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My Pro Features are shut off for some reason. My monthly subscription updated today. I tried updating on the email notifications page, but it just says it's saving and never changes.
edit: This was in Chrome, but I tried installing in Firefox, and the same thing happened.
same problem. I was involuntarily logged out of Daz Deals Pro in Firefox. I am getting pretty annoyed with this. This isn't the first time the extension has said my email or passcode was not valid.
What is the issue? Why are there problems syncing with the Wishlist? Is there a way to turn off notification of sales on wishlist items? Would that fix this recurring problem? The only features I use with this "pro" version is the filtering of wishlisted items and filtering by % off. The email notification are not of interest for me since I check in regularly.
Yes. And thank you for trying to help me figure this out. My apologies for such a tardy response but my pets (post surgery) came home with unexpected pepper sized guests. Vaccuuming and hot hot laundry cycles have dominated recent days.
I have an annual membership that expires on the 27th of this month. Does it renew automatically or if not how do I renew it? I currently only see an option for monthly subscriptions.
May 13th was the last post on here by one of the creators. I hope Overdrawn and Ati are doing alright.
Yes, I hope so too. May 5 was the last time ATI was active on the DAZ site and June 6 was the last time Overdrawn was active.
Mine renewed today and now I've lost all my features.
Login to
MyAccount > Payments
Same thing happened to me when I renewed a couple of days ago.
I had some flickers of issues with the Daz Deals flipping on and off, thought it was because I cleaned my chache twice over the past two months due to a very sluggish Google Chrome, especially on the DAZ website. It has been okay the past few days.
@ArtAngel, I feel for you. In May, right after we adopted two special needs cats within a few weeks my flatmate decided to wash his bedding and found bed bugs. Three weeks of pest control visits, vacumning and laundry like crazy and bites everytime I went into his room to help. Still dealing with those. Even had furniture fall over on me.
Did you try updating your email notifications section to renter your email address (which must match the email address you signed up with) and your passcode?
I did. Nothing happens.
I did that and still I get the error I posted in my previous post when trying to save, however the % off and filter by wishlist are again working.
I'm surprised the creators of this haven't checked in here yet, with all the comments.
Yes. Actually I'm a bit worried about them. ATI hasn't been active on the DAZ site since May 5 and Overdrawn hasn't been active since 6 June, I hope they are OK.
All my email notifications have stopped as well. This is obviously something at the backend not recognising that my subscription has renewed.
As I asked before:
Did you try updating your email notifications section to renter your email address (which must match the email address you signed up with) and your passcode?
Yes. No effect.
Same as butterflyfish.
You don't need a referrer or add on. It's just a few extra lines of code in the Daz web site to make it much more user friendly. One reason why I stopped purchasing Daz products is because I can't find what I'm looking for, partly because I can't do sorts. I'm not paying for an add on. No way.
Slight improment, at least I've got all of my basic features back. Still without Pro features though.
Had to remove the extension and clear the entire browser cache. Then reinstall the extension.
The fact that the emails have stopped points to the Pro problem being a server side rather than client side.
Huh, such a bummer. Was coming here to ask if one can do one-off memberships via Paypal, as I'm only needing the 'owned' filter for a few days to finish my DAZ catalogue. Does anybody have a clue whether we can maybe get the DAZ homepage to sort by 'items owned' without an add-on?
I'm finding the lack of communication here concerning.
Novica posted the other day in her thread that she has not been getting notifications of posts to her thread from the forums. (In addition to not being online recently.) So maybe the forums while not letting us post images, is also not notifying folks that people are posting comments and questions in their threads?
I don't know if a DM would work or not? Or if a query to Daz Customer Support on their status would work?
Good to know. Thanks. I've sent them a DM.
@butterflyfish I sent you a PM
I've been a subscriber to DAZ Deals for at least a year. I appreciate this, and it works great in my browser!
I purchased Fate on July 5 for $2.59.
When I look at Price History for Fate, the Recent Best is $10.8 and nowhere on July 4-7 does the graph show it any lower. I expected my purchase would become the Recent Best because I've got the plug-in installed. So, it makes me question the basis of Recent Best for *OTHER* items. I have a LOT of other examples where my purchase was lower than any Recent Best and the rest of the DAZ Deals subscriber community is not being informed.
Is there a FAQ somewhere to explain? Are crazy coupon prices sometimes not reported?
The list doesn't show stacking discounts (banners, coupons, discounts based on other items in the cart), only the prices that are listed on the store.
For a few days, I would get sporadic forum notifications, usually during the Daz night time. Now for many days I don't get any at all. You would think that Ati and Overdrawn would check in from time to time, even if there were no email notifications. Not only have they not visited this thread, they haven't even been "Active" on the Daz site for many weeks. Something isn't right. We all hope they are OK, but it is getting really concerning.
They are OK. I sent you a PM