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Also, remember folks, always backup your old installer zips and install folders before you update!
In the product library search by "Purchase Date", go to the last page and look upwardly, it's "Daz Studio 4.X Pro"; I see it 17th from the bottom. You can also just enter 4.X in the "filter", but that might find other stuff too. Quoted strings don't work in the Filter (a bug IMO).
Search for "Beta" for the public build. There's no manual download, I believe because it is an incremental update to the general release and the correct increments depend on what has changed.
Thank you for the reply but I had already tried those options. No matter which way I try, via the orders page or looking for -daz studio 4- or -4.x-, I always end up on the dl page only showing the title, but no links...
You have to expand that Description section and scroll to the bottom.
Thank you! (ouch, only been using DS and this store for what, 13 years now, but this is new to me......maybe something to do with the new layout and me being a little paranoid blocking quite a few scripts..
Why does DIM stall out and refuse to finish loading my downloaded product zip installers or connecting to DAZ 3D to see if there are any downloads now if I am already running DAZ Studio? It used to not do that.
Also, I now can't render Texture Shaded Viewport / iRay Renderer scene I could before. DAZ Studio freezes at 43 seconds. Windows 10 claims 0% - 2% GPU Utilization. Dedicated GPU Memory: 3.8/4.0 GB. Shared GPU Memory: 1.4/16GB GPU Memory: 5.1GB/20.0 GB (that's shared RAM + video RAM).
So I guess I will need to buy a RTX 3070 8GB sooner than later.
I'm seeing dForce explosions in for a scene that did not show those explosions with, I assume because of the dForce change. One of the major changes I saw in 4.14 was that dForce seemed to get much more stable compared to the 4.12 betas, it looks like it has reverted to the old behavior.
My Graphics Card is a Quadro K6000 with 12 GB RAM
Support for Kepler has been removed.
which I had pointed out
We are told that there were no functional chnages to dForce (and indeed there is no note of any feature or behavioural chnage associated with the chnage log entry about the version number change).
Then we need to be more direct and blunt in our statements:
Quadro K6000 is an old architecture (Kepler) that is no longer supported by Nvidia Iray. You will not be able to render in the GPU with the latest Daz Studio version. There was advanced warning about this in the Daz Studio Highlights and it was emphasized again once it became effective.
I find that specific product page very confusing; it took me a long time to find the download links. The other product pages I have looked at make sense to me; they have "Description" and "What's Included" "accordions" which, if clicked, pop out the description of the product or a textual description of the contents. The download links are immediately below these two things and are immediately visible because the two accordions above them now occupy minimal space. This product page, however, puts the "What's Included" accordion and the download links inside the "Description" accordion. It's the only product library page I have encountered where the download links and bundle contents are initially hidden.
Sorry Richard, but I'm not here a lot so I can follow all your posts :) Funny though that DAZ removes such things without any further notice, except for this forum. So now I have to buy a new Graphics Card, just so it will fit a already trouble ridden software... I am really losing faith in DAZ big time. If this closed circle of know it all's could endevour to reach out to their customers it would be awfully nice. Now another part is also envolved, namely Nvidia. But this is costing me more than I get on the whole. I upgraded my machine from a Mac Mini to a PC. Purchased lots of RAM and, what I thought was a Graphics card that I would last for a long time. Now here I am two years later and it seems as if I have to open my wallet once again.
Oh by the way, the short commands don't work any longer in Daz Studio 4.15 but I guess you've mentioned that as well :)
"DAZ Highlights"? Where's that? I am a beginner and unfortunate in lack of mind reading abilities. I do wish these announcements became more public than they are now. This was entirely new to me. Noone has pointed me to this forum before. Haven't been able to really navigate through it before and lost patience with it. But appearently the secrets of DAZ are told here... That makes me think if this is a more closed group. Had I know it before it would've saved me lot of time and support tickets as well.
My understanding is that Nvidia removed support not Daz.
That is correct.
I was pointing out my previous reply because it was a response to oen of your earlier posts, not on general principle.
What do you mean by short commands? If you mean keyboard shortcuts they should, it's possible that they are not loading at all or correctly from your UI settings - you may need to reload the layout, from Window>Workspace>Select layout, or the Actions from the Import button in Window>Workspace>Customise.
