Announcing: Daz Deals Browser Add-on II



  • Charlie JudgeCharlie Judge Posts: 12,912
    edited December 2022

    Charlie Judge said:

    I didn't see it in Chrome yesterday when you saw it in a different browser; but today I have it automatically updated in Chrome. 

    ETA: I'm also seeing it in Kiwi browser on my Android phone.

    Update: My Kiwi browser shows DAZ Deals version 4.0 as installed and i can sort my wishlist by %; but I'm not seeing any way to sort the store by %. 

    Post edited by Charlie Judge on
  • As a reminder, we can still see our wishlist sorted by percent without 4.0.0. Click the Shop button, scroll down to the actual products (past the horisontal listings), select "Only Show Wishlist", and select "Sort by %". Note this does still require the addon, but the older one works this way.
       My Firefox updated the addon yesterday, and my wishlist now sorts by percent—but I did have to shrink the page somewhat, as the sort had slid off screen. And I just checked, Chrome has now updated for me. It's working oddly, not sorting correctly. I don't normally use Chrome, so I can't test very well.

  • tombraider4evertombraider4ever Posts: 728
    edited December 2022

    Edit 3: Now it's the same on firefox, unstable, sometimes it works and I'm listed as member, sometimes not, sometimes I get wishlist sort by, sometimes not, more often not now. I was so happy to find it working on firefox....

    It turns up after a while now, the sort by wishlist function, on firefox.


    Edit 2: it works perfectly in firefox, just checked, both at Daz deals page, I'm listed as subscribed until at once, and the wishlist button turns up at once, sort by I mean, Aah! the BLISS of seing those functions, well all of your excellent daz deals function turn up at once, just wonderful heartlaugh. This shows me just how awesome daz deals is heart. Can't shop here without it. Thought I let you know that for me it's sometimes broken, mostly, on chrome but functioning perfectly, for now, on Firefox. To help solve the issue. 

    Edit: now it won't change to "subscribed until" no matter how long I wait . "Unlock pro features", I did. In August for 1 year. I'm cut out from Daz deals for this moment. My Daz deals version is v4.0.0 . That's the latest, right? it worked fine yesterday, I'm here using your extension every day and it worked uptil now. 


    I have a problem w my pro subscription, I got a link to a specil paypal page in August as I don't want to use credit card, when I click daz deals page it shows as not subsribed a while then switches to "subribed until". It does not now sometimes, the issue come and goes. I noticed it just now as the features: show only wishlist and sort by percent is sometimes broken, I get none of those. I tried to hard refresh, click and unclick show wishlist in options ect, and it switched to "subcribed until" first. It's like the function of me showing as subscribed is broken, sometimes I get it sometimes not. And I have to wait until the sort by wishlist shows up, sometimes it doesn't. If this can be looked into I would be so grateful, when you get the chance I mean. The Daz store is useless to me, sorry daz, without your excellent extension. No rushheart, when you get the chance and time heartsmiley.  I'll make a comment here if it becomes more stable, the subcription features, as feedback to yousmiley.  I subscribed for a year in August, so it should still be active. 

    Best wishes to Ati for a speedy recovery, I hope you will feel better very soon and enjoy the best of health from now onheart.

    Post edited by tombraider4ever on
  • I just checked mine in Chrome. It's updated. I had to refresh the wishlist page (even though I'd just loaded it) to get the drop box with the sort by % off, and then it's sort of buried between the thumbnails and the checkboxes. Is that how it's supposed to be? It seems to be working properly otherwise.

  • JazzyBearJazzyBear Posts: 805
    edited December 2022
    I have 4.0 in kiwi browser but I can't seem to find the configuration options I forgot where they're at. One of the drop-down menus if anybody could have remind me please. For me none of the options seem to be working no prices history for anything. I'm on my Android phone.
    Post edited by JazzyBear on
  • Charlie JudgeCharlie Judge Posts: 12,912
    edited December 2022

    JazzyBear said:

    I have 4.0 in kiwi browser but I can't seem to find the configuration options I forgot where they're at. One of the drop-down menus if anybody could have remind me please. For me none of the options seem to be working no prices history for anything. I'm on my Android phone.

