysus," and have I just been trying to find a component that should exist (A Stage for Dionysus Ps), but doesn't? Because what I've got sure as hell doesn't use the Studio file structure, and is inaccessible outside of digging deep into multiple folders inside the Poser format section of the Content Library (since it doesn't install as a product and I can't figure out how to make it one because, again, splattered throughout the Library folders).

    And, is there any way to make a product out of this thing so that I can actually find all of its component parts in one place? It's old enough that it doesn't even have a file list.

    I'm now dreading dealing with a bunch of old content that I've bought and if there's not an easy fix I may just return it all. I can already see that I'm going to run into the same problem with Predatron's City Streets product.

    @Cora_Regina May I suggest using the Products folder (located in the Content Library tab fourth from the top [1-Daz Studio Formats, 2-Poser Formats, 3-Other Import Formats, 4-Products])? You will find all products (with less than ten exceptions in my experience) in alphabetical order. And the thumbnails (with only a few exceptions) for all of a product's options will be found under the product's name. The Products tab has mostly survived daz3d's descent into standard-disregarding inconsistency.

  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,345

    I have 300+ Ps and Legacy items showing up in my DIM today.  

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