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I've wish listed the Clydesdale Horse even although with the length of the mane it is more like the Gypsy Vanner Horse.
@Fishtales, I saw those horses and so wanted them! Weren't they used for knights originally? I have so little experience with real life horses I have to rely on other opinions.
@Novica, thank you for the heads-up on that office/character.
The Knight's horses were Destriers.
And here's info on the Clydesdale Scottish draft horse
They have those Clydesdales, Frisian, Belgian and other type draft horses at the Kentucky Horse Park. LOL, you see them and you think they are giants that escaped the Ice Age and that there might be Wooly Mammoths just around the bend.
Thank you all! Those Destriers must have been strong to carry a man in armor and in combat, in all conditions. Amazing.
The Clydesdales, yes, I associate them mostly with the beer.
But strange as it may seem, I have a memory of 1955 or 1956 Los Angeles CA of a horse drawn wagon delivery ice to the restuarant at the end of my street on Sepulveda (?) when there were still iceboxes in use. All us kids would grab bits of ice that fell from the wagon as the ice was moved into the building.
And this is the same time period that movies were made of in B/W detective genre were made across town glorifying the automobile and guns...
Our milk was delivered by the milk man on a horse and dray in the '50's, the fruit man used a horse and cart and he delivered into the '80's :)
My Grandparents had a peddler come around that used a horse and wagon back in the mid-1950s where they lived in Oklahoma
I wonder if our grandkids or their grandkids will live in a world where they get around by horse, mule, and wagon or by walking or sailing ship?
Those things sound so cool and interesting now.
We got milk delivered in downtown Chicago in the late 60s / early 70s by a milkman. I also remember the postmen then always walked with a huge leather postbag on 3 wheels they pushed around to deliver mail. Other interesting city stuff you don't see (or I rather I don't) much are policemen on footpatrol arresting me (and others no doubt) for truancy, firemen opening up the firehydrant to test the hydrant and leaving it on for kids to play in (for a while), and construction workers with jackhammers breaking up sidewalks to build new sizewalks, and worn brick cobblestone streets.
When we moved we then started driving to a dairy and getting the milk directly from the dairy. It was cheaper, but it was very rich and you had to shake it before your poured it.
I think I mentioned this at the time, it was years ago- but Stetson's barn is the waystation for Hollywood horses traveling up from the peninsula and headed west for the movies (or East Coast.) We had the two huge black horses (Diewe and Tristan) from The Hunger Games, who pulled the chariot in the movie. Pensacola area is the perfect rest stop after coming up from Ocala, and we put the horses in large pastures so they can stretch their legs. I stood under Diewe's head (I'm 5'5") and there was still at least a FOOT before his bottom lip when he put his head up! They were nickering to Stetson (also coal black) and it was SO sweet! (He was about three stalls down on the opposite side and they could plainly see each other.)
Man, this new forum font takes some getting used to, doesn't it?!
BTW I am REALLY, really thinking about all of you dealing with those fires. Please stay safe.
Great news. The wild lutino female Indian Ringneck I rescued in Jan 2019 is now I consider tame, if not a people bird; and I reached out and found an aviary in Ohio that has a tame male lutino Indian Ringneck that he wants to pair up with her, so he bought her off of me and she finally gets to live a normal female Ringneck social life, which was the whole point. Well, normal life for a pet Indian Ringneck. They live much safer and boring lifes compaired to wild Indian Ringnecks flying about the countryside so it's not so like that lifestyle in many ways. I take her there on Tuesday. Hard to believe she is now a about a 6 year bird and doing very well! Her demands make me laugh but she gets her way.
@nonesuch00 Very happy for her! Years ago we rehomed a Mexican red-headed parrot to a zoo which focused a lot on its aviary. She was in a free flight large enclosure with plants and waterfalls. :) Parrot heaven!
Yes, this place is an outdoor aviary as well. They can go inside when they want to.
TIP: Remember Rendo has materials for many of Arryn and Onnel's outfits, so this makes them very versatile. You can get this outfit here at Daz for 3.99 at 80% off right now with the code ONE4ME
and just the jewelry alone is worth the price. dF Sylvia Outfit (G8F)
Sure enough, just checked and Anagord, Alexaana, and Belladzines have really nice variations with this outfit at the other store. Just type Sylvia Outfit in the search and they'll come up. Check out other outfits in the sales (I have most of Arryn and Onnel so they're not showing for me) as the variety is really good. None have good sales now so you can just wishlist them over there. They go 50% or more frequently with those vendors.
