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So, I signed up for pro. I'm getting the emails. I use firefox with latest update. I'm not seeing the other stuff. I click on Click to set individual notification and the line goes away and nothing happens. When I click on "Full list" it goes to etc but displays nothing. I've refreshed the browser. No difference.
I see this in Firefox with green checkmarts to the left of the bullet points. But I don't see how to change the permissions. And I would think the green checkmarks mean I've given permission.
Required permissions for core functionality:
Learn more about permissions
So any suggestions? I think a how-to pdf would be helpful.
My understanding is that "Only show wishlist" is part of the non-pay option.
It has always worked for me until this last outage, and I have never been a pay customer of Daz-Deals.
So I assumed that its current absence for me is due to some not yet fixed part of the problem that caused the outage.
@Overdrawn, can you please confirm this, one way or the other? Has this now changed?
Oh, forgot to say, v4.0.4 is not yet available in the Edge Add-ons. Is this on its way for Edge?
Since different browsers get different versions of the plugin, it should be clearly mentioned here, what is part of the Pro-version and what is available without the subscription.
Just had something odd happen and it happened on all Chrome browsers. On the product page, the option to add a price and to see the price history just went away. It was working just fine the day before. I'm in DAZ everyday.
Did something change or did Chrome do something to break it?
I believe that "Show only wishlist" is a pro-exclusive feature.
It used to work for non-pro members for quite a while which I guess was down to a bug with the subscriber code which has since been fixed. So for people who are not subscribed the lack of the show only wishlist is the correct behaviour.
I have had to keep the 'Chrome/extension' page up and everytime I open any page in the store I have to switch over to it, and toggle the switch off and then on. It lasts only as long as I am on that page. But is better than drilling down to the full settings page.
Overdrawn I really hope you all figure this one out soon. I really appreciate your add-on and depend on it for so many little things it is crazy.
Due to the problems with chrome, I am trying to use this on my other computer with firefox. While the extension is active in firefox, it is not doing anything and says I need to unlock the pro features. Am I missing a login or something? Why is it not active? Thanks in advance.
EDIT: Nevermind ... I found the email notification and things are working now.
Indeed unfortunate; for me it was the most useful feature, but not worth $60/year...
I agree, @WandW. The new (and presumably ongoing) absence of this checkbox for me as a non-paid Daz-Deals user would make many, or even most, of the DAZ Shop sales almost unworkable for me.
Since I started using Daz-Deals, I have always understood the Only Show Wishlist option to be a non-paid option, in fact I thought it was advertised to be available anyway, not just to paying users.
Before I used Daz-Deals (including this option), I previously spent ages and ages trawling through interminable sales lists, taking maybe an hour or two to complete in total.
After starting to use Daz-Deals, the first thing I always did after clicking a new sale link, on the DAZ Shop scrolling banner or on a daily DAZ promo page, was to switch on the Only Show Wishlist checkbox. For most (but not quite all) sales, this made the sale very workable, with only perhaps between1 and 3 screenfuls of products to look through. This is because normally I only want to purchase from a list which includes just the products (there are hundreds of these in fact) which I have put in my DAZ wishlist. I normally want to ignore everything else.
I am now having to consider whether to pay the $60 per year (£48 in UK). It is only $5 (£4) a month, so I might eventually biute the bullet.
But there is one good thing that I can say about this change (which is a change in functionality, it must be said, whatever the reason might have been for its inclusion or otherwise), is that I am not likely to even attempt to go through those huge DAZ sales listings now, without the checkbox being available. So most likely I will I end up spending somewhat less money on DAZ products as a result!
In fact this will help in my current process of de-addiction from daily use of the DAZ Shop.....
In the last couple days I've been experiencing an almost 30 second delay between displaying a product page and getting the recent best price and Price history graph.
Daz Deals v4.04 Pro Subscriber
Firefox 112.0 (64-bit)
Windows 10
I am not getting the Only Show Wishlisted & Owned Items % off filters. Not sure exactly when but I thought it was working last week. I did try unchecking and rechecked the box which did not help. It does say Unlock Pro Features at the top of the plugin option window.
Firefox 112.0 (64-bit), Daz Deals v4.04 Pro Subscriber, Windows 10
Everything was working fine a couple of days ago (after I figured out the way to get it working on my other google account) but now it isn't working much at all. I have to click the 'off' button in the extension to get it to work. Then I have to click it again when I load a new page. Kinda weird.
