Lyra Original Figure in Carrara



  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726

    Mystiarra said:

    Lyra lil sister is adorbs.  wouldnt it be cute to put aiko3 clothes on her?enlightened or on Ava,

    marako dress. or dagonessa.

    You can.

    Simply load Lyra into the scene, then whatever clothing you want to fit to her, but don't conform it.

    Still in the Assemble room, select the clothing and enter edit (model) mode.

    Reshape the clothing to fit Lyra. For this, I always begin by selecting the entire mesh and use the scale and rotate tools to get it as close as I can before making more precise changes.

    Soft selection is your friend, not only for shaping smoothly, but it also shows us if the clothing has parts that are separate meshes that are not welded (separate parts won't discolor from the soft selection) - so we can be careful not to wreck the clothing in places that are not attached.


    For buttons and the like, I simply ignore them when shaping the cloth to fit, then select a couple of verts that form a loop of the button, use Loop to draw a ring of polys, then increase the selection to engulf the whole button. If it doesn't loop, I just use a very high number in soft select - then move the buttons, one by one to where they need to be against the new shape.


    Keep in mind that some things are easily reshaped in this way, others are not. I often just give up on the latter, unless it's something that I really want to use, at which situation I just endure and pateintly work away on it.



    Once you're done reshaping:

    1. Export the clothing as an OBJ - use the Daz Studio Scene preset when exporting
    2. Load Lyra into Daz Studio 
    3. Import the new OBJ using the Carrara preset on import
    4. Open the Transfer Utility and choose Lyra in the upper left drop-down, the clothing on the right
    5. Leave everything at default and let the utility do its thing!



    My video for this whole process is part of my Modeling for Genesis article

    There's also a whole lot more we can do with it to make it work even better. See my Content Creation Tools info for videos and articles about all of this wonderful stuff.


    I do these sorts of things quite often when I'm making a new character, like Rosie 5. She's wearing all custom attire.


    Another method that I've not tried on any of Vyusur's figures, is the Clone method. Whether or not this tutorial works for her custom figures, we can make clones for her figures as well!

    So if the video tutorial method doesn't work, instead of using the auto-fit method he describes, 

    1. Load Lyra into Carrara
    2. Load the fit-to figure into Carrara (Aiko 3 in your example)
    3. Reshape Lyra as best you can to match Aiko 3, including the T-pose, etc.,
    4. Follow the same procedure as above for clothes, but this time using the OBJ export as he uses it in his tutorial


    I've never made my own clone before. I'll have to try it!

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726

    Vyusur said:

    I saw the thread about Aiko 3, I know about her popularity. I know about Hiro, too. I just don't understand why she's so attractive for many people. This style is too primitive for me and it doesn't inspire me for creating this sort of items.

    It's that Manga/Anime simplistic look. Just another style of toon person. The beauty of Aiko and Hiro is that they can also look cool with realism textures, while still using their stylized shapes and oversized eyes. 


    I don't usually go that route either, but I do like to see what people do with it. And then now comes Rosie 5, with that stylized look. But she's... well... I can't give that big of a spoiler just yet! ;)

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726

    WendyLuvsCatz said:

    Vyusur said:

    Mystiarra said:

    Lyra lil sister is adorbs.  wouldnt it be cute to put aiko3 clothes on her?enlightened or on Ava,

    marako dress. or dagonessa.

    Thank you for using them. I've never had Aiko 3. What's so special about her?

    is a classic for many ( along with Hiro who they never continued after Genesis 1)

    we had a Carrara user with a Japanese name Koukotsu

    who rendered her a lot on the old forum and particulary the Mulberry character for her. 

    Many others including Jacques Casual love her and now use the latest Genesis 3 and 8 variations

    ...and Koukotsu had/has a great talent for AO rendering! Man, I loved those renders!

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726

    Here's some of Koukotsu's Mulberry renders, often done with very few lights and Ambient Occlusion turned on

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726

    Vyusur said:

    Dartanbeck said:

    I think that All of Vyusur's custom figures are gorgoeous, and I love how they include the complete rigging.


    It's also amazing how much stuff comes with each one - a real value for such incredible art!

    Thank you so much!

    Thank YOU! You're the one who created them!

    Such a talent! They're unique and just gorgeous!

  • VyusurVyusur Posts: 2,235

    Dartanbeck said:

    Here's some of Koukotsu's Mulberry renders, often done with very few lights and Ambient Occlusion turned on

    I've never liked duck noses, stupid homeless eyes, and too little distance between nose and lips.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    i'll stay with putting my aiko3 clothess on g8

  • VyusurVyusur Posts: 2,235

    Mystiarra said:

    i'll stay with putting my aiko3 clothess on g8

    If you have a G8 version of Aiko clothing saved somewhere on your computer then you can easily fit it to Lyra with one of built-in fitting templates.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726

    Vyusur said:

    Mystiarra said:

    i'll stay with putting my aiko3 clothess on g8

    If you have a G8 version of Aiko clothing saved somewhere on your computer then you can easily fit it to Lyra with one of built-in fitting templates.

    yes !!! heart

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    this is the Ava standalone figure.  same place as Lyrra.

    the new pbr plugin imported the iray shader from the mat thumnail in like 30 seconds

    didnt bring in to ds yet.  this is pure carrara X.

  • VyusurVyusur Posts: 2,235

    Mystiarra said:

    this is the Ava standalone figure.  same place as Lyrra.

    the new pbr plugin imported the iray shader from the mat thumnail in like 30 seconds

    didnt bring in to ds yet.  this is pure carrara X.

    Looking very nice! I've never tried pbr plugin on human figures in Carrara yet.

  • VyusurVyusur Posts: 2,235

    Mystiarra said:

    this is the Ava standalone figure.  same place as Lyrra.

    the new pbr plugin imported the iray shader from the mat thumnail in like 30 seconds

    didnt bring in to ds yet.  this is pure carrara X.

    Looking very nice! I've never tried pbr plugin on human figures in Carrara yet.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    i was scared was gonna have to set it for every shader domain/material zone.  it did the whole figure's maps in one step.

  • VyusurVyusur Posts: 2,235

    Mystiarra said:

    i was scared was gonna have to set it for every shader domain/material zone.  it did the whole figure's maps in one step.

    This is a common thing for me to set up a shader for every single material zone manually.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726

    Vyusur said:

    Mystiarra said:

    i was scared was gonna have to set it for every shader domain/material zone.  it did the whole figure's maps in one step.

    This is a common thing for me to set up a shader for every single material zone manually.

    Me too.

  • VyusurVyusur Posts: 2,235

    Dartanbeck said:

    Vyusur said:

    Mystiarra said:

    i was scared was gonna have to set it for every shader domain/material zone.  it did the whole figure's maps in one step.

    This is a common thing for me to set up a shader for every single material zone manually.

    Me too.

    I know. I learned it from you.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    theres a lot that multiply with white color when applying poser shaders.

    the fenric shader tweak takes care of all the mipmaps with one tickbox

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