Celebrity Look-a-Likes for 3D figures
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The first time i saw this promo, immediately just one name came out. And the name was Hermione.
Seriously, it's Emma Watson. Just google and compare. Both chin and nose are perfect in this case. Striking resemblance!
The first time i saw this promo, immediately just one name came out. And the name was Hermione.
Seriously, it's Emma Watson. Just google and compare. Both chin and nose are perfect in this case. Striking resemblance!
No, not Emma Watson at all.
For a start with, Emma has normal size lips - which would be 'thin' compared with most Hollywood and US TV actresses - not the 'I've just been stung on the lips by a swarm of bees or been punched in the mouth' lips Mara - like almost all Poser V4 and Genesis base models and characters - has. One reason I often use the custom bit of MRL's Gabi morph when creating characters (that are otherwise nothing like Emma Watson) is that it gives V4 and Genesis/G2F (via morph transfer) the normal lips my characters have rather than that godawful collagen-injected pout all the other base figures and characters have.
Honestly, google up any photo of Emma Watson with her mouth closed: thin lips. Now look at those bloated Mara swollen pouting lips. No resemblance. None at all.
Mara does ring a slight a slight bell, though. Maybe ... what was that zombie film? One of the ' ... of the Dead' series, I think. Small town, sealed off by the army when Zombie's pop up in the town. Main character was a small blond girl who was from the town but in the Army ... or National Guard. Ran around in Woodland camo BDU, scenes in a hospital in the town, story ended up in secret underground facility where somebody had been experimenting. Her. Haven't seen it for a few years, but that was the vague association that popped into my head.
Going back to what I said about MRL Andromeda:
As I said, I don't see her as Alexa Davalos at all. Alexa has a very distinctive jaw and chin, which is the first thing I'd be trying to replicate if trying to do a lookalike morph of her, and Andromeda's is nothing like it.
A second circumstantial point - at least to me - is that in the cases of all the obvious MRL lookalikes (Kate Beckinsale, Emma Watson, Natalie Portman, Kristen Stewart, Cate Blanchett, Megan Fox et al), the name MRL gives the figure is NOT either the name of the actress or the name of one of her famous roles. Following the pattern of all the others, if MRL DID do an Alexa Davalos, she would NOT call her by the name of one of her roles, such as Andromeda.
As I mentioned, when I first saw MRL Andromeda (the day it came out), I was immediately struck by the main promo (the one on the main product page, not the others in the lightbox) looking like Sybil (Gwendoline Taylor) in the STARZ Spartacus Season 4 War Of The Damned, which I was either watching at the time, or had just finished. This was me comparing the MRL promo with the character on the TV rather than against a photo, but digging around now for a photo ... can't quite find what I want without downloading an episode and taking screen grabs, but ....
MRL Andromeda main promo pic
STARZ Spartacus website promo pic of Gwendoline as Sybil (sorry, URL breaks and doesn't work as an URL link):
Anybody else see the resemblance? Even the same general kind of costume and hair.
I definitely see Gwendoline Taylor, I compared many of her photos on Google it is a much better likeness than Davalos.
It's funny. As independently minded as I am, it's always nice to feel 'Oh good, not just me then.' :-)
Finally tracked down the film and then the actress looking at Mara for V4 and Genesis was dragging up a vague association for. Day Of The Dead (2008) and Mena Suvari. Not an actress I follow, and I'd just half-watched that one film of hers on TV a couple of times awhile ago (not a great film, but passably diverting when there's nothing else worth watching on). Googling photos ... could be a rather cartoonified version of her. Though I suspect it wasn't a specific attempt at any celeb, just a generic blandly-pretty-and-innocent-looking blonde that therefore somewhat resembles quite a number of blandly-pretty-and-innocent-looking blonde actresses like Mena.
No, it's not Mena Suvari,
She does, however, resemble Imogen Poots who was in 28 Days Later:
I honestly think that not all MRL's morphs she makes are based on Celebrities. Some could be simply original morphs she made and decided to sell.
That may be so - it's difficult to be sure without a definitive statement from MRL.
