(Released!) Vellus Horizon Shader System USER GUIDE IN COMMENTS



  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,091

    In the cart!

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,724

    Those Things said:

    Here's a guide for anyone who doesn't want to wait for this to be in an update!


    Thanks for the guide. It really helps to understand the product better.


  • And now the finished render for a PC+ Contest (Shell distance set to 0.001). "Thankful for the journey after the pandemic" I really LOVE that product heart

  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    Time to update the thread title to "Release".  I've been playing Skyrim recently, so not DSing so much, but had a little store credit left, and I wanted this anyway.

  • Sevrin said:

    Time to update the thread title to "Release".  I've been playing Skyrim recently, so not DSing so much, but had a little store credit left, and I wanted this anyway.

    I'm looking forward to seeing what you make! 

  • Lothar Weber said:

    And now the finished render for a PC+ Contest (Shell distance set to 0.001). "Thankful for the journey after the pandemic" I really LOVE that product heart

    It came together beautifully! 

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,724
    edited February 2021

    Below is my try of https://www.daz3d.com/iray-vellus-horizon-shader-system-for-genesis-8-female

    on one of my favorite Genesis 8 Female characters - Babina 8 HD - https://www.daz3d.com/babina-8-hd-add-on


    1200 x 1200 - 182K
    Post edited by Artini on
  • Artini said:

    Below is my try of https://www.daz3d.com/iray-vellus-horizon-shader-system-for-genesis-8-female

    on one of my favorite Genesis 8 Female characters - Babina 8 HD - https://www.daz3d.com/babina-8-hd-add-on


    You know, I imagined this product as a product for closeups, but it's great to see the effect working on full-body shots like this one. Also, someone's bikini needs mowing. laugh 

  • Artini said:

    Below is my try of https://www.daz3d.com/iray-vellus-horizon-shader-system-for-genesis-8-female

    on one of my favorite Genesis 8 Female characters - Babina 8 HD - https://www.daz3d.com/babina-8-hd-add-on

    thats the thing. Subtile but noticeable... great one!

  • PaintboxPaintbox Posts: 1,633

    Those Things said:

    Artini said:

    Below is my try of https://www.daz3d.com/iray-vellus-horizon-shader-system-for-genesis-8-female

    on one of my favorite Genesis 8 Female characters - Babina 8 HD - https://www.daz3d.com/babina-8-hd-add-on


    You know, I imagined this product as a product for closeups, but it's great to see the effect working on full-body shots like this one. Also, someone's bikini needs mowing. laugh 

    are you saying the grass doesn't come with product? I want my refund! laugh

    This product is sitting in my basket, gonna buy.

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,724
    edited February 2021

    Thanks a lot.

    Below is her close up.


    1200 x 1200 - 318K
    Post edited by Artini on
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,724

    I know, I know.  I asked for non postworked renders, but after using a few filters, I got some interesting effects.

    Could you please, say which one is acceptable to see. Thanks.


  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,724
    edited February 2021

    Vibrant Scenery


    1200 x 1200 - 587K
    Post edited by Artini on
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,724
    edited February 2021



    1200 x 1200 - 655K
    Post edited by Artini on
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,724
    edited February 2021

    Bright and Vivid


    1200 x 1200 - 604K
    Post edited by Artini on
  • I like the original best.


  • ThyranqThyranq Posts: 584

    You're a genious.

    This is by far the best vellus product I've used! Thanks so much for creating it!

  • DaventakiDaventaki Posts: 1,624

    Very nice renders!  Artini I like the original best also.  Thrang love the dramatic lighting!

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999
    edited February 2021

    Comparisons: one with, one without ...



    With Vellus.jpg
    2000 x 2000 - 609K
    Without Vellus.jpg
    2000 x 2000 - 610K
    Post edited by SimonJM on
  • lilweeplilweep Posts: 2,561

    when will you be releasing g8m if at all?


  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    lilweep said:

    when will you be releasing g8m if at all?


    In theory, load G8M, add Geoshell, go to Surfaces and change UV map from Base Male to Base Female and continue as normal. 

  • jardinejardine Posts: 1,205
    edited February 2021

    thanks for the guide, Those Things...

    i was pretty sure i was missing at least one important step in the process when double-clicking 'USE FIRST' made my figure disappear. 



