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A couple of things I though I might pick up today but unfortunately Beavers don't use chain saws, one end of the logs is chain sawed the other knawed, and the Drystone Wall isn't it is just piles of water worn stones.
I like the beaver character, but (the same as you) the dam scene just didn't jive.
Ah, but today's beaver is a 'Storybook Beaver'; so presumably he could use chainsaws.
But I would have really preferred a more realistic Beaver Dam
Yes, that scene is meant more for "Storybook Beavers" using chainsaws I think. However, beavers do take down huge trees if they are building a dam in a river or stream big enough to need huge trees. I visited the Pisgah National Forest near Hot Springs, North Carolina this past April and a beaver (or beavers) had managed to gnaw away about 50% of a 75' tall 3' diameter tree trunk beside a creek called Laurel Creek. Didn't see it's (their) den or the actual beavers then.
I did get to see a real beaver(s) and beaver den often because when I was a boy in Florida me & a friend would go down to snake hunt and look around at what was living in the creek. We would see things like a huge mud turtle third as wide as the entire creek and the creek was about 10' from bank to bank so a 3' diameter mud turtle. To think we'd wade in barefoot with those jaws in that creek! We'd also see the beaver(s) and it's (their) den. It's den was more like a dome of decent size sticks. I'm not sure if it was the same beaver all the time or different beavers each time because to me, beavers look alike and we never saw more than one at a time.
Anyway, I'm definately buying the Storybook Beaver & the Dam to go with it. I'm very happy to see such products.
It's nice to see a variety in the store. :) Tired of living rooms, jacuzzi/hot tub/saunas, bathrooms, etc. i'd like to see a variety of cats (persian, himalayan, long hair calico, etc) And more dogs of course :)
Pablo 8.1 (G8M) Beau Fade Flip Hair, Beard, Eyebrows (G8M / 8.1M)
I wanted to show this out of the box. Note the beard below the lip goes onto the lip, but that's easy to fix and I'd rather have that than the hair avoiding areas where it should grow (aka close to the lip.) I didn't change anything on the hairline either. I like the hair and I think the beard and moustache looks realistic.
So I got main characters with the flash sale last night, and haven't rendered a lot of the ones I already had. So will show a few :) What did you pick up lately? I went for the Neftis hairs too for the guys. Those rarely have anything you can do with them (for the gals) so I stick to the male hair from that vendor. Same with 3DUniverse, those hairs are usually very static/very few morphs.
Pagen is in FastGrab right now so if your into goth shes got some great options. See image in my gallery for accessories used.
Yes, variety is very nice. I bought the storybook beaver yesterday and am looking forward to buying the King Mouse & Nutcracker Soldier bundles soon as I can afford them.
Brooke 8.1 Qun Hair (G8.1F) dForce Brookes Autumn Outfit (G8F) Caleela Hair (G3F/ G8F)
Okay, continuing with characters. I found Brooke 8.1 very hard to manipulate with expressions regarding the mouth. It seems more stiff than other models (and I don't deal with 8.1 very often. This certainly doesn't seem like a step forward in the posing/expressions area.) The Qun Hair ages her and she's a bit "frumpy" to me, whereas Caleela takes years off. The last is the Growing Up 5-6 years old.
I don't like Brookes Autumn Outfit out of the box, didn't have time to dForce it so just be aware manual adjustments are extremely limited if you don't dForce. I really don't like the materials on the jacket, it reminds me of particle board in a new home being constructed. The color doesn't help either.
I do really like Brooke's materials, the eyebrows are very natural and would do well on children IMO. The teeth are a natural color, not glaring white. I did increase the saturation level (10 in Corel Photo Paint) and sharpened to 82, which is quite a bit, so you won't get that pore clarity out of the box. I did the first one with more saturation and the second one is about half that amount.
We lost an ICON today. Betty White died today at age 99, just THREE WEEKS away from her 100th birthday. God is definitely laughing in her presence, she was one funny lady!
Truly a great
I remember how shocked everyone was over her role in Lake Placid
Everyone as like did Betty just say that
She was funny alright. And I got a laugh out of her room full of stuffed animals but I guess it shouldn't be too surprising seeing as she really was involved in activities about treating animals humanely.