Same here. Again
I'm not reliably getting the extra filter options on product listings. Sometimes when I reload they come in, sometimes they don't; it's becoming more and more 'not', I think. Is there something I need to fix on my side?
As a subscriber to Daz Deals, I am not seeing the plugin anymore. Using latest version of Google Chrome. I really miss Daz Deals plugin. Is theer a way to re-enable? (the Google extensions dialog shows that the plugin is installed and enabled)
Someone else mentioned that they keep the extension details open in another tab. Turning it on and off seems to let the plug-in function. It does need to be clicked on and off at each page. I've tried this and it did work. I'm looking forward to a fix myself but it's nice to have this work around until then.
Have tried it several times, but does not work for me at all. I do not even have the Daz Deals plugin config page anymore
I think it's pretty bad that you have to pay for a subscription to see items from your wishlist as one of the filters. It makes it almost impossible to shop here. Not happy about this at all.
not DAZ-DEALS fault as they want to get paid and I understand
it is something DAZ themselves should impliment as what is the point of having a Wishlist otherwise
Lately, I too have noticed that the add-on is very slow at kicking in; hocus-pocus I do to make it work is reload the Daz page and/or open the DazDeals Options Panel and/or go make a cup of tea... I suspect though that all that just make the time pass faster and the add-on is just taking its time loading...
Hopefully there will be a fix soon.
The work around requireing turning the extension off and on for every DAZ page is nearly untenable. I was able to still use Daz Deals in MS Edge for a little while because it was still version 4.0.3; but when it finally updated to version 4.0.4 it stopped working in Edge also. So now as a Pro subscriber DAZ Deals is virtually worthless to me.
I am also disappointed that ATI or Overdrawn have not commented on this issue. Hopefully it means they are busy working on a fix and that it will be out soon (not DAZ soon)
Wait, what? The Wishlist button requires a subscription now? But that's the whole point!
It's fine. I should stop wasting time here anyway. Now without paying $60/yr premium, store is mostly unusable - Too many items, no way to differentiate wheat from chaff. So, mission accomplished!
I know that recently both Ati and Overdrive had family/health issues, maybe they are having such issues again. There are only 2 of them.
Snow has a valid point: The store is made for big spenders, and the plugin is weighted toward big spenders, too.
Ati and Overdrive are doing what they feel they must do with their plugin. As a percentage of what I spend here, the premium service is not worth the money. I simply hadn't realized the extent to which shopping here is a painful chore without the full function of the plugin. That part of it is actually on Daz. So, I'll leave the plugin installed, but it won't make much difference if I'm still not really buying anything.
Me to and I will continue to support the creators. But it is very annoying to pay for something that is not working properly, I understand they have had some things going on and I am sure when they are able they will do thier best to get the plugin working correctly. I still use the forum/gallery links and the pricing graph so I am still getting benefit from the program. Unfortunately the filter to only show wishlist items is my most used items and I sure do miss it!
The wishlist filter still works for me most of the time (pro subscriber), but it takes a long time to show up on the page. The graph and recent best price also work, but take a long time to show up on the product page. It is like it is waiting for something to time out or something. I have ads and social media tracking tags blocked, but that has always been the case. I use Firefox. Maybe the latest update to Firefox caused a problem, or there is an issue with Daz Deals 4.0.4, or Daz3D changed the way the pages work. Ati and Overdrawn are always having to redo things because of Daz3D store changes.
Yep, me too. I use Vivaldi, which is a Chrome derivitive, and all of a sudden I went from "Works fine" to, nothing, not even showing the Daz-Deals options in the drop down under accounts. So, finally yesterday, I uninstalled Daz-Deals and then re-installed it, fixed the email and code, Reset my preferences, and it started working again. Most of the time. If I open the extension and refresh it and then go back to the item and refresh it and then wait a minute, it comes up. So, yes, I'm thinking Chrome, but I'm also thinking server issues, although I get my email notices just fine.
When was the last time someone saw Ati or Overdrawn on any forum? EDIT: Did some research, looks like April 12th was the last time Overdrawn was on, and they said that the new version was going to the stores that day. I know it sometimes takes a little while for the stores to release. But, if there has been an update since then, it may have broken more things.