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Very funny :-)
I thought you were coming to say "It's a Girl!"
Still waiting?
And here's HOW he did Titanic. WOW!
@barbult haha :D ....not just yet, getting closer though !!! :D
Do you have her name yet? I have some suggestions. (Hey, we can all name Tim's baby!) Pixel sounds good to me LOL. There's also Render.... Mesh.... Iray....
hahaha :D ...all very good names, but we have settled for Abigale :D
I LOVE that name. A good, sophisticated yet playful name. Well done!
@barbult haha yeah thats probably true :D
Well, funky weird. Have you guys gotten the new product pages all in black, completely rearranged? If I clicked on a product and then used my back arrow, occasionally it would pop up. Then I'd do it again (going forward, then back) and the page would be white and normal.
Here's screenshots. You click to open what's included, which is really neat if they start requiring vendors to put that in the page. But it will be bothersome if you click and nothing is there (maybe that feature will not be there if that is the case?) So have you seen this? (Try the forward/back thing)
Yes, but it only happens when I arrive at the site and look at products and I am not logged in.
I haven't seen anything like your showing. In fact my view for the store pages hasn't changed in any way recently
My store page has changed to the black one and it is difficult to use. Everything is huge and spaced far apart requiring lots of scrolling and section expanding. I dislike it. Just try to see what is included in a bundle. Once you find that section buried in one of the expandable areas, it only shows links, no thumbnails. You think I am going to open another dozen of these product pages to see what these included things are? (Answer: No.)
Ugh. That sounds horrible. My pages are still white for now. Guess you're one of the guinea pigs. Were you logged in? Sounds like you were.
This is what I see, once I click on the + to expand the What's Included & Featured section. All these links are hidden until you manually expand that section. Sure, there are some thumbnails in the product promos, but I don't see any info there about what promo applies to what product, or even if all product are featured in a promo image.
no issues here, everything seems to be working as normal far !!! :)
I sent in a feedback report to Customer Service with a copy of a PDF I printed before the change and one printed after. And included how I have used the PDF in the past and why this new format negates that. But one thing I found yesterday, is when the images go extremely wide, and you try to print them off, critical details like the SKU don't print off. I think I had five items from the Mega Bundle from yesterday that I had to open back up to hunt down the SKU.
But what really gets me, the PAs take all their time to produce a product and either they or someone else create images to show their products off and this new format destroys all that work.
Ah, so I'm not the only one annoyed by the printing thing!
I've always printed off product pages for everything I've bought as a record of what it was (in case it disappears from the store in the future) and to use on my (offline) rendering PC. Since the black pages were inflicted on me (just a few days ago, later than many forumites) I've been using an Incognito browser to get the old page format, which up to now is working for me, but presumably this won't last.
I wish there was a store funtion to print a store page that produced a print-friendIy version. I can see one day I'll need to make do with a set of screenshots and glue them together into a PDF using Libreoffice!
I actually have been thinking that might be what I would have to do also. And when you buy a large bundle or a lot from a great sale, that is a huge chore. I tried going Incognito but have not seen a difference. And just trying to look at today's offerings was such a chore, I gave up after I looked at a deep sale item. It said I owned it, The Stash Bundle! Curious I opened it up, but could not find any indication of what I owned or didn't. No greyed out image or anything. I just closed down the sales page and after skimming the forums, will turn away from Daz's website and watch the news and continue to add/fix metadata on owned products.
I'm surprised you don't see bundle items you already own flagged? I get something like this. (Maybe it's because I have the Daz Deals Add-On)
Granted, they are not greyed out (except in the the QUICKVIEW panel, but everything there is greyed until you click it!)
@melanieL Thanks for showing that. Interesting. Do wish it was more noticeable.
The current flash sale ends at 13:59 MST and says 60 percent goes to 70 percent with a new release (use Daz +) but for me it started at 70 percent in the store, went to 72 in the cart, then 79 percent with a Daz + added. You Daz + members also getting that? I give up trying to figure out what it's supposed to be, versus what it is doing. But you may get almost 80 percent off if you check it out.
I only wanted one relatively low cost thing, so it wasn't worth it to put a Daz+ item in the cart. But for me, it looked like it was starting at 72% in the store, but then it stayed at 72% in the cart, since I didn't have anything to trigger the additional discount. (Kola -- JUST Kola -- was the new release, since I was probably buying him anyway.)
Oh boy, I thought all those little dark images were the ones not shown on the larger scroll bar. That page needs to come with an instruction manual to read it.
It also doesn't help that I really need to get my eyes checked and get a new prescription.
Thank you so much.
Edit to add, just after I posted, I finally saw the 'red circle'! I hate tiny print, it is driving me nuts. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Glad it helped! I'm starting to get acclimatised to the new layout (but I still HATE the printing situation)
By the way, clicking on one of the smaller images makes the display above scroll to the large version of that image. For products within a bundle, If you then click on the large image it opens a section lower down the page with a box to click to go directly to that product, so no need to hunt through the text in the "What's Included" trying to work out which line is which product.
Ah, thanks for that tip. So we assume then that there is a one to one correspondence between promo images and products. much I want to buy and have to wait...
Someone pointed this out to me- remember how we get price matching if the items go cheaper within 30 days? Apparently you can no longer get matching prices if the items you buy go on sale cheaper within 30 days- or any day!
What is the Policy for Sales Events and Prices?
February 16, 2022 12:41
Sales events on the website and their prices are available for a limited time. These special prices and offers are only valid during the sales event. Sale prices cannot be applied retroactively to items purchased before the sale, or to purchases made after the sales event ends.