Anybody else get the booster shot? I am going in an hour to Walgreens and get it. They had a 9:30pm and 9:45pm appointment left. LOVE they are staying late to do those! They had 52 appts a day before yesterday (I left the window open) Wonder what symptoms you had compared to the two shots? I had headache and nausea, second was worse than the first. I think the booster is half the amount, is that right?
I just read the Pfizer is the same dose, the Moderna is half of it. I am getting the Pfizer. (Moderna originally.)
I got the Moderna booster in November. Similar to second dose, sore arm and a bit tired the next day but not bad. Original Moderna has 3X the active as Pfizer, so they went down to half dose for booster because that original dose wasn't needed for the booster and they could produce more does that way.
I haven't been boosted yet (I waited to get my initial vaccination for no real reason), but got the Moderna vaccine both because I understood it to be more efficacious than the Pfizer vaccine and because modern life is just a matter of deciding what sorts of evil you can live with.
Well, I'm back and it was amazing. I actually didn't feel a THING. I'll let you know tomorrow how I feel :) Thanks for all the input. I'm just planning on sleeping in tomorrow.
For whatever it's worth, my reaction was almost exactly the reverse of what most people experience. The first shot left me feeling very tired and like the arm that I got the shot in had been beat up by many many people. The second shot just left that arm a little sore. The booster was basically, "Shot? What shot? I got a shot? really? I didn't notice." (I got the flu shot in one arm and the booster in the other, so that was fun times all around.)
Not sure if I said before, and I am late; I had the Pfizer and the flu shot at the same time just a bit off of each other. Even with the potency supposed to be reduced on the booster it hit me like I had a case of Covid. Chills, weakness, tired, headache that meds can't help with, tummy not handle food very well; we ate a lot of scrambled eggs on toast. My flatmate got the booster too. He had to keep going to work at Target since it was Christmas sales season, but others who also had it around here, used sick leave to recover. Average downtime seemed to be nine days.
I had both together (in mid-Novemeber) - the Covid arm went on being sore a bit longer (Saturday through to mid-Monday, the previous two wore off by the end of Sunday) but no issues aside from that.
So far today (got up at 10am, bed at 2am) my arm is sore but I have full but stiff range ofmotion. I lift 1 pd weights before I go to bed when I get these shots, then during the night I stretch it if I wake up. Otherwise, maybe a little achy but that could be psychological. No nausea, chills, fever, etc. Not going to walk (glider) except maybe later tonight.
It's only in the 40's here, wind really blowing, and that swept in about ten minutes before I left for the shot. It was literally 78 degrees the day before, 75 yesterday which plummeted to 64 degrees in under ten minutes. By the time I got done with the shot, it was in the lower 50's (about 45 minutes later.) UGH. Shadow the stray has a patio table completely covered, with really soft, fuzzy blankets and a heating pad. I felt really good when I checked last night to find he had returned and was in his tent home. He had eaten around 5pm and left like he always does, but whenever he sees me building his home, I think it has clicked that weather is changing. :)
OMGOSH I just checked and it's only 38 degrees here in Pensacola at 11:15am!!!!!
On the other side of the state, its 70, sunny, slight breeze (spanish moss is swaying a bit).
You're suffering from weather whiplash
Yeah, my sister in Jacksonville was just on the phone with me and enjoying her outdoor patio LOL. The weather (Accuweather) was WRONG as I checked at 2am before I went to bed and it said it would be 48 at this time.
Here in the RGV
Jan 01 we reached 93.5 with a feels like temp of 98.
Jan 02 were 37.5 degrees colder at 56 with a feels like of 44
It was 33 at 0630 when I let Ms Emerald out and is now 58
Fifteen hours after the 10pm booster, at 1pm today the effects kicked in. Really tired (sleeping all day) and chills (in front of a heater.) No headache or nausea so I am good. Who doesn't love to sleep and enjoy a good heater LOL? It tells me the booster is working, my body is saying, "Oh no you don't!"