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I have a odd issue.
I use Daz-Deals on Firefox and it appears to be omitting some (2153) items from the shop page; this shows 42145 items (I have pictures but the forum barfs when I try to paste them in or upload them)
Whilst on Opera (without Daz-Deals) it shows 44298 items
This happens regardless of whether I have "signed into" my wishlist or not; Firefox on a different laptop without Daz-Deals puports to show all items (haven't counted them yet to confirm ;D )
Also, I do not have any Hidden Items in Daz-Deals.
Curious, but not deperate, to know which items I'm missing out on ...
Thank you for a helpful add-on
Do you have "Show Mature Content" checked on the store page?
At work on W10+Chrome the price history and the forum/gallery links are not working, but here at home on W7+Yandex (Opera) they are.
Not a subscriber
I see the same.
Are a subscriber.
It is working in Firefox.
They're working for me. Windows 11 + Chrome, subscriber
Is anyone getting android mobile to work was using kiwi but the history and links are gone
Yes I do.
PS how do you upload / embed images in this forum?
In theory you click the Attach a File link under the psot's text box, then click the Browse button. However, it isn't working relaibly at the moment so it's best to host elsewhere and link.
On a different computer it does not show the Pro options? I use Chrome and Firefox on it. On my render computer and shows and I am pretty sure it shows on my laptop, I use Firefox on those.
Doh! ... I just noticed that whilst I do not have any explicitly hidden items I have marked that I am only interested in Daz Studio Items ... Mystery solved
I've entered my passcode but I keep getting this message when I try to save:
"There was a problem with the wishlist update. Check your email and passcode settings."
Using Chrome on a mac
Tried playing with the settings (on W10+Chrome) and put my email address to notifications... For a very short while, DazDeals thought I was a subscriber (the green man showed "DAZ-Deals Pro" on the dropdown menu) and showed me price history together with forum/gallery results, but when I opened new tabs in the browser and refreshed old ones, the price history and links vanished again.
I'm not seeing "Show owned" either as an option at the store on W10+Chrome - That has been working occationally on W7+Yandex(Opera), but until now there has never been problems with it on W10+Chrome
Hi guys!
I'm not fully back yet, but working on it. :)
I haven't caught up with the forum messages yet, but I'm popping in to let you know:
I will be performing maintenance and expansion on our backend server tomorrow, and some functions will not be available for about an hour. This will take time sometime in the early afternoon, UTC time.
I will post another message when everything is done.
Glad to see you back, Ati :)
Ati -
Woohoo!!! Happy to hear you're mending and are back to the community. We all missed you and were praying for your recovery. Welcome back HOME!!!
Ati on the mend and back in the forum is wonderful news!
Let's get this upgrade started... Wishlist sync, and notifications will definitely not work. Notifications (if there were any) will catch up when the upgrade is done. Stuff that is not already cached on our frontend server will also not work.
Everything seems to be up and running again. Please let me know if anything looks out of order.
Why does Daz Deals show me PC price history while I'm not a PC member?
I use whatever's left of Daz Deals, the part that remained free.
Why does the price history graph show me the PC price history when I am not a PC member?
I once was a PC member, but have not been for about 2 years now.
So I'm not interested in the the PC price history.
Another question:
If the price history graph only shows a red line for the PC price, but no Blue line for the non PC price, does that mean the PC price and the non PC price have the exact same history? I see lots of price history graphs that ONLY have a PC price history red line. Is the non PC price blue line just "behind" that red line, plotting the same exact history?
One of two things is going on here:
1. The price history for PC and non PC is exactly the same for many, many products. If this is so, I can only say I'm glad I bailed on the PC membership, as it seems the PC price is no better than the non PC price for a lot of products I might want.
2. The two prices are actually quite different for the vast majority of products. If this is so then there's an error that is withholding the non PC price history from me for many products.
So which is it?
Either way, I wish I could get rid of the PC price history red line. It just confuses me with information I find irrelevant and makes me skeptical that Daz Deals is even working correctly at all.
You say you have a blue and a red line. That means you are seeing both the PC and the non-PC prices. That's correct if you are not a PC member. PC members see PC-prices, non-PC members see both prices so they can decide if becoming a PC member is worth it.
When you only see one line, it means both prices were the same.
Thank you very much for clarifying how that all works. Now I can have confidence that I'm not being deprived of information I want.
Do price notifications work on the free level of Daz Deals? If not, I would appreciate some indication in the user interface stating as such. I set the a price notification for a product last week and it did not work. The price history indicates the price did go low enough to trigger a notification, but I never got a notification. So I assume now that price notifications don't work for the free version. But, like I say, it would be nice to be told as much in the interface.
Email notifications are only included in the pro membership. These are, by far, our biggest expense, so we cannot include it in the free version.
I still have problems w daz deals, on chrome the wishlist thing takes like 5 minutes or more to load, and I'm guessing it's the same w the product library picks, sometimes the wishlist sort by never shows up. I'm listed as pro subscriber but it take a long while to shows so. And on fire fox I'm listed as subcriber quicker and the whish list sort by, but the wishlist sort by haven't worked correctly the last few days, I can see now that I have hearts in the current flashsale, so those items should turn up but nope. Sometimes they turn up after a long while, right now they seam to never work. Waited a long while. So a box to select show whislist but no items are sorted. On chrome as I said it takes a long while for the wh list option to turn up, 5 min or more or never, but when they do they work. They sort wh list items. Just wanted to say that I have still problems w daz deals, I know you both do what you can to fix it so it works for everyone
Hi, I'm sure if I go digging I might find the ancwer but I'm hopping someone will point me in the right direction. I'm not a Pro member but I'm not getting even the non-pro features such as price history or Show gallery images and forum links for products. I use W10 and Chrome. Any help would be great.
From Renderosity I like the subtotal in the wishlist, it helps me to know how much money I have to spend the next time.
Is it possible to add this feature ?
Can someone post the links to install the plug in again? It's buried in here, I'm using a new computer.
It is a browser extension. You install it from within your internet browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc.)
I've installed it before, there were links on where to obtain the plug in. Am I forgetting something, it's been a while? The first post in this thread has a link that takes you to another discussion.
Yeah, it's a link... I found the link to the old version which no longer works. Anyone have the link to the latest version?