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You are welcome. And you can move it elsewhere and DIM can install it anywhere you like (the setting for DIM is under the little "wheel" on the top right of the window). As long as you back up your userdata (in content library management) you can move all of your content to any drive you like. Just make sure you tell Studio where you moved it to, and delete the old folder links (from content management directory manager) then reset the content database (CMS) via the same content library controls, then reimport meta data (same controls) then reimport user data. Everything should be as you left it before. The user data is all catagories you have set up, notes, or tags you gave items in the content library. If you didn't do that, then don't worry about user data.
And as Mike mentioned, you can backup the DIM manafest files, the locations of what folder they are in tells DIM if the content has been downloaded and or installed. If you loose the manafest files then DIM will think you haven't installed anything, but will let you redownload and reinstall but that is of course optional. What I do is back up the whole Install Manger folder and sub folders. I also keep the downloads on another drive as a backup just in case I need them. Sure I can download them from DAZ if I need, but it is faster and easier if I have them here. this applies to anything installed with the DIM then (Carrara, Daz, Bryce), correct?.
I actually am looking at having to do a wipe of my C boot/application drive as I need to install Wiin7Pro on my system to support the the memory upgrade I am planning to perform (24 GB) since Premium only supports up to 16GB. One cannot simply upgrade though MS anymore as they stopped selling Win7 "anytime upgrade" keys last year in favour of pushing everyone to 8.0/8.1 (the keys can still be found at third party sites but are terribly expensive, like upwards of 400$! - the 24GB memory kit I'm getting costs less than that).
So If I back these files up (as well as the other Daz related folders in the C:/Windows Library) on say, a USB stick or external drive, do the wipe and OS install, then restore them to the C Drive afterwards, I should be OK? Not about to mess with the .ini to direct them elsewhere like suggested above as that would be a great way for me to break everything (one of the reasons why I don't do Linux).
Not really interested in doing a full install of all my content/plugins even though about two thirds of my content was installed before I could use the DIM due to the fact I had an unstable Net connection (wireless) from home at the time.
Thanks fixmypcmike and dbdigital2 for your advice - I'll go with backing up the manifest file and of course i must remember to do it everytime I add content.
I'm sure others will find this very useful info and apologies for turning this thread into a DIM discussion but I am much happier with DIM as a result. :coolsmile:
My pc is windows 7 64 bit ver. I use postgre spl with daz studio 4.7. not valentina.
I install carrara 8.5 current this beta. and carrara 8.5 product ver too.
I think I may only need postgre, if this Carrara 8.5 beta can connect with postgre spl for smart content,
then I have uninstalled valentina already.
but the Carrara 8.5 beta never connect with postgre spl
I askedDAZ support and send ticket as bug report . and now I get reply.
the support reply is ,,
I am not native then I may make miss understanding. but I simply think,
To connect Carrara 8.5 beta with postgre spl , I need to re- install valentina too. (why I do not know,, but i think,, it need)
I re-install valentina cms by " C:\Program Files (x86)\DAZ 3D\DAZ3DIM1\cms\DAZContentManagementService.exe"
if someone have uninstalled valentina cms already, you may need it. if you have deleted this file,,
I think you may need to re-install DIM (sorry I do not know,,) then get this installer for valentina CMS
after install valentina CMS, it may auto-running untill you manually stop valentina.
then I run carrara 8.5 beta again..
yes it worked. now carrara 8.5 beta can show all smat content as same as daz studio.
but I could not confirm, which database connect with carrara 8.5 beta now.
if I stop valentina CMS manually , then check smart content in carrara 8.5 beta ,
it reply erroer message.
then I check task manager too. as you see, now postgre spl running for carrara 8.5 beta, I think.