3Delight still works the same if not better than years ago for what it is worth
and hopefully Filament will see some improvements such as emissive surfaces and better transmapping as that works fine on my machine without a graphics card
Yes I meant Keyboard shortcuts. A nice feature, since I do have a log-in on the Daz3D page, is that it would be a smart feature to get alerted when questions are answered. That's been the case in other forums. Either by mail or sms. Here, I find out that questions have been answered without me knowing it. That's all the reason behind why I missed your earlier response.
DAZ Studio freezes to a stand still when I followed your advices here, but I'm used of Daz Studio causing problems...
That capability has existed for years in the Daz forum. You need to click the star at the top of the thread you want to follow and update your forum profile notification settings.
I only discovered this a couple of months ago. I now get emails whenever someone posts to one of the threads I have fave'd.
Other fora I use automatically tell me about updates to threads I have read and only email me if someone responds directly to a post I made.
You're welcome! :) I use this setting, cause it's a little bit faster not to refresh image on-screen, while I'm rendering. I also set "Update interval" to 120s, to further limit, how often image file/canvas is being written to disk during rendering.
Everything else was fine after restarting the Beta a few times :) I have a default scene that loads with Studio with all my default settings. The Beta was randomly changing the Environment and Tone Mapping settings even after I changed them manually. If I tried loading my default render settings from the menu using the New selection, script menu or the Clear scene button it would randomly change some settings. After closing and restarting the Beta a few times it now seems to have settled down and they are all working now :)
Well, apparently that feature wasn't known to me - and I do not think I'm alone on that. I guess you've been on this forum for years, I haven't. As simple as that. But this goes to show how "helpful" people connected to DAZ really are. To get alerted is usually a standard procedure in all other forums I've visited but obviously not DAZ. Am I surprised? NO! To ASSUME is to make an ASS out of U and ME, someone said. Don't assume that everyone knows what you do. They don't, but NOW I know. Thanks!
Yeah, I've done something similar, but ultimately, when a new or previous file is opened that is supposed to have the image:null entry, it's replaced with that awful ruins map, so it means an extra step that wasn't there before. If I save a scene, I expect it to be saved properly, y'know? It's basic functionality.
I reported this in the last version, so I'm just surprised that this basic functionality bug hasn't been prioritised.
I'm sure you are not alone. Daz forum is not necessarily intuitive! Yes, I have been here a long time. I try to help. I didn't mean to imply that you should already know about it, only that is does already exist.
The forums changed in 2015. Daz broke a few things again recently with the November store change, but have been gradually trying to put things back together. This old thread may help you understand the "new" (aka 2105) forum change. Some images are missing from the thread. Daz Galleries have been broken since November, so any links to Gallery images will be gone for now.
I wonder if I'm alone in spending over thousand dollars, just in order to adapt to the changes in a program offered for free...?! One thing that's high on my wishlist is the availability to backwards compatibility. If it not works, you ought to have the option to downgrade the versions of e.g. DAZ Studio. Also include that in the new versions. I mean, even Nvidia have that option to download older versions of the GPU software, so why not DAZ?!?
As one example, I've been working with Adobe Phostoshop since its second version back in 92'. Back then that program was really a memory-hungry type of software. You had to assign most of the RAM to that software. Forget multitasking or working with another software at the sam time. That wasn't possible. Also when it came to GPU's it was a hungry wolf. Today, you can work with that same program on virtually any computer with almost no trouble at all. I would expect the same thing from Daz Studio after all these years it's been around, but no. I upgraded my RAM from 32 GB to 64 GB, just resulting in that Daz Studio chewed an even bigger chunk of that after that. What I'm after is the logic behind almost forcing people to upgrade their computers just in order to run one software, DAZ Studio. When rendering I can't do anything else on my computer. Daz Studio grabs hold of it completely. This is possible to fix I do think without exaggerating. But instead I'm left to spend yet another thousand Dollars minimum.
I have tried to get sensible answers from the support desk this last year, with limited success. I posted one ticket the 25th of July. The answer, which just included "Do you still experience this problem? Do not hezitate to post another ticket". I had to ask her if she was joking after all that time. By that time I was experiencing this problem with my GPU I finally have recieved a sensible answer to in January of 2021 (!!). That's HALF A YEAR!!
Warning for fellow Keymate users:
If you create a null or a group, or anything else from the create menu in a scene, the frame zero keyframe is no longer created. Just reported it, but I thought folk should know.
Adding an object or figure from a file still creates the default frame zero keyframe.
The easy fix is to hit the keyframe button after creating the item in question, but it's a divergence from previous behaviour.