Nice. I hope the tropical storm is not causing you too much trouble. I'm off to Ohio today to deliver Missy the IRN to her new home but the tropical storm isn't supposed to reach my area until 7PM at which time I should be home again.
Just got back from Ohio & I was gone from home from 9 AM to 8 PM BUT...Missy loves her new home, it was obvious, and her & her new mate, while not in the same cage yet (IRNs can be vicious so you have to err on the side of caution), it seemed to obvious think they'll like each other as they've moved as close as they can get to each other within their cages and keep looking at each other. I'm very chuffed about it.
I did get hit in Ohio by that Florida panhandle tropical storm/hurricane right when I was about to leave back home so I had to wait for the heavy rain to stop after about an hour. Good day.
Some notes on product issues:
I've had CB Isabella HD for Genesis 8 Female for some time, and really, really like her morph and skin, so I was shocked when I noticed a seam on one hand where the textures don't properly cover the mesh. The side of her right hand and fingers have white lines where the diffuse texture is not covering it. I tried loading her in 4.14 and 4.15 and got the same thing. So I put in a ticket 2 weeks ago. Not sure if I have another character clashing with her or she is indeed inherently flawed, but I haven't seen the seam on anyone else.
Another weird issue is with Jordina for Genesis 3 and 8 female who I got last night. When G8F's legs bend with her installed, they become horribly deformed. The culprit is a non-character pose control jcm that gets dialed in to -1200%. It happens to other characters and the base g8f even when she is not dialed in. I checked the forums about this issue and haven't seen anyone talking about this, so I'm curious if there is something going on that is specific to who I happen to have installed. I put in a ticket for her as well. Even though she has the leg issue, she is so pretty and I adore her skin, so I will be keeping her and just leaving her uninstalled unless I need her. Edit: Turns out it was Just Sit poses that cause the deformations when moving from one of those poses to a pose from another set.
The issue with Isabella looks like a UV mismatch.
I just double checked this and it is really, really apparent. @cynderblue
How did that get past both the vendor and supposedly QA? EDIT: Note vendor's response several posts down. Very responsible.
Heads up if you are a T-Mobile user.
Not sure what that means.
I can't reproduce this with any of the poses I've tried. I've seen poses from certain sets though, like this one from a freebie set EdArt3D at Rendo once gave me, which distorts the figure. That set requires limits to be turned off to work correctly, he said.
Like the texture was designed for a different UV map than the one you're currently using. For comparison, throw a male texture onto a female figure (if you have UV swap, you'll need to switch back to the female UV to see the difference).
Thank you! It appeared that when I uninstalled Jordina, the issue went away. But then I reinstalled her to finish a scene and the issue seemed to have disappeared. Thanks to your comment, I was able to learn more. It turns out that there was a pose set that I was testing on both her and g8f that causes it. When I apply a pose from Just Sit Poses, they work fine. But going from one of those poses to another pose will often result in the deformation of the legs. Some poses after I apply a just sit pose look okay, even from other sets, but some look awful, with the lumpy legs. So the just sit poses must be turning off limits, and when the legs get bent in another direction, the jcms end up going too far. I'm so glad I get to keep her installed now, and that it isn't one of my other characters causing a clash. I will just have to watch out for that pose set. It's very nice, so I'm definitely going to keep it. I will just be sure to correct the jcms when they become a problem in the future.
Morning, i just came across your post and im so sorry your having this issue. i have just taken a look myself and agree this is now present, however do not know why it is showing now as it wasnt when it was launched sometime ago and was tested.
Again appologies for the inconveniance and issue your experiencing and the delay in getting a resolve. I want to assure you that i take any issue seriously and I will of course further investigate this issue and get a resolve and understanding on how this could happen ASAP.
I've been experimenting a bit with this, it seems to be a certain pose in the set I mentioned that is causing the problems, if I apply that pose the poses (or at least some) I apply subsequently get distorted. None of the others in the set do that. It can be fixed in three ways though, it seems:
1. zeroing the figure after the "bad" pose has been applied
2. pressing ctrl while applying the pose and selecting "Obey Limits" in the dialog
3. zeroing the jcm, as you mentioned
Whether this is a bug in the pose or in DS I don't know.
@cynderblue I put a bold, in red note in my post so folks will know you were on it quickly, I told them to scroll down to see your response. That way they won't continue to find posts (using the plug-in) on a product page and only see the issue, and not see that you were addressing it quickly :) (That's why I @ you in the post.)
Regarding the other product- Every time I encounter the warped poses, the vendor didn't do their settings correctly and poses are loaded on top of each other and not zeroing out, as Taoz suggested.