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I can not see anything as smart Content tab In carrara 8.5 Pro beta.
(it is same about Carrara 8.5 Pro)
1. At first, I have no problem about ds 4.6 ,4.7 with PostgresSQL CMS .
all smart contents work as it supposed to be.
2. Carrara "Content library" work with out problem.
3. I launch Carrara 8.5 beta, then click smart content in browser, It everytime show this message
"The connection to the daz content management service can not be established"
4 eventhough I keep running DS 4.6 (with PostgresSQL CMS auto running), Carrara 8.5beta can not connect postgre sql
(at least , it send me same message in smart content (browser)
5 I reboot Carrara 8.5beta , and my PC several times , but it did not work.
If there is way to correct Carrara smart content, tell me the way please.
I am windows 7 64bit pc user. run Carrara as admin of my pc. Zone alarm? I have never installed it.
my DAZ (Poser) contents directory is "i:\daz studio\mylibrary"
it was correctly set up in D|S Content Directory manager.
I got it working after installing PostGre.
As for the Native Content, I copied that form one machine to the beta folder on another machine and it works. I seriously believe, however, that this step should not be necessary. It should be automatic; that is what the DIM claims.
Re-installed PostgreSQL
Carrara beta now starts up..
Smart content on my machine took 75 seconds to load .. there is no indication in the program what is happening during this load time so it may look like the program has hung.
Windows 8.1Pro 64
Windows 10 TP 64
I installed PostgreSQL CMS and PostgreSQL CMS from Valentina CMS Public Conversion and Carrara ran. None of my content was visible in the smart content tab so I went into Studio and everything was there. Spooky. I've updated my bug report.
Then I did something stupid. I tried rescanning, maintenance... and everything disappeared from Studio too. Any ideas on how to rebuild my content.
I installed PostgreSQL CMS and PostgreSQL CMS from Valentina CMS Public Conversion and Carrara ran. None of my content was visible in the smart content tab so I went into Studio and everything was there. Spooky. I've updated my bug report.
Then I did something stupid. I tried rescanning, maintenance... and everything disappeared from Studio too. Any ideas on how to rebuild my content.
Re-Import Metadata (in either DS or DIM). If you had custom categories/tags/metadata and didn't Export User Data, uninstall PostgreSQL CMS so DS will use Valentina instead, Export User Data, then re-install PostgreSQL CMS and Re-Import metadata.
Re-Import Metadata (in either DS or DIM). If you had custom categories/tags/metadata and didn't Export User Data, uninstall PostgreSQL CMS so DS will use Valentina instead, Export User Data, then re-install PostgreSQL CMS and Re-Import metadata.
Thanks Mike. That fixed it with Studio, but still nothing in Carrara.
I am still without my computer so I can't join in the fun yet. But, has anyone confirmed that the fix for the duplicate with symmetry normals is effective in the Beta?
So far the bugs reported on the crash on launch definitely point to PostgreSQL not being properly installed.
If you are experiencing the crash and your DS/IM log shows "CMS connected to PostgreSQL" please file a ticket as that is a different bug.
Hi kids !!
Got a question...
It's been quite a while since I followed the Carrara news, so I'm totally out of the loop. As I recall 8.5 came out over a year ago, maybe late last summer? And they were "working on plans" to have C9 done in 1Q this year or something? Have there been any updates or betas since then, before this
And it looks like there really aren't any real feature additions/changes in this beta other than the content management thingy. Is that right?
interestingly, at least one of those bugs (Fixed #CAR-70 - Fixed a vertex modeler lathe bug; segments were always 12 regardless of user input.) is not present in 8.5 build 243. So either it was introduced in private builds or was fixed before the new 8.5.1 series was started. I probably wouldn't have even noticed, but I'd just used the lathe function in the vertex modeler and was not locked to 12, went back and verified I wasn't crazy and it works just fine in 8.5 build 243.
I guess if this release allows Carrara to use the postgres CMS that makes it a worthwhile release for those who us that, but it isn't clear what additional functionality or bug fixes it offers.
Re-installed PostgreSQL
Carrara beta now starts up..
Smart content on my machine took 75 seconds to load .. there is no indication in the program what is happening during this load time so it may look like the program has hung.
My computer is back and running. I successfully installed the 8.5 pro beta and the postgresql database thingy. Like Stezza, there was an initial delay before the smart content appeared. But it did appear and from what I could tell, it did so as it was supposed to. I don't really use the smart content tab, I prefer the folders under the regular content tab, but it is nice to know it installed correctly.
Also, and more important to me, I did a couple of initial tests with the duplicate-with-symmetry command. The object normals behaved correctly when created and exported from the beta. When people talk about significant bug fixes, that one really makes a huge difference to me, because I still primarily model in Carrara.
