Carrara Challenge #56 - "Let There Be Light." Winners illuminated :)

Carrara Challenge #56 - "Let There Be Light."
Dates to Remember-
Entry Thread Opens: Now :)
Entry Thread Closes & Voting Begins: late in the evening Friday 19th February 2021
Voting Ends: Sometime on Saturday 27th February 2021
apologies because of personal reasons have to use this time zone Current Local Time in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (
of course if anyone needs more time please let me know
Please use the following format for your entries:
Entry #:
Links to WIP thread:
Recap on the "Rules"
- Preferably render should be done in Carrara’s engine – of course you can use one of Carrara’s plugin engines if you like – but please keep in mind this challenge is aimed at showcasing Carrara’s native abilities.
- Artists can enter up to 4 works.
- Daz once again is being kind enough to sponsor us – thank you Daz J For the prizes an artist can only win one prize.
Prizes: the $195 Daz total prize into four parts ($50, $50, $50, $45) based on total participation, best render, and the two runners up in these categories.
WIP thread is here Carrara Challenge #56 - "Let There Be Light." - Daz 3D Forums
Entry #: 1
Title: Headlights - Spooked Deer
Artist: Bunyip02
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: Country Lane -
Buck -
Buck Poses -
Family Car 1950 -
Moon - James Hastings-Trew
Discussion: Spot Light - Light Cone used
Entry #: 2
Title: Humpbacks & Friends
Artist: Bunyip02
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: Humpback Whale - DAZ3D ps_ac2440b
Manta Ray -
Dolphin -
Sea Turtle - DAZ3D
UltruMarine Ocean -
Discussion: Used a Spot light with a caustic gel for this one. Created the caustic gel using Filter Forge.
Entry #: 3
Title: Wish Upon A Star
Artist: Bunyip02
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: Genesis - Base Character - DAZ3D
Kuril Morph -
Drakon skin -
Starship Bridge 12 for Poser by VanishingPoint - Renderosity
HFS Space System by DarioFish - Renderosity
Most Detailed Image of the Crab Nebula -
Used Glow channel in the shaders (Sun & Bridge instruments) and a shape light for this one.
Was done as a two part render, first render of the sun which was needed for the Bridge Viewscreen shader, then a render of the Bridge setting.
Entry #: 4
Title: Dragon at sunset
Artist: Bunyip02
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: DAZ Dragon 3 -
Hellborn Dragon HD for DAZ Dragon 3 -
DAZ Dragon 3 Textures -
Tim Payne Lightdomes - (no longer available)
Tim Payne Skies - (no longer available)
Carrara Terrain
Discussion: Lens Flare
Entry #5
Title: Some Old Fella
Artist: Stezza
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: Mec4d beard, Genesis, flying model from ShareCG, unknown lighting setup.
Discussion: modelled the cap, used Carrara hair as well as Mec4d beard for M5 ~ portrait lighting
Entry #6
Title: Alley Cat & friend
Artist: Stezza
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: Used @vyusur Catoon which I pulled some polygons and used my Carrara hair for his whiskers & fur.. I modelled in Carrara the Bunny Hopper and boned him!, carrot, garbage bin and lantern along with Catoon's outfit and hat.
Used Darts starry night, a tube light then converted to an x Light!, a couple of bulb lights with only selected models chosen, the default light with selected models chosen, Carrara's moonlight and used The Last Stand 3DL found here at Daz3d store.
Discussion: night lighting, using moon and a globe
Entry #7
Title: Before the Swell
Artist: Stezza
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: Modelled the Lifesaver tower, along with 2 way radio antenna, solar panels, towel and a couple of folded flags a surfboard laugh
and also a rescue boat with a wacky outboard motor!
also modelled the jetty and the terrain and also a modelled a new body shell for the buggy here at Dazand made it RH drive .. also used DZFire's seagulls, SBRM Pelican. An infinite plane for the ocean
Discussion: early morning lighting, using sun and distant lights
Entry #:8
Title: Rock Star
Artist: Misty
Links to WIP
Credits: Wacky model Mascara
This image has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge.
