A Li'l Side Render Fun #2022 - Tuesday is Soylent Green Day edition
Dystopian Science Fiction
I am offering a $10 Daz3D gift card for a first place and a second place Carrara rendered image (or Carrara plug in renderer). Why? Because "Tuesday is Soylent Green Day." You don't have to incorporate Soylent Green. You can imagine any dystopia you want, or refer to any other dystopia imagined by anyone else.
Here in Texas, we are saying that the pandemic year 2020 was hell, and 2021 was the year hell froze over. Brrrr. Well, a quick check of a scifi movie chart shows that next year, 2022, is the year that the movie Soylent Green was set in. Have you seen Soylent Green? It is a movie about people.
Requirements - use Carrara in your workflow for an image displaying a dystopian future. Post your image in the designated entry thread when the time comes. You can use scene assets (props, figures, lights, shaders,...) from any source, not just Carrara. Postwork is fine, but please post the un-postworked render in the WIP thread. Speaking of that, at least one work-in-progress post to this discussion thread is required. The render must be new (started and finished during the time of the Lil Side Render Fun). Have fun.
Dates - to be announced, but this WIP thread will be open at least through March 31st. May 1st.
Dystopia defined on the internet
Definition of dystopia
1: an imagined world or society in which people lead wretched, dehumanized, fearful lives
Use in sentence, "There's almost a flavor of science fiction to the scenes Chilson describes, as though he were giving us a glimpse into a 21st-century dystopia of mad egoism and hurtling hulks of metal."
— Adam Goodheart
"Over the course of the movie, the late-60's ideal of togetherness turns into a dystopia of violence, revulsion and finally death."
— John Leland
2: ANTI-UTOPIA sense 2
writing a dystopia
Use in a sentence, "… leaping across the century to the 1990's to attempt a dystopia about the disintegration of Australian democracy into startling, irreversible despotism."
— Pearl K. Bell

Soylent Green (2022) Official Trailer
Any Dystopia is Fine, not just Soylent Green
actually feeling dystopian these days.
The Road Warrior Official Trailer
<iframe width="994" height="559" src="
frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Morlocks from the 1960 version of Time Machine
1950s World Without End Official Trailer
1927 Metropolis Trailer
1975 Stepford Wives
Wall E official trailer
A Boy and His Dog official trailer
and for UnifiedBrain, here is the official trailer for Robot Monster
Last Man on Earth (Vincent Price version of I am Legend)
I am getting probed both ends next month,
going to the gastroenterology unit hopefully tomorrow to get my paperwork.
I am sure there is a dystopian science fiction trope about that somewhere.
I feel a Mad Max scene coming on....
Flipped Render
Have a visual of wendy on a spit with pole through mouth coming out .... being carefully turned and prodded.
Love the burned out car look - but don't think I'd have a car with the exhaust coming straight out on the back tyre !
After my own heart!! My favortie genres for movies and books are dystopia, catastrophes, natural disasters, apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic, etc. I think sitting here in my comfortable home and getting into a film or book about survival is fun! I have no idea what that says about me.
I am here in Montgomery, Texas!! It was horrible here last week :( While the electricity was off I read one of my favorite books, Cyberstorm.
Anyway, Soylent Green was one of my favs!! I am in my sixties, so I have quite a list of movies, series and books!!!
I will get his mechanic to check it out !!!
Aliens have invaded Earth, all militaries have been defeated and all governments have been overthrown. It's now do as you are told or you are blaster fodder !
Post worked render - Topaz Simplify
Raw render
Hot Wheels!
Way to start us off, Bunyip - Mad Max and an alien. Classic. The body of the Mad Max car has great grunge.
Here is a WIP for me. I need to break some windows and otherwise make things look broken and worn out. Have some thoughts on a few other elements to try as well. A lot of dystopia's presume a desert with no plants. Decided to go in another direction.
@Bunyip02 - Loving the car and the cracked road in front of it sets it off nicely.
@Diomede - Great idea! Now this is an example of a still crying out to be animated. (Animation still my first love). I don't know if you are into animation yourself, but this would be a breeze in Twinmotion. The water could come to life no problem. The car would float (but I'm currently not sure how you get it to float halfway up (unless you cut the model in half - it does lapping quite well) - Wendy may well have an opinion on this). Also the trees could be made to sway quite easily. Finally any hanging items on the porch or porches could rock back and forth with no fuss (using ping-pong rotators) . I'm there man - living it.
I'd like to make an entry. I watched Soylent Green as a kid in the 70s, and again as an adult on DVD. Quite a depressing film, but intriguing none the less. Those mass crowd scenes were striking as I recall. I'm currently unable to render with the main machine grinding to a halt under Windows 10, and a new one on order still a couple / 3 weeks away, but if the competition doesn't end before I'm back in action, I'll see if I can do a tribute to one of the scenes.
Thanks, SciFiFunk, for the kind comments. I agree that the scene could make a cool animaiton. I should say that animations are welcome if people post a link so it can be viewed. I briefly began experimenting with animations about when Alberto's Fluidos came out. Nothing special, just a car race, silly custom creature running, that sort of thing. But I got a 'spam solicitation' warning from Youtube when I did a Fluidos test. Decided further animation tests wasn't worth the hassle to me. Could restart at any time, though.
Here is an update. I added a few details, but not enough debris or dirt. I also added some depth of field, which I don't normally use. Hope I chose the an appropriate amount.
Burning rubber...
Oh no. I must have missed this. Wishing you the very best. I had to go to the emergency room about a week ago (thank goodness it was before the storm knocked out all the electricity and water!), but fortunately (or unfortunately) the tests did not identify any acute problems could be solved with a single procedure - just long term things that require overhauling my diet, exercise, sleep cycle, etc, etc, etc.
Montgomery, Texas? Near Lake Conroe? I went to Texas A&M many, many years ago. I hope folks are able to get everything from the storm sorted out quickly. Bet it inspired some dystopian visions! Worth a render or two. The dinner scene in Soylent Green with Edward G Robinson and Charleston Heston is one of my favorites. Salads tasted better for a month after I first saw it.
Montgomery, Texas? Near Lake Conroe? I went to Texas A&M many, many years ago. I hope folks are able to get everything from the storm sorted out quickly. Bet it inspired some dystopian visions! Worth a render or two. The dinner scene in Soylent Green with Edward G Robinson and Charleston Heston is one of my favorites. Salads tasted better for a month after I first saw it.
Haha, it didn't register when Bunyip first posted it, but now I can't unsee it. Maybe it was a tube to store dystopian supplies or weapons, not exhaust?