Thank you developer people. Spooky, pass along a high-five to whomever deserves it. :cheese:
Edit: Windows 8.1 on a Toshiba laptop 64 bit i7 with NVidia GeForce graphics
I think that it would be useful if those posting about either successes of failures with the beta, would state what Operating System and OS version they are using.
I still haven't managed to get smart content to show up. I had installed 4.7 and of course it was gone from that point in the 8.5. I installed the public beta and still no go. I made sure and install the postgresql in DIM and no go, I did try he CMS from Valentina CMS conversion, and lastly going into DS and reimporting the meta data.
I tried Carrara running with and without DS running. With DS running I get the task manager process list shows a handful of postgresql's running., it also has the handful with DIM running. When I shut down them both having carrara open (or closed then opening after) shows the connection to the daz content management service cannot be established.
I have seen some people solve this but I think I missed something.
Win 8, 64 bit
OSX Yosemite, 64 bit. i5/3.2GHz, 8GB, GTX675MX/1GB: I can't get any smart content to show up at all. I've gone through the same steps as Milo: Postgre is running and the smart content shows up fine in Studio.
not sure what it was, I had a fresh reboot, ran only the public build. I looked in the task manager and postgreSQL was running this time. Smart content took a long while to end the spinning but came up with the database. Seemed to take about a min or so. I did't time it.
PostgreSQL was running with Carrara now, and the smart content came up.
I haven't really used smartcontent to much to this point.
On an aside, is it me or is the smart content nearly as messy as just dumping everything into a few directories LOL
I've used Smart Content a fair bit under the old Valentina, and it's nowhere near as elegant as the Studio implementation. And without any kind of search function, it is very much hit or miss.
That would be nice as I found horses and dragons spread over 3 separate areas for just the base figure LOL
DIM and CMS are independent -- you can use DIM and not use CMS, and you can rearrange your folders after installing with DIM just like you can after manually extracting from the zip. DIM won't be able to uninstall or update it with one click, but if you manually extract from a zip you can't do that anyway. DIM can still tell you if the product was updated even if you have rearranged the folders.
A little slow responding as amongst other things I have been getting to know DIM . Ok so yes we can install manually but NOT being able to do a one click uninstall makes it almost pointless - trying to uninstall manually is more trouble than its worth -
Maybe the DIM can be modified to include an uninstaller [ just like the old days] for content directed to folders of our choice.? Then Dim WOULD be nice
I actually downloaded all my content again filtered for poser only and installed the lot but smart content still does not give satisfactory access - as some things I expect to be there aren't or at least require time consuming file examination to find. Oh yes there was stuff there which is Daz Studio specific such as uber lights ? that do not work with Carrara so why include them ?- I guess they could be part of the Daz Studio installation
You can have DIM install different items to different content folders, and it can uninstall them. If you rearrange the folders inside the content folder, however, DIM can't uninstall them.
Products which have both DS and Poser versions usually only have metadata for the DS versions.
The Uber lights I believe are included in "Default Lights and Shaders for DAZ Studio", which are all DS-only.
is there a keybord shortcut to drop-an-object-to-floor of the batting cage?
A little slow responding as amongst other things I have been getting to know DIM . Ok so yes we can install manually but NOT being able to do a one click uninstall makes it almost pointless - trying to uninstall manually is more trouble than its worth -
Maybe the DIM can be modified to include an uninstaller [ just like the old days] for content directed to folders of our choice.? Then Dim WOULD be nice
I actually downloaded all my content again filtered for poser only and installed the lot but smart content still does not give satisfactory access - as some things I expect to be there aren't or at least require time consuming file examination to find. Oh yes there was stuff there which is Daz Studio specific such as uber lights ? that do not work with Carrara so why include them ?- I guess they could be part of the Daz Studio installation
Just to be clear I currently I have the latest DS installed but am running 8.5Pro stable build 243 not the new Beta version so my comments relate to this setup.
OK so things are getting clearer - I must have misunderstood when you said [ above bold] "DIM won’t be able to uninstall or update it with one click,"
Conclusion -
1] We can install with DIM to a folder of our choice [ I have tried this with install and uninstall and it works fine] with 8.5pro build 243 version
2] We can Uninstall with one click using DIM. [ caveat folder must not be changed for uninstall to work)
3] Anything WITHOUT a tick in the install list will NOT show in the smart content ie no tagged meta data.
A couple of questions - 4 actually
1] All items WITH or WITHOUT meta data will show under the Browser's "Content" tab ?
2] Is Daz Studio still required to be installed in order for smart content to work? There was talk that this need would be dispensed with.
3] If I filter and DO NOT download DS versions of content am I "missing out on content " that WILL work with Carrara ?
4] What is your best advice because it seems to me I would have a great many items duplicated. I have never previously worried about getting any of the DS files even before DIM.