Entry #:9
, Native Content, Gemini 8.1
Title: She's a Daydream Believer
Artist: Misty
Links to WIP
Entry #: 10
Title: Preparing for the race
Artist: Philemo
Links to WIP thread:
Skyrider from Daz original
Epsilon for M4 from lourdes
Metal plate 018 from 3D texture
Vinyl padded 001 from 3DTextures
Sci fi door 001 also by 3DTextures
Entry #: 11
Artist: Sci Fi Funk
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: by Stonemason, SpyBot - Retired Model.
Discussion: The idea came from using a single light on the crumpled up bedding, which looked great to me. Originally the old guy was just relaxing on his bed, arms behind the head, but overnight I decided on drama! The storyline is as follows:-
In the future, trust is a very rare commodity. “They said they wouldn’t” says it all - never trust the system. Mind control is most effective at night.
Please note. I used the OCTANE RENDER Plugin for Carrara to render the image, having built the scene in Carrara.
Entry #: 12
Artist: Sci Fi Funk
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: The Pit - Retired Model. Was on DAZ circa 2011. - Predatron - Daz Originals / Luthbel - Evilinnocence / RuntimeDNA - Daz Originals / Discobob
PLEASE NOTE The following modifications were made in order to see the scene as is:-
The Pit - (I ripped out the middle.) - (I modified the ears to not show) - (You are only seeing the cloak top) - (You can’t see it in the final picture as the figures are too far away, but please see the WIP threads for a close up). - (The foreground figure is using a custom texture for the bodysuit).
The scene is a sideways look at the Carousel Scene from Logan’s run. See the WIP threads for more detail on how I made the background figures, but in essence they are posed figures exported as OBJ files and imported again with the shaders consolidated to save on resources.
FINALLY. I used the OCTANE RENDER Plugin for Carrara to render the image, having built the scene in Carrara.

Entry #13
Title: Phantom of the Basement
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
Links to WIP
Credits: G2F, Portia Hair by AprilSH, Flirty Nightware by Nikisatez
Discussion: The staircases and the archway are spline models. The back wall is a primitive cube. Most other items are vertex models.
Entry: #14
Title: Candel Lit
Artist: mschack
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: WOODFINE0072 and WOODFINE0077 from
Discussion: It took a long time to figure out how to get the light drop off in the candle playing with SSS, but it was a colour mixer with elevation blending in the glow channel that did the trick. Rendered in Cararra and all Cararra native objects except I modelled the mirror, candle and napkin (in Cararra). Only external items are the wood textures for the table and mirror.
Entry #: 15
Title: You could be the next President (in other words, the old one is about to snuff it!)
Artist: PNG
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: Me, me, me and me
Discussion: What can I say? I know... Carrara is Great!
Entry #: 16
Title: Step into the light...
Artist: PNG
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: Me, me, me and me
Discussion: This goes for the previous entry as well; all native Carrara render, all procedural shaders and models created from scratch...
Entry #: 17
Title: Is it really just floaters you see???
Artist: PNG
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: Me, me, me and me
Discussion: All native Carrara render, all procedural shaders and models created from scratch...
Entry #: 18
Title: IORs
Artist: Misty
credits: greeble city blocks
Links to WIP thread:
Entry #: 19
"When the Light Comes Through"
Artist: Vyusur
Links to WIP thread:
Entry #: 20
"Whatching The Sunset"
Artist: Vyusur
Entry #21
Title: Han Velsing
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
Links to WIP Thread:
Credits: Mark Bremmer tutorial for using a transparency box to get the light cones. DM Suit for G2M by Meshitup, Corsair for genesis by Luthbel
Entry #22
Title: "A Star Is Born"
Artist: KatLady (Kathleen Sibo)
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: Michael 4 and jumpsuit, Shuttlestar ship by Kibaretto, Learning Carrara 8 by Phil Wilkes, all purchased from DAZ 3D.