    Just checked and besides not being able to sort by % in the store, I'm not seeing price history, gallery images, or forum links in my Kiwi browser even though I have them enabled in my options.

    @ JazzyBear: Click on the 3 dots in upper right corner > select exttensions > select DAZ Deals 4.0.0 Detals button > select Extension Options. Please let me know if you get them to work.


    Post edited by Charlie Judge on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,883

    Charlie Judge said:

    JazzyBear said:

    I have 4.0 in kiwi browser but I can't seem to find the configuration options I forgot where they're at. One of the drop-down menus if anybody could have remind me please. For me none of the options seem to be working no prices history for anything. I'm on my Android phone.

    Just checked and besides not being able to sort by % in the store, I'm not seeing price history, gallery images, or forum links in my Kiwi browser even though I have them enabled in my options.

    @ JazzyBear: Click on the 3 dots in upper right corner > select exttensions > select DAZ Deals 4.0.0 Detals button > select Extension Options. Please let me know if you get them to work.


    I didn't know Daz Deals claimed to support Kiwi browser. Are you sure they do?

  • ShimrianShimrian Posts: 535

    I'm on Chrome version Version 108.0.5359.99 (Official Build) (64-bit) and Daz-Deals Version 4.0.0 and suddenly it stopped working for me. It was working on Friday night I'm pretty sure. It was strange because for the last month is finally was working all the time and I didn't have to toggle incognito window anymore, but not it just will not work. :( I have no wishlist, not price history and no links to images or forum posts. 

    I love this extension and very sad it is not working anymore.

  • Shimrian said:

    I'm on Chrome version Version 108.0.5359.99 (Official Build) (64-bit) and Daz-Deals Version 4.0.0 and suddenly it stopped working for me. It was working on Friday night I'm pretty sure. It was strange because for the last month is finally was working all the time and I didn't have to toggle incognito window anymore, but not it just will not work. :( I have no wishlist, not price history and no links to images or forum posts. 

    I love this extension and very sad it is not working anymore.

    Have you tried firefox? I use chrome only and it's the same but I tried it on firefox and it worked, takes a while for sort by whishlist to appear, but works. Most of the time, not always. Tried again just now on firefox and the wishlist sorty by and the pictures in the product library appears after about a minute or 30 seconds or something. But on chrome it won't show up no matter how long I wait. What do you mean w the toggle incognito window? is it in options? 

  • zombietaggerungzombietaggerung Posts: 3,760
    edited December 2022

    tombraider4ever said:

    Shimrian said:

    I'm on Chrome version Version 108.0.5359.99 (Official Build) (64-bit) and Daz-Deals Version 4.0.0 and suddenly it stopped working for me. It was working on Friday night I'm pretty sure. It was strange because for the last month is finally was working all the time and I didn't have to toggle incognito window anymore, but not it just will not work. :( I have no wishlist, not price history and no links to images or forum posts. 

    I love this extension and very sad it is not working anymore.

    Have you tried firefox? I use chrome only and it's the same but I tried it on firefox and it worked, takes a while for sort by whishlist to appear, but works. Most of the time, not always. Tried again just now on firefox and the wishlist sorty by and the pictures in the product library appears after about a minute or 30 seconds or something. But on chrome it won't show up no matter how long I wait. What do you mean w the toggle incognito window? is it in options? 

    It also stopped working for me. but looking at the info page it seems all those are now "pro" features. Just one more reason to not spend money here anymore.