(because postgre only run when I use daz studio before.and when I quit daz studio, postgre stopped too.)
now I do not run ds, run carrara 8.5 beta only. as you see, postgre spl running for carrara 8.5 beta (smart content)
but DAZ CMS (valentina) aprication running too ^^;
I am happy but I do not know,why I need to keep and run valentinia still.
there seems no reason to keep two different data base system to connect one data base.
anyway if windows 7 64 bit user have same problem for carrara beta with postgre working,
try to re-install valentina again. (I think you may need to keep running valentina CMS too,
for it working)
No problem, glad I could help. But I would like to mention there is more than one manifest file. There is one for each product you purchase/download from Daz. Where they are located is how DIM knows if a product has been downloaded and/or installed. I am betting that was just a typo but I wanted to make sure. :)
I am not native then I may make miss understanding. but I simply think,
To connect Carrara 8.5 beta with postgre spl , I need to re- install valentina too. (why I do not know,, but i think,, it need)
I re-install valentina cms by " C:\Program Files (x86)\DAZ 3D\DAZ3DIM1\cms\DAZContentManagementService.exe"
if someone have uninstalled valentina cms already, you may need it. if you have deleted this file,,
I think you may need to re-install DIM (sorry I do not know,,) then get this installer for valentina CMS
after install valentina CMS, it may auto-running untill you manually stop valentina.
then I run carrara 8.5 beta again..
yes it worked. now carrara 8.5 beta can show all smat content as same as daz studio.
but I could not confirm, which database connect with carrara 8.5 beta now.
if I stop valentina CMS manually , then check smart content in carrara 8.5 beta ,
it reply erroer message.
then I check task manager too. as you see, now postgre spl running for carrara 8.5 beta, I think.
(because postgre only run when I use daz studio before.and when I quit daz studio, postgre stopped too.)
now I do not run ds, run carrara 8.5 beta only. as you see, postgre spl running for carrara 8.5 beta (smart content)
but DAZ CMS (valentina) aprication running too ^^;
I am happy but I do not know,why I need to keep and run valentinia still.
there seems no reason to keep two different data base system to connect one data base.
anyway if windows 7 64 bit user have same problem for carrara beta with postgre working,
try to re-install valentina again. (I think you may need to keep running valentina CMS too,
for it working)
Hi kitakoredaz,
That fixed it! I have not had Smart Content working in Carrara Beta since it came out, as I had uninstalled Valentina. As you did, I reinstalled it, and Smart Content now works! It seems that Carrara uses the Valentina CMS to "boot strap" the PostgresSQL support. Without the older service running, Carrara cannot start PostgresSQL. Not sure why, but this explains the behavior we are seeing. Thank you so much for sharing :-)
Rich S.
After reading 11 pages of comments and questions here in this thread, and the kind help from mikael-aronsson in this thread,
It makes sense what you said, Wendy. I think I will join you in waiting for C-9 and will uninstall the beta. :shut:
:-S Silene
Just a note.
For a while i could not get the new Carrara 8.5 Beta working with Windows 8.1 64, but after installing the PotsgreSQL CMS and Render Node, everything works perfectly. Just something to try if anyone else has the same problem :)
FYI - You do not need to install Render Node on the main Carrara working machine. Only on computers that are to be used for network rendering.
Very cool info, Greg018. I've just lost my Carrara laptop :( so I wanted to try running it on my tiny AspireOne so I installed DIM first and just went to it.
I started by installing DS 4.7 Pro, then PostgreSQL CMS.
I didn't have any DAZ stuff on this little thing before, so no need to run the Valentia to Postgre conversion.
Then I Installed Carrara 8.5 Beta, C8 Native Content, C8.5 Native Content, and then the rest of my Carrara products and plugins.
For the above, I chose to install each thing individually, rather than selecting them and running the Queue in DIM, because I wanted to install them in that specific order.
Then I've installed most of my Genesis purchases.
I opened up DS first just to get it in sync with the CMS, then shut it down. Then I tried Carrara and everything worked great - even the Smart Content! Oh yeah... and this little thing is running Win 8.1 64 bit.
I was amazed at how this little laptop, using an Intel cpu that is further development of a smart phone cpu chip, ran Carrara!!! What a forgiving 3D Application, eh? I tried some Tim Payne Skies and it rendered that. Then started modeling some stuff... no problem!
I bought Carrara 8.5 Pro a month ago, and I do not see this beta among my download options in DIM. When I check the store, it tries to charge me for access to the beta.
I was under the impression that owners of the current version were supposed to have free access to the new beta. Was I mistaken?
