Lyra Original Figure in Carrara

Just picked up Lyra by Vyusur at Rendo. Converted rigging to blended and the figure works wonderfully. I'll post a render when I've converted the clothing
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Just picked up Lyra by Vyusur at Rendo. Converted rigging to blended and the figure works wonderfully. I'll post a render when I've converted the clothing
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thanks for the HU
Thank you Vyusur for a wonderful figure that I can use in carrara.
Ran into a bit of an issue with the blended weight version in DazStudio. Poses and some of the Pose Controls don't work as intended, but I don't care cause the blended version is for Carrara which doesn't display the problem.
Works fine for me in Carrara
Yes Vyusur, you're right, she works great in Carrara, but that's what I said
Most of my G8F poses work on her as well, and baked aniBlocks for G8F work too! with minor adjustments
is that the tongue parts?
Not sure.. looks to me like the front part of the chin, tip of the nose, part of the mouth, but really I didn't pay theat muc attention. If i'm using Studio I'm not going to use the blended version anyway. The blended version is for Carrara, and the blended versin works well in Carrara
is my tinkering instinct. curious about the why
FBX export from DazStudio to 3DXchange. Needs some tinkering
edit to add:
When I first imported the fbx file out of DS4.15 to 3DX the program recognized Lyra as a Daz figure but wasn't sure which Daz figure, so from the drop down menu that came up I chose the G8F profile. Applied some iClone animations and exported as bvh out of 3DX. While in 3DX the anims played rather well so I was hopeful. Back in DS, the result wasn't pretty.
My second attempt was to not use the daz profile but to map the character in 3DX manually ignoring the facial rig and the twist bones in the limbs, that gave a much better result but still not perfect. Exported those out to bvh, overwriting the old ones cause the were crap, saved in DS as a pose preset animated of cource.
that looke like a note parenting issue. child node cant find its mommy
does she come with any pose controls?
carrara hair would be kel. eyebrow, eyelashes. skull cap.
trying to envision her in a role. sorceress?
does the exported bvh load in DAZ studio like that too?
You can just delete selected under edit figure animation for the fingertip bone if it does
also always choose hip not rootnode in 3DXchange
She comes with all the necessary pose controls and visemes. She has her own fibermesh brows and transmapped eyelashes which work fine in any 3d program.
Ooooo! Always looking for new figures. Didn't know about this. Also, found another at your Rendo store. Seriously have to consider them.
No Wendy, the bvh's out of 3dx work fine in daz and the resulting animated pose file out of Daz works fine in Carrara.
The first version I tried 3dx sees it as a Genesis Figure but doesn't know which one , so I chose the G8F template. Which I thought worked pretty good. There are some glitches in the motion files but I get that with a proper G8F.fbx as well. But it's always with the same iMotion file weather its applid to G8F or Lyra. The second version I tried is to manually map all the bones in 3DX ignoring the twist bones in the arms and legs, cause the glitches occure in the arms and legs primarily, but there are other glitches as well like a total body flip. But again its only with a few iMotions with a ton of keyframes, Short motions work fine for the most part. And if there are errors, it's alot easier to fix in Carrara than in Daz.
and they all work as expected in Carrara after converting to blended in Daz. Could use a G8F and G3F clone for her.
I'm just thinking out loud, Really nice Figure so thank you.
Thank you for using her and for your kind words! You can also use one of built-in fitting templates with her.
I've been using those and have yet to encounter a problem
edit to ask
Is that a Carrara render or Studio
Can't seen to get Lyra Hair to work in Carrara. I converted the Hair figure to blended and saved as a subset. It loads in carrara just fine, except the shaping dials don't work, and it loads in the zero shape. What other options do I have to get the hair function like in Studio?
I'm afraid you can't use pose controls for this item in Carrara. You can only pose it manually. Or you can export the hair with Knot slider turned on in base resolution as obj, then import your obj in Daz Studio, fit it to figure using transfer utility, convert it to blended weights and then save it as prop/figure somewhere on your computer. Then you will have it looking as a hair knot/bun in Carrara.
Thank you for the response. Just picked up some of your Sale items, extracting now. No sleep this weekend
You are welcome! Thank you for using them.
Lyra lil sister is adorbs. wouldnt it be cute to put aiko3 clothes on her?
or on Ava,
marako dress. or dagonessa.
I think that All of Vyusur's custom figures are gorgoeous, and I love how they include the complete rigging.
It's also amazing how much stuff comes with each one - a real value for such incredible art!
Thank you for using them. I've never had Aiko 3. What's so special about her?
Thank you so much!
is a classic for many ( along with Hiro who they never continued after Genesis 1)
we had a Carrara user with a Japanese name
Kotomatsu?? I cannot remember and that forum is gone with a wealth of information
who rendered her a lot on the old forum and particulary the Mulberry character for her.
Many others including Jacques Casual love her and now use the latest Genesis 3 and 8 variations
I saw the thread about Aiko 3, I know about her popularity. I know about Hiro, too. I just don't understand why she's so attractive for many people. This style is too primitive for me and it doesn't inspire me for creating this sort of items.