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So here is Louis for Genesis 8 Male by ColorGaleria. He is a nice, slightly older gentleman figure. He includes wet skin (shown here), standard skin, face, gens, and his own Underwear (also shown here). I did replace his eye color. I was not a fan of the default eyes which rendered somewhat blurry to me.
I think the mustache was pretty well done for a painted-on figure, but I would like a stache-less version. The area around his mouth... The transition area did not look as good he also does not include brows.
He's intact and includes his own genital texture.
I really like the underwear, which to me is a draw for buying this PAS products.
I do think he would be better off with a real mustache and brows though
He's... uh, packing some junk in that trunk. Nice looking guy, but I hear you on the facial hair issue. Moustaches need to be fibermesh, and skin should ideally have a brow-less version of the face, even if it doesn't come with separate fiber and/or LIE brows.
Louis does have a browless option, but no actual fiber mesh brows or mustache. The gens are a morph that came with Alt Michael on Renderosity. The bulge morph is more detailed than the ones sold here.
ColorGaleria is weirdly inconsistent about fibermesh brows for their guys. Louis doesn't have them, Miklos does, Claus does, Adriano doesn't, and so on. No idea why. (That said, Adriano's mankini is either ridiculously awesome or awesomely ridiculous, take your pick.)
One thing I will say about ColorGaleria is that even though they clearly have a specific style, most of their guys don't look Very Closely Related to each other, the way that some creators' characters can. (That said, ColorGaleria's female characters mostly do look Very Closely Related to each other, so there's that.)
I like their work, especially since they include underwear with all their male figures. That to me is nice,even if it is dforce.
Owen Vs. M8.1 courtesy of the ATGL Grappling poses.
Aw, poor Mikey getting all beat up. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy!
Separately, I really am beginning to wonder how old some of the support tickets in the backlog are. Today I got updates for Isamu G3M, and FW Sebastian G2M. Sebastian came out in 2014. Now granted, someone could have bought him more recently, but I really can't imagine that they're doing all that brisk a sales traffic in Genesis 2 characters. (No matter how hard they try.)
Private Mike 8.1 was a bit cocky, I'm afraid.
There must be a bazillion of backlogged tickets. If each person buying here, submitted at least 1... I can't imagine how long it would take to parse it.
I love the ATGL poses. They alter the bones, I think, and let the bodies get in much closer for wrestling poses. You've done a wonderful job with these wrestling poses.
And today's blast from the past was Jason for Genesis, which I bought back in 2013. (Honestly, I have absolutely no memory of him. Given that he's a 3DU toon, I think I probably bought him deeply on sale for his clothes.) Readme is so old that it hasn't been updated to say what was fixed; it's an old ZZ readme from back when Artzone was still around.
EDIT: DIM is getting really annoying for me lately. It's started silently failing to install one item every time I do a download, if there's one or more than one character in the download, along with at least one other item. (Unless there's just one item, in which case it's fine.) Weird thing is, looking at the log file, it says that everything installed normally. But I have everything installed to a separate directory where I can reorganize if needed, and the missing item is just plain not there. Today, it was Jason for Genesis. I can go back and make DIM reinstall, and it's fine, but its baffling why this is happening. And, so far, only to characters. I'd file a ticket if it made sense, but (a) until recently, tech support was more annoyance than it was worth, and (b) they'd want to see the log to diagnose it, and the log says everything is fine, so they wouldn't have anything to work with. It's just weird.
I confess. I bought Jason for the exact reason that his 3dl light set worked so well that I used it all the time when I used 3dl In fact, I kept the lights and deleted the character.
Perhaps 3DU is on a 'fix it' mission and is clearing out his backlog of bugs.
I've had some strange issues with the dim for some time. When I first got the render-beast, it would chug away forever, trying to open and load all the items I had in the downloads folder. Never had it happen in my previous versions, but it would be parsing the directory or something. I finally decided to MOVE the downloads outta the download folder and back them up, which resulted in DIM thinking nothing was installed. Ay caramba! It is my fault I'm sure. I pretty much own my own failures when I can. I probably removed something that it wanted to use.
Here is Zhen. He is quite a realistic character, with a very nice and detailed face, medium build, and a resemblance to an actor. He has no gens at all (
He does include eyebrows, veins, eye colors, and HD options.
