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How do you go about checking this?
Load base male and show hidden morphs then pose the figure in some of your more extreme poses. Then look what jcms have turned on in the parameters dials only the basic morphs and jcms should activate..if you are getting correctives for figures not in use they will be there. I had about ten. Jcms are great when you use the figure they are designed for. But they should not be firing off when that figure isn't dialed in.
You are right. In a quick two pose test I tried, I see corrective morphs being dialed in incorrectly. I see morphs from 3DU TG4, Juan Carlos HD, Growing Up, M3D Teen Base.
I had Hal, toon boy, 3du toon generations, the toon generation infant, some clothing morphs by Soto which I don't understand exactly why are they projection morphs? toon Dwayne, Falcon from Rendo,and more. That stuff adds up. Every character had at least 10 or more. That adds up.
In my case the Growing Up corrective may be a bug in a morph conversion rather than a Zev0 error. I don't think he makes that kind of mistake. I think I converted that from G3M long ago when I was experimenting with a morph conversion product.
Projection morphs don't affect the character, but they are "projected" into the clothing that is on the character. and change the fit of the clothing. Projection morphs are intended to make clothing fit better when certain morphs are dialed in on the character. For example, if you dial in Maxx on G8M, there might be a projection morph to make clothes fit his large body better.
The clothing is deadlands wear. I just uninstalled it. I don't need stuff that dials in on every figure and I don't really use the outfit. It did not do anything I could tell but I don't need invisible content dialed in on every character even if it is harmless.
I will have to put a ticket in on Hal since I use him a lot.
I'm going to file a ticket on the Juan Carlos HD corrective morphs getting dialed in on G8M improperly. Look at the knees and elbows in this pose of base G8M. I rendered at Mesh Resolution 4.
Ticket submitted:Request #377530
Yeah. It really surprising this is not getting corrected. It is easy to detect.
I don't even own Juan Carlos HD add on! Why are these HD corrective morphs installed by the basic Juan Carlos 8 product? Why aren't they part of the HD Add On instead? I updated my help request with this information.
Well, thank you both for reporting these problems. I didn't even know about this. But maybe it will help all of us because these errors will be corrected (I hope).
Very concerning. I'm glad I only mess with toons mostly.
I just spent an hour tracking down the old tutorial and fixing pJCMM3DTeen8BaseBodyFootBendDownL myself.
Here is the tutorial for the brave
. It is easy to make a mistake, in my experience. But, if you do it right, you can fix what Daz may never get around to fixing. The 3DU stuff is even more complex. It takes super bravery to mess with that!
I am not sure I have the skills to do the tutorial. But given my tickets for 3DU products don't get worked on, I'm not sure if I my not try it when I feel fiddly!
Here's an example of Base Male with JCM's firing. I weeded out most of the JCM's that were misbehaving, but I like Hal and don't want to uninstall him In this case, The JCM is most visible in bunching the bicep. The 3dU morph for youth which is firing makes a rather substantial difference to the pose, and will warrant uninstalling.
Post about the Hal problem over in his commercial thread. J. Cade is a top notch PA and has the skills to fix it. I'm sure it is just an oversight that she can patch.
I did so.
I had to uninstall the 3du products. The JCMS is linked to the age thing that seems to be always on. I have a 2.5-year-old ticket for that product, so I doubt they will fix it. Frustrating.
The Hal JCM, I sort of like. The bulging bicep seems kind of realistic. But I let them know.
So im only looking at currently used correct? The ones that have values? Because otherwise there is a huge list. Funny thing is I have Juan Carlos and his HD and I dont get the JCM like Barbult does. I do get some weird one though DemonHD Head Ridges, Demon HD FingernailsFix, TrollHDEyeClosesLeftFix and FIlchabodFeet which all show set as zero but shows as currently used, if I look at the parameters the default is set as greater then zero.
When Im looking at G8F, which i expected to be a bunch because my library for her is bigger, I only had two TeenRaven8 Shine Bend HDL v2 and v4. Which gives nothing but a textured result along the shin/knee.
The jcms only fire if the bodyparts in question or character they are designed for are in use, so I would try several poses including ones involving the head the more extreme the better.
Yeah the ones loading at zero even though they aren't doing anything seem to be saved universally. I don't want morphs loading that aren't in use taking up my load times.
yes, only look for those in use, however if currently used shows something at zero then it's dialed in universally and should be uninstalled or fixed. When I saved a scene file and 3dus figures are in my character morphs at zero percent, my scene file asks for those to be reinstalled, so it is causing a problem. Plus it drags down load times.
Toon Owen teaches Toon Boyd how to swim.
Nicoley is a highly stylized figure. I really can't review him because his textures are PBR and outside of my Render-Ability, and so, I can just show you the shape. The textures I chose were Toon Hero, since, to me, he is highly stylized and looks toony, but not the same style as Hal
Here is Nasiri, with Nicoley's head dialed in at 65 percent, Hal's eyelashes, and Nicoley's bod at 50 percent. Yeah, I can't do much about that rib cage, its pretty sharp, and part of the Nicoley morph.
His morph reminds me of Rob Liefeld's art, in a roundabout way, where he has added details that don't really correspond to actual human anatomy.
Where is the Nicoley character sold? I used DAZ store search. Didn't find him.
Here's dForce Casual suit for G8M' males. It was packaged with the new character, Fred, who I rather like. Unfortunately, I don't find the suit fits very well, and this is a shame since casual men's business suits are not very common. I thought maybe I could kitbash the blazer with jeans and move beyond the wide-leg trousers, but the way the blazer fits is tight in the wrong places and loose in the wrong places.
Oh well. I will see how Owen looks in it tomorrow.
Thank you! I did try a few poses but I probably need to go through more because I was pretty suprised to not find more than what I did.
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