Thanks for your patience and Merry Xmas to All.
First I just would like to see that it is wonderful to see Carrara being developed (and wish I came across the thread sooner), however the one feature I would NEED does not appear to be on the list, that is the ability to adjust the menu font size. It is just too small for me. It is the only thing that keeps me from using Carrara for anything. And I really would like to get some real use out of the product. :/
I think I can answer these:
1: Correct the content and smart content are separate just like DS. Even if smart content doesn't work you can look though your content library.
2. Not Daz Studio (DS), but you need to install Daz Install Manager (DIM) to install the CMS for smart content (or categories).
3. Yes a lot of DS content will work fine in Carrara. Some won't without tweeking. I am not a expert, but that is what many people have said and in my short tests I could do (without eyestrain) various products loaded fine.
4. Ok this one is tricky. You have a couple of options, you can have DIM install to a separate runtime than your current one so that items are "intermingled" and you can compare/delete which duplicates you want with ease. OR you can simply not install anything new and hide everything you have already installed via DIM's install tab. If you right click on a product there is a option to "hide package". You can then check the "display hidden" at the top if you wish to see what was hidden before. Of course with this method you won't get any smart content meta data installed. But if you don't care for smart content and only install ease, this will work for you.
DBdigital12 Thank you for your comprehensive reply - your info will make my install life much easier !
One thing I have realised is the download folder should not be on the C: because if you need to restore your hard drive it would be wiped out and even if you have your content on D: or some other drive DIM would not be unable to install it - is that right ? What might your advice be for folder locations to avoid this situation ?
Regards font size for the interface I 'm pretty sure you will already know you can change the "style ' in the preferences and one or two may give the appearance of larger fonts.
Font size has been an issue with me too but it is a design factor most software ignore and it irritates me like mad to be trying to pick those miniscule controls- it actually wastes time - The one feature I liked about Daz Studio was the large buttons etc but I see the latest release has opted for sending us all blind !
I would suggest backing up the ManifestFiles folder (default location on Windows is C:\Users\Public\Documents\DAZ 3D\InstallManager\ManifestFiles) or changing its location (which you can do by going to C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\InstallManager\UserAccounts and editing the .ini file line that reads OverrideManifestDir= to point to a different location). Those are the files where DAZ Install Manager records what was installed and where. I backup the Downloads folder as well, although it's less essential as you can redownload if needed, but if you have a slow connection or a bandwidth cap you'd want to avoid that.
Should I be worried that this thread now says "Release candidate" yet I still haven't managed to get smart content to show? (and support has been awfully quiet despite sending them all the logs etc they asked for)
You are welcome. And you can move it elsewhere and DIM can install it anywhere you like (the setting for DIM is under the little "wheel" on the top right of the window). As long as you back up your userdata (in content library management) you can move all of your content to any drive you like. Just make sure you tell Studio where you moved it to, and delete the old folder links (from content management directory manager) then reset the content database (CMS) via the same content library controls, then reimport meta data (same controls) then reimport user data. Everything should be as you left it before. The user data is all catagories you have set up, notes, or tags you gave items in the content library. If you didn't do that, then don't worry about user data.
And as Mike mentioned, you can backup the DIM manafest files, the locations of what folder they are in tells DIM if the content has been downloaded and or installed. If you loose the manafest files then DIM will think you haven't installed anything, but will let you redownload and reinstall but that is of course optional. What I do is back up the whole Install Manger folder and sub folders. I also keep the downloads on another drive as a backup just in case I need them. Sure I can download them from DAZ if I need, but it is faster and easier if I have them here.
With regard to the font size, yes I know you can change it. I even posted in that the best one I have found so far is Komkia Hand Bold Another aspect that has helped (but not quite enough for me to use the software that much) is increasing the default DPI in windows. How to do it varies with versions of windows but in general on your desktop screen right click and pick personalize on the left you should see a option to "adjust font size (DPI)". It really helped but not quite enough with regard to Carrara unless I make it a lot bigger and then everything else is way too big. And since this setting requires a reboot every time you change it. It just isn't feasible for me to reboot my system every time I am going to use Carrara then reboot again when I go to use everything else. :/
I'll have to investigate changing to a larger font. I can only spend about an hour, then everything gets too blurry to continue. Thanks for these tips.
Welcome though in my most recent post I should have said "Yes I know you can change the font itself". In Carrara you can't change the font size, only the font itself. The one I mention above (Komkia Hand Bold ) is the best font I have seen so far, but if someone finds better, by all means let us know. The only way to adjust the size itself is through windows which makes everything bigger (and too big for everything else once it is large enough in Carrara). I just wish this change didn't require a reboot of the whole system, it would make it useable.
Sorry if I was confusing.