New! Novica & Forum Members Tips & Product Reviews Pt 14



  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited January 2022

    The Toonimal Bat is cheap too, 2.79 and 72% off. The rest are about 7.00

    Post edited by Novica on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Well, I think they still need work on their cart. I have the Daz+ freebie which is 16.95 and it shows in red -16.95.....then down below it says Welcome Daz+ member, you're saving 11.97. No, I'm saving 16.95 (even if you consider the 30% discount as a Daz+ member, if the price is 16.95 and I am paying zero, that's 16.95 I am saving.)   Back to the drawing board on the cart IMO. 

  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,321

    I did a search on 'Toonianimal' and found 20 items. Some of the names of the artists are new to me, others still at Daz. Just want to smile at what I see. Curious if Daz will see an uptick in sales now. If I did toons I would be wishlisting.

    On a personal note, Covid struck my son's family. He called last night, his high school age son came home with it, gave it to the 3rd grader, who was in tears; worried she would now be teased as a 'Covid Girl' by her friends at school. His high school daughter is ticked off at her brother because she is on a basketball team and now has to miss two weeks of practice. My son thinks he will get it, his wife is so far okay. All are fully vacinated and boosted as much as they can be.

    When I took my van in to get the heater fixed this week, found out they were able to get two mechanics well in time. Their complete shop was closed due to all being positive or exposed to Covid. But they did open to fix my fan so Bugsy could get to the vet's in a warm car for tests. He is improving. 


  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    memcneil70 said:

    I did a search on 'Toonianimal' and found 20 items. Some of the names of the artists are new to me, others still at Daz. Just want to smile at what I see. Curious if Daz will see an uptick in sales now. If I did toons I would be wishlisting.

    On a personal note, Covid struck my son's family. He called last night, his high school age son came home with it, gave it to the 3rd grader, who was in tears; worried she would now be teased as a 'Covid Girl' by her friends at school. His high school daughter is ticked off at her brother because she is on a basketball team and now has to miss two weeks of practice. My son thinks he will get it, his wife is so far okay. All are fully vacinated and boosted as much as they can be.

    When I took my van in to get the heater fixed this week, found out they were able to get two mechanics well in time. Their complete shop was closed due to all being positive or exposed to Covid. But they did open to fix my fan so Bugsy could get to the vet's in a warm car for tests. He is improving. 


    Ouch, sorry to hear that :(   But why would she miss two weeks of practice? The guidelines have been cut down to five days of isolation if someone is asymptomatic after exposure- right? It keeps changing so often I'm confused all the time. Is that a particular school policy? That is an extremely long time, it was 10 days for the quarantine for most of last year. Two weeks was the beginning of last year's recommended timeframe when this stupid virus first started, IIRC. 

  • NinefoldNinefold Posts: 256

    Robert Freise said:

    From the read me


    Release Date:


    Oh my god ... in a few months, they'll be old enough to drink.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    edited January 2022

    Novica said:

    Interesting, the Hatchling Phoenix is currently 80 cents, still in the store. Didn't check the rest of them. Edit- the puppy and kitty are also 80 cents. The penguin isn't that price, it's 6.97.

    Have that one too & the others. They are still good & I've used the Toonimal Bat recently in my Gallery. Although not Toonimals, I used the old Jack Pumpkin & Ghost as well.

    Batty Brouhaha


    Hmmm, odd that Toonianimal finds what I couldn't find searching for Toonimal. Thanks MeMacNeil70.

    Correction again, searching for Toonimal now finds all the Toonimal creatures but when I made that render a few months ago it was not finding those Toonimal creatures, which is why the Toonimal Bat was missing from the render product list in the gallery. I thought it odd at the time they would delete those products, it turns out they didn't.


    Post edited by nonesuch00 on
  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,321

    Novica said:

    memcneil70 said:


    Ouch, sorry to hear that :(   But why would she miss two weeks of practice? The guidelines have been cut down to five days of isolation if someone is asymptomatic after exposure- right? It keeps changing so often I'm confused all the time. Is that a particular school policy? That is an extremely long time, it was 10 days for the quarantine for most of last year. Two weeks was the beginning of last year's recommended timeframe when this stupid virus first started, IIRC. 

