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It has stopped working for me on Chrome now, too. Chrome Version 89.0.4389.82 (Official Build) (64-bit).
If I uninstall and reinstall, will it lose my settings?
It does for me. But it's quick enough to redo them. I've put the Deals download page in my quick access menu bar. My new daily routine: delete extension / download again / settings.
I'm just glad I can still have the extension and that it's salvageable.
It does for me. But it's quick enough to redo them. I've put the Deals download page in my quick access menu bar. My new daily routine: delete extension / download again / settings.
I'm just glad I can still have the extension and that it's salvageable.
Thanks for letting me know what ot expect, JamieM.
Chrome stopped working for me, today, as well. Uninstalling the extension and reinstalling seems to have worked. *fingers crossed*
When you need to uninstall/reinstall, does that happen each time you close the browser? It would be nice to find some sort of consistency because right now I can't replicate the issue, so it's pretty hard to even begin to troubleshoot. :(
Ah so it wasn't just for me than, I too am using Chrome and the Daz Deals didn't work. I have not tried to uninstall/reinstall yet, I went to Daz page almost directly after having started the computer and it worked for me yesterday when I turned off the computer. only checked my mail (gmail) before going to daz (also, adding these things in the off chance it may be of miniscule help for you Ati :) )
Edit - I closed the browser and than opened it again directly, going straight back to daz. And the add on need to be reinstalled again cause it stopped working
Do you have another extension that may be interfering? An ad blocker or something? I have Adblock, but it's disabled on the Daz store. I do have the Malwarebytes extension with all protections running, though.
It is morning here and I have just logged in again. So last night I removed the DAZ Deals extension from Edge and reinstalled it. As expected, from the experience of others, the extension started working. This morning I have just logged in and it has stopped working again. So the de-install/re-install fix is only temporary.
Yes, I have AdBlock Plus and also the Malwarebytes extension. I'll try without but I don't really understand why they wouldn't block the extension just after it has been reinstalled but start blocking it after a restart. I'll update in a few minutes.
[EDIT] - So I disabled ABP and MalwareBytes Browser extensions and tried again. It did not make any difference. The DAZ Deals extension is still not working. I really can't be bothered to uninstall/reinstall every time I go into the browser so I'll have to do without DAZ Deals until it is fixed. I'm quite happy to test any possible solutions, however.
By the way, I still seem to be getting the emails that are selected in the DAZ Deals options so it seems that it is only the in-browser functions that are missing.
Are all of the functions missing, or only the ones that can be enabled/disabled? For example, is the discount percents shown in the cart? That can't be disabled by itself.
I just popped an item in my cart to check what you are asking:
I didn't check back in on last night, after reinstalling the extension, but I can tell you upon arrive at the website today, the extension was not working and once again, I had to uninstall and reinstall it. Twice actually, the first time, I had open in another tab and even a ctrl+refresh didn't acknowledge the extension. I closed all of the tabs, uninstalled/reinstalled the extension and came back to Then the extension worked again.
On chrome Version 89.0.4389.90 (Official Build) (64-bit) (it just updated when I checked the version)
Adding some screenshots so you can see what is working and what isn't. It seems SOME options are working (discount in shopping cart) and some aren't (filters etc)
The only way to get everything working is by uninstalling and then reinstalling the add on every time I have to close Chrome.
I'm running Chrome 89.0.4389.90 on my Linux system (only system I use online) and everything works for me
I've never had any of the problems that have been mentioned now or in the past Just lucky I guess.
I'm on Chrome v89.0.4389.82, and the add-on was broken when I opened the site this morning, but an uninstall/reinstall seemed to fix it.
when you close Chrome it "breaks" again tho.
Well, unless my computer needs to restart for updates or chrome needs to relaunch to update, I never close my browser. My computer updated last night so that's the only reason I had to reboot.
IDK. It's weird. I fired up Chrome and updated it, and with the 2.5.3 version of the Daz Deals extension, and after shutting it down and relaunching it again, everything seems copacetic there too. Could it be a TamperMonkey thing?
HEre's a screenshot of what extensions I have in chrome, and which ones i have turned on and which are off, if that may help.
I only have 4 enabled extensions for Edge:
DAZ Deals
MalwareBytes Browser Guard
AdBlock Plus
DAZ Deals is not working In Edge unless I uninstall and reinstall it.
It appears to be working just fine in the actual Chrome browser though.
EDIT - just double checked what extensions I have enabled in Chrome to compare with Edge and I see that Adblock Plus is turned off in Chrome. However, that turned out to be a blind alley because I tried to reinstall the DAZ Deals extension in Edge and as soon as I stopped and started Edge again, it stopped working again. At least that is consistent - reinstall and it works, stop/start Edge and it stops working.
This was a first. Y'all fixing something?
I think the servers went down. It's still not responding. I had a bunch of notices trigger, but when I check (I have to type it in the search bar, because the links aren't loading in the email) the prices are different. Which usually means that someone at Daz typed in the wrong percentile, and that may have overloaded Ati's site. (I got about 60+ notices that I have to reset now. once things are back up, 'cause it's still down now,)
Here a Firefox user,
it gives me a page not Found result for the pricing window.
I am getting the took too long to respond this morning and things not working in emails or anywhere else. Sounds like maybe an isp or server problem. I am using Chrome.
Should be fine now. I go away for half a day, and of course it dies during that half-day. Argh.
Ah, I see why it went down. Almost 35,000 items went on sale at once... :D Yeah, that's a lot of stuff to process and send out notifications for.
Thank you!
Being without it for one morning really emphasised how useful it is. I avoided buying anything while I couldn't check forum mentions, price history etc.
Still don't work for me on Chrome (have un-installed/re-installed)