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+1 on barbult's comment. I have had tickets closed out like yours SereneNight and when I refused to accept it, the ticket was bumped up for review and finally action was taken to move it up the food chain. I also had to spell out the issue all over again, attach more documentation and also indicate I must have been 'unclear' in my initial report.
I have that problem too. I remember we discussed it before I will submit a ticket after I finish mowing the yard which will take all day so sometime tomorrow. True, it can be dialed out easy enough but it would be nice to have a correctly working product.
Thanks Nonesuch00. I appreciate your report, since that will let them know it is not just me. I would like to be able t o zero Owen and Boyd, without uninstalling the toon stuff, which I like.
I don't get why genesis 8.1 male characters are being put in the genesis 8 folder. What is the purpose of the 8.1 folder if you can't find figures that are made for that generation? Yes I had to go in and move all the g8.1 males into the correct folder.
Really loved those comic pages Serene! Gorgeous! Are you using a photoshop action/plug in, or is it a ‘sekrit’ formula of yours?
Definitely a Sekrit formula, but I will give you a hint. I use Nik Collection and Camera RAW filters.
females too its very irritating.
It is, especially since the PBR skins are different. There is also Genesis 8.1 clothing. No point in putting it with Genesis 8, since it won't work on genesis 8.
It just feels like they had the opportunity to do things right with the new updated genesis 8.1 as far as file structure goes, and this is a major punt.
I bought the Rocco fellow and the Tate fellow which are both 8.1 to test as possible toon skin material replacements but they weren't suitable to the one I already made by mixing and matching. I need a suitable complementatary color to the teals & blues of the seas and skies for small smart phone screens.
I can't say I'm disappointed because I've learned to expect a narrow window of suitable lighting for iRay/PBR skin materials. The most disppointing thing about those Tate & Rocco material sets is they did not edit out the body hair so like if you do a realistic beach scene closeup of the shirtless torso there is obvious hair that is colored as if it were skin. Also, you can't make such painted on hair look wet. I also don't like the beard stubble because it reduces the flexibility of the characters you can design. Geometrically though, both characters are great and while I don't want to say "more realistic than typical DAZ models" because it's sort of an unintential insult to people that might favor such models, they do have a unique one off look to them not done before at DAZ 3D. I especially like that Tate was given a cleft lip since I've known a few people with them.
As usual I was lazy getting started and so was delayed getting another ticket for us customers wrote; but that is done now and the it is Request #381366. I included 3 images to illustrate how to produce the error. I used the latest & greatest DO character the bug happens to, Tate for G8.1M.
I explained that it doesn't happen to female characters from 8 or 8.1, at least regarding turning into 3DU Toon Generations Baby. Those G8F/G8.1F characters however don't zero figure to the character you loaded correctly but to a mish-mash of the character you loaded and the generic Base G8F or G8.1F so I consider that logic kind of broken as well because if you load Victoria for G8.1F or Africa for G8F, as examples, then when you zero the character you expect it to zero to Victoria for G8.1F or Africa for G8F not to Base G8.1F, Base G8F or a weird mish-mash of the loaded character and the base character. I did not, however, complain about that G8F/G8.1F problem in the ticket. One thing at a time.
I was curious and tried Rocco's skin On Owen. I ran into the same issue. Gynormous chest hairs and super large red nipples. it looks okay on Rocco, but horrible on Owen. I would need to do editing of the skin to be useful.
Yes, I bought the chihuahua, and yes, it is gorgeous and wonderful! I will be playing with this cutie for some time to come!
Thanks Nonesuch! I sure appreciate it. Sounds like you did a thorough job explaining it.
There's a long-haired chihuahua in there too, isn't there? I really like the long-haired version, although they are the same breed. You can have both short haired and long-haired in the same litter. If they are carefully bred, they make beautiful pets. Sorry, a bit off-topic. But now I wish DAZ would release a King Charles Cavalier.
Interesting. Yes a long and a short hair are included,
My favorite dog is the chihuahua. I adopted an older female through a rescue and she was such a love bug I went to the pound and adopted another when she died of congestive heart failure. Although current dog turned out to have no chihuahua at all, she is in fact a mini poodle/ Yorkie, she was advertised as a chi.
I still think chihuahuas and mini poodles are my favorite breeds. As soon as I know my retirement situation and how much money I can spend, I will likely rescue another chihuahua. I love them very much. But I need to asses my living arrangements before taking on another wonder dog.
I favor German Shepherds & Dalmations although I doubt I'll even get a dog for myself as too many others in my neighborhood. I think it's from childhood, those 2 breeds, English Sheepdogs, & Collie were the stars of so many TV shows & movies for those that are the right age. Chihauhuas are mean, maybe meaner than my Indian Ringneck Parrot, it's good that they are so small.