    Novica, I think it might be a 17yo's histronics. Her brother got to play his first football season but now her basketball season is threatened. And Covid strikes again, I had a doctor's appointment this morning, but the doctor called from home, she has Covid herself. So I am rescheduled. 

    I am disappointed, but like shopping and stuff, need to be flexible and go with the flow. 

  • I got my moderna booster yesterday no side effects unless having an insatiable case of the munchies counts

  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,192

    Robert Freise said:

    I got my moderna booster yesterday no side effects unless having an insatiable case of the munchies counts

    Only if the booster was laced into a doobie.

  • Gordig said:

    Robert Freise said:

    I got my moderna booster yesterday no side effects unless having an insatiable case of the munchies counts

    Only if the booster was laced into a doobie.


  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited January 2022

    I used the EXTRA15 code to get 15% more off my cart, (must spend 35.00) so I got a few gals from Fast Grab (I like the materials, the brows are thicker and not sticky looking)  to add to my main purchase: 

    I am curious. Remember when Polish's Saloon got pulled? When did it come back?  It's in the 60% Legacy. It's a deal at 60% but a steal at 66% and around 10.00   Thought I'd point it out.

    imageSleep Under The Stars

      new     $16.95   $0.00  100% Off


    imageMeyke for Genesis 3 and 8 Female

    recent best $5.69      $18.95     $5.69    70% Off   FAST GRAB



    imageNatia for Genesis 8 Female

    recent best $5.69      $18.95        $5.69      70% Off


    imageWestern Saloon

    recent best $11.98       $29.95      $10.18         66% Off


    imageWestern Saloon Props

    recent best $7.98

    $19.95      $6.79       66% Off







    Post edited by Novica on
  • NathNath Posts: 2,856

    Had a bit of fun with the wishlist, and picked up Scaling down the head makes for a fairly 'real' kitten :-)


    test moshi head 75percent.png
    1205 x 906 - 746K
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Well, this is a first. If you try to redeem a gift card code, it may say invalid. I kept at it, and on the third time, it redeemed it. I didn't change a thing, used the same copy/paste. So it's behaving weirdly. 

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited January 2022

    Forest Road appears to have neat inside the tunnel capabilities. Too bad they were only shown in teeny thumbnail promo. Look closely at the very last thumbnail on the last row. It's by Polish so detail is good, leaves lay flat and don't float, etc.

    Post edited by Novica on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited January 2022

    I'm shopping, spending more than 35.00 in the cart to get 15% off, and using my gift card I previously purchased to buy it. I am going to get the Winged Wonders bundle in a separate order (need to use another gift card) even though the wings are wrong. I specialized in avian art (actually drawing it) for national magazines back in the early/mid 80's, and the wing feathers separate down too far when the wings are outstretched. That is an easy postwork fix. What I'm saying is each feather is too distinct from the one next to it, they touch almost all the way to the tip and overlap (the air doesn't rush through gaps.)  But I LOVE those props in the bundle and the material presets are good. Using another one of my discounted gift cards (I buy those suckers and wait for deals)  and having the bundle at over 35.00 and the 15% off code makes it a fairly good deal.  Edit- I'm going to wait, taking another look at it and the birds look hairy, not feathered. 


    Post edited by Novica on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,878

    I don't think you would be happy with those birds unless you are rendering fantasy scenes. There is no realism there as you have noted.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    barbult said:

    I don't think you would be happy with those birds unless you are rendering fantasy scenes. There is no realism there as you have noted.

    Agree :)  I'm looking more at the props, the birds were a wash once I started diving in to each product in the bundle. Hairy birds with wrong wings, boo. 