For me they fall into 3 groups:
1) They're of an actress I know, and I see it the moment I first glance at the main page promo. I then note there's at least one of the promos dressing them and portraying them like one of that actress's iconic roles, but I don't need that to identify them.
2) I don't recognize them as anybody, but on looking through the promos, something suggests some movie I haven't seen but have heard about in passing. Following the apparent clue up, I find photos of the (previously unknown to me) actress, flip back and forth between the MRL promos and the (to me new) actress and can see it is obviously her (like with MRL Karis, or the Emily Browning one).
3) I don't recognize them as anybody, and no clues jump out at me from the promos.
Now, those in my group 3 may be just made up ones ... but the existence of group 2 also suggests they - or some of them - might simply be of actresses I don't know and I'm just not getting any clues (or there isn't a clue because MRL doesn't have any clothing etc resembling the iconic role of that actress).
MRL Aella is really bugging me. Something is ringing a distinct bell really quite loudly, but I just can't place it ... or associate any clues with something I can search on.
The association of MRL Andromeda as being Alexa Davalos seems completely wrong to me. Yes, I know Alexa played Andromeda in the Clash of the Titans remake, but the MRL Andromeda is completely unlike Alexa. Alexa has a square, very sharp jaw with very prominent chin cleft, while MRL Andromeda's face is nothing like that. She's actually much more like Judi Bowker, who played Andromeda in the original version (although she had light brown hair, which I'd have expected MRL to replicate if it was meant to be her). Actually, to me the main MRL Andromeda promo is the absolute spitting image if the character Sybil in the last STARZ Spartacus series ... but she's a rather obscure actress, and I'm not sure now whether MRL Andromeda came out before or after the last Spartacus series.
Oh - for MRL Melissa Su, my vote goes to Vanessa Hudgens. In my case, that deduction (last night) went: Don't recognize character at all; look for clues; looks like she may be part Asiatic, guessing some Chinese; look for list of Chinese-American actresses on Wikipedia; work through list, calling up photos to compare with MRL Melissa Su promos; screech to a stop on reaching page of Vanessa Hudgens photos, reckon that's her; look for what she's acted in; notice Sucker Punch on list (which I haven't seen) and note that the two immediately preceding MRL releases were of actresses in Sucker Punch (including very obvious Emily Browning in full replica costume of Sucker Punch character). Only then find a Google link to a page in this forum of someone else saying MRL Melissa Su is Vanessa Hudgens as part of a Sucker Punch triple. Having come to the same conclusion completely independently, I find that quite compelling as an identification.
I respectfully disagree. MRL Melissa looks nothing at all (not even remotely) like Vanessa Hudgens to me. MRL Melissa is way too Japanese looking and Vanessa's skin is darker. The entire face is wrong to be Vanessa. Sorry, I respectfully disagree.
I fully 100% agree about Andromeda, though. Good points even though I don't know who Sybil is since I have not seen the movie or know the actress.
I don't see any similarity at all. :down:
I definitely see Gwendoline Taylor, I compared many of her photos on Google it is a much better likeness than Davalos.
Now that I looked her up to confirm with the rest, I see it too.
I don't see any similarity at all. :down:
Me neither,
For me, in certain pics, Imogen Poots is a good call.
As I said nearly a year and a half ago (back on page 10 of this thread): " the more I look at Melissa SU [...] the more I’m feeling Vanessa Hudgens" I've still got that feeling.
I also said: "MRL Cathy - Probably way, WAY off base here, but reminds me a bit of Willa Holland" Now I'm prepared to say I was off base, but perhaps not so far as I'd feared. I recently noted in the promo copy, Mihrelle describes her as "a Romantic heroine, she’s ‘Wuthering Heights'" Kaya Scodelario played Cathy in the 2011 version of Wuthering Heights... and she has been noted at times for a similarity of appearance to Willa Holland.
Ah. MRL Aella ...
Did a search on actresses with shaved heads ...
Charlize Theron with her hair shaved for Mad Max 4?
(And she's not just plain V4, whoever said that above - the head INJ includes a custom morph plus a bunch of Morphs++ morphs set.)
You know, I can't help wondering if Mihrelle reads this thread and chuckles mightily at our guesses/debates/arguments.