I will get the chihauhua products at DAZ though for sure, just not right away, I spent out so much on DAZ clothing & beach items.
For those people who have just bought a new computer, and the GPU is not rendering in studio 4.15 You may have to turn on these settings
The Setting is located in:
Settings>Display>Graphic Settings (Graphic settings is at the very bottom and easy to miss)
In the Panel that opens click Hardware-Accelerated GPU Scheduling
This will force the machine to use GPU.
Hmm. I have 4.15.and RTX 2060 and Daz Studio renders with the GPU, but Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling is Off on my computer. (It is not a new computer, but it is running up to date Windows 10.) I wonder what that setting does?
However, under Graphics performance preference, I have Daz Studio listed as High Performance. My computer is not a laptop.
Yeah, I am learning a whole bunch of wonky things about my new computer, that I never dealt with on my previous machine.
Even if I choose DAZ Studio to run like yours in the setting my RTX 3090 will not use GPU.
Only by turning on Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling is ON does it run on GPU.
I don't understand why. I only found this answer by searching for other people who had their GPU not work. I also have the latest Studio driver.
Well, maybe I'll try turning it on and see what happens.
Hmmm, mine was already on but I don't remember turning it on. I tend to turn all that stuff on soon as I notice it. I do get faster iRay render times now that I actually have a nVidea video card (GeForce GTX 1650 4GB, don't laugh
) but it hasn't made my renders seem any faster because I've taken to rendering scenes that are more complex then I use to (well it's actually not my doing but the doing of the PAs modeling those sets, clothing, hair, and skin materials).
Eg, right now I am rendering the Train Station that was a new product during this PC+ Extravaganza, one Genesis 8.1 person with Genesis 8 skin materials, and a slushie from the Brain Freeze product you recently reviewed and after 19 hours and 20 minutes I have only 483 iterations (at 2000 x 2000 resolution.)
As soon as I saw these in the shop I thought of your boys- tho I pictured owen with the fluffy white pup.
I think you are right. A fluffy white Chihuahua is definitely in Owen's future, Summerhorse
Okay so my question is: Why are Long file names in Parameter dials a thing? Especially in expressions, some of these are so hard to read..... I realize DAZ store has rules on how things should be named, but with the expression dial, you can use the product name for the product name and label to let people know what it actually is?
I am so glad you said this !! It makes me crazy ,but I have been changing the labels to shorten them and getting rid of the Genesis3-8-8.1 ,cause they only show up with the correct figure anyway.Drives me nuts to either have the window take up half the veiwport ,or have to click on the settings to find out what it is suppose to be .
me too.
I have been changing them too. Also some expressions are 5 happy 5 sad 5 angry. Kinda useless because you have to sort through them to see what each one is like.
I've been going through my expressions and removing the ones that make the guys look like the joker. I backed it up first then added a few sets at a time and then testing them out.. it is easier to pare them down that way.
I haven't been removing any yet ,but shortening is keeping me busy
I have many thousands of male morphs and if I leave them all installed including the expression it takes forever to apply poses and load figures. So I remove most of the morphs and add them in as neeeded. I think because of the architecture of my characters faces not every expression pose looks good so I remove the unwanted ones to avoid longer load times.
Okay, I know it has been a while, but I've had some computer trouble. Mostly it appears that some aspects of DAZ Studio's OpenSSL driver are not compatible with the Alienware R11 in some way that I am not sure I fully understand since my IT skills aren't in the programmer analyst area. Suffice is to say, it crashed upon starting, and DIM Crashed upon Starting until I read in the forums that some people downgraded some components of OpenSSL and it started working.
I don't understand the cause of this, but I am told one can request these files from DAZ And I have done so. We shall see. I can confirm that the open source ones I download from the net do work, but I'd prefer vetted software, when possible, since there are ramifications sometimes to downloading less than pedigree stuff, even open-source stuff.
I can confirm the same crash happens with Topaz Labs, and also with Nik tools. So I will write their support to see if there is a fix.
The theory I have heard is that there was a patch that makes these unusable with the studio.
Well, I can say, if there is such a patch, it was already loaded on my PC since I got it and the studio took a dive from day 1.
Other theories, involve the new hardware not being compatible, or it is an issue with Antivirus software. I have had the crash with or without av software.
If anyone has this issue, this is the thread that could help you, as usually use at your own risk.
Kahuna outfit is dForce and Gen 8.1 only. It doesn't fit on G8, so don't bother if that is all you use.
I like the outfit. I made some adjustments on Boyd. The sunglasses were too narrow, so I widened them slightly. I also made the flip flops a bit smaller. They were quite spacious. Overall, I like the set, but the back of the tank seems a bit high and thick. I wish there was less fabric there, and I could see Boyd's neck.
I do really like the textures. They are sporty and beachy. This is useful. Oh, and I should say the pants do fit over the gens.