DAZ 4.15 keeps crashing within 1 minute of working in it.

I went to the website to download Daz Studio and it led me to install Daz Central and then opened up DAZ 4.15. After loading a Gen 8 character and working on it the program completely crashed, didn't freeze. It continues to crash consistantly after attempting to model a few different characters, about 1 minute after working on it. I have Windows 10 Home 64 bit. Can someone help?
Is anything showing in the log?
You can find the Daz Studio log file in the Help/Troubleshooting/View Log File... menu. The most recent imformation is at the end of the file.
What are the specs of your PC?
Same problem here.
same here.....i9,RTX3070
Same problem.
I have the same issue. Frequent crashes - just poof and the software is gone.
I am getting very paranoid as I work now. Forced to save every few minutes.
Which models, and are you using the nVidia Iray Draswstyle in the Viewport?
My studio closes immediately as it opens. I sent a help request 3 days ago and still haven't heard back.
I've been experiencing crashes as soon as DS opens on my MacBook Pro. I've been communicating with DAZ about this for more than a week as we try to figure out what to do. Most vexing...
System specifications? Is Daz Studio just opening, or are you double-clicking a piece of content to open it? Do you know which Drawstyle the Viewport is set to use?
How much RAM do you have on your systems that are crashing?
I have same situation , and yeah my system is very old and having low GPU card . But DAZ Studio 4.15.02 ( Using same figure - same hair light and clothes ) almost give me zero trouble unless the obvious one... run out VRAM , but it never crash or giving me BSOD like in 4.15.30 .
It just wont render or doing CPU fallback . But never crashed
So I deduce it should be between wrong GPU driver version or my machine just not fit for recent version of DAZ studio .
Try previous version if possible . So you can sure where the problems actually came from . Hardware or Software
Will be useful if there are list of compability or user reports just like what Apple device have ( if you have iPhone XX the maximum ios will be version XXX ) so new users will never in guess game mode when their DAZ crashed
For those who can't start Daz Studio on Windows 10, the key combination Win+R opens a dialog box titled "Run."
Typing AppData/Roaming/DAZ 3D/Studio4 and hitting Ok opens the folder where the log.txt file is located.
Alternatively, AppData is a hidden folder in your home directory (C:/Users/yourname/AppData) so perhaps you can access the log file through here.
Curious if those of us having problems have an nVidia card installed or not. I do not have one installed on my old MacBook Pro; I have an Intel Graphics card which came with my laptop. I'm probably grasping at straws but I'm curious to know if these problems are occurring on PCs or Macs without an nVidia card.\
I only click once to open the studio and it does open briefly but then closes. I'm not double-clicking anything of note. By the way, what did you mean by system specifications?
Your system specifications are your hardware and operating system. Are you using Windows?
I'm using Mac.
Which version of Mac OS?
macOS 10.15.7
I get the (Not Responding) error as soon as I mouse over the model. I am running a HP Pavillion with integrated intel iRISx graphics and an intel CORE 11th Gen i7 processor with 16gb RAM. I have attached a screenshot of my graphics properties and render engine settings. Also the log file of my last crash. I tried posting this earlier but I dont think it went through.
Please let me know if you need more info. I would like to get DAZ working on mt setup.
Please upload a crashlog!
You find it in "console.app"
Users have reported incompatibilities between Daz Studio and Intel 11th Generation processors. This message may help you: https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/6874141/#Comment_6874141
This should be the one.
You have the answer here:
The GPU crashes, what GPU are you having, what CPU setting do you have in DS?
What are GPU and CPU. Please explain.
The CPU is the central processor, an Intel chip of some kind on older Macs or possibly one of the new M1 chips on a new Mac.
The GPU is the graphics card - unless your machine is very old or customised probably an AMD device Help>Troubleshooting>About your Video card should have the details.
GPU= Graphics card and CPU= What processor you have
2.5 GHz Duel-Core Intel Core i5
Intel HD Graphics 4000 1536 MB