I think this entire thread is proof that, until a modeller gives a definitive statement, you can ask ten Daz Studio users who their creation resembles and you'll get about thirty different answers - all of us convinced we hold the correct interpretation. :)
I hardly think, considering that Aella has been out for quite a while and that Mad Max 4 isn't out till next year, that one could have anything to do with the other.
Just because some of their characters do look like famous actresses, we shouldn't then take it as read that they all do.
Only my Summer Glau and Lena Heady morphs (well, and, I suppose, a dire Daniel Craig) were meant to be actual people, the rest of my character morphs were just ones I dialed and liked the look of.
I hardly think, considering that Aella has been out for quite a while and that Mad Max 4 isn't out till next year, that one could have anything to do with the other.
But Charlize Theron shaving her head for the part in MM4 has been widely reported in the papers, magazines and on the internet, along with numerous photos of her out and about with her shaved head, from quite some time before MRL Aella was released. It is perfectly possible that Mihrelle saw those pictures an decided to 'do' a shaved-head warrior Charlize - there was certainly time between the first reports and photos and the Aella release. (Not costumed etc as in the film, as I don't think any pics have been released yet of Charlize in MM4 character; but the reports and pics of her having a shaved head and having to muscle up for a warrior part were all over the place.)
My reason for thinking MRL Aella probably was meant to be somebody in particular, and therefore searching to figure out who, is quite simply that from the first day the product was released and I saw her, I've had a strong sense of familiarity. I KNEW from first look she reminded me strongly of somebody ... I just couldn't think who, but there was an overwhelming feeling of familiarity. It only just occurred to me, though, that the reason I might not be recognizing her might be the shaved head ... that she's someone I know but have never seen bald before. Hence searching for and through lists of actresses and singers who have appeared bald, to look at pics. And seeing the pics of a bald Charlize Theron - yes, Charlize Theron is an actress I'm familiar with from a number of films, but had never seen bald before; and yes, that's who Aella strongly reminds me of.
Of course it is possible - unless she makes a definitive statement otherwise - that not all Mihrelle's characters are intentionally specific actresses or models. However (a) a whole bunch of them very clearly are, being both (i) obviously identifiable to me even without clues, and (ii) containing a very big clue stick in some of the promos if I was inclined to doubt; and (b) on a number of the ones I didn't recognize at all, there was a clue in the promos I picked up on which led me straight to an actress I'd never heard of before but who it was blatantly obvious the MRL character was meant to be both because of the clue and the fact that pictures of the actress looked just like the MRL promos. I'm only left with a small number of MRL characters I'm unable to identify with real celebs. And as they are a small minority of all MRL characters, it is certainly at least as reasonable to suppose they are actually intentional celebs, like the large majority, but ones I just happen not to know (which is the case with a fair number of current young actresses and models) and haven't managed to identify yet, as it would be to suppose they are just made up.
I hardly think, considering that Aella has been out for quite a while and that Mad Max 4 isn't out till next year, that one could have anything to do with the other.
Agreed. Aella looks nothing at all like Charlize Theron.
It's possible that they did a few lazy ones that weren't anyone, just to have something to release. I'm sure ones that are someone take a lot longer to do than those that aren't.
I am getting a Cameron Diaz vibe from this one:
The textures are for an older person, but I bet you throw in a younger texture and she will be a young, bubbly Cameron Diaz.
I'm thinking I've seen VHP Limei (over on rendo) somewhere, but I can't place where... Is she somebody in particular, or "just" a pretty face?
Pretty sure someone pegged her as Lucy Liu
Yeah, I can see what you mean there.
Let the speculation begin:
OK, I'm game - Maggie Q
Could be, I do get a slight Jennifer Lawrence vibe too.
yes i thought Cameron Diaz as well, but based on the quote in the first promo image "That's how you get ants!" i think it is supposed to be Jessica Walter, who voices Malory on Archer!
OK, I'm game - Maggie Q
Nah, maggie's got a different facial structure ;) I once spent a few weeks recreating Maggie.
She's not Kelly Hu either... At first i thought she's the Shado actress from Arrow.