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited January 2022

    Shiina Character & Expressions (G8.1F)        HY Bob Hair (G8/8.1F)         dForce Denim Diva (G8F)      2021- 06 Hair (G8/8.1F)  

    I really like Shiina. And LOVE HY Bob Hair. Look at the promos- all the sliders and things you can do with the hair. It looks so soft to the touch! It may be my new favorite short hair.

    908 x 1000 - 1M
    Shiina 2.png
    780 x 1000 - 1M
    Shiina 3.png
    908 x 1000 - 1M
    Shiina 4.png
    908 x 1000 - 1M
    Shiina 5.png
    908 x 1000 - 1M
    Post edited by Novica on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,878

    That HY Bob Hair does look like nice hair.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905


    STUPID FORUMS!   I'm trying to paste those images in the post, did them all, then when I went to post it got the error message. SO tired of having to do things over and over. Anyway, you'll just have to click on each image for now. 





  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,878

    Yes, I get those forum host errors (502 and 504) multiple times EVERY DAY. I submitted a help request about it weeks and weeks ago, but nothing has improved at all since then.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    I did them three at a time. It worked fine when clicked on the attachment and popped back and forth, the first time I opened in separate windows. Doubt that had anything to do with it. Just annoying. 

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    The HY Bob Hair is impressive.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    barbult said:

    Yes, I get those forum host errors (502 and 504) multiple times EVERY DAY. I submitted a help request about it weeks and weeks ago, but nothing has improved at all since then.

    Well, EVERYONE got sucked into it. Forums down all evening, all night, and were still down at 8am this morning. There's a thread on it in Commons. I was going to post how much I liked Baku  and brand new, he's 50% off so I bought him to support Spows making a male character. Haven't rendered him yet. I also bought An Abstract View and Room Design 04   Not great discounts (can't remember now, think it was around 60%, which is decent but not jaw-dropping) but I really like the products. Crisp appeal. 

    Error 502

     Ray ID: 6d1da119b8978d7c • 2022-01-23 02:36:04 UTC

    Bad gateway







  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,192

    I think Baku's a great morph, but from the promo images, I'm not terribly impressed with his skin. I do love Spows characters, though, and nobody else really makes characters like they do.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,878
    edited January 2022

    Buyer beware: There are forum reports that installing Baku causes him to be dialed in to every G8M character. Obviously a product bug that will hopefully eventually be corrected.

    Post edited by barbult on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    barbult said:

    Buyer beware: There are forum reports that installing Baku causes him to be dialed in to every G8M character. Obviously a product but that will hopefully eventually be corrected.

    I'll return him then. I have zero patience for that kind of thing.

    I'm now getting the postgre sql error and reinstalled it, restarted my computer, still no luck. Will have to research how to solve it. Strange it happened when the forums glitched, I haven't had this problem in over half a year.  

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Okay need some technical help. Don't want to move files until you guys lend your expertise. Apparently, when Postgre SQL installed from DIM, it puts the files in C: Program Files- Daz 3D. In the studio, where they WERE going (went to Edit-Preferences - Content Directory Manager) was C:- Users- (me)- AppData-Roaming-DAZ 3D-cms

    So my question is- should I change the preferences in the studio from the AppData path to the C:Program Files, OR should I move the files out of Program Files (where they went when I reinstalled) to the AppData path which the studio has? Does it matter? 

  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,192

    Novica said:

    barbult said:

    Buyer beware: There are forum reports that installing Baku causes him to be dialed in to every G8M character. Obviously a product but that will hopefully eventually be corrected.

    I'll return him then. I have zero patience for that kind of thing.

    While I understand that position, it really only takes a couple clicks to fix it, and then you get a wonderful character to play with. To me, it's totally worth spending a really trivial amount of time fixing something if it's something you want to use.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Gordig said:

    Novica said:

    I'll return him then. I have zero patience for that kind of thing.

    While I understand that position, it really only takes a couple clicks to fix it, and then you get a wonderful character to play with. To me, it's totally worth spending a really trivial amount of time fixing something if it's something you want to use.

    I won't remember to fix every G8 male character I work with, if I understand this correctly. And for years to come? Uh-uh. 

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