    Post edited by jardine on
  • DaventakiDaventaki Posts: 1,624
    edited February 2021

    Here is my first go at the Hair.  I tried to added to G8.1F but ran into issues and need to go look at the trick to adding geoshells to her. 

    This is the unedited version.  If your interested there is a group of 3 in the gallery with 2 other edited images of the same render.

    Click for larger (3000x3000)  My only complaint about this absolutely awesome product so far is the hair does not go all the way to the lip line.  Which I can understand might be impossible to do and I am by no means an expert on vellus hair so not everyone's might not do the same but my own goes all the way to the lip line.

    Update: after Those Things pointed out that it should in fact go all the way to the lip line I retesting and do not know why with this character morph it did not.

    3000 x 3000 - 4M
    Post edited by Daventaki on
  • Daventaki said:

    Here is my first go at the Hair.  I tried to added to G8.1F but ran into issues and need to go look at the trick to adding geoshells to her. 

    This is the unedited version.  If your interested there is a group of 3 in the gallery with 2 other edited images of the same render.

    Click for larger (3000x3000)  My only complaint about this absolutely awesome product so far is the hair does not go all the way to the lip line.  Which I can understand might be impossible to do and I am by no means an expert on vellus hair so not everyone's might not do the same but my own goes all the way to the lip line.

    Well now, that's strange. It should absolutely go to the lip line. It did in all my tests, and I tested about 25 different characters. Is there any chance that you altered your character's shaping after you created your geoshell? I'm not even sure that would matter, just guessing here. 

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    I see that it should work with 8.1, so going to get it.

    Thanks for the East Guide; despite how long I've been using Studio, I've never used Geoshells - as far as I know.

  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823
    edited February 2021

    When I tried it on g8.1 female I never used the geoshell prep, I simply changed the shell mesh offset to 0.01 manually, than changed the uv on the shell to genesis 8 base female. After that I just used the shaders for respective part. Worked fine for me.

    I also tried the same, or almost the same rather, for genesis 8.1 male. Loaded a geoshell on him, manually changed the offset to 0.01 and than changed the uv to genesis 8 base male (base female weren't available for him ;P) and than used the shaders. I haven't seen the finished render (just got up) but it seemed to work fine without any error messages atleast :)

    edit - the reason I haven't seen the finished render is cause I put it to render over night, and haven't actually gotten around to look yet lol. I will show the iamge later when I've put it all together :)

    Post edited by Carola O on
  • Thyranq said:

    You're a genious.

    This is by far the best vellus product I've used! Thanks so much for creating it!

    Wow, thank you so much! 

  • DaventakiDaventaki Posts: 1,624
    edited February 2021

    Those Things said:

    Well now, that's strange. It should absolutely go to the lip line. It did in all my tests, and I tested about 25 different characters. Is there any chance that you altered your character's shaping after you created your geoshell? I'm not even sure that would matter, just guessing here. 

    Did not change the shape and cannot remember if I did the smile before or after the geoshell.  Will test further to see what I get.

    Update: I stand corrected, it does go all the way to the lip.  I tried a few mouth smile morphs and couldn't repeat so maybe a fluke or the character I used...  (The morphed jacked up the teeth also, don't know if that holds any bearing at all but maybe thats why it didn't work quite right.)

    Post edited by Daventaki on
  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823

    I did not get it to work on the male, atleast I don't think so. Though if that was because the shader simply didn't take (despite not giving error message), or if I did something wrong I have no idea :) I likely try some more things to see if I can get it to work on males as well, atleast until we convince Those Things that they really, truly Want to make one for males (both g8 and g8.1 ;P)

  • lilweeplilweep Posts: 2,561

    SimonJM said:

    lilweep said:

    when will you be releasing g8m if at all?


    In theory, load G8M, add Geoshell, go to Surfaces and change UV map from Base Male to Base Female and continue as normal. 

    G8F/base female is not a default UV set for G8M and G8.1M

    i tried adding the G8F UV as a new UV set to G8M/G8.1M and it just keeps saying invalid UV set - so i dont think this method works. Unless im doing something wrong.

    It would make sense that this doesnt work if G8F and G8M have different geometries, which i assume they do - this isnt Genesis 1.

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