So excited for this! One of the biggest things that adds to the uncanny valley effect is the lack of that soft fuzz. Though after watching a rather horrifying dermaplaning video, I have to wonder if now a lot of people are walking around without any fuzz at all on their faces, lol.
You shouldn't see much difference. That's the point. Vellus hair is fine and very short. In a real life photo it will look like a thin halo when back lit. If not back liighted, it will not be visible unless the photo is a fairly extreme close up. Even then, the vellus hair will only be visible along a profile/edge.
I've been using The Philosopher's Vellus Hair on my Genesis 8's, but this looks like a less swarthy alternative. You are really doing great things, Those Things!
Here's another comparison, for those still on the fence about whether this will make enough of a difference in realism to justify an eventual purchase. I made the aspect ratio wide, so both images can be on a single monitor at the same time. Obviously, this is not something that a user will need in every render, but it is something that can make a big difference depending on the lighting conditions in your scene, especially with close up shots and portraits.
Look at the edge of the darker fabric going down from the left corner of her chin.
Ahhh, I was on the wrong side. I do see that. I don't know why that's there.
ETA: Mystery solved, photoshop applying camera RAW settings from a previous render.
Ah, one of those features there to help you...they say.
That can happen when software try to out-smart the user. Usually with very unexpected (and unwanted) results. Tha's why I rather go with natural stupidity than artificial intelligence
That's by design! The effect is mean to be subtle, as it is subtle in real life, and not something glaringly obvious. You don't so much notice it, as notice its absence, if that makes sense. Where it really makes a difference, is where light rakes across the surface of skin. On actual human skin, that light gets broken up and diffused by the vellus hair or "peach fuzz", but on Daz models (who have no vellus hair) that light behaves as if it is hitting a perfectly smooth surface.
Out of curiosity, what is the texture sets you used for the character in the first three promo posts? I don't know if it's a private, custom texture set you only use for yourself or something isn't availanle somewhere else, but if it's something publicly available, I'd really like to know where it's from.
Nothing against that one in the University bundle, but I find Those Things' version far more realistic. It covers the body better is more accurate to actual vellus. I haven't sat up waiting on a new release like this in a good while!
Instant buy for me also. It is very subtle, but so is vellus hair in most cases.
Totally agree on both counts.
Fantastic! Definitely what has been missing for the closeups.
Looks much more realistic than other products I've tried. Looking forward to it
So excited for this! One of the biggest things that adds to the uncanny valley effect is the lack of that soft fuzz. Though after watching a rather horrifying dermaplaning video, I have to wonder if now a lot of people are walking around without any fuzz at all on their faces, lol.
Damn, this looks amazing. Can't wait to buy this!
Are there separate zones such as cheeks nose chin etc or are all the areas just one hair prop?
Um, open them in two different tabs and flip between them. The difference is clear.
You shouldn't see much difference. That's the point. Vellus hair is fine and very short. In a real life photo it will look like a thin halo when back lit. If not back liighted, it will not be visible unless the photo is a fairly extreme close up. Even then, the vellus hair will only be visible along a profile/edge.
hope to see this in the store soon.
Is it similar to and
I've been using The Philosopher's Vellus Hair on my Genesis 8's, but this looks like a less swarthy alternative. You are really doing great things, Those Things!
Instabuy when it comes to shop, good job!
Here's another comparison, for those still on the fence about whether this will make enough of a difference in realism to justify an eventual purchase. I made the aspect ratio wide, so both images can be on a single monitor at the same time. Obviously, this is not something that a user will need in every render, but it is something that can make a big difference depending on the lighting conditions in your scene, especially with close up shots and portraits.
well! Justified!
Why does the edge of the fabric running down from her left shoulder change from dark to light between the two renders?
I'm not sure what you're seeing? I opened both renders in Photoshop, and they both look the same. Maybe it's just a web browser artifact?
I can see it, as well. Looks good though.
I can't see it...
Here's each shoulder, side by side:
Look at the edge of the darker fabric going down from the left corner of her chin.
Left as in actual left rather than facing left. It is on the fabric edge and on the shoulder.
Ahhh, I was on the wrong side. I do see that. I don't know why that's there.
ETA: Mystery solved, photoshop applying camera RAW settings from a previous render.
I need to save up some budget. Do you already have a time frame when that great thing can jump in my shopping cart? Looks like a must-have
I'd say it's about 99% finished, so I'll be submitting it very soon.
Ah, one of those features there to help you...they say.
That can happen when software try to out-smart the user. Usually with very unexpected (and unwanted) results. Tha's why I rather go with natural stupidity than artificial intelligence
Out of curiosity, what is the texture sets you used for the character in the first three promo posts? I don't know if it's a private, custom texture set you only use for yourself or something isn't availanle somewhere else, but if it's something publicly available, I'd really like to know where it's from.
It will be even more interested to see the difference between this system and the newly released Vellus hair in:
Nothing against that one in the University bundle, but I find Those Things' version far more realistic. It covers the body better is more accurate to actual vellus. I haven't sat up waiting on a new release like this in a good while!