It was made and rendered in Carrara, with no postwork. The picture uses lights and a sun that is provided with Carrara, two cloud systems and a particle system. The idea is to show the early stages of solar system formation after a sun has formed and become incandescent. The clouds and dust around the star are beginning to clump together and the light of the new sun can cut through the murky dust and gas around it.
A link to the full-sized picture at Deviant Art:
Entry #23
Title: Lights, Camera, Strangeness! - The Sequel to a Movie Classic
Artist: UnifiedBrain
Links to WIP Thread:
Credits: In this render, the gorilla actually was one - the Millennium Gorilla LE, augmented by Carrara hair.
The director and the clapboard holder are both Michael 3. The guy in the dinosaur suit was David 3. Space Vixen was played by the original Girl body, with the head from a Genesis 2 figure (Ambie).
Vyusur created the dinosaur (Dino). A wonderfully versatile model. I made it look more plastic and dorky than it really is.
Most the the vintage studio equipment came from Nikkelah's Vintage Movie Makers. The old mic and boom was a Carrara native object.
The weird robot helmet was the real deal, brought into Carrara via a Philemo cutout/blimp.
As for lighting, I used a small light cone, but not anything unusual or adventuresome. However, lighting was very important. Several rim lights were included to add drama.
No postwork.
Entry #24
Title: Portrait of an Airship
Artist: UnifiedBrain
Links to WIP Thread:
Lighting elements include distance, bulb, spot (light cone), tube, aura and HDRI.
Other processes include Carrara clouds, text, blur, and the GMIC plugin.
The ship model is the A.S. Nocturne by Ravnheart. The city is Organodron, an OBJ freebie.
No postwork.
Entry #25
Title: Oh, the Sun Shines Bright on My Old Space Buggy Home
Artist: UnifiedBrain
Links to WIP Thread:
NASA says that Mercury has no moons. But this render proves otherwise!
The rover is the Space Buggy, modified in the vertex modler. The planet in the background is Alberto's Mercury (great model). The spaceship in the back is Toon Rocket and Moonscape, although I didn't use the Moonscape part.
The lunar-styled surface is a Carrara terrain, with surface replicated pebbles scattered everywhere. Big rocks were made in using the organic function in the modeling room. The flying dust is done with Carrara clouds. Tire tracks are primatives with shaders. Carrara text for the sig, casting only the shadow. GMIC was used for basic adjustments and slight film grain.
This render was mostly done with a single distant light, and an HDRI for window reflection. The other distant light was used only on the Toon Rocket.
No postwork.
Entry #26
Title: The Bat Signal Spotlight
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
Links to WIP.
Credits: Everything modeled, textured, and shaded in Carrara.
Discussion: Significant details do not appear in the forum view. Please click to view. I rendered the bat signal first by shining a single spotlight with a light cone at a white plane. I used the spline modeler to create the bat logo to cast the shadow. In a new scene, I placed the first render on a plane and set it in the background. I then added the volumetric cloud, city skyline (replicated), and modeled the hero.
Entry #27
Title: Lost Spirit
Artist: headwax
Links to WIP.
Credits: M4 with M4 beard
I put the two m4 's in transparent speheres with reflection added. I used a few bulbs but the main light sourse only lights the spheres and caustics reflected from the spheres does the rest. I used a mandlebrot operator in the aphoa channel of the spheres to get the wierd tree shapes. In the end I went with the no postwork image.
Entry #28
Title: The Giant Spider by the Gwyder
Artist: headwax
Links to WIP.
Credits: K4 with daz clothes et daz hair plus a daz graveyard thing and Mc carrara shaders on ground and perhaps wall.
I used Philemenons cutout plug in to make a flat spider shape to project the spider shadow on the kid - lighting with cone effect on a spot
did a grey scale image using noir carrara plug in and then added a tint in post as well as boit of tone mapping