One thing I found a bit... Interesting about Zhen has lots of little minute indentations. It reminds me somewhat of worked pewter, where the hammered bits are visible. I'm not sure why it is so. Perhaps he's lead a rough life or the HD is causing this.
He is a nice realistic figure (too bad about the elements).
I really liked Zhen, but he does look WAY too much like the actor that inspired him for me to be comfortable using him, so I didn't pick him up.
Maybe the indentations are meant to be old faded acne scars?
He was a trigger item for a larger discount for me. Men's content has been somewhat sparse lately.
I can't tell what the dents are, except perhaps... Sculpting. Its a bit different, but if one does not like it, one can simply use a different body with the head. The head is very good, but not great with expressions. It has that gen 7 mask-like-face feel and not every expression really works on him.
He was a trigger item for a larger discount for me. Men's content has been somewhat sparse lately.
I can't tell what the dents are, except perhaps... Sculpting. Its a bit different, but if one does not like it, one can simply use a different body with the head. The head is very good, but not great with expressions. It has that gen 7 mask-like-face feel and not every expression really works on him.
If I remember correctly you can take out the zips but the dsx file has to stay for DIM to know whats installed.
I think they almost look like burn scars, from an injury that wasn't severe enough to require a skin transplant, but enough to leave obvious scarring. That's probably not what it's meant to be, though. Are they really sculpted into the morph?! I thought it was just the texture having ridiculously high bump settings.
That could be. I didn't explore too much, only long enough to decide I was not a fan.
I suspect you are absolutely correct.
Okay, on the subject of male figures, this is Haral for G8.1
He comes with his own lashes, hair, and gen materials.
I found Haral to be surprisingly sexy and very versatile. He comes with single-color brows which for some reason didn't entirely work for me, so I recolored them, a slightly lighter shade. He does have a single set of gen mats
If I had one criticism, it would be that I think his nipples standing oval like that look a bit stretched to me. I think I would've preferred they be wider, rather than tall like that. He also is very dark, when I rendered him for some reason, and I had to expose him to a lot more light than I do normally. His promos make him look fair, but, I found he looked much darker in reality, so keep that in mind, if you light him.
Nice renders! Thanks for the tip. I have wishlisted him I think he is very handsome the only thing is the stubble is very promenent and I do agree with on the nipples.
I picked Haral up myself. At first I thought that those nipples were airlifted in from some different texture, but after taking a closer look, I suspect the guy who was photographed for the source texture just had really weird shaped nipples -- either that, or they were very well edited in, and for some reason, that was the design choice. But I think they're probably part of the source. Although, that said, on the Haral_Body_R map, they look really very strange indeed. Kind of Pyramid shaped and a really sharp outline.
His texture actually looks pretty tan. They must have done some interesting lighting to make him look as bright as he does in the promos.
I haven't looked at the skin resource, but the nips look stretched, and also kind of oddly similar. They also are really dark, so its like that's all I see. I suspect the skin resource is hairy, and those nips either were edited or added. You can see the hair, down in the dingus area and face, so it would be surprising if there was also not a lot of chest hair.
Every so often, I just have to mess around with Genesis 8.1 Boyd. It is a sickness I tell you! Here Boyd is showing off his new underboob muscle definition. This is courtesy of a morph that simply doesn't play well with Genesis 8.1 Male. You get extra points if you can guess what Genesis 8.1 skin I used. I know VWrangler will be able to. (Don't hate me, I was just trying it out)
Boyd just doesn't look like himself without his usual eyes.
Yeah, I think you're right. Oh well, back to his original silver eyes and tanned skin!
Okay so Deepsea's new baby is simply adorable. I'm surprised DAZ Store did not snap him! He certainly is a marked improvement over Tobyn and Caryn. The pack includes hairstyles, and a diaper, and a few cute poses. I tested Tobyn's skin out on him, and he looks really cute. I do wish I had some better brows for the Tobyn skin though.
I could hardly disagree more, and I am very vocally not a fan of Caryn or Tobyn as-is.
His body shape is better, but for me, the black eye sockets and the lips are unappealing. I didn't find him cute at all. But I do agree that Tobyn and Caryn are not the ideal babies. Their tiny hands give me the creeps and I always enlarge them if I use those characters at all. Why are Daz babies so hard to perfect, I wonder.
They're not.