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I like history so the issues I explore are largely ones we have seen repeatedly explored from history I read about.
The Alien raiders are similar to vikings, and their impact is a similar one.
The adversity theory in the red folder is based on a scientific article I read about how some personality types thrive and become leaders with the application of a bit of adversity, so this seemed up my alley in regards to dark government psychological experiments. This is by no means the only dark government activities which occur in my stories, simply one of the milder ones.
I like to explore love between people sight unseen, so Owen and Boyd fall in love even before Boyd gets a body of his own.
I also am a fan of denying characters their desires, so that comes into play a lot in my work.
You really are an artist, and, I guess, a wonder woman, not only in the sense of being an artist for the visual arts, but also for the literary.
Aww thanks. Glad you like it.
Owen tends to overdo it, and this time he has a slight cold.
they have just moved into this new place, and have yet to find the blankets. Boyd will get up and look for them soon.
Fun, props: Owen is apparently reading Alice in wonderland, which may be a bit more appropriate than I intended, given their adventures. Baby Packy, was won by Boyd at a carnival, and he gave him to Owen. There is a spoon and a bottle of MySwill on the side table. The Bowl of strawberries came with the apartment, but I didn't delete them. Its a nice thing for Boyd to Bring Owen when he's sick.
Poor Owen he must be really feeling bad to lay on that book, it can't be comfortable. Hopefully the MySwill will get him better soon.
On the subject of Women's clothing for men, Cyberpunk 2077 Judy Alvarez G8 Female, includes a cute outfit, boots, and cyber parts. You just need to add a bulge with fit control.
Where is this product exactly? And, yes, I think sometimes the women's clothing look really good on the guys, more stylish and daring. Someone told me you've recommended women's outfits that fit well on the guys. Any link available?
Judy is at Renderhub. Because it is a semi mature site, no links allowed. If you look for Cyberpunk 2077 Judy Alvarez G8 Female you will find her. Set includes hair, wetware, glove, shirt, shoes, body, character and tats
The Cyberpunk 2077 cybernetic props. I added a small emissive square to the first image. Because having a green light shine in your eye, looks cool, but would probably be annoying. Ah, the things we do for beauty. Now WHY can't we get cool implants like these in the store?
While at Renderhub I picked up: SoulTrain Pack G8M by SDEB. I think this is the best retro outfit I've seen, and I like that there is both a dfarce version and an autofit version. The shirt is... Very fun. The platform boots are very detailed. And I like that.
Boyd and his dad Zachariah. I didn't realize when I made Zachariah that he has no navel. LOL. I corrected this in other images. Strange.
Perhaps he was not born in the conventional way, and therefore had no umbilical cord.
Entirely possible!
Thanks for the synopsis. Zachariah reminds me of someone but I can't place who. He's also really cute!
Heh heh. Well, Dad is indeed handsome, navel or Not. I try to give my guys both parents. It is too convenient when the parents are killed off in stories. I am not sure who Owen's dad is I guess when he takes a gene test someone may pop out of the woodwork, with accumulated 18 years of Paternity Payments, plus interest, because no, the government won't let that slide.
Boyd carries Owen again, in this painterly nonsense. But I was in the mood for some fun.
A cleaner linear style achieved by using Raw Filters in photoshop
Another, this time Owen has longer hair.
Toon Axo skin texture is rendering white, but says it is for Gen 8. Is there a software requirement beyond iray? I have 4.11
Is it PBR shader perhaps?
Yeah, it appears to be darnit. It isn't mentioned in the product description.
You should be able to use the same maps with the Uber shader... or run Anagenessis, or some similar product.
ETA: Perhaps there's going to be a PBR -> Uber converter? Sounds like something @Sickleyield might come up with.
The only clue in the product description "What's Included" part is that it mentions a Roughness map. Other than that, there would be no way to tell
Converting the textures from PBRSkin to Iray Uber should be simple enough for the base, but there are also a couple of glow options that may need some tinkering.
I tried it on the little guy and what would be his torso and head worked well, but his frills and tail did not apply. I will delve a bit more and see what can be done.
on a different note I wish there were pose controls for his tiny tail. Posing tail bones is kind of a trying thing. There may be a bone to pose with but I did not see it.
The New Snow Mobile Motorschlitten rescue set is for poser but recolors well with shaders sold here. It includes the props on the sled in the back. For some time I was looking for medic gear, and the stuff on the sled might work. There are bags and some interesting medical props.
The new HAL Character, head dialed in 100 percent, and Body 50 percent, makes an excellent tooned Owen and Boyd.
Their eyes render a bit dark, so we will work on that next time.
This is adorable!
Thanks! I really like Hal. He mixes well with other figures as well!
More toons!
Congratulations! It's a boy! He has Boyd's skin tone and hair color, and Owen's eye color!