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That's a really nice image. Your elf looks on the verge of being seduced to the dark side....
I'm actually vaguely tempted by Storm at his current price. Though I do wish that tree tattoo on his face was a bigger one on his torso or back.
Here is Storm. He has a wide, masculine build, skin with adjustable tones, a fairly thick shape for an elf, and the typical WOW ears and glowing eyes. He comes with a ton of face paint options, glowing eyes, and standard, lots of makeup, including several body paints. Honestly, the skin alone makes him worth it I think.
I don't have a huge amount of love for his build. Nothing wrong with it, but I like my elves to be a bit lankier. His face is okay.
Obviously, the ears and brows are his most interesting and defining features, and would be interesting with other figures too.
I say buy it. He has a lot of interesting options, and the price is great.
I will admit, I find it probably more amusing than I should -- in a probably very juvenile way -- that Goran by Kooki99 is in the Succubus bundle.
If the idea is that he's supposed to be the incubus to her succubus, he is, shall we say, rather underequipped for the task.
If the idea is that he's supposed to be the victim ... he's still underequipped. (Though he might be willing to give up a year or two of life for said equipment.)
At least when he was in the Bank Vault bundle, he didn't need the equipment he lacks to be a robber. Or a bank guard. Whichever.
Maybe that is the Zoink factor of falling for a succubus or Incubus. Maybe you pay the ultimate penalty.
I am not Sure Eris is intact either. At least her description does not indicate.
What is odd to me, is the store seems to be loosening up slightly with their recent fetish Umbra outfit which would not be out of place at 'Rotica. But yet, we still get men without body parts. Odd.
Bishop Outfit G8M has just been released at SDEBStore. This looks really nice. Includes jacket, hoodie (with the hood up and down), jeans, and boots. 5 different colors. It is somewhat similar to the Jumper and Tim outfit, but different enough to be worth picking up.
I quite like the jacket, but the rumpled pants bug me. I'll probably buy it to support the artist, but I won't ever use those pants.
I am looking for a drow skin for genesis 8 male. I have seen dokkalfar and kind of want something less craggy. I will probably make one, but if you know of any let me know.
Redz has Shadowborn Ashkevron at Rendo. He's the one on the far left in this image
He's built for G3, so you'd need to take the SSS strength maps out of the color slot and put in his diffuse, but otherwise he might work.
On the subject of Men's release's
Boyd is wearing: jtommruh's
JTMRUH Bulge Brief Pro. This is a new product, and quite nice for those interested in more detail...Well...Where you might want it. There is both a free version, and a pro version with more colors and options on gumroad.
The only negative, I can see, is I do not really want bulge brief pro on all my men's underwear. Fortunately, I think you can go into the file and remove it. I haven't tried it yet. I'm only showing you the back. You'll have to root around on gumroad to see the front and the various options.
Just had a good look at this product on gumroad. What I'd like to know is about the way the front of the briefs look. Are those morphs that come with this product, or are the male gens used to form those shapes? In other words, could I get those shapes without any gens, or with very tiny gens, and still get the briefs to morph the way they appear on gumroad?
The morphs come with the briefs and do not require anything underneath. In fact, stuff underneath can sort of 'double up the effect' and look a bit strange, like he's smuggling a bunch of weird 'Rotica pieces down there.
The shorts have 6 premade Anatomical Element morphs with dials built-in. They include fit morphs, and movement morphs.
Seems a good product to me. The only thing I would like is to be able to remove the main genital morph and have a sort of smoothed-over looking bulge. Sometimes you don't want so much articulation. it sort of built-in there, and I like to sometimes use my own.
Morphs can be dialed to be smaller and larger though.
Interesting new guy. I'd be willing to bet that he was designed by Faber, maybe even a straight buyout since they're not doing bundles with "for Pablo 8.1" type characters any more. (It's that one promo without the facial hair that makes him look very Faber-like. also, thank goodness he comes with a no-facial-hair option.)
Also, it's weird that he doesn't seem to have an HD option, unless they're going back to their old ways, and his HD comes out tomorrow.
I like Pablo's body. His head is somewhat problematic. There is a certain M8.1 vibe to the short head shape that I do not like, mostly because I sort of loathe M8.1
Pablo's lips which should be sort of hot, look wrong to me. The lip texture looks weird and doesn't match the lips. The chapping is too... Large? There is also no definition to the lips at all.
The rest of the bundle is filled with some pretty substandard filler. Another oddly colored suit from Torment's closet, with a flat collar , A mohawk, some ill-fitting stereotypical clothing.
I would prefer additional characters, but alas those days are over. I bought him ala carte.
In this screenshot, I think the rubbery odd look of the lips is most obvious.
