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I was surprised not to get any coupon for Zale -- Some people got a "you have a bunch of bundles" one, and this is the first time I can remember not getting one of those.
I'm holding off on Zale for now, until his second bundle drops. At the moment, if the second bundle doesn't have anything else I want, I think I'd probably just get Zale, the corn-rows hair, and his HD. I like the mer stuff, but I got a bunch of that back in the original Genesis days, and I think I used it twice then, and haven't missed it since.
That is amusing since I just said the same thing to my friend Nic.
Does it count he had two bundles released today?
I am surprised I haven't gotten a deal. I own nearly all the bundles. Plus, I do only want him, his hair, and his hd. I do like the tails, but I have er...several I haven't used including the recent seahorse, and aside from doing a couple of Owen and a Boyd pics as merpeople I can't see me giving the merman props much usage.
There is an update to the Toon Generation 4 Male Essentials so now when you zero the figure it goes to base Gen8 not the Toon baby
Ah! Excellent news! I am so glad this has been fixed!
I picked up Zale base with pc coupon. He was 16 bucks. I would've bought more but the sale was weak. Perhaps tomorrow it will be more compelling.
So, it looks like the bundles from the first day was what there was, so I just picked up the stuff I mentioned before, and used my coupon as well.
I do wonder if the "so you've bought way too many bundles" coupon may have been weighted to count mostly just the 8.1 bundles. The 15 characters released to date have had 30 bundles released between them (assuming two per character, which I think is fairly safe), and of the 30, I have ... five bundles, and only (well, "only") nine of the characters. And one of the characters I didn't even buy separately; August just came along for the ride when I bought the Rio bundle. (Just as an aside, it's very strange that August was included in a bundle with a character that wasn't considered core -- Rio isn't Rio 8.1, just Rio for G8.1F.)
I have 9 pro bundles. I am disconcerted by how much Zale's tail looks like a leech. It seems too flat for me.
It seems odd to release two bundles in one day, although the evil one did not appear to have Zale content in it, so not sure it can be considered anything other than an undersea expansion.
The base is okay, but he really needs his hd to make the character. I think it's time hd was included with the base figures. There is so little content related to the main figure in the bundle it seems odd to nickle and dime users like this by selling essential bits separately.
Zale's tail is a morey eel type tail.
Yeah I think the issue which makes it look more wormy is the tail is flat. Eels tails would be on point. So the tail is sideways.
Yeah, I think it is an eel tail too. It's not a criticism, it's an observation.
I agree it is an eel tail.
And it turns out Zale got another bundle after all. However, the only thing it has that I might want is the hair, which actually looks a bit better in its own promos than it did in the other Zale promos.
Kind of surprised that Daz leaned in to the whole male siren thing with the Diversea poses -- I wonder if Coral's bundle will have the heterosexual versions, or continue with the gaiety.
The landlubber bundle is a disappointment. A female toon, which has no relevance to the more realistic male Zale figure, and some clothing which, no comment.
I want Zale's hair and am going to buy the Diversea poses.
I really want the HD, but man, it's 19 bucks. That's more than I paid for Zale.
But I do admit, I love the diversea poses. Very cool. Even with the eel tail thing.
Really? The toon Kent for G8.1F is likely the only one I'd buy from that bundle, although truth be told I have more of that style via The Girl 8 Pro Bundle and all her addon characters than any other. Not the the other product in the bundle are bad, but their depictation is, shader material wise, too realistic for my tastes ultimately. It makes me realize I have more than enough product when it doesn't involve some unique antropormorphized fairytail type being.
I prefer the old-style bundles with figures that are part of the same character. Kent is fine if you want an anime barbie but she has nothing really whatsoever to do with Zale, is not in the same style whatsoever.
I miss the old bundles as well where the character was supported by all the included products. But female presenting characters seem to get thrown into "male" bundles more and more while the opposite isn't usually the case.
It seems that DAZ in the past has been so "uptight" about sexuality, and the men and their various acoutrements were not to be mentioned, but now there are poses that explicitly suggest male-male attraction: how times change! I for one am happy to see the change. Perhaps HD morphs might even be supplied in the future for what have been the male "unmentionables." (Yes, I know, a few artist vendors have supplied one or two of those HD morphs, but some of us would be happier with an entire set, and with DAZ openly advertising them.)
I will buy and support any male male content the store makes. I think the Diversea poses are great, even though the eel -tail is not my typical thing.
A major bundle release on a Sunday. Well. That's ... a thing, apparently.
Wolfgang looks kind of like a cross between Drutherson, Ollie, Floyd, and Christian. (Floyd's body and the face is sort of everyone else combined.)
Honestly don't know if I'm going to pick him up or not.
I agree. He gives off a Floyd/Ollie vibe. I like the skin and the head but that is about it. I don't like the pirate outfits at all. .Pirates and Vikings and fairies are sort of done to death for me.
I also don't care for the square basic body. Zale too had a blocky body and it's tough to work with that in genetics.
My theory is they want to release Coral, Zale's counterpart while the mermaid thing is still a thing, so they squeezed in Ollie ll ie Wolfgang on the weekend so they could do Coral this week.
Were I doing (semi-)realistic animations I'd get Wolfgang, Zale, and many others in the DAZ Store no hesitation, but I'm not.
This was an implausible pose for Vicky, now it is an implausible pose for Boyd.
Oh, my! So sexy.
What set was that pose part of?
It is Playing with Chair Poses for V8/M8/G8F/G8M on rendo.
Boyd doesn´t quite understand chairs yet. It´s ok, we´ll go over it again tomorrow.
That's probably true. Boyd hasn't had a body for... 19 years. So, it takes some getting used to. LOL
Ah, but what does Owen say when he sees that? is it "interesting, but that's not how chairs work"? or "My, what a limber body you found"? Or "buuuuuhhh"? What's the look on his face? Inquiring minds want to know!
Boyd is a cat .....
Boyd does not know this but his body is an Aesir class military body with lots of physical enhancements. It isn't the one Boyd would've chosen for himself, really, However, a friend helped him choose the body and Boyd wanted to choose the most combat-ready cloned body in the tank, and this one was unique.
Boyd's perceptions are somewhat different than ours, it is quite possible that the sensors that allow him to fly and perch his robot bodies on spaces the size of a quarter also give him the ability to park his human body in provocative positions around the house. It is also possible he likes being upside down. He has several sensors including one in the back of his head which gives him the vision he is accustomed to...But it is also possible he does this to fluster Owen, which he enjoys since Boyd being new to humanness is slightly insecure about his body.
It is also possible that he has slotted an additional athletic chip or two and is showing off.
As far as what Owen would say, Owen is not a prime or a drill sergeant for nothing, he might momentarily be dumbstruck by the aesthetics of the situation before suggesting that the chair doesn't look strong enough to support him in that precarious position and if he fell he might crack his head open, and with the backlog on bodies it could be a while before he got a replacement and he might get stuck with an undesirable body next and Owen quite likes this one, so would he please be careful.
Boyd would say the chair is structurally sound because he scanned it before attempting to alight upon it, but he would reorient himself and would remark that medical science suggested it was good for the brain to increase blood flow by hanging upside down and Owen ought to try it.
He would reorient himself which would be a distraction in itself. He might enjoy that he made Owen flush a little. Owen might have to apologize later.
Both Owen and Boyd are fairly overprotective of each other, and When Boyd first gets his body, Owen is not entirely aware of the depths of Boyd's physical skills.