    Post edited by zombietaggerung on
  • Now I'm not listed as a pro subsciber, I paid for 1 year in August but it still says subscribed until, no date, but that appears after a few seconds, feels very long to wait : am I still listed as member? now I'm, on chrome, listed as a non member all the time, not matter how long I wait the subsribed text won't apear, and I'm not due to pay again until August next year. Thank god it's still appears after a while "subscribed until" on Firefox. If at some point, I can be listed as paid until and a date, at once, when the extention works and when it does: always no matter what, when I have paid and I will always pay to support you to get this extention, then I would be very gratefulheart. It's like I'm some kind of second class member, even though I paid for a year. I know you do your best w this and you do it very well heart, I'm a big fan of your extention. I just hate waiting for that subscribed until, always scared it won't get there and now it doesn't. It's at the point where I aviod going to that page, haven't seen it since late August/September. Why the f..k can't Daz support you fully? this store is horrible to shop at without Daz deals, just awful. Hate it. They make money of your extention, what's stopping them from supporting you? not complaining about the money, would GLADLY pay it anyway, to support you even further, I just want it to function when I need it, but I guess Daz is not the best to trust w stuff working as they You are way better w stuff functioning. 

  • I don't have options. What I was looking for is the Daz deals menu inside the dazz menus. The ones that would let me set option like price history and whether or not to show the various links. I can't remember where they were to see if they're still there or not but I'm not seeing any of the options even though 4.0 is installed and appears to be active.
  • Charlie Judge said:

    barbult said:

    islandgurl31 said:

    barbult said:

    I didn't see it in Chrome yesterday when you saw it in a different browser; but today I have it automatically updated in Chrome. ETA: I'm also seeing it in Kiwi browser on my Android phone.

                                                                           Ty @barbult and @CharlieJudge, I see it now in chrome :-)


  • Charlie JudgeCharlie Judge Posts: 12,912
    edited December 2022

    JazzyBear said:

    I don't have options. What I was looking for is the Daz deals menu inside the dazz menus. The ones that would let me set option like price history and whether or not to show the various links. I can't remember where they were to see if they're still there or not but I'm not seeing any of the options even though 4.0 is installed and appears to be active.

    Did you try my instructions above ^? That is what works for me to get to the section you are looking for.  After tapping on the DAZ Deals Detail button you do have to scroll down a bit to see  "extension options" listed. Tapping on that brings up the section with the options you are looking for.

    Post edited by Charlie Judge on
  • tombraider4evertombraider4ever Posts: 728
    edited December 2022

    To update on my issue: now, on chrome, after about a minute or so, when I click on daz deals in the old place it turns up "subscribed until", then the new menu daz deals w the heart turns up and the same: after a while the text shows "subscribed until", no date, but I'm happy to see that I'm listed as subscribed, even if it takes a while to get the text. And on sales pages, after about a minute I get the wishlist sort by. The product library picks doesn't turn up though, no matter how long I wait. The new, I think, menu daz deals w a heart, doesn't always turn up, now I don't see it in the menu. Just tried on firefox and: no matter how long I wait I'm still not listed as subscriber, no wishlist thing, no new meny daz heart, no product library picture, but if I open a private window and close it I get all, on firefox. When doing that on chrome, the privat window thing,  I get all except the product library pictures. On both I'm on daz deals 4.0.0. Just thought I tell you this, incase it helps you find the problem. I'm on windows 10. 

    Edit: closed and tried again on chrome and even w the private window thing: nothing. No matter how long I wait, nothing, not a member. So this, working, is very unstable on both chrome and firefox.

    Post edited by tombraider4ever on
  • with both Chrome and Edge dropping Win7 support and me needing to save money, I guess this is just another way to stop me spending at DAZ 

    even on my Win10

    as % off sort was a major cart filler with sales (wishlist still works on Opera but it's version 2)

  • WandWWandW Posts: 2,847

    I just uninstalled DAZ Deals. I used it for wishwisted items and %Off  and those are now "Pro" features in Version 4.0; for me this is a hobby, and those features just aren't worth $60/yr to me...

  • I stopped receiving mails on December 5th. My Buy Me Coffee says my licence was renewed till January 5th (automatically) but in the Daz Deals extensio page it says I'm expired. What gives?