I had hoped by this stage of the game that the men's content would have improved, but it seems we are ona permanent backslide. The last bundle I Really liked was Torment's.
Thanks for the Pablo examination.
I want to point out that Pablo's eyes are kind of strange. Look at the picture above. Ever seen any human with eyes that looked like that? Also check the face out without the scruffy beard...
Do you mean the bright turquoise ring inside the blue? No, I've never seen any eyes like that.
Just wanted to mention this again. I bought it, and I got it to fit to Genesis, Genesis 2, Genesis 3 and Genesis 8, all without any problem. The materials and morphs work with all manner of Gs. Also, if you have Fit Control, you can add morphs into the briefs. The briefs give the appearance of gens without any having to be attached; or, with Fit Control assistance, and the regular briefs morphs, gens can be added and the briefs morphed to cover them. There are see-through transparancy options for the briefs. And, of course, with a set of shaders, you can change the colors of the briefs even more. So, for $12, I really like it. OOPS: I think I should incllude in this that I also have this product:
Perhaps that's what makes the briefs fit so easily to other iterations fo Genesis.
He kind of reminds me of Perry Mason there although he really doesn't look like Perry Mason.
I do know humans with eyes like that in fact. No one famous but the people I know with eyes like that I noticed they had eyes like that as a child, nose too. Lips, not as much.
In terms of the colors and patterns, I actually like where they were going with the Dia de los Muertes outfit concept itself. But ... the suit jacket has no buttons, and where the buttons should be looks oddly thick. And in one of the things that baffles me, in promos for a suit that they explicitly says has dForce, it's clearly unsimmed. That's why things look so weird around his shoulders and arms. And in the main promo for the separate texture set, the green jacket should be hanging open if it was simmed; gravity just doesn't do that in that position.
Strange promo choices all around.
I expect I'll wind up getting Pablo by himself, and maybe even tinkering a bit with his upper lip line, although that doesn't hugely bother me, but I like tinkering. (Hey, if I can sort of fix Alex Capital's stupid stupid hairine, I can manage lips, right? ... don't answer that.)
I suggest you buy it. I don't quite understand why but a bit of his genetics say at 30-40 percent are visibly interesting... Any more though and he starts to get a bit crunchy in the face. He's got that face like M8.1 has. Sort of... squarer. It doesn't mix well at large quantities.
Oddly I'm also getting some weird....Love handle action going on with my torment mixture.
There is also something about his height.
This said I do like his skull makeup.
I think the shape is fixable. I think the texture is odd though. I am not sure what you can do except hide it behind a beard.
So here I rendered Pablo. Pablo as you can see is a young/middle-aged looking dude with semi-realistic skin and a strangely blurry 'out of bounds' lipstick kind of looking mouth.
His body has a nice sculpt- but be wary of his waistline. I found that that love handles really don't play nice with other figures.
His skin...Is problematic. The figure loads with painted on brows which are very scary. I mean they are like dark soul-pits. I removed them immediately and went with fiber mesh, which look a lot better. Not sure why the character loaded without them. Even the fiber mesh brows are quite hooded, so you can choose to change them up. I will.
He resembles... Michelangelo's David to me. Same broody eyes, chin, and strong Romanized nose.
I don't love his skin, but his body blends nicely and the head does as well in small doses.
Here he is as-is and with Torment's HD. He really needs HD DAZ store. This figure looks unfinished without more detail.
That is all.
Judging from today's sales, it appears that Pablo isn't going to get HD. (Unless he actually is HD and they just haven't told us.)
Things have just gotten weird lately. We've had a child character that was ONLY HD, when they don't usually have HD for child characters, and now we have an adult non-stylized character without HD, when the non-stylized adults of this generation have usually had HD released either day-of or day-after-release.
I may try him with Juan Carlos' HD, to see what putting a little age on him does.
EDIT: I took a look at his texture files, and he absolutely is a Faber buyout. He even still has Faber's maker's mark on the texture islands. Which may or may not explain why he doesn't have separate HD, since Daz didn't make him. While all of Faber's other G8M guys have HD sculpted faces, Pablo doesn't have a dhdm file for his head in his data directory, which all the other Faber G8 guys do have, so his head isn't HD.
Hm... That is interesting but kind of strange. I normally like Faber skins and figures, but I think the skin is not great on the face on this one. The lack of HD is a mistake. I don't see that Pablo is a pro-quality character. Without HD, he's just another PA release.
Ah, they decided to change things up. Again. New bundle with HD came out today. Oddly enough, the first bundle in a while that didn't include the figure; he's offered separately as an addon for today's bundle.
Pablo's HD, according to the promos, does a lot for his lips. Not necessarily a lot elsewhere. Though apparently he gets HD nipplage in the bargain, which is a first.