I think someone else had that issue, and ended up filing a support ticket. You may need to do this as well.
Try to go further through the check-out process... see if it ends up giving you a 100% discount somewhere throughout the process, before any money is actually charged.
If it turns out where it never becomes 'Free', then I'd file a support ticket, which can be done here at the site, or by using the Help menu within Carrara.
I'm curious if a new Carrara is going to be released soon, 8.5 pro has been on sale a lot lately, I finally caved and upgraded tonight, but I don't understand the pricing.
So I had to move to 8.1 long story USB issues with my box.
That being said, DS works fine (including the smart content), Carrara 8.5 runs fine (doesn't have smart content because I had moved to the Beta and updated the database).
I get a nearly instant crash while starting in 8.1. I am not sure where and if there is a log thats kept when starting carrara. I looked in appdata/roaming/daz3d/carrara 8.5
I saw a couple of others having the 8.1 crash, some running fine.
Win 8.1 64-bit, 24 gigs of ram
This is not a Windows 8.1 problem
Carrara 8.5 PRO works only with Valentina
Carrara 8.5 PRO BETA works ONLY with Postgress, it will crash if Postgress CMS is not installed.
This is not a Windows 8.1 problem
Carrara 8.5 PRO works only with Valentina
Carrara 8.5 PRO BETA works ONLY with Postgress, it will crash if Postgress CMS is not installed.
I guess I wasn't clear in what I was reporting, I know that the 8.5 Pro wouldn't work once I did the update, that is why I said because I had moved to the beta and did the database upgrade. I should have made it more clear that this was just a commentary or left it out completely as it muddied the purpose of my posting.
I was lamenting that since I upgraded to windows 8.1 I can't use the Beta any longer. I did try reinstalling it to no avail. I had seen a couple of other posts in the thread saying the same thing.
I've just installed the new Carrara 8.5 Beta on my tiny AspireOne laptop with Win 8.1 64 Bit
Smart Content works, as does Windows.
That's a bit subjective, isn't it Dart? ;-P
I figured it out. I had the luxusCore installed and it had expired. I took it out ran fine (WooT) and I put the new version of the Beta in and it also runs fine. For the SmartContent issue I took it back out so its a bare installation.
However I have never gotten my SmartContent to work with the Beta, it is running Postsql for DS4.7 and that works, but it doesn't load PostgreSQL when carrara 8.5.12 beta runs. I load DS and PostgreSQL is showing as several processes. I run Carrara with DS running and still get the message below.
The connection to the DAZ Content Management Service cannot be established. Make sure you have installed the latest version of DAZ Studio and that the service is running. I don't miss it as I haven't been using it much, but I should start taking advantage of it :)
Hi I am planning purchase 8.5 and try is fixed "Geograft UV bug"?
I am waiting purchase till this issue is fixed.
Not yet, but it does work in iClone
Public Build not showing for me .
when i try and add to my cart it is the full price.
You have to use DIM to get it, enabling Beta's
did that and made sure beta's and hidden are shown i just purchased it a few days ago maybee its not been updated yet.
Hmm.. I am making an assumption, but you bought Pro? Is Carrara 8.5 pro regular showing in DIM?
yes Carrara 8.5 pro and all the content with it.
Thx for trying Milo ill just send in a ticket.
Yeah sounds like a flag isn't set or something in your account! hope they respond quick (they usually do)
I just bought Carrara 8.5 Pro yesterday and the BETA is not showing up for me?
When I go to the beta link ( ) as recommended and I go to check out it is showing up as $199.50?
It is not showing up in Install Manager either and I do have "Private Build" selected in the filers also.
A switch must need to be flipped somewhere?
When you bring up settings I Have both Public Build and Private Build selected, I believe its a public beta (for those that have Carrara Pro already)
When you bring up settings I Have both Public Build and Private Build selected, I believe its a public beta (for those that have Carrara Pro already)
Thanks Milo, I have both Public & Private checked in Install Manager and that doesn't seem to be working either!
I am getting....
Carrara 8.5
Carrara 8.5 Pro
Carrara 8.5 Native Content
Carrara 8.5 Pro Native Content
But no BETA?