    699 x 340 - 31K
    357 x 125 - 9K
  • tombraider4evertombraider4ever Posts: 728
    edited December 2022

    To add to my feedback of the current bug: still doesn't work on chrome at all, listed as subscribed sometime, sometimes not,  the wishlist and product library picks doesn't work. On firefox: works only if I open and close a private window, and wait a long time, then I am listed as subscriber, and the other stuff work, but I have to wait a long time. I don't have the energy to keep checking this as it worries me a lot, this that sometimes I'm listed as subscriber sometimes not, I'll write here when it works again.  So until I write then no it doesn't work for me. I am at daz many times a day. 

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • MelissaGTMelissaGT Posts: 2,611

    Ok so I'm not sure why my post was deleted...I just made mention to those who are having issues...that if you sign up for the email notifications (even if you don't go pro), the wishlist and % features come back.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,883

    MelissaGT said:

    Ok so I'm not sure why my post was deleted...I just made mention to those who are having issues...that if you sign up for the email notifications (even if you don't go pro), the wishlist and % features come back.

    That wasn't all you said. The last sentence was the problem, I believe.

  • @CharlieJudge... Those are simply the options for the extension... But that is not the link that takes me to the website for the options of using the program and setting up the history short and long and other individual settings of how I want it to be used. It would also be the place where I can sign up for emails and sign up for pro. It's somewhere within the menu systems of Daz that it popped up and it's no longer there but I don't remember the exact location.
  • Charlie JudgeCharlie Judge Posts: 12,912
    edited December 2022

    JazzyBear said:

    @CharlieJudge... Those are simply the options for the extension... But that is not the link that takes me to the website for the options of using the program and setting up the history short and long and other individual settings of how I want it to be used. It would also be the place where I can sign up for emails and sign up for pro. It's somewhere within the menu systems of Daz that it popped up and it's no longer there but I don't remember the exact location.

    If you follow it all the way through it does that on the Kiwi browser on my Android phone:

    1) Open Kiwi browser  

    2) Tap on the 3 dots upper right

    3) Tap on Extensions

    4) Where it shows DAZ Deals tap on Details (near the bottom of the DAZ Deals block)

    5) Scroll down to Extension Options and tap on it

    At the top of the page that comes up are 3 blocks: Email Notifications, Manage items, and Options. You can select (tap) the email notification block to set your email address or select (tap) the options block to set options such as price history.

    Post edited by Charlie Judge on
  • mmm it's all working on Edge on my Win10


  • @charliejudge... The extensions page finally changed and I had the ability to expand the options to bring up that page. Thanks.
  • Nothing is showing up or working at all except in the cart I do see the most recent price. But nowhere else no price histories none of the options I've turned on nothing.
  • JazzyBear said:

    Nothing is showing up or working at all except in the cart I do see the most recent price. But nowhere else no price histories none of the options I've turned on nothing.

    That is also my experience. Thanks for confuirming. 

  • doorknob22 said:

    I stopped receiving mails on December 5th. My Buy Me Coffee says my licence was renewed till January 5th (automatically) but in the Daz Deals extensio page it says I'm expired. What gives?


    Same.  Took my money yesterday, but didn't update my expiry date, so e-mail notifications stopped. 

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943

    WandW said:

    I just uninstalled DAZ Deals. I used it for wishwisted items and %Off  and those are now "Pro" features in Version 4.0; for me this is a hobby, and those features just aren't worth $60/yr to me...


    Thanks for this message ... I thought there is a glitch.

    Thank you Ati and  Overdrawn for the fun I had.

  • I want the new PREMIUM version that is $10/year for the wishlist, owned and %off option! Currently bargain shopping on DAZ is what is keeping me sane as I am stuck living in a physical rehab center with no pc for now. Covid complications suck but looking through my current products and mixing with bargains lets me do some prep work on future projects. Now all of that is just gone! Giftcard from a friend was making the holidays fun... Now I want to cry... But no crying in 3d rt right?
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