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Thanks @Ati, appreciate the follow-up, have a great weekend!
IT WORKS! Suddenly Daz Deals is working correctly. Firefox 85.0, Windows 10 2004. (2004 means 2020 April update.)
That's great news! Thanks for sharing this info. Version 84 was the version that broke parts of the functionality—it sounds like in version 85, they disabled whatever it was that broke it previously.
Is the "Hide Items I own" part of the normal store, and not Daz Deals? (and only show PC+?) I've been using it so long, I can remember what is the store and what is Daz Deals. I uninstalled Daz Deals from Chrome (I use edge) and those two still show up.
Yes, those two checkboxes are standard DAZ Store, not the Deals add-on.
Hmm...what is anyone using for Daz Deals on Android these days? I had to replace my phone, and so far I've tried:
...and other ideas, thoughts, successes recently?
have you thought about making a mobile app since mobile browsers don't really have full add-on support (or none at all) on android and on iOS, non-existent
With the gallery back online, the gallery notification emails are doing a bit of a catch-up. You may get a few more notification emails about new images than usual until all the images are caught up with.
I know the gallery just recently went live but I wanted to let you know that its not showing the images with the gallery link.
Email notifications are up and running with the new gallery. The addon itself needed coding changes to show and correctly link to the images--it's done and is currently being tested. I hope we'll be able to push out the new version soon.
I've just shipped v2.5.2 to all the add-on stores, so you should be seeing updates shortly (Firefox has already published it)! This release adds the updates gallery links @Ati mentioned above, so you can enjoy browsing from product to gallery again. ^_^
Thanks! Works like a charm. If using Edge, you can force the update: link
It is working well from Chrome. Thank you.
love that the gallery images are back with the products, that is so useful.
My only show owned button is not working after doing a search for an item. If I search "dress" then click only show owned on the results it doesn't work. If I just go to the store and use the categories: people & wearables / clothing and accessories / fantasy / gen8 / female and I click the only show owned button at anytime within those categories it works.
using Chrome
The native store search still seems to be a work in progress. At least we hope so. Once that works optimally, we can address any remaining issues with it.
Hi. Thanks.
I'm using Chrome set to Theme Slate. chrome lets me set default font and font size.
unfortunataely, gives no setting for font color.
i have chrome zoomed 150 percent and I have the win10 magnifier on.
what would help is to override the invivisible light gray font to black.
i cant see the font in the product lib and the light cyan of links and light cyan buttons
or if there was a way to highlight the poser downloads so i could find it on my lonesomes?
so.. maybe this has been answered already (again) recently, but after finding this new thread and going a few pages back, i'm sick of it. from everything daz could have changed on this site, finally introducing an effective search for the worst possible forum on the net would haven been my priority #1..
aaanyways, my question: any new developments on the wishlist label/categories front?
last i read weeks ago on the old thread is that since they killed the comment fields (and weren't even sure the data was still around or re-implementable), the point was moot since the labels use the comments... anything new happened since?
cuz right now, since the labels are gone i use browser bookmarks for the items i really want to buy first/top priority (my wishlist is miles long, no oversight there...), but i already have almost the length of a screen, and this also means that when i want to see if one/several of those products is/are on a speshul sale/%, i have to LOAD THEM ALL INDIVIDUALLY AND LOOK ON THE PRODUCT PAGE. guess there's no need to mention it's a mega huge PITA... :/
I switched Edge to Developer mode as suggested and refreshed using the update thingy but no sign of an update yet. I'm still on 2.5.1.
thanks for the reply ^^
ok, even i peeked at those tags in the gallery, i can't even imagine what the equivalent on our wishlist would look like,, anyways, thanks a lot for still trying to re-introduce this function whenever you can! lloking forward to it ^^
I was wondering is it showing all the images for a product?
For example Zsazsa had in the gallery images for the product on the old gallery had Zsazsa as a mermaid and was the image that got me to buy Zsazsa also i remember there being an aimage of her standing on bouy being menaced by sharks thats not there either
love the add on either way
It's showing the images that have been marked as using that particular product. We kept all the images from the old gallery as well, only changed the addon to use the new paths that the new gallery uses. (Plus a ton of other things in the background that are needed due to the change, but those are all background processes only.)
ok so look at Zsazsa as an example with a bit of lateral googling i found these
there used to be a load of gallery images for her and this for example is not showing
or this
Yeah, I've also found that some pieces just aren't showing up on any of their linked store pages.
This was the one I first noticed it with: - which, understandably, isn't one of my most popular pieces, so I was wondering if there was a popularity cutoff, but then I've also noticed that this piece: which was reasonably popular (more so than some of my other pieces that are showing up) isn't showing either.
That image is marked as inactive on our side, meaning that it was missing when one of the follow-up checks on it was performed to refresh the like-count. Was it hidden, and then made public again, by any chance?
I have no idea @Ati both of them? they are visiable in Alisa53's gallery but I have to use google to get to the gallery as there is no search yet. and as i said thoses images were both in the gallery resultsin the plugin before the burn/fall/judgement day of the old gallery.
I have no idea how the old gallery or the new one or how the plugins work all I can say is what i saw just trying to help.
I put these back in active status. They will appear after the cache catches up.
As far as "inactive uploads", the examples I've linked are my own gallery uploads and I'm not aware that I ever hid them.
Do you know when it was marked inactive? Is it possible that the check simply happened on an occasion that the store was down (perhaps even during the store upgrade that took down the old galleries) and thus got falsely flagged?
It's quite possible that I'll have to manually speed up some re-checking process in the background. In the meantime, I